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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1940)
IWednscfav. March 20. 1940 THE DAILY NEBRASKAM 15 f 7 ix i " !W 3M I Vv OS CV "V rw n I SB IT ! By Juno Bierbower. Victory of Tarkio college In the national basketball tournament for small colleges at Kansas City last weekend, wasn't any too surprl ing to the sparse crowd that saw the Tarkio team perform plenty of cage magic here when they walloped the Huskcr "B" team by eome 40 points here. The Mis eourians couldn't miss that night, as they showed unbelievable eyes for the basket, and an extremely wcu-coorumaiea aaacK, ine Mus ter isa pui up somewnat 01 a better fight at Tarkio, but they still couldn't approach their op ponents' ability even in the sec ond game. Don BoyUston, the Oklahoma A. & M. sports editor, got 6 feet, 8U inches at the Southwest Ex position track meet last Saturday . . . Boydston, only a sophomore, barely missed at 6-2, which would have been a new world's record. . Also see Clyde "Heath cliffe" Jeffrey of Stanford tripped off a 9.4 hundred Saturday. . .not bad. . .Jack Hughes, the Texas dis cus thrower, ripped off 169 feet in practice the other day... he needed only 149-8 M to win at the Southwest Exposition, though . . . Queen (Continued from Page 1.) standing clelinquencies. Each of the candidates must be carrying at least 12 hours and must have credit for 27 hours in her junior year. Voters listed their choice or rrom five to 20 candidates for Mortar Board, from the top 30 of which active Mortar Boards will select next year's members. The require ments for Mortar Board candi dates are the same as those gov erning May Queen eligibility, ex cept that the candidates must be of junior standing and have full in tentions of returning to school the following year. Florida State college for women is the first institution in the south east to inaugurate an interneship ill lULdl (;uvciuiiiviiu Intramural track meet is April 3, 4 Six individual events, two-lap relay slated for NU indoor track Plans are under way for the sec ond renewal of the annual inter- fratemity track and field cham pionships sponsored by the intra mural office. Intramural Director Harold Peta has set Wednesday and Thursday, April 3 and 4, for the preliminaries and finals of the meet which will be run off on the Indoor track be neath the east stadium. Phi Gamma elta, with flying Gene Littler the way, ran off with last year's laurels, but with Littler graduated into varsity ranks, this year's affair looks wide open. Two dashes slated Six events and a relay will again be contested. Entries will be taken in the 40 and 75-yard dashes; the 60 lows, the shot, high jump and broad jump. The relay is a four- man, two-lap affair; each man will run half a lap, or approxi mately 125 yards. No more than three entries will be accepted from each fraternity in any event Entries are due no later than April 2. Six places will be awarded, and a 6-5-4-3-2-1 scoring system will be used. Patterson will lecture at farm worker's school Dr. Charles H. Patterson of the department of philosophy will be a staff member of a school for Iowa farm workers being spon sored March 26 to 29 in the com munities of Mason City, Spencer and West Union, la. The program has been arranged by Dr. C F. Taeusch of the department of agricultural economics, Washing ton, D. C. Dr. Patterson's general topic is "Planning in a Democracy." In Spring ... a young man's fancy shirt u t i I ) an ARROW We have iust gotten ike we" the smartest new colors. A have Ac .ouch 0 -If Amend No. 1 Moo's Stylist can give shit. less than K' O Men's Store Bob wins at KC Jf9WftVW'' ! ""V Hopp scores only touchdown as Harvards trip Yales, 7 toO IPX I ! , f 1 & ) 1 - I The IlusUcrs went thru their second scrimmage of the year yes terday, and Harry Hopp scored the only points as the Harvards got 7, the Yales 0. A first string Yale squad tarted against the Harvard sec onds, but could not score. Clos est they came to a tally was the 20 yard line, after a Rohrig to Bob Kahler pass from midfield had put the ball on Har vard s 30. A n offside aided Yale in getting a first and ten on the 20, but the Harvard de fense, which had Arlo Klum and Leonard leading roles, as Floyd Har- Llncoln Journal And Star. Bob Simmons, now a Nebraska law student, broke the tape in the special 600 yard event held at Kan sas City Monday night in conjunc tion with Taisto Maki s exhibition Simmons won his race