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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1940)
I Sunday, March 10, 1940 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Huskers get outside drill; stiff workout The Huskers donned their foot tall togs and went outside yester day for the first time this spring. Coach Biff .Tones took advantage of the first outdoor drill and sent his squad through a rather stiff workout. Running plays, plenty of blocking, kicking and passing were all stressed by the "Biffer." The squad had little contact work but next week, weather permit ting, the Haivards will scrimmage deal old Eli. Fundamentals will take up a large share of the squad's time in the spring period, and the squad will add a number of plays to their repertoire. Freshman and varsity material will be given a chance to display their wares, and Jones in dicated that there would be fre ,quent changes in squad personnel as to team assignments. The success of spring practice is important to the team's success in its fall campaign and there is a lot of work to be done according to Jones. The squad will continue to work outdoors as long as the weather permits, and when they are forced to stay in, plays will be reviewed, movies will be shown and other bits of "school work" run over. Next Saturday the coaching staff will run their charges through a long scrimmage drill for the visiting coaches and athletes attending the state basketball tournament. Squad assignments made Thurs day: Yale. Right nd Carper, Wertman, B natch, Warro. Hall. Right tackle Bhm, Whitehead, Cleav enger, J. Nelson. Lohr. Right guard Abel, Shubert, Douval, Irlck, Schwartz. Center Burruss, Kelly, Irwin, Bauer, Czirr. Left guard Stearns. Zorn, Partington, Grecnllef, Zemunskl, Sconce. Left tackle Royal Kahler, Knlckrehm, McNutt, Claussen, Hennings. Left end Ludwick, Kathol, Bunker, Luther, McMastcra, Brehm. No. l hack Bob Kahler, Zlkmund, Weekes, Hood, Sears. No. 2 hack Knight, Theos, Thomson, Cooper, Sherrlll, Sheldon. No. 3 hack Francis, Simmons, Salis bury, E. Thompson. No. 4 back Rohrijr, J. Thompson, Vin cent, S. Bradley, Sandal!. Harvard. Right end Ray Prochaska, Dutcher, Waddick. Anderson. Right tackle Hcrndon, Leik, Ziegler, M. Kuska. D. Hansen. Right guard Alfson, Bryant, G. Kuaka, Bonnhoom, Tancreit. Center Meier, Harris, Byler. Scott. Left guard E. Schwartzkopf( Brendal, van Goetz, Myers, Klum Left tackle Schlelch, Muekin, Goodsell. Bonly, Kelly. Left end Preston, Fricke, Duda, Nyden, Haxen, Schultz. No. 1 back Luther, Athey, Slndt, Har vey. No. 2 back Petech, M. Thompson, lit theny, Rebal. No. 3 back Rohn, Blue. Flndley, Dier renger. No. 4 back Hopp, Rubottom, D. Brad ley, Fisher, Taylor. Track - - (Continued From Page 1.) events before the relay and the Tigers got 17 t points in the two mile, 880. broad jump and high Jump as the only points Nebraska could get were Harold Brooks' second to Marshall Reeves in the 880. Reeves stepped out ahead at the start of the event, and bettered the old mark of 1:57 by one-tenth of a second. TRACE EVENTS. M yard dash: Won by Eugena Lit tler, Nebraska; second, Orvilie Matthews Oklahoma; Uilrd. Louis Akers, Kansas Mate; fourth, Darrell Mathea, k.."as. Tlma 6. J. 0 yard tow hurdles: Won by Bill Kmuti, Nebraska,; aacond,- John Whlta, Missouri; third, Darrold Dodge, Kansas Mate; fourth Jamas Johnson, Missouri. M yard high hurdles: Won hv John white. Missouri: mmymkI Rill tim,,iw v.. braaka; third John Morris. Oklahoma: fourth Edward Dardeo, Kansas State Time 7.T. 440 yard dash: Won by Eugene Littler, Nebraska; sreond Gahan, Oklahoma; third Pouglai Graves, Iowa State; fourth War ren Radtke, Nebraska. Time 51.8. 880 yard run: Won by Marshall Reeves. Missouri; second Harold Brooks, Nebraska; third Perry Crandall, Iowa State; fourth Don Thompson. Kansas. Time 1:58.0. Mile run: Won by John Munskl, Mis souri; second Harold Brocks. Nebraska; third Lewellen Hiichea, Iowa State; fourth William Cook, Nebraska. Time 4:28.2. Two mile run: Won by Thane High. Kansas State; second Merle Cunninghum. Iowa State; third John Miinskl, Missouri; fourth Paul Cllngman, Kansas State. Time 8:41 2. Mils relay: Won by Iowa State (Joe Taylor, Marvin Hauebak, Ernest Pahl, roug Graves); second Oklahoma; third Kansas State; fourth Kansas. Time 3:28. FIKI.D EVENTS. High Jump: Won by Richard Schnaake. Iowa State. 