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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1940)
i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, March 3, 1940 Mary Jean says ... It's March, march, march -or anyway, spring is near By Mary Jean McCarthy. March, march, march the boys are mprching and if they aren't spring is. Oh well, maybe it isn't, but then spring is coming and that' is something, and love is just around the corner, the question be ing, where is the corner? Don't you think that song titles fit in with just about most anything that happens ? Spring romance trag edy gaiety- nonsense well, just about most anything? F'rin stance THE DIPSY DOODLE' or something, describes Ruth Sat terlee, Tri Delt pledge, for the other night at their hour dance with the Sig Alphs she looked meekly up at a tall, handsome brute, and muttered. "I remember the dip but not the face." 'LOVE NEVER went to college' or else it's just 1 Surrender Dear' for Sigma Nu Bill Mowbray as he accompanied Kappa Jeanne Newell into a third grade class room at an Ashland school. Of course, it took many minutes of persuasion from Jeanne before "Old Mobe" finally weak ened. 'ONE IN A MILLION' just about fits Pi Phi Mary Kerri gan as far as Sig Alph Walt Run din is concerned but then, I guess the feeling is mutual 'cause Mary is all 'Smiles.' 'CHERRIES ARE RIPE' or getting the jump on the first robin, is the feeling the Alpha Sigs have for they are among the first to announce their spring party which will be held at the Corn husker Friday, March 8. In the traditional Hawaiian style dancers will wear colorful leis and inland decorations will predominate. Leo Peiper and his orchestra will play and a dinner in the Cornhusker for Alpha Sigs and their guests will precede dancing. 'GLOOMY SUNDAY' certainly doesn't fit this jolly day because society takes the lime light with dinners, buffet suppers and teas. The Pi Phis will have a date din ner with all the tritnmings. Among those present will be, Johnny Ma son, ATO, with Virginia Clemans; Sigma Nu Bob Moffett with Nancy Haycock; and Phi Gam John Curl with Betty Baker. The Eetas are treating their gals to a buffet supper. Some of the lucky gals are: Jesse Moore, D. G. with Bob Lichty; Hap Mc intosh, Theta, with Dean Miller; and Mary Ann Goff, Kappa Delt with Neal Withrow. The Kappa pledges will be host esses this afternoon at an Informal tea given for the other sorority pledges and house mothers. Not to be outdone are the Phi Delts who will also entertain their dates at a buffet supper. Aline Hosman, Theta will be there with Bob Gillespie, Louise Bignell, Tri Delt with Dick Hermann, and D. G. Beth Merrick with Jack Lee. 'LOOKY, LOOKY, LOOKY, THERE GOES cookie' hum three SAM boys, Bob Bramson, freshman, Max Prostok, and Ben Novikoff, sophomores as Sareva "Cookie" Braverman, S. D. T. pledge puts in her appear ance. She keeps them guessing out we think her favorite is, well you know, these freshmen will stick together. 'I THOUGHT ABOUT YOU' whistles D. U. Frank Meyer so Bea Beghtol. a Stephens lass, is traveling all the way from Colum bia, and just for the Prom. Well, by now everyone should be in a happy, and gay mood. Are you??? Ah spring ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Scholarships (Continued from Page 1.) ship committee. Applicants are to meet for per sonal interviews with the scholar ship committee in Ellen Smith, between 1 and 4 p. m" Wednesday and Thursday, March 27 and 28. If any applicant is unable to meet the committee at that time, she may arrange with Mrs. Arndt, for a special appointment. Lincoln branch of the American Association of University Women, again will award several scholar ships of $50 each to deserving girls in the University. Appli cants, according to Miss Annetta Sprung, chairman of the com mittee, must be of either sopho more or junior rank, registered for at least twelve hours of work, and must be wholly or in part self-supporting. Candidates must have a scholastic average of 85 percent. Application blanks may be re turned to the dean of women be fore noon of March 9. Applicants are also required to meet the association's committee on schol arship awards in Ellen Smith hall between 4 and 6 p. m. on either Thursday or Friday, March 14 or 15. Recommendations are also solic ited, one from a member of the faculty, another from an Individual not connected with the Institution. These are to reach Miss Sprung, 222 Floral Court, Lincoln, not later than noon,- March 9. The committee in charge of the awards this year is composed of Miss Margaret Fedde, chairman of the department of home econom ics; Mrs Ted E. Barger, Mrs. H. J. Requartte, Mrs. Frank Easterday, and Miss Sprung. Serving Students for 22 Years Dunlap Optical Co. 120 No. 12th St. TYPEWRITERS SALE and RENT Nebraska Typewriter Co. 1M N. 12th St. LINCOLN, NEB. 1-1147 lyfionne (ostello. 1940 S PROM GIRL FINDS SPRING rr ' " sffV r ' V f r t ... in a tailored brown end white narrow striped wool dress-coat ensemble at Simon's. Schiaparelli patch pockets, brown military braid trimming, and a velvet collar definitely "date" the coat as high fashion, for Spring 1940. The crisp white pique yoke and bow of the dress are the bright spot between the coat lapels. Yvonne "tops" off her outfit with a brown lacquered straw " Bishop" type sai lor with a brown mist veil adding the femi nine touch. . . . Why not find spring for yourself as Yvonne has, in a smart new outfit from . . . ysjsjsyw Wrt-Y svYiv.isn v vvvwrv'-jflwsjsjjj - V) -JilfVJ Spring. f . 4XX1;' 7 time's Most j N , V i Oaring, Romantic, " J v Stunning, Now Vw Here re at! the smart, exciting styles f iAw VJ"' ,nat are ',,nl"n8 ncw" thit tprirtg! J&tM M V f Young! Parij-inspired I Flattering! W m f i I V "Heart-charmeri"..everyoneofthem! M V Cleaming PATENTS! ELASTI- JW S j U VS CIZED GABARDINES or FAILLES! & s GENUINE WATERSN AKE! jf, " . ALLIGATOR! COMBINATIONS! V New "vest" pump! Girdle-backi! V ASfj Sandal!WxIgeheeU! Pyramid Heeb! I C OT" College hecl! Sports! Spring's newest fv f , 1 C co,ori BLUEJACKET BLUE! f If J f. 1 HONEY BEIGE! COGNAC! tLi V f xSw v BLACK! Imagine the "fun of choos- (jr I ing your new spring shoes from these! ' !