in 1:15 from a picked field which ran in the Municipal Auditorium there, Makl lost a two-mile exhibition to Walter Mchl, former Wisconsin runner in 9:05.5. Drake university has a new course in "The Administration of Community Organization for Lei sure." Creighton university medical students and faculty members last year treated free of charge 30,000 patients. Woman's college of University of North Carolina annually spon sors a summer art colony in an Atlantic seacoast town. CLASSIFIED 10c Per Line 1 A IK r 1 rf I hxrry norr Journal & Star. Muskin playin? stalled the attack ris, center, intercepted a Rohrig, and new teams were sent in. The first Harvard team was the one that scored against the second string Yale outfit. The Yales fum bled on their own 12 to set the pins for Hopp's touchdown. The Hastings plunger got 11 ovtr tackle, then hit the line for the tally. He added the extra point. New teams. Jones then sent new teams into action, and the third stringers of both squads finished up the night against each other. A stiff scrimmage is scheduled for today, as the Huskers wind up drills before leaving on spring va cations. Yesterday's drill was the third time outside for the team. Yale Harvard Bunker le , SohulU O.ivcnRcr it Zieplor C.reenlief lg Myrra Bauer c Byler Iouvas r5 Von Goetz Hennmps rt Ooodpell M-irrow re Anderson Cooper qb Mthenv Vlrwnt In Date Bradlev Hood rh gjndt Salisbury lb Flndlay UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA OFFICIAL BULLETIN Thli bulletin It for the usa of campus organizations, students and fac ulty members. Announcements of meetings or ether notices for tae bulletin htiM '""IT;1.'?1 at the. NEBRASKAM office by 5 p. m. the day blfor. p.'i," lication or at the registrar's by 4 p. ro. on week-days and 11 ? m. on Saturday. Notices must be typed or leqibly written and sinned by some one with the authority to have the notice published. Th bulletin will ap pear daily, except Monday and Saturday, on page two of the NEBRASKAN. TODAY CHARM SCHOOL. A fyte show spoanared by lira SIrmu's win be kel4 at 7 p. an. AH wrirenlty wamea are Invttra. KOSMET SLVB WOKKR8. There win he a meeting af Kaemtt Klub . worlcna WrdneMay at p. m. Ha prr pare4 ta tara la all a4rertWnc eaatrarts. MATINEE DANCE. There will he matinee 4aace la the L'nton hallraom at ( p. m. StooniU mint preaent Meaufleaitoai earas for aammaiwe. OIADCATE COFFEE HOVE. Al traJaate stadeats are Iavtlr4 ta at tend a eetree hnv a p. m. ta the caalty hmnge el the Untoa. TRAVEL FILM HOCK. There wal ha trarrl fthn hoar at ?:M p. aa. la parlors XVI at the Vnkoa. roi I.TET CX I B. The Foaltry Hi win hoM a merttnr at I p. m. la roaea ZM at raaHry Hachandry. TR1 K. . .Member or the Tri K club wtll meet at ( p. aa, la the Crpa Ijkboratory. ORCKKSIS. Orehels ain meet at 1 p. m. b Grant Memorial haH. IJRKAST JOBS. RtaoVats winhinc purt time pnaUkma hi the Mhrary may take the annul campett tire exaias oa April (. Ktadenta are arard ta apply as soon aa pamiMe to Ktas Knt Irdre at her efflca ear the mala ftor hMw CARNEOIK PERFORMANCE. The Baca Mass la B minor will hr Playr4 oa the Carnrle mnsie set. oa the faculty laanra of the I' a to at 4 p. aa. LIBRARY VACATION HODaUI. During kprtnc vacation the library will be opra from a. m. ta t p. m. carrpt on Saturday whea the horrs wilt ha fram I I U a, m. Beginning at noon danliratr enple af honks aa rearrve may be eherbrd out from the reserve reading poem far the vacation period. TAVRSTERETTES. Members af Taakstrrrttra win meet far aa important bniiris mrrtln today at 4 p. m. la the W. A. A. Invar ka Grant Memorial. WANTED: Vacation ride tr. Soottsbluff. Call Harry Tourtelot, 2-2Z52 and leave number. TYPEWRITERS far SALE and RENT Nebraska Typewriter Co, m Na. l?ih Rt. t-1157 UNCOLN, NEBR. Serving Students for 22 Years Dunla? Optical Co. 120 No. 12th St. u At The AVtr H0SEW5LBE 1126 P St. Students will enjoy bowling-evening-s. Alleys are open: Monday after 9 P.M. Tuesday until 3 V. M. Tiur., FiL, Sat. & Sun. SPRUCE UP FOR SPRING THE campus will soon be alive with bourgeoning buds, green grass and spring splen dor. Don't mar the land scape with 1939 left overs ... get some new Arrow shirts, tics, hand kerchiefs and under wear. They'll lift your spirits to a new high. New patterns, new col lars, new colors, new life. See the special Easter Arolyn $2 shirt and $1 tie feature today. Your dealer has itl) ARROW SHIRTS Sanfonzed-Shrunk (fn-rtr nhrir It ae Ue fit tin J pm-mmnrnt fit fmiid)