The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 23, 1940, Page 8, Image 8

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Friday, February 23, 1940
Of various and sundry things reporter
finds that's what beautyqueensaremadeof
By Elizabeth Clark.
A mythical maiden, five feet
five inches tall, weighing one
hundred twenty-three pounds, and
beautiful is the typical candidate
for Cornhuslrer beauty queen.
Likes of the girl vary from
spinach to wrestling, and among
her varied interests are men,
sketching, picnics without weiners
and mustard, men, collections of
everything from odd names to re
cordings by Kay Kysor, oil paint
ings, knitting, and men.
Definitely sports-minded is the
lovely lady, for listed as her fa
vored recreations are swimming,
tennis, horseback riding, skiing,
tobaggnnir.g, golfing, and bicycle
riding. Ncr does she like only
sports ir which she participates,
for she enjoys football, basketball,
and ice hockey games.
Hobbies of the favored lady vary
qu'.te f.s widely as her likes. En
joyment of such things as sur
realistic ail might mark here as
definitely intellectual. But on the
other side,, she immensely enjoys
Charlie McCarthy, which makes
her the fiin loving type. Her other
enthusiasms include Palamino
horses, violin playing, talking,
bridge, and music by George
Her taste in men is very def
inite. He must be tall and dark,
but he doesn't have to be hand
some. Even if he isn't another
Clark Gable however, he must
have a pleasing personality, be a
witty conversationalist, have a
sense of humor, dress well, be
courteous, be intelligent, and just
a little different, but not eccen
tric. At the same time, he must
be inclined toward the athletic
side, and be a good dancer. Big
gest "must not" for men, is not
to talk about themselves all the
If you're planning on taking the
girl to dinner at the house, there's
nothing particular to plan, for she
will eat, well, almost anything.
bhe likes cokes, coffee, and cocoa
She'll eat peanuts and popcorn
with you. She likes chicken and
turkey, cheese, spinach, oysters,
spaghetti, rich pasteries, candy,
and most anything with a choco
late flavor.
Many guises.
If you see her on the campus,
she'll have on anklets, saddle shoes,
a "sloppy Joe" or angora sweater,
and skirt. But on the other hand,
at tea, she'll be attired just as per-
Witt J.
i To Fashion Notes
Htj Josephine Cjofd
Litten my coeds and you shall hear
U Let the fashionable coed this Spring will wear!
o I
Into Ben Simons
Hat Department I
wandered one day
To see the darling
hats that were on
Those Ribbon Be
rets are the latest
for scholars
And Campus Hats
that are only a dollar.
A Sailor or Straw with plaid trim
ming has loads of class
I tell you no other hat can these
Now tell me coeds . . . can a man
possibly resist
To plant on the lips under one of
these hats ... a kiss?
Then to the Sportswear section of
Simons I went
To lay my fingers on sweaters of
Shetland wool blend . . .
They felt like a summer's breeze
on a moonlight night,
So soft ... so smooth . . . like
cotton so light
Pull ons . . . cardigans . . . and
novelty weaves with buttons down
Right now and then . . . you can
stop your fashion hunt.
Sweaters with tippers now they
So that to your 8:00 o'clock you
will not be late.
In colors of blue, pink, and lip
stick red,
All styles and sizes too . . . let
me add.
Of course I went to Magee's to
see what they had . . .
Dresses in lines to improve that
figure no had . . .
Irene Karol designed the choicest
dresses with low wnlst lines.
No others can be quite as sublime.
With full circular skirt . . . puffed
sleeves . . . and small collar so
Finished fo. cleverly with tiny
1 saw a two-piece sky blue model
on princess lines with stitched
yoke and lapels
At $10.yD they are all going to
To everyone I want
to tell
About the novelty
and the thrill
Of seeing your dain-
v tiest frocks re-
A turned
&r In a sheer cello
phane bag that for
so long you have yearned.
Send your clothes to the Able
Cleaners 223 North 14th Street,
In ordr to look immaculately
Soon you will need that Formal
cleaned for the Prom
That you and your honey will soon
be bound.
Don't wait till the very last day,
Have your clothes cleaned with
out delay . . .
