The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1940, Page 4, Image 4

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    Society receives new angles
--as old regime abdicates
By Marion Dredla.
by boomerang gossip and lashed
by dirty looks, and stabbed in
the back by her revengeful public,
Mary Anna has chosen the path
of ail martyred society editors. Os
tracized by her own family and
sorority, siie has sought the solace
of her horn-rimmcd glasses and
Harvard classics. It is to these
hands that she threw the smol
dering tonh. Her last words were,
"Carry on!" Them's was her very
words. Mary Anna will haunt no
more columns for a while.
the fraternity field this season is
Marie Anderson, Theta. Those
listed are Leonard Dunker, DU,
Kent Tupper. ATO, and Burdette
Wertman. Sig Alph. Could Marie
be considering giving back a Phi
Psi pin in exchange for a Sig Alph
Mary Rosborough escorted by Dick
deBrown, Beta, gave the KAT's
a song fest at Friday's formal.
Mary really warmed up the chilly
atmosphere. The Theta affair re
minded us of the Kappa formal be
cause there were at least four lit
tle gals who ceased to date their
one and only. Crocodile tears.
at the Turnpike last night were
Hal Horner, Barbara Hodgman,
Alpha Phi; Kurt Ralston, Sigma
Nu, Ruth Iverson, Tri Delt; Kent
Tupper, ATO, Alice Blackstone,
Tri Delt. It would appear as
though Ruthie were giving her
dates to the Alpha Phis.
with Sigma Nus at their, house
Sunday will be Pi Phi Connie Mer
riam with John Dean, new pledge;'
Mary Becson, Kappa, with Don
Ana wait; Jean Newell, Kappa,
with Bill Mowbray; Aline Hosman,
Theta, with Nate Holman; Ann
Craft, Kappa, with Bill Stunt;
Mary Virginia Knowles, Kappa,
with Jim Jones; Mary Lou Kelly,
Kappa with Joe Walla..
perfect by a personal fitting, Har
old Swan, Phi Psi, is selling Real
Silk Hosiery. His enthusiasm
matched by his salesman capaci
ties warrants the silk worm to
plan night work. By the way
Omaha is included in his territory.
at the ATO house brought many
varied coiffures to the Theta for-
10c Per Line
lOST Rimlcu (Iiihi In grtta cut,
aomrwhert on campul. Reward. Shirley
Polakv, 3 6502.
Cun Be Successfully Used for Application Prints.
CJ Ilia w L--JU
IMA I l VI in
Adm. $1.50
... to recuperate
mal. The misplaced handle bars
and center parts were in vogue.
Bob James, with Tri Delt Ruth
Grant, had the original crooked
lane with WPA scallops. While
at the Phi Delt house all the
pledges were made to sleep with
Prince, the Beta dog, in a two
by four den of which Prince took
half. The boys adopted the sand
wich style for positions and once
on hour someone came by to
shuffle thorn.
as it were, Sigma Nus Jim Kirken
dall and Wally Engdahl took a
cosy table for two at the T. P.
Friday and watched the Thetas
choke on cokes.
Best Dressed Girl Candidate
Woodie Campbell, Phi Mu, cer
tainly believes "while the cat is
away the mice will play," for while
Pete Hagelin was in Kansas this
week-end Weodic was escorted by
three different fellows. Starting
the week end with a bang she was
escorted to the Theta formal by
Guy Williams, Acacia president.
Prom Girl
(Continued from Page 1.)
ally famous as the "swing king of
the fiddle," and has recorded many
popular song hits. He is just com
pleting a holdover engagement at
the Hotel Peabody in Memphis,
Tcnn. Venuti was featured as
violinist with Paul Whiteman's or
chestra and has played concerts in
many European cities before he or
ganized his own orchestra. He has
starred in movie shorts, on the
stage and in radio.
Prom girl candidates.
Dorothy Swisher is vice-president
of Kappa Alpha Theta, a
member of Vestals of the Lamp,
Phi Sigma Iota, and Panhellenic
society. She is a senior in arts
and sciences, with a major in Eng
lish. Laura Ellen Finney, teachers
college senior majoring in com
mercial arts, belongs to Y. W. C. A.
and Towne club.
Ruth Yourd, Alpha Omicron PL
is a member of Y. W. C. A. and a
Coed Counselor. She is a junior in
teachers college.
Yvonne Costello is a member of
Chi Omega, Y. W. C. A. and Uni
versity Players. She played the
lead role in their last production
"Gentle People." She u also a
candidate for Comhusker beauty
Betty Groth, Alpha Phi, is a
member of Orchesis, Vestals of the
Lamp, Theta Sigma, Phi, and
Cathedral Choir.
Woodie Campbell, Phi Mu, is a
Mortar Board transfer from the
University of Georgia.
Of the 4S5 departments of engi
neering in U. S. colleges, 75 per
cent do not require theses for
bachelor degrees.
(Continued from Page 1.)
What he found here, he declared,
is most gratifying, explaining that
the university is doing a good job
acaremically, and an unusually
fine job in providing an extension
type of service for the school sys
tems ever the state. He referred
specifically to the university's
work in helping school groups in
Nebraska, both secondary and
rural schools, to evaluate and im
prove their local programs, and a
third unique service which makes
available to teachers over the
state suggestions, ideas and ma
terials on problems for which ma
terials are not locally available.
He was also pleased with the co
operative spirit displayed by the
entire university faculty. "Not
only are your teachers college
groups working together," he said,
"but there is evidence of unity
between this college and the rest
of the institution."
To finance visit.
