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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1940)
Tuesday, MarcK 12, 1940 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A! m 11 By Junt Bierbower. Big Six Indoor hangovers: The Nebraska contingent was none too happy after the morning qualify ing rounds were over. . .the Husk ers placed only seven men to Mis souri's nine... then the shot put was run off entirely, and Elmer Hackney fir Ally came thru with a good peYf ot mance to beat Ed Wib bels, who In the light of Hack ney's pp'.-vious marics, was a little favored to win. Hack's winning toss was no streak of luck, for the 5berlin big boy was getting good OMstance Ml his efforts. r, The shot was completed in the morning because of the danger to officials, spectators and competi tors which would have been pres ent at night... not that there wasn't any danger in the morning . . .one unidentified putter we think it was Hackney, let go with a wild heave which sailed over on the straightaway... it missed Ma rian Miller, an A.A.U. official by the barest of margins... in fact, if harin't ducked tt wouldn't have miuKl him... Marshall Reeves, Missouri Junior and defending title holder in the 880 from last year, just about didn't qualify. . .the Tiger, who set the new record of 1:56.9, took it easy in a morning oualifvine heat... then when he started to put on the speed he was boxed coming around the last and rot in third by the skin of his teeth... after that race he avowed be d get out in front and tv there that nieht...he did.too, as he took the lead and held it on th wav. . .incidentally, Harold rooks, who was second, ran me distance in the fastest time a Ne braska half-miler has ever done. 1:57.7. Kansas and Kansas State were helping the Huskers along in great shape late in the meet as they took points from Missouri in events where the Tigers were strong and the Huskers weren't to keen Mizzou from taking up all the slack Nebraska had...Thaine High beat John Munski In the 2-mile, and then Merle Cunning ham, Iowa State soph came up with a great run to finish ahead f Lonesome John, too... Munski had but 25 minutes rest from the mile to the 2-mile... In the broad jump, J. FL Jones, K. U. sopho more led at the end of the pre liminaries, and Sol- Schumitzky, Missouri's star, couldn't beat him in the finals... The Kansans and Kansas Staters weren't averse to cutting Mizzou out of all the points they could. . .they got quite a kick out of helping the Huskers out Missouri just about had to set a new relay record if they wanted to beat the Huskers The relay was run in heats, and first Okla homa, then Iowa State broke the old records it was Tiger against Husker in that last relay event, and some 3 or 4,000 people were on their feet. . .Missouri would have won the meet by a small fraction had their time been second best, and had the Huskers finished out of the money ... however, the Ti gers needed to beat the Huskers in that final heat for any consider ation at all, for if they'd have won e race in slower time than Okia- oma and Mizzou, the Huskers would still have won the meet... However, the Tigers couldnt come thru in the relay. . .the first two Mizzou runners got quite an edge on the Huskeri, but Warren Radtke, running third, took up the slack in a great race, and then Red Littler, who really had them gap'.ng, spurted out in front of Reeves, running last for Missouri and stayed there. Draw seeds Falls City, Jackson high Falls City and Jackson, defend ing champions and runner-up re spectively in 1939, were seeded in the annual state high school bas ketball tournament which starts on the Coliseum floor tomorrow afternoon. Creighton Prep and McCook were the other seeded teams, with Prep in Jackson's bracket, and McCook in with Falls City. Only seven teams are back from last year, those being Prep, Falls City, Jackson, Lincoln, Hastings, Nor folk and Fremont. CtaM A. 1S:S0 Creighlou Prep . ITasttnt: 1:40 Nornoh v. Vn nonl i:50 Sidney v. North Platte 4:00 Nebraska City n. Jackson S:30 Fall! City . Albion 7:30. ...... .Grand bland ScottaMuff 8:30 Lincoln vm. Schuyler .J0 Benson rt. McCook Oaaa B. 12:30 Wlnnebaiw rt. Humboldt 1:40 . .Blmcreek TV Elk horn I -M Fairmont vs. Camondire 4:09 Benedict va. Friend :30;.Hnatare ru. St. Francis, Humphrey 7:30 Callaway a. Culbertson S:S0 O'Neill ts. Oakdale t: 30. .Harrison rs. Guard. Angel, W. Point CkMW C. 12:30. ..Sacred Heart, Norfolk va. Thayer 1:40 B ration Union. HamboMl vs. O'Fallons, Hers hey 2:50 Grafton vs. BurtneD. 