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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1940)
! ! . n - , i n I i - ml - - : ' ' " ' ..... TI.e DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, February 6. 1940 k DailyNebraska Collegiana O r . i. A Olficicd Newspaptr 0 Adore Than 7,000 Studentt f$QChris Peterson THIRTY-NINTH VEAR Offices Union Building Day 2-7181. Night 2-7193. Journal 2-3333 Member Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Member Nebraska Press Association. 1939-40 Represented for National Advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE. INC. 420 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Chicago Boston Los Angeles San Francisco Published Daily durina the school year except Mondays and Saturdays, vacations, and examination periods by under supervision of the Publications Board. Subscription Rates are 11.00 Per Semester or $1.50 for the College Year. 12.50 Mailed. Single copy, S Cents. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice in Lincoln. Nebraska, under Act special rate of postage provided for In Section 1103. Act of October 9, isif. Authorized January 80. 1922. ' ebTf b R i aL deparTm ent Edltor-ln-Chief Business Manager Managing Editors News Editors Svobada. Mary Kernaan. Sports Editor Society Editor Haaio to I tor Fashion Editor BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Assistant Business Managers Circulation Manager ALL DAILY ansigiM i editorials are r (pinion in no way reflect the attitude Letter of Introduction (or) Dear Readers: This is to introduce to you the second semester DAILY NEBRASKAN, a student publi cation which has behind it a long record of campus service (39 years), and which hopes, with your interest and assis tance, dear readers, to register new peaks on the chart of col legiate newspaper achievement during the coming months. Tangible results in the way of a bigger and better University of Nebraska will be the aim of the new DAILY staff. This does not mean that we can expect a new million dollar library to shoot up between Sosh and Teachers one of these frosty mornings or that Nebraska will play in the next Rose Bowl game. But a little initiative and drive can produce handsome results, as witness the Union building in which this letter is written. Once it was a student dream, but the students refused to dismiss it with merely wak ing up and yawning, and so, with the cooperation of the ad ministration they realized it in marble and stone. That, dear readers, is known as "tangible results" and we will develop our own ideas along that line sub sequently. Degrees- (Continued from Page 1.) In secondary education. Van Den Brink's thesis was a discussion of the legislation pertaining to sec ondary school curriculum in the states comprising the North Cen tral association. Gish dealt with similar legislation in regard to the southern association and made a comparison between the two. Geographer, administrator. Harry E. Hoy, assistant instruc tor of geography at the University of Illinois, took his Ph. D. degree in geography. He completed a study of the tablelands of north central Nebraska. Harry R. Grow, formerly on the faculty of the University of Tulsa, received his ik-gree in school administration. Crow's ro.senrrh developed guid ing piinciplcs and policies for the administration of the small school. Walter Kicner, who is a former graduate assistant at the univer sity, majored in botany. Kiener inmlc a sociological analysis of the vegetation of the nlpine zone on Longs Peak, Colorado. The graduation list is as fol lows: caAnVATi Master of Arts Courtney Roberta Anderson. St. Loul. Ho . r,.,l. miles- Jonn Morris "J". n I-ottte Fitella Cramer. Mltchel , 8. D. Leland Erlr.son Dannels, Sheldon Is. F.lze Merlclcth Hawkins. Elmwood. Nrlle Shank Hlckain. Lincoln. Fred Hill. Omaha. -,.,.