Because of the university'3
eminence in the extension phase
of the teacher training program,
Dr. Armstrong announced that the
national commission will finance
the visit of an educational expert
who will work with university edu
cators in facilitating and further
refining it. In addition, he said,
the commission will probably of
fer to provide funds for the hiring
of academic assistants, which will
enable full-time staff members
here to devote even more time to
the development of the field pro
gram. The Washington consultant, out
lined the five-point program
through which the commission is
helping its cooperating institu
tions to study the whole problem
of teacher training.
Through its permanent staff, it
can provide universities and col
leges with the assistance of co
ordinators. By supporting and con
ducting conferences and work
shops and by subsidizing cooper
ating groups so that they may be
represented at these meetings, the
commission is providing a supple
mental type of service which is
beneficial to all institutions.
continued from Page 1.)
Rush mystery, also have main
parts in the play.
Male-"female" members of the
cast also playing important parts
in the action of the show are Hairi
Mata, a Mae West character (oh!
oh!), who is a Rush spy who at
tempts to induce the Funland gov
ernment to give her plans to the
ski supply. Shirley, a young Lin
coln, Neb., girl in Funland, is the
good-looking "Miss America" her
oine. President Helsinki's wife,
and PBX, a telephone operator,
are other female parts.
Grant Thomas has announced
that the contest for musical num
bers for the show is still open.
Ten dollars is being offered for
the best song submitted.
1 round or fancy watch cryatal.
Main springs $150
or Cleaning
Lowell's Jewelry Stores
143 So. 12th 2-J380
1923 0 St. 6104 Havelock Ave.
Playing the
Women honor
Raymond Hall holds 2nd
tea for regents winners
The second party for University
regents scholarship winners from
the freshman, sopnomore anu
junior classes was held in the Uni
versity's residence halls for women
Saturday afternoon. Hostesses
were residents of the dormitories
who were receivers of the schol
arships, and the dean of women's
Guests attending were: Sylvia
Zocholl, Louise Matteson, Lois
Morris, Lena Logemann, Mabel
Olson, Hilma Smith, Betty Jo Hall,
Dorothy Taylor, Pearl Janda,
Frances Middleton, Patricia Sperry,
Vivian Brown, Mary Frances Mc
Henry, Luella Etmund, Margaret
Poyer, Ruth Ann Sheldon, Beryl
Weaver, Kathryn Slade, Edith Sic,
Irene Jensen, Harriette Tolhurst,
Rose Beans, Betty June Ashburn,
Bernadette Kuehn, Gena MeCal
lum, Marjorie Moore and Elnora
(Continued from Page 1.)
to penetrate the biggest field of all
in point of size, the tremendous
world of space.
Most people fooled.
But people, Collins says, often
have a mistaken idea about what
space is. We used to think there
was nothing between stars but a
vacuum. Now, each year, astron
omers are finding more and more
substances contained in these in
terstellar distances. These great
nebular bodies and their construc
tion have been Professor Collins'
principal pursuit for a number of
During a two year leave of ab
sence he studied at Yerkes ob
servatory, owned by Chicago uni
versity, located in Wisconsin. His
studies of nebulae resulted in pub
lished pamphlets and articles and
a collection of photographs that
has never been duplicated.
Modern study of the heavens is
principally a matter of photo-
Suits not shirts!
Maybe the copyreader's sub
conscious mind was telling him
that he needed a new shirt
Anyway . . .
Magee's ad in the DAILY
Friday mentioned men's shirts
when it should have read:
'Dressmaker and tailored
suits in navy blue and black . . .
In dresses with little jackets . .
Schapairelli cash and carry
pockets, in -navy pastels, and in
Ji a doWfl c4m. Lmmm giv every TuMtfay A Thursday.
kgmntrs Closes ... 7:30 to 8:30
Advened Classes... 8:30 to 9:30
A KporUJ Bala Cwr U lalvaraltf MadnU
Only. lUim fur bo Ik boj an 4 girl. Vva mar
Mart aar Toraaar
am la art aiaa tauat
1210 p Irving
mm m i
Sunday, February 25, 1940
graphs. The farther away the star
illlU LUC UillllllCl 11 13, L11C il&lll
reaches the photographic plate, so
several minutes and sometimes
several hours are required to pho
tograph distant bodies. The tele
scope has to be turned slowly to
keep even with the stars or the
motion of the earth will make the
photo a streak of light.
Filters find material.
The use of color filters to de
termine the amount and substance
of the material floating about be
tween stars leads to valuable pho
tographs. L?st year when a "fireball" or
piece of burning meteor, roared
across Nebraska, Professor Collins
gathered opinions as to its where
abouts from people all over tne
state and had an article printed
in Popular Astronomy on the sub
ject. The fireball exploded three
times during its course leading
many farmers to differ over the
place where the explosion took
place. By drawing converging
lines through places where ob
servers said the fireball traveled,
Collins was able to chart its course
on a map.
Instructs 94.
He teaches two elementary
courses in astronomy and several
advanced courses. Ninety-four stu
dents are now enrolled. Astron
omy has gained popularity consid
erably since the introduction of
easier courses. Formerly it fell in .
the category of bearcats.
Visitors are always welcome at
the observatory and anybody who
has a yen to see what Venus is up
to can peek through the telescope.
At present all the Seven Sisters,
the planets, are lined up in the
western sky stairstep fashion and
have received a lot cf publicity -because
of the fact.
Bring o Date
or Come Alone
But See
Master of Eyeless Vision!
King of Magicians!
Today-4 P. M.
Student Union
ar Thuraaajr. Aavaaora al
Taaf ana Kamb la
Formal Attire