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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1940)
2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Editorial Opinion . Comment Tuesday, March' K3, 1540 Bulletin in VillUrnnicKinr I If II Ii 1 VViy II IiLIIIJ lUlli 111 U - ysw.ic 0kJ Ncwuxipf 0 Mw rhan 7.000 $ a LX.UXJU THIRTY.MNTH YEAH JSX ?f MM fill Vi nffirec llnlnn Rnllriinn W LHj Vff Day 2-7181. Night 2-7193. Journal -2-3333 i) JJr , Member Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 u 'VV.rSo Davis, Loos, Mahnken M.mnr NpnrasKa Kress Association, ins-iu it c . Represented for National Advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERV.'.E, INC. BCUnl 4?0 Madison Ave.. New York. N. Y. AXIS REVOLVES. Chicago Boston Los Angeles San Francisco What is described as a "most momentous" Published Daily during thTTchooi year except Mondays meeting has been closed, that between Mussolini and and Saturdays, vacations, and examination periods by stu- Hitler, exeetinp; each other in the Brenner Pass. In a dents of the University of Nebraska, under supervision of , , u, . u u a ti the Publications Board. speedy conference which saw the Fuehrer and n sTrTscriFtTcT?!lte"s"are si..ooPer Semester or vilo for Duce meet, discuss their problems, and return home the Coiiece Year $2.50 Ma .led Single almost before the world at larKe knew of it, the tered as second-class matter at the posto'fice in Lincoln, " Nebraska, under Act of Congress. March 3. 1879. and at two leaders are supposed to have discussed the ofP Oct'oarearte3.l9?.S xXTjX possibiltiy of Italy's closer cooperation with the Nazi Ed7torChief7777. Richard deBrewn regime. Business Manager imr LJ2 8m9,e peon a yet ha released any au- editorial department thoritative information as to the topics which the Managing Editors. Clyde Marti, Norman H-rrls two dictators discussed, or what dispositions they News Editors. .. .Chris Petersen. Luci'e Thomas, Paul , , , , . ,. Svoboda. Mary Kerrigan. Morten Margolin made. To be disarmlngly frank, we have no Ideas ports Editor Jucn?ie.r t'l. on the matter. The vagaries of mind of the two Photography Editor George Royal Star Reporters This Month Bob Aidrich, Hubert participants are such that it is impossible to form OgdenlLbe any QpMon t) lnfuence of tM, ..momen. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT tou, meeting.M Assistant Bi'iiness Managers Burton Thiel. Ed S;grlt Circulation Manager . .Lowell Michael ; ! : ' to inspect the Union. I've been told that on oc- Daip p r fr casions guests were hurried away from the lounge CLtl L. Li.LLv1 because of the appearance of certain users. Stu- More about dents have had to make excuses for fellow students' 'Flophouse manners' conduct. And so your thought that each student should Dear Editor: take a personal inventory is a good one. Perhaps Excuse me, Dick, for not immediately ac- eacn student could then be certain that he is not knowledging your excellent thought, expressed one 0f the group "whose maimers are a disgrace editorially, concerned with "flophouse manners" in to the student body," as has been said. If there the Union. I have hoped that students generally are a few who do not know how to conduct them- would react like you against a condition which selves, another student could courteously remind undermines the "tone of the Union." As you ably thorn. Manners and conduct are not only socially stated, there is nothing the Union Board of Man- important, but also are a necessary business asset, agers or its paid supervisors are more desirous Do you think the Innocent and Mortar Board of obtaining than the wholesale usage of the Union societies or the Corn Cobs and Tassels could ef- facilities by students. We want them to be com- fectively instigate a campaign to make some stu- fortable, satisfied, and enjoy that 'like home" feel- dents more mindful of their manners? It is a ing, nevertheless certain proprieties can be observed student problem, Dick, and I am frightfully afraid without depriving the users of the pleasure they the enclosed letter is a sample of what widespread seek. I wonder whether the Sluggos of whom you opinion will be, if the students do not let it be known refer know what a reflection their manners cast that they frown on "flophouse manners" in their upon themselves and those responsible for their Union. rearing? I think Sluggo's pride would be injured Sincerely, plenty, if he knew. Kenneth VanSant, I was amused at opinions given your inquiring Managing Director reporter about the money spent for the student The Student Union, art project in the lounge. That money is only a P. S. I purposely withheld the name of the drop in the bucket spent for repairing and replace- lady who sent me the enclosed letter. I under- ment necessitated by some thoughtless students. stand she is a modern and charming lady. Tables in the lounge have been broken and gouged by elevated feet; upholstering has been torn ad 'tw 'referred to by Mr. Von Sant run- M follows: dirtied by the same action; davenports and chairs Kenneth van Sant. Director have been burned by carelessly handled cigarettes; st "hJaska and furniture legs and arms have been broken. And i Mr. van sant: , Is there no one In the union who can teach the students the frmiture in the Union Wa3 CUStOm built tO uluntf U lounge how to act? Must male students wear their . . , j ..i ti. .!,, u j hats In the house? Do none ol the students care to preserve Btand hard usage! The non-abusers should rise up ,urni8hlnBi whl. wcre once iVciy? Are the giria no against him who mistreats their collectively owned ""j '? mode,rt, Bd ,a!yl""T. b J I need to brine my alumni friends to r the new Union property. building, but I am embarrassed by the picture your lounge ..... , , , . makes. Others have the same opinion, Mr. Van Flint, and Another alarming angle u the embarrassment gurciy you wiu wnt to do something to correct the utter caused students who bring parents or other guests "N"1"1 ,or 'o tMt- Vtry rtBCW, 21 HeliMay Soar si p and Ttoar Pochctbooh, too o when you make Spring Vacation trips by UNION PACIFIC BUS Speed more tin at bom apaiid Um lor your trip going bT Union Pacific bual Coani&t schedule or timed for quick gttcrway and a last-minul return, ginna yom as much Urn at horns as possibU. Do liar -soring lores arw aty on limited budgets, and controlled heat proridts firs sids comfort all the way. Phone bow lot lull inJomatiea. UNION BUS DEPOT 320 S. 13th St Phone 2-7071 mm pfttfc sms Lost: of Tit tw Low Farl Des Moines.... $6.30 Fremont $1.80 Sioux City $4.70 Kansas City... $5.80 Falls City $3.35 Atlantic $4.05 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA OFFICIAL, BULLETIN This bulletin is for the use of campus organizations, student and fac ulty members. Announcements of meetings or other notices tor the bwtiettn may be submitted at the NEBRASKAN office by 5 p. m. the day before pub lication or at the registrar's office by 4 p. m. on week-days and 11 a. m. on Saturday. Notices must be type I or legibly written nnd signed by some one with the authority to have the notice published. The bulletin w4M ap pear daily, except Monday and Saturday, on page two of the NEBRASKAN. TODAY DELTA PHI DELTA. MniitHTu of Doll Phi Delia will meet la parlor A of the I nlon at t p. m. HARMONY HOIK. Next Slnfonla hnrnmny hour Kill be held In the family lounge of the Inloa at 4 p. m. HICMA KTA (HI. Miii!ht of SIkiim IA ( hi will mwt at 7 p. m. In room SIS of the l:nton. I'lnlRPN will nHM-t In room 30,. rRE-UW 8TIDKNTS. Hegular monllUy nice (.lug of the Vouiik AilvoriUen will be held at 7 p. m. In ruo.n 201 Social Hrlo.nrs. (Srorae Turnrr, rlcrk ef the Hupreme Court and of the lirteKrated Har, and Htate I jiw Librarian will dtneuss NVbrasUa'i New Intejrrntrd Bar Hyxtem and the um of the state library. All prr-law students are anted to atlr4. KOSMKT KLI B. K on met Klnb will mtftl at I p. m. I" the K o effke. I SIGMA DKLTA CHI. Mwibers ef Slipna Delta CU will meet at oonn fur a luncheon meeting In the far ully dlntac room of tlie L'ninn. The buHl nint srmton will begin at 1S:SS p. m. Members are nrged t attend the huMnem nrnnlo.. evra thu they do not alt end the luneheon. I.IRRARY JOBS. Htndent who wl'h part time ponitlooa In tlie library may take the aiuiuaJ ro.-nprtl-Uve examination on April . Students nre Nited to apply as anon as posnlble to Miss Rntledge at her office on the main flMr. 1NTKRFRATKKNITY QVlt. Senil-flnnl round of the Interfratemtty quiz will be run off at 4 and S p. an. ba room 313 and S15 ef the Union. WEDNESDAY CHARM SCHOOL. A n(yle hImiw npiinnori'd by Ren Simon's win he held nt 7 p. m. AH untvrratty women are invited. KOSMKT KM It WORRKRH. There will be a meeting of Kownet Rink workers Wednesday at ft p. m. Be pre pared to torn la all advertlning eeatracta. MATINKR DANCE. There will be a n inline daoee In the llninn ball room nt 5 p. m. Students mamt preaent liimtlficatlnn card for admittance. ORADliATK COFFKB HOUR. All graduate students are Invtied te ai ieul a coffee Iwnr nt 5 p. m. In the faulty lounge of the Lnkn. TRAVEL FILM BOHR. There wUI be a travel film hour at 7-.M p. m. In parlors XYZ f the Union. Women! Cast your ballots for Ivy Day May Queen from 9 to 5 today In Ellen Smith on the city cam pus and in Home Ec hall on ag campus. Vote now for your Queen Voting Ballot ALL-AMERICAN COLLEGE QUEEN CONTEST DAILY NEBRASKAN: I hereby enter one vote in the Ail-American College Queen contest for: Marjorie Adams Q Bettie Cox Jean Cullinan Beth Howley Pat Reitz Gerry Wallace to attend the World Premiere of "Those Were The Days" as Nebraska's representative at Knox College, Galesburg, III., May 21st Signed Address (All volea mant be In the DULY office not later than t p. an., Man S. Ballot Bos near entrance to I nlon.) LEAPS INTO THE FASHION PICTURE! l N"Saa1' - -7 H V-A ' V . nAr GENUINE FROGSKIN . . . featured in very expeative shoes captured by Cmaiit A neutral-color leather itb "bubbly" opalescent markings) On art exquisite pump of BLACK OR BLUE PATENT! If" I i 1