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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1940)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, March 7, 1940 hi. Daily. IVeoiiasean 0kA Newtpap 01 Mott than 7.000 Stucfenb THIRTY. NINTH YEAR Offices Union Building Day 2-71S1. Night 2-7193. Journal -2-3333 Member Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Membar Nebraska Press Association, 1939-40 Represented for National Advertising Uy NATIONAL ADVERTISING SEHVi-C, INC. 4?0 Madison Ave., New York. N. Y. Chicago Boston Los Anneles San Francisco Published Daily during the school year except Mondays and Saturdays, vacations, and examination periods by stu dents of the University of Nebraska, under supervision of the Publications Board. - . ..-: Sutscripiion Rates are $1..00 Per Semester or $1.50 for the College Year. $2.50 Mailed. Single copy. 5 Cents. En tered as second-class matter at the postoffice In Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879, and at special rate of postage provided for In Section 1103, Act of October 3. 1917, Authnrized January 20, 1922. Editor-in-Chief "Richard de Brown Business Manager.. Arthur Hill EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Managing Editors Clyde Martz, Norman Hjrrls News Editors Chris Petersen, Lucile Thomas, Haul Svoboda, Mary Kerrigan, Morton Margolin Sports Editor June Blerbower Photography Editor. George Royal Star Reporters This Month Bob Aldrich, Hubert Ogden, Elizabeth Clark, Marjorie Bruning BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Assistant Business Managers. .. .Burton Thlel, Ed Segrl&t Circulation Manager Lowell Michael ALL DAILY unstinted editorials are the opinion of the editors. Their views or opinions In no way reflect the atti tude of the administration of the university. The Council keeps faith Yesterday the Student Council voted unani mously to place election of the Junior-Senior Prom committee on the fall ballot, thus allowing . the student body to elect members to the com mittee. In this action, the Council kept faith with the students which it aims to represent, inasmuch as last week the campus Indicated its wish to have this done. At the same time, the Council voted to withdraw from future sponsorship of the Prom inasmuch as it no longer felt willing to back financially a committee which it did not have the privilege of appointing, and no one can deny that if that is their wish, Council members are well within their rights in so doing. The sole interest of the DAILY in this matter is that the Prom committee, as an important activity, be elected by the student body instead of by a small political group. It does not feel that the Council in its action yesterday did anything to hinder the accomplishment of this end. All that remains is to find a new sponsor for the Prom. The Innocents society already has stepped forward to indicate its desire to become that new sponsor. In a letter to the faculty sub-committee on student organizations and social functions, which has jurisdiction over the Prom's future now, the Innocents point out their qualifications for the job, and it seems altogether likely that under that organization's guidance the Prom can be continued in a manner that will be satisfactory to everyone. After all, that Is an objective on which no one -yet has disagreed to present each year a party which the student body will feel is worthy In every recpect to officially close the university formal season. 00000k00000 Every week has its Friday! Winchell has his girl Friday. In short, we are looking for a girl Saturday. - . Yes, we are looking for a girl any Saturday and a girl whom we shall know as Saturday. Nothing like getting all that you can while you're at it. The girl "Saturday" is one who can dish up a column in a pinch and grace our offices in the meantime. Nothing like having the offices graced. Beauty queens need not hesitate to apply. Especially beauty queens with cars. That means any gal who drives a car. Because any gal who drives a car is a potential beauty queen. At least ehe will have the major qualification. But that's In the realm of irrealmacy. "Saturday" must be intelligent. "Saturday" mustn't be like the little lass who thought the Battle of Sedan was a necking party. "Saturday" mustn't be so lazy that she won't exercise discretion. Being a tree lover, if "Saturday" has a willowy figure, ke. "Saturday" must be a good worker. Remem ber, the model succeeds only after years of attireless efforts. If Saturday has these qualifications, she'll be worth her wit in gold. Seriously, the only qualification is that the gal Davis, Loos, Mohnkcnj RUSSIAN AWAKENING Indication that the Russian people may be be coming aware of the fact that there is a war is to be found in the report of Spencer Williams, secre tary of the American-Russian chamber of com merce. Speaking in a radio broadcast from London, he pointed out a few facts which he says journalists have not been allowed to release from Moscow. According to his statement the great mass of the Russian people are not aware that their army is engaged in military activities, but are at the same time beginning to connect the returning streams of wounded soldiers, the high costs of living these, it is said, have mounted 35 percent in the last six months and the declining standard of living. All this indicates that conditions must indeed be critical in a nation which has never been over sup plied with food. The available food has become so restricted that peasants are coming from the hinter land to seek food in Moscow. This in a land where the problem of food was one of the principal bases upon . which the communist revolution rested. It appears that the miracle of organization which German experts were to provide has as yet failed to materialize, at least as far as the civilian popu lation is concerned. RELAXED TENSION Tension in one sector of the Balkans seems to have abated