4:O0 Melbeta vs. Trumbull S:30 Plymouth vs. Assump., Dwicht 7:30...... Wood Lake vs. Republican City 8.30 Greenwood va. Duncan 9:30 Sumner vs. Comstock Farm House plays ATO's for cage title Class 'A' champion to be decided tonight on coliseum floor Alpha Tau. Omega faces Farm House tonight in the Class A bas ketball championship tilt in the coliseum at 8 o'clock. Both teams won their leagues. the ATO's winning League 2, and Farm House League 3. The ATO's are undefeated this year, having won all their league games, and a semifinal playoff against the AGR's. Farm House was defeated by Delta Upsilon in the regular sea son, but beat the DU's in a play off for their league championship. They also beat the Pi K ' s, Delta Sigs, Phi Delts, and wou a game by protest from the SAE's, last year's champs. The ATO's victory Ht includes Acacia, Beta Sigma P Teta Beta Tau, Phi Sigma Kapp und Delta Tau Delta, whom they beat for their league championship. Roy Petsch, Don Metheny, Wan- dell Basye, Chuck Carper, Charles Davis and Ed McKee have been doing: most of the work for the ATO's this year. Jim McNatt wins Big Six scoring race Jimmy McNatt, Oklahoma's star forward, had a good night against Kansas Friday, so won the Big Six individual scoring champion' ship with 126 points. Ralph Miller of Kansas, who tied with the Sooner at 112 points before that game, could get only four, so fin ished in second with 116. Sid Held with 68 and Bud Tall man with bo lea the HusKer scorers in the conference. r tm ft nf nt-i r McNatt, Okl. 10 58 10 17 12 12.60 Miller, Kas 10 45 26 25 U 11.60 Schemer, Okl 10 33 17 31 83 8 30 Nicholas. I. S 10 27 21 14 15 7.50 Allen, Kas 10 2R 18 15 74 7.40 CooDcr. Mo 10 29 13 20 71 7.10 Currenco. Mo 10 30 18 89 6 90 Held, Nth 10 25 18 10 68 6 SO Horace. K. SI.... 10 26 1 6 10 68 6.80 Kbllng, Kas 10 23 22 7 68 6.80 LobslRer, Mo 10 31 ( 13 68 8 80 Mesch, Okl. 25 11 11 61 6.78 Tallmaa. Neb 10 28 10 16 66 60 Ranis, I. S 10 26 10 7 62 6 20 Yaffe, Neb. ....... 10 24 12 25 60 6 00 Lanftvardt, K. 8.... 10 21 16 22 58 5.80 Tlson. Mo 8 17 12 7 46 5.75 Harvey, Mo 10 21 11 17 53 5 30 Budolphson, I. S.... 10 21 10 17 52 5.20 Nash, Mo 10 21 8 17 50 5.01 K. Re Id, K. S 7 12 II 33 4.71 Harp, Kas 10 19 8 23 46 4 .60 Mcnze. I. S 10 19 8 23 46 4.6U Pitcaithley, Neb. .. 10 1 5 1 4 20 4 4 4.40 Snodgrass. Okl. ... 8 12 11 14 35 4 8 Randall, Neb 10 18 7 19 43 41 Feel ye, K. 8 10 14 15 24 43 4 .30 Engleman, Kas. ... 9 14 5 4 37 4 11 Ford, Okl. t 13 10 11 38 4.00 Fits, Neb S 9 1 S 18 3.80 Holstrom, K. S 10 14 10 11 30 3 00 DeKoster, I. S- ... t It t 14 31 3-67 Delta Sigs face SAE's in 'B' finals Delta Sigma Pi went into the finals of the "B" basketball race last night as they defeated Phi Gamma Delta 8-4 in a thrilling, rough and tumble defensive battle. Galycn made six of the victors' eight points, as the Delta Sigs were sinking their free throws. The losers could get but one field goal, that by Don Pollock. The Delta Sigs, winner in League 3, will face Sigma Alpha Rpsilon, League 1 winner in the finals, probably tonight. The Sig Alphs, who have been led by Her mie Rohrig and Bill Wellinger, went into the championship game by a victory over Delta Theta Phi, League 2 champions. The weather Probable weather for today in Lincoln can best be described by saying, "Cloudy with light to mod erate snow and little change in temperature." The University of Nebraska University Players Present "DODSWORTII" By Sinclair Lewis Dramatized by Sidney Howard Tonight- at 7:30 Temple Theatre 12th and B Sts. Mm r j 1 1 ft - i. - -U f 111 4i ft -mi mm- n X i i" Back Row: Herbert Stewart Bill Richardson, Francis Le lk. Jack Moors, Duane Janice k, Tom Phillips, Harry IUiJer. Front Roe: Jack Fate, Roy Proffitt, Jack Cole, Robert Surrey, Bob Phillips, Beanie Robertson. obert Surrey America's No. 1 Style Scout In a style survey meeting with our Nebraska Stu dent Representatives. Shown above explaining in detail just why this particular Sport Coat, made by Hart Schaffner & Marx, is correct for Univer sity Men. 1 $fajQcM(W8m m&