-Aubrey Crlof Uuilbetl. Waltuu. students of the University of Nebraska, of Congress, March 3, ibvs, ana at Richard de Brown Arthur Hill Clyde Martz, Norman Harris Chris Petersen, Lucile Thomas, Paul Morton Maraol In June Blerbower Mary Anna Cockle Jon pruaen Margaret Kraus Burton Thlel, Ed Segrlst Lowell Micnaei tbe pinion ef its editors. Their views ef the administration o( the aniversity. Aside from that it is our ear nest wish to have the DAILY reflect the entire student body and not just the few persons who comprise its staff. If, dur ing the few months it is our privilege to oversee the paper, we could build up in the student body a feeling of personal in terest in the work of the DAILY, we would pass on into that mystic extra-academic world next June with a smile on our lips. If you, dear readers, occasionally would drop into our little sanctum and tell us news tips that we might not know of if you would now and then tell us wherein you think we fail (or shine), we will try and reciprocate by moulding the DAILY along popular lines. Now if you are still with us (and a host of friends assure us that no one reads beyond the society column), we'll sum up our entire .semester's projected program by saying that to a man the new staff will strive to give you the best DAILY you have ever seen, but that where as an interesting paper makes for interested readers, in the collegiate field it works even better the other way around. Laura Mvers Johnson, Omh. Philip Murdock Johnston, McCook. Joseph William Kenny. Lincoln. Jesse Alnnzo Mason, Lincoln. Otto Gforfte Ruff. Grand Island. Alfred Theodore Behelps. Pierce. Byrle Gordon Shuck. Edgar. Merlin Harper Walters. Lincoln. Harry F. Weekly, Lincoln. George Raymond Willy. Wllber. Valeda Katharine Wood, Lincoln. Matter of Science. Lucile Ellse Loteke, Columbus. Doctor of rhiloMphy. Ira Mtlvln Montgomery Ulsh. Lincoln. Harry Russell urow. wncoin. Harry Eugene Hoy. Urbana, IlL Walter Kiener. Lincoln. Mary Loi-lla Mlelrni. Stanton. B..nb rnnl.nil Onrrnsnn Lincoln. John Jce VanDen Brink, Binm City, la Certificate la Social Work. Flwood Wilbur Camp. Lincoln Dolores Theobald Mohler. Wauneta. COLLEGE OP ACRICt LTl BE. Bachelor of Science In Agriculture. William Albrrt Beaehell. Jr.. Grant. Bryre Cr Brodrlck. PalrLeld. !,aiirrnr Buller. Utlca. Paul Prank Fialer Melrose. Mont. Clnrentr Elliott Cilandon. mean. Alfred Waller Kiipcr. Superior. funn Clm. f n Vnlentttir r..nrn. Uenrleli MeVirker North Rend Thnmiu Henry Monies. Jr.. Red Oak, la Honcri r.'incnn rani, rwinirmii. John Kenneth Patterson, Reynold!. l Wit It distinction!. Alex William Rnbeler, Lincoln. Keith Lvle Reerier. Broken How. Alvln I-conard Itlppcn, Hliidcn. Pnul ilenrv Sindt Naponce. Glenn Hnnna Tlmckcr. I)u!.on. Laird Gilliam Wolfe. Red Cloud. Bachelor of Science in Home Economics Haltle Catherine Canada. Dertrund. Lucy BortH Gibson. Hastings. Fern Ina Glenn Wood River. Anueleiie Darmer Hellehera. Kearney. Grace F.dna llcston. Lincoln. I.lmiILt Mmdvllle Mn. fleora Thrrese Murray. Davenport, Ja. Gladys Maine bwik, uncom. Certificate of Vocational Edacatloa In Agriculture Alfred Walter Kuper, Biircrlor. Ivan Elmer Lux. Valentine. John Kenneth Patterson, Reynolds. Paul Henry Blndt. Naponce. In Horn Economies Hattle Catherine Canada. I)e:trnd. Luc HorMs Gibson Hastings. Grucs till) a Hetton, Lincoln. THE WOMEN SEE MEN. Man is what a woman mar ries. Men have two feet, two hands, and sometimes two wives, but never more than one collar but ton or one idea at a time. Like Turkish cigarettes, men are all made