Dresses cleaned at 2 for $1.10.
Now while we are In the swing
Out to the Turpi ke let's go take
a fling . . .
With Rudy Bunday and bis siz
zling clarinet
His tunes go to your head like old
He will be at the Turnpike . .
Friday . . Saturday . . And
Sunday too
To help you wear the leather off
your shoes.
See your friends where they will
Get out there and swing into a
You know it
is Spring
when our
fancy is love
When he will
call you his
"Sugar" or
buv a "First Love Sweater" with
pearl buttons in shape of a heart,
For 'tis there that love will al
ways start . . .
Look for this sweater in Life-Vogue-
and Harper's Bazaar.
A "Lido" shirtwaist blouse you
must have (English accent please)
Before you can justly be said to
be suave.
This sport3 blouse has short
sleeves . . . and one-pocket trim.
'Twill brighten that suit that now
looks so dim.
Buy one or more now at only
You'll be in the groove . . . start
doin' the jive.
Sugar" or
.'ltle ij
U Rudge't, s5J
Campus Connoisseurs
If your friends are not at home
when you stop
You find them relaxing at the
Cornhusker Tasty Pastry Shop
Whether a bountiful repast or a
quick snack you choose
Must be the goodness of the
Tasty Pastry Food . . .
Coeds and Joe Colleges will add to
the zest of keen living
When to tieir palate a tingling
thrill they are giving . . .
Take your dates to that fashion
able place
Get there before the crowd . . .
you might find a space.
Prices within the students' reach
Food that you want ... no longer
must you seek.
fectly in a simple light-weight
wool, and high heels. She goes
formal in a big way, and then she's
very feminine and fluffy. Her fa
vorite colors are blue, green, pink
and black, and her favorite flowers
are gardenias and roses.
She's a sophomore in school and
her registration varies from
teachers to arts and science col
lege. Her home is in Lincoln and
she graduated from Lincoln high.
If you have a date with the girl,
there are certain things it might
be best to avoid. Don't come for
her early; she intensely dislikes
that. And be sure to find out what
mood she's in, for she might not
like Robert Taylor that evening.
She most certainly won't want to
see Bob Burns, for she dislikes
hill-billy music. The news reels of
marching armies, massed fleets,
and war-torn battlefields probably
won't please her either, for she dis
likes war. Beware of any sharp
ringing sounds, for she hates alarm
clocks, and don't mention plants,
for she dislikes botany. You'd
better not mention a sick friend,
for she avoids sick people. And
you'd probably better see that she
gets home early, for she hates get
ting up for eight o'clocks.
She's a bit eccentric too, in spite
of her beauty. She may cry if she
gets angry, and she might start
talking and talk and talk.
But don't be too particular about
these little oddities. After all, it
isn't every man who can take out
a typical beauty queen.
LcRossignol - -
Continued from Page 1.)
because of their increasing pov
erty. Cites contradictions.
"The first and second of these
contradictions, socialists say,
arouse bitter antagonism between
the rich and poor and will bring
about the proletarian revolution.
The third of these disruptive
forces, they point out, has brought
about many business crises and
depressions in the past, and will
before long precipitate a fearful
world crisis which will be the end
of capitalism."
Answering these charges, the
Nebraska dean pointed out that
change does not necessarily in
volve destruction, but may lead to
gradual and substantial improve
ment of the present social order,
and that it is not true that all
values are created by labor alone.
Capital and capitalists, he said,
are creative and play an important
part in bringing about progress
and prosperity. And third, machin
ery and modern methods do not
cause unemployment and poverty,
but over a period of time result
in increased prosperity for the
Good for 25c
Stoehrs Shoe Repair
Good for One Week 1322 'N' St.
Moeller to take new
farm management job
Walter Moeller, graduate stu
dent in rural economics, will join
the Farm Management Division
of the Federal Land Bank in
Omaha next week.
A graduate of ag college,
Moeller served as Wayne County
Agricultural Agent, returning to
college to take up graduate work.
He will receive his masters degree
in the spring.
Friday ruff if.
Saturday night.
Trsty PrstrV Shop
Color your costume with
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