somewhat tonight. King Carol of Ru mania probably breathes a bit easier as a result of the announcement that the Russians and the Ru manians will sign a non-aggression pact. Tension in Rumania over the question of Bess arabia, which Rumania gained from Russia after the World war and which Russia has never re nounced as part of her territory has been great for a period of several months. Today it appears that some disposition of this problem will be made. The Russian legation in Bucharest announced that For eign Commissar Molotov would soon visit the Ru manian capital to sign a non-aggression pact, thus freeing Carol from one of his multitudinous worries. ' In spite of King Carol's blustering attitude dur ing his recent visit to Bessarabia, in spite of his announced determination to defend this territory to the last man, it is probable that he will more than welcome any guarantee which the Russians may condescend to give. The strength of such a non aggression pact will have to be proven, for pacts of that nature enjoy the most varied lives in these modern times. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA OFFICIAL BULLETIN This bulletin Is for the use of campus organizations, students and fac ulty members. Announcements of meetings or other notices for the bulletin may be submitted at the NEBRASKAN office by 6 p. m. the day before pub lication or at the registrar's offico by 4 p. ni. on woek-days and 11 a. m. on Saturday. Notices must be typed or legibly written and sinned by some one with the authority to have the notice published. The bulletin will ap pear daily, except Monday and Saturday, on page two of the NEBRASKAN. TODAY r.iia.s itii'i.K ( Mi'inhtTK of (lie (iirl'n Itifle Hub will meet In the rlllo ninne In Andrews lit 6 p. m. I.l TIJKKAN STl'nKNTS. Lutheran xtiult-nlN will meet with Rev. II. Kirk tor the regular (iiimma Delta lll hle Hush ix rlml at S l. m. In room iiOS of the Temple. Fill MtiMA IOTA. Mil Delia rhiiptrr of I'hl Sigma Iota will meet nt 7:1)11 p. m. In the home of Kutlirn Werner, 3SI0 Dudley St. The speakers will br. Charles l'nrnrll end Hor tenxe ( nmd.v. NKHRAKKA MKMORIAL ASSOCIATION. The executive committee of the Nebraska Mrmnrinl asportation will meet In the Hons will be furnlhel. BOOK KKVIKVV. I'nlin at 7:30 p. ni. The purpose of the meeting; is In referenee to rlnnlnir the ac counts of he association. The association wan organized to raise money for the build ing of the stadium. Candid Clippings Morton Margolin V.'OMKVS It A8KI0TMAI.I.. Meeting of women Interested In buttket bull will nut he held today. 8KKTCII CLASS. I'uloii Nketeii rl.iNH will inert nl 4 p. in, III room I'reo nmtrrlnl und Irsl rue- Marl Sundox' "Capital City" will L., reviewed nl 7 p. m. In tlx) I'nlon book nook for the Coed Counselor hook review (roup. TRAVEL lil.M. Films of India und Tibet will be shown durlnic the Travel Film hour In parlors X and Y of the liilon nt 1:!u p. m. HARM DANCK CLCII. There will be mi meeting o( the Harn Dunce club. 8WI.MMINO FILM. A swlmniiiiic film will be shown In Morrill auditorium at S P. ni, Admtnsioa will be 10c. BARN DANCE CLCB. Members of the llaru Dance club wlH meet ut 7 p. ni. WOMIC.VS BASKETBALL. All I nlveslty women Interested In bas ketball are Invited to the basketball film la Social Sciences auditorium at 4 p. m. x Nomination Blank ALL-AMERICAN COLLEGE QUEEN CONTEST DAILY NEBRASKAN: I hereby nominate the followina student, who Is In good standing, as an entrant in the All-Amcrican College Queen contest and submit photograph for judging. Nominee's name Address .T Ht Wt Age Signed Address (Nomination blanks most be In DAILY Office net later than 5 p. m., March IS.) r2v n i mi Mfl- Oil UW tsyu f A 2-minute test for telephone users ft. fMr r i L It's impossible for; yoa to telephone) to people in two different cities at the Mme time. RIGHT WROWOa 2. Police Radio Telephone made by Western EI ectiicisanomgrowthof re earchalBellTelephoneLaboratories. RIGHTO WRONG O A poll taken recently under the auspices of the "Daily Texan" definitely settled the question of whether the coed came to college to get her "M.n.S." or her "B.S." or "B.A." According to confessions of 60 graduating seniora, 85 per cent of the girls will work the' first year out of college; 10 per cent will be married; and 5 pet cent will go home. The "Pitt News" figured out how long It would take & student to go through their Institution if he were to take every course offered. They found that the student would have to take 55,320 credit hours of work. If a student had the brains of Elnstien, the age of. Methuselah, and the wealth of Croesus he could take the maximum number of hours allowed In the two regular and . specie sessions of each year, ard finish the course in D2 years. Last Sunday one of the most varied congre gations of planes ever assembled took to the air in Columbus, Ohio, and flew to Athens, Ohio, about. 60 miles away. The tour marked one of the largest air tours ever staged by any college flying club. Members of the club are Ohio State students who have enrolled in the CAA course offered by the government. Students enthusiastic about their program organized the club and mapped out a series of eight trips to be taken during the spring semester. "Saturday" must have a few - punny Ideas. So women at large, whip us a sample column and either send it to us through the mails or bring it In person. If the price of a three cent Btamp holds you back, refunds will be made at a later date, let us say July 4th. i m -fa tta . 3. About 75 of l!ie Bell Syntem'i 85 million miles of telephone wire ia contained in caLle. RIGHT Q WRONG 4. Lowest telephone rate to most out of-lown points are available every night after 7 P. M. and all day Sunday. RIGHT WRONG Z a j B 8 E 5 u 2 ri O g 2 S 2 9 9. 5. O IS V t v " .S 3 j C Go" : s h 'si's 3 s" &( c to g 5 5 i o i Si I V c a I I V ft) 6 C-g ,S 7 a o a 5 ra S B l h 3 0 9 0 B O fit 9 X CO V K E . o o "5 n