6 feet 2 '4; tie for second and third between Roy Hilton and lion Miller, Missouri 8 feet 1; tia for fourth between Arthur Day, Kansas State, and William Myer, Missouri, 6 feet. Broad Jump: Won b. J. R. Jones. Kan ana UK feet 10Vt; second Sol Schumitsky, Missouri (22 feet S',; third Al Seidel, Missouri (22 feet SVi); fourth Oene Suit, Kansas State (22 left Pole vault: Won by Harold Hunt, Ne braska, 13 feet; tie for second among Harold Scott, Nebraska; William Bevon ana jhck utiara, Kansas; diaries run ning, Iowa State, and Harry Fender, Okla homa, 12 feet. Shot put: Won by Hackney (KB) M feet t Inches; second, Wlbbels (N) 47 feet 11 inches; third Potter (O) it feet 6 Inches; fourth, Council (M) 43 feet tVs '. - a 11 1 By John McDermott. Elmer Hackney, who lost to Ed Wibbcls in a dual meet here sev eral weeks ago, got his best heave of the season at Kansas City yes terday "when he threw the iron ball 50 feet 2 inches to best the Ne braska weight man by two feet. . . The Nebraska Athletic Club's basketball team, composed of Doane, Hastings and Nebraska U cage stars will face Johnny's Cafe of Omaha in the feature game of the Midwest A. A. U. tourney in Omaha Monday night. Pitcaithley, Yaffee, and Kovanda, former Huskers, helped the team through the Beatrice tourney and will be on the firing line in the Omaha meet. , . . Creighton Prep, Jackson High, and Falls City look like three prep teams that will reach the semi finals of the state tourney in QJoil Between on Farmers; ATO's vie Tuesday night for class A crown The finals in the class A bas ketball championship between Farmhouse and Alpha Tau Omega will be played Tuesday night, both teams having remained undefeated up to this game. Farmhouse has won over the DU's, Betas, Pi KA's, Delta Sig's, Phi Delfs and the Sig Alph's. The ATO's have beaten Acacia, Beta Sig's, ZBT's, Phi Sig's, Delts and the AGR's. Line-up for the ATO's is as fol lows: Tetsch, Matheny, Basye, Carper, McKee and Davis. Petsch and McKee are the leading point makers. Those playing for Farm house will be Preston, Knolicek, Mayfield, Fitzgibbon, Davis and Gableman. Knolicek is high point man for Farmhouse with Preston running a close second. Class A. The tournament gets un der way Wednesday afternoon, and 48 teams will compete in the three divisions. . . . A new competing sport in Ne braska high school activities will be run off next Friday as Coach Charley Miller of the Husker gymnastics team prepares to run off the state high school gymnas tic meet. Over 150 high school nn UVU CbiSL foidiallif Snvited. to WITH 9 A.M. and 4 P.M. on Monday, March 11, Ben Simon & Sons Clothing Floor. Robert Surrey is the acknowledged leading men's wear fashion authority, style observer and reporter of fashions worn by America's best-dressed men. Robert Surrey makes regular visits to such centers of fashion interest as Hollywood, Sun Valley, Palm Springs, Palm Beach, Nassua, Southampton, Newport and the colleges of the country. Robert Surrey has made several visits to Lincoln, and at one time quoted Nebraska students the best-dressed of the conference. Robert Surrey has just returned from Florida and makes this trip to Lincoln especially to meet and talk with our student repre sentatives, well-known men on the Nebraska campus Joe Eirshenbaum, Jack Fate, Kenneth Ellis, Gordon Haney, Bob Phillips, Jack Moore, Duane Janicek, Tom Phillips, Roy Proffitt, Jack Cole, Bennie Robertson, Francis Leik, Herbert Stewart Harry Rinder, James Richardson. Jayhawkers lose to Sooners, 47-36 An insipred Oklahoma team walloped the Kansas Jayhawkers, 47-S6, Friday night to throw the Big Six championship into the first triple tie of its 12-year his tory. The Sooners, featuring the play of Hugh Ford, 6 foot 6 inch re serve center and Marvin Snodg raass, completely stymied the ef forts of the baffled Jayhawkers to overcome the lead on them. Snod- boys have entered. The board track on which the Big Six Indoor championships were run off yes terday contains forty-thousand feet of spruce, rubber cushioned. . . Kansas State placed seven men, Oklahoma four, Iowa State three and Nebraska two, in the finals for the Big Six wrestling cham pionships after preliminary rounds were run off Friday at Ames. . . . Roy Cochran, Indiana's great quarter miler, broke the Amer ican indoor record Friday night on the University of Chicago track in the qualifying heat of the Big Ten championships. Cochran's time bested the old record by .5 of a second set by Ray Elling wood of Chicago in 1937. JNJ T-TALK grass held Ralph Miller, the great Kansas forward, to one field goal. Oklahoma is now tied with Mis souri and Kansas for the confer ence lead which will be played off in Wichita, Monday and Tues day. Drawings were made yester day in Kansas City. At Wichita the teams will play on the spa cious forum floor which Coach Bruce Drake of Oklahoma called "very satisfactory." rtyds-HyltW wtth your Nam o : Addrsis, on heavy weight plat ' finish ttoek in WhlH or Ivory, Main Eltval&oa snatch i . . - . . , PRlMTEfiS OERCfc SUPPLIES ENGClAVfcl? b 7 i U