of the same material, the only difference is that some are better disguised than others. Generally speaking, they may be divided into three classes husbands, bachelors and widow ers. An eligible bachelor is a man of obstinancy surrounded with suspicion. Husbands are of three varie ties prize, surprise, and conso lation prize. Making a husband out of a man is one of the high est plastic arts known to civili zation. It requires science, sculpture, common sense and faith hope and charity most ly charity. It is a psychological marvel that a soft, fluffy, ten der, violet-scented sweet thing like woman should enjoy kissing a big, awkward, stubby-chinned thing like man. If you wear gay colors, rouge and startling hats, he hesitates to take you out. If you wear a little brown tailor-made suit, he takes you out and stares all evening at a woman in gay col ors, rouge and a startling hat. If you are the clinging-vine type, he doubts whether you have a brain. If you are the modern type, an advanced and independent woman, he doubts whether you have a heart. If you are silly, he longs for a bright mate and if you are bril liant, he longs for a playmate. If you are popular with other men, he is jealous, and if you are not, he hesitates to marry a wall-flower. If you please him, he seldom mentions it, but if you displease him, he tells you about it, especially if you are his wife. Life is a problem and man is not the equation for figuring it out. COLLEGE OP ARTS AND SCIENCE Bachelor ef Arts. Harold Versi Andersen. Imperial. Lugens Emmanuel Anderson. Kirlb. John Iionald Anderson, Omaha. Roy Flof Bint, Callaway. Francis Mathr Brown Lincoln. John Weed Cattle. Seward. Ritchie Herbert Clarice, Lincoln. Muriel Mary Jane Clyce, Ksnsi, City Mo. James Morton Crosble. Lincoln. Lloyd Samur) Dterberger Seward. Ralph William Drury. Heminulord. Charles Catvln Enslow, Lincoln. Christian Allan Frledrlch, Spencer. LaVerne Evelyn Gibson, Weeping Water. Lawrence Dale Gritting. Lincoln. Jack Robert Hall, Hastings. Howard Floyd Haworth. Lexington. Edwin Cameron Hayes, Lincoln. June Ruth Hughes Jansrn. Charles Rolvln Hulac. Lincoln. Jenna Dec Walker Hummel. Lincoln. Claire Louise Hustead, Falls City. William Jav Klerstead. Lincoln. Ruth Georiietla Klmsey, Lincoln. James Wesley Knight, Omaha. Frederick William Koch. Btelnauer. James Laurldsen, Callaway. (With distinction). Thelma Palmatlrr Lemon, Denver, Colo. Olga Marek, Waboo. Milton Joel Mastalir, pierce. Jesse Wade Raser, Coring. Robert Reichstadt, Omaha. Mary Elko Sato, Mitchell. Gloria Margaret Bellinger. Button. Avron Jo'eph Bchwartiman. Lincoln. Alfred Harold Bhamberg. Bcottsliluff. Stella Irene Sougey, Tucson, Aria. John Edward Bflnhaui. Ashland. Wendell Horace Stevenson. Lincoln. Lawrence Gtorge Swedlund, Sterling, Coin. Samuel August Swrnson Jr., Wauia, Dorothy Edna Taylor, Lincoln. James Robert TiiwJule, Lincoln. Viixme Hulling' worth Wertman, Mllford. Maria Wirbc, Beatrice. Baehelor of Fine Arts. Knthrnne Doris Uarnand, Garden City, Kiois. Bachelor of Science Alpha Evnnseline AlinouUt, Swrdehurg. Gl..dv Virr'Hla Anderson. Wavcrly, dure Ho e HiniliiK, tit. Paul. Hjmud I.'.ulah Kiii'imllig. Lincoln. Uvorve Allretl Garriton, Lincoln. C. Vil!!i'in Gi.'.h, UCtttricc. B n N'l .nii Griiliuin, Lincoln. Jrimcs rrorm.ui Hurrls, Jr., Wymore, William Gray Holllstcr, Lincoln. In.-V Knevulilicn HuMiud, Oll.:il'.a. Robert DeWald Llpseomh, Chadron. Wlllari Raymond Tec. Omaha. Richard tarl Penry. BelgraUc H;i?:e B-lle Emlth, Lincoln. Harold Paul Bucim, Muriel. Robert Michael hulllvnn, Hickman. Clare Cotlrcll Wiley, Imperial. Certificate of Journalism. Wendell Horace Stevenson, Lincoln. COLLEGE Or Bt'SINESS AUMI.MS TRATION Bachelor of Science In Business Administration. William Albert Butt, Unadllla. Gerald Ralph Close, Dlller. Francis KdwarU Cvuiai. ficliuylci. .. I JOHN ... .-sV. -TKCV'R V fL FDR. ,BI"": IIaPVaMD has had the most representatives in the presidential CHAIR N FOUR v BUT THEY HAVE REPRESENTED ONLY TWO FAMILIES ADAMS RCOSEVELT The first swot op THE CIVIL WAR WAS FIRED BY CADETS FROM THE CITADEL. nMLTTARy COLLEGE OF S.C, UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA OFFICIAL BULLETIN This bulletin Is for the use of campus organizations, students and fac ulty members. Announcements of meetings or other notices for the bulletin may be submitted at the NEBRASKAN office by 5 p. m. the day before pub lication or at the registrar's office by p. m. on week-days and 11 a. m. on Saturday. Notices must be typed or legibly written and signed by some, one with the authority to have the notice published. The bulletin will ap pear daily, except Monday and Saturday, on page two of the NEBRASKAN. CORNIU'SKEH COUNTRYMAN. rrnhtikcr Countryman staff will meet today at B p. m. In room Sol of Ag hall. AO KXECITIVE BOARD. Ag executive board will meet Thursday at 7:11 P. m. in room 3uS Ac hall. CAMP18 CLIB. Nest meetlne: of the Campr Club will lie held Sunday from S to ft p. m. at tt borne of l-ydla Wagner, 19K0 Kyons. MATINEK DAMK. A milliner) dance will no hrM In the t'nkin ballr.iom tomorrow at 5 p. m. htu denls must present Identification curds for admission. TAP DANCE LESSONS. Tap dance lesnons for women kludent. sponsored by the Cord Counsellors, will be held today at 8 P. m. Pal HermlnK huus still tearh today's class on the stage of tbe I Dion ballroom, COFFEE HOI R. Next In the series of gradnafe studrnt roflee hours will be held tomorrow at 6 p. m. In the faculty limner of the I'nlnn. Chancellor Hour Iter will address the group. hKETCH CLANS. Arto Monroe w III teach at the next ses sion of the sketch rlnas to be held Thurs day at S p. m. In room 313 of the Inion. Materials still be provided. HOLLYWOOD FORI M. Bamey oldlirld, movie rdltor of the Journal .will spruit on a Holly wood )tirs tlon Hos program lo be held In the I nktn, Thursday at 4 p. m. BEAITY QI'EF.NS. The folloulng ritndidalrs for the title of beauty quern have not yet taken Ihrlr pictures. They mi'nt rail limnwsi s ana make an appilntment on the days llstrd. Tuesday, Marion hlurlin, wiulsr l-ller, Dorothy Fllley, and Niiiannr Woodruff. Wednesday, Nancy Maurk, Margaret Mohr. man. Ilelrne Alhrrt. and Janet ( ostello. Ihursday, Ma sine Fuller, Maslne HtaUns. and Ann lackey. MOM A ET. CHI PLFDflES. Klgma Eta t hi pirdges will meet In room 90S of the I'nloa at 7 p. m. today. MI.Mt ETA ( III. Members of Hlgma Fla III will meet today In room 313 ef tbe I nloa at 1 p. m. Richard Warner Fahrrnbruch, Lincoln. Claron Wayne Puller, Lincoln. William Daniels Clraves, Beatrice. Lloyd Herbert Grimm. Omaha. Robert Stanley Kublcek, Crete. Leureu David Lsmpert. Lincoln. George Nelson L)on. Jr., Nelson. Robert A. Moose. Omaha. Rnland Joseph Morgan, Lexington. James Prank Nowarek. Platlsmoulh. Frederick Donald Pike. Lincoln. Rot Edaard Polage, Belvldrre. Robert Mason Ramry, Lincoln. John Adams Ripley, Lincoln. Biinoel Hrhwarirkopf. Lincoln. Donald Henry Slemsrn. Omaha. William Gray, Omaha. Raymond Cronln Mclllece, Lawrence. Walter M. Reiner. Omaha. Hubert Clare Stewart, Lagle. Burton Sinclair Wilt. Omaha. Bachelor ef Sclencs in Nersing, Louhe Mury lleldenrelth, New ilavcr C'inn. Doris Evelyn Reed. Kearney. Tt At III RS COLI.CGE. Bachelor ef rine Arts In Cdurstioa. Dnrithv I'll MrClellsnd. Corning, la. alildrrd tvclyn Mmi'.llrld, Ong. Bachelor ol Kc'rnre in Lduralion. M.tri;aret F.llubcth Uiiurr, PlulUmouth. Alire Ruth