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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1940)
8 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, March 17, 1940 Congratulations . . In order for new initiates at Greek houses this week By Agnes Wanck. Congratulations are in order those days for all the new initiates on campus who are proudly wear ing their new badges and their new smiles. Among those organi zations that initiated new members over the weekend are Alpha Plii, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta Gam ma', Sigma Delta Tau, Delta Delta Delta, Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Chi Omega, Sigma Nu, Phi Kappa Psi, Chi Omega and Gamma Tin Beta. NEWEST GAG at the Sigma Nu house was the one that the brothers pulled on Bob Simmons when they entered him in the BDOC contest without hU knowledge. He says the idea was to get him to wear a suit to school. THE ATO'S have planned a big buffet supper for Sunday night. Bob Leadley says that the boys are bringing the best girls on the campus but that he doesn't know who they are. From other reports though, some of the ATO's and their dates are: Kenny Younger and Mary Ade laide Hansen, Theta; Max Meyer and Theta Betty Dodds; Bob Sandberg and Harriet Costello; Ralph Woiden and Helen Jane Anderson, Delta Gamma; Bob Schleh and Jean Christie, Alpha Phi; Bob Johnson and Maxine Ful ler, Pi Thi; and George Blaclcstone and Aline Hosmnn, Theta. MAYBE YOU'LL THINK the Acacias have a touch of the spring weather but Elton Wiley re nnrta that thev all have a new plan tn hnv roller skates and roller skate to school. This idea is at now and different, but we'd all better look out just in case somebody gets the idea or using scooters. THE AFFAIR between Dick Anwyl, Phi Delt, and Mary Ellen Comeiford, Chi Omega, is reported well on its way to being a steady combination. Thov nlrer.dv have standing Sat- urAw and Sundav nieht dates, and Dick's chief competition seems to be Bill Dean, Acacia. FLASHING a new diamond these days is Tri h.!t Lillian Roberts. Jim Tisdale, a second lieutenant at an Arkan sas fort, was visiting here last weekend, so now Lillian is wear ing that well-known ornament on her third finger. THE 67TH anniversary of the founding of Phi Sigma Kappa, national social fraternity, will be celebrated at the chapter house Sunday. Guest and principal speaker of the ban quet will be Ralph J. Watts of Appleton, Wis., historian for the national organization. Among the alumni in attendance will be Keith Neville, democratic nominee for governor, Gregg McBride, ath letic publicity director of the Uni versity of Nebraska, and Bob Waring of Geneva, past command er of Nebraska American Legion. Palladian alumni give take-off for actives A take-off on the Dr. I. Q. pro gram was presented by the alumni of the Palladian Literary society Friday evening at the weekly meeting of the organization in the Temple. Dr.. I. Q. was portrayed by Dr. Pardee. A trio consisting of Gladys Swift, viola, Marguerite Hac, piano, and Bert Ellsworth, violin, furnished music for the program. A social hour followed the per formance. Fay Johnson and Janet McLellan were chairman of the program and refreshment committees. Hooper serves as dental delegate Dr. Bert L. Hooper, dean of the University of Nebraska College of dentistry, is representing the uni Dentistry, is representing the uni dental societies in the east. He is the official delegate at the annual convention of the American Association of Dental Schools at Philadelphia which ends today. While in Philadelphia he also rep resented the local chapter of Omi cron Kappa Upsilon, honorary dental fraternity, at the annual convention of the group. Following the Philadelphia mect- Hertzler talks to Rotary Dr. Joyce O. Hertzler, chairman of the department of sociology, addressed the Ashland Rotary club Monday on "Dictatorships." ings, he will go to Baltimore for the centennial celebration of the founding of the first dental school. Dr. L. T . Hunt of the dental staff will also attend the Baltimore meetings, March 18 to 20. The weather Official report is cloudy and colder for today, but fair until a possibly rainy Wednesday. AWS board- (Continued from Page 1.) Jewel Tinker, Sigma Kappa. The four junior member candi dates are sophomores Natalie Burn, Phi Mu; Ben Alice Day, Al pha Xi Delta; Jean Humphrey, Al pha Omlcron Pi; Ruth Miller, Bet ty O Shea, Kappa Alpha Theta Miriam Rubnitz, Sigma Delta Tau Dorothy White, and Jean Echten- kamp. Sophomore candidates. Freshman women who are can didates for sophomore positions are: Ann Craft, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Eleanor Crawford; Janet I 'ui ley. Shirley Heldt, Alpha Phi Vei na Joan Kreuscher, Chi Omega Virginia Long, Alpha Chi Omega Betty Newman, Delta Gamma; and Sinun Shaw, Pi Beta Phi. Retiring officers besides Vir ginia Clemans are Mary Steute ville. vice-president; Marion Brad street, secretary, and Jean Carna nan. treasurer. Polls will be open from 8 a. m to 5 p. m. Monday in Ellen Smith on the city campus and in Ag hall on the ag campus. Interfrat quiz (Continued from Page 1.) the decisions and judge the teams will be three members of the fae ulty. Finalists will be quizzed on general information, campus intor matlon, music, art, literature thought, quotation, biography, and performance questions. The winning fraternity or soror Ity team will receive the grand prize of $15 and a cup. Each of the three runner-up toama will .. f. r I 1 I : ,: ' 3 , A.:i ...' '..-V .,- V , -v. i v ... ... , v "V ; ' ....ii.iiiliiiinrniiri-t I? J.". 2r r" ' -' . ' V.AV 1 Mi r-n nr Tilt 1W HI i 'J Li LLS V. OF THE YEAR - s "vvC v " 'wA ill " V'''ftf : ' (kVI H? : J if If : mil u h-7 I. r - . n I . . V r---: i : i " - is ' m X .r-TBBH '"- Vr A,, 'h: .' i--- ?'.,--:- W. but Blue n iv-ei, mspu"-- naiur . Suits $35 zo ?4 VarsilY Town - K see the new styles first at "The Style Center of Lincoln' W I i i ill Hi receive 5.