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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1940)
J J THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, March 13, 1940 As winter ends . . . Typical pastimes change from coking to strolling By Mary Jean McCarthy. Most popular daytime pastimes, coking, movies, bowling and just messing around were the high lights or lowlights of the winter sporting season, but are now giv ing way to walking, riding and picnics. We're all thinking of the same thing. Of spring days that precede picnic evenings when the crack of logs on a fire and the Bweet scent of toasted marshmal lows form the setting of a perfect evening. We forget all about classes, quizzes, quarterlies, and six weeks don't we? Course lots of things do blow in with the wind. Such as HATS OFF is the latest battle cry at the Un ion. Phil Anwyl, Phi Delt, doesn't like it either. Seems like he caused a small riot today when he simply refused to show hia scorch ing locks. WHAT COULD BE better than nature without wind, dust and other people. Ask Kappa Betty Ann Nichols and Phi Delt George Abel, lor they have discov ered that the museum in Morril is just about tops for campus stroll ing. 'PLAY ME WHAT' chimed in Kc-ppa Helen Cather Saturday night when she proudly announced, in this casual way, that she had accepted Phil Southwick's pin. Soun led mighty good too. COKING is still mighty good for what ails you. Seen here and there partici pating in this well known habit were: Tri Delt Marion Dredla and Phi Prt Miles Philp. Also Sig Alph Bill Frank and Bill Shock with D. G. Betty Sehroeder. NEW PLEDGINGS are announced today at the follow ing house?: Gamma Phi Beta Eleanor Hyde and Janice Mar Bhall; Alpha XI Delta: Helen Ress and Annelle Way, and June Alice Bowacd, Chi Omega. CAN'T YOU just see Delt Bud Rhode's embar rassment when he landed, grace fully maybe, on the floor of the AOPi house at an hour dance the other night. Just shows that even the best dancers have their ups and downs. MARCH 29TH is the date set for the Towne Club's annual spring party. It will take place in the Cornhusker ball room. Further arrangements win be announced later. IT'S BACK IN circulation for Betty Rangier, for she is no longer seen about with the Theta Xi. But they say that true love never runs smoothly. Doyle (Continued From Page 1.) ably bound up with private rights and the latter must be fairly evalu ated in the light of the public wel fare," he said. "Special tribunals exercising a special and limited jurisdiction develop a technique by constantly dealing with the same sort of problems that give them a greater sensitiveness to the pro babilities of right and wrong in the particular case." Separation of powers. The speaker announced his be lief that whenever the nature of the subject matter permits there should be concession to the legal principle of separation of powers. Separate reviewing authorities, or intra-agency boards, he declared, should be set up to accomplish practical separation of the prose cuting and judicial function. "Our task today," he declared, "is to develop a general theory un derlying the organization of ad ministrative agencies, the nature of the powers that should be given them, the nature and effect of their decisions, ami their relation to other authorities." Queen ! (Continued From Page 1.) ber of the Coed Councilor Board. Virginia Clemens Is a Mortar Board and president of AWS. She is also a member of Tassels and was on the Junior-Senior prom committee last year. Seluia Hill is also a Mortar Board. She was president of the Tassels for the past year and edi tor of the 1939 "N" book. Faith Medlar serves on the Coed Counselor Board, is a Mortar Board, a member of PaHadians and Alpha Lambda Delta. Maxine Lake held the office of vice president of the YWCA and is a member of the Coed Counselor Board. Priscilla Wicks is a member of the Student Council, is a Mortar Board and past president of the YWCA. Science (Continued from Page 1.) and 25 for men. Popenoe esti mated that 25 of the women col lege graduates never marrv. Popenoe listed five elements which hold people together in marriage, and cautioned that if any of these elements are not present, the marriage will eventu ally so on the rocks. These fac tors, as ho listed them, are bio logical mating impulse, economic relationship, non-sexual comrade ship, sexually colored comrade ship, and mutual interest in home and children. "The difficulty in modern marriages," he said, "is that they are built on only one of the factors and therefore can t De permanent." Give women's forwr. Notice the chic. fresh appear ance ol your coal when we clean it. You'll be delightluly surprised at how much longer it stays trim and clean due to our correct cleaning methods. Modern Cleaners Soukup &. Westover 21 & G Call 3-2377 "36th Year In Lincoln" Dr. Popenoe alto addressed a forum for women only, Sunday evening. In this forum, he ana lyzed the psychological differences in sexes, and point out the fact that the feminine psychology is more complicated than the mascu line. "Present day education," Popenoe said, "has been teaching women to be second-rate men. It should rather teach boys to be the best men possible, and girls to be women." 'Cross of gold' man is topic "Bryan, a Man for the Aet," Is the topic which will b dis cussed by Dr. G. W. Roenlof at the Bryan birthday dinner Tues day night. "William Jennings Bryan possessed qualities of char acter needed in solving present day problems. As an orator thers is no one today to equal his prowess," said this admirer of th Great Commoner when announc ing the topic last Saturday. Various other messages will be delivered by Fred G. Hawxby and Donald E. Renner, president of the birthday association, at this non-partisan dinner which will be open to any admirer of Bryan. lul a. (Candid c?Cooh Best Dressed Girls of 1940 in Simon's Spring Fashions Wednesday Evening 7 p. m. Admittance by card from your sorority, donn, co-op house, Towne Club, at 1 ho Daily Nebraska n office, from Elizabeth Clark, and at Ag College from Peggy Sherburne. Confudus say Don't delay Get your card today. DOOR PRIZESI i qfitsfo'nd 'k v lombinatk rem -Vv If fc id . (n. .--ivK WM K 7. Vf VIM J r ) i 7 prr If stenield The Hill Sisters Queens of Basketball Merjorie, Itabel, Ruth, Betty end Helene of W. Heaipatead, L. I., ooeched by their (ether, heve won 80 out of 84 femes . . combination that you oao't match aywhere. Copr'ht 1910, lifj-.riT ft: MybM Tobacco Co. The right combination of the world's best cigarette tobaccos DEFINITELY MILDER COOLER-SMOKING BETTER-TASTING Itou can look the country over and you won't find another cigarette that rates as high as Chesterfield for the things that smokers really want. Chesterfield's RIGHT combination of the w orld's best cigarette tobaccos is way out in front for mildness, for coolness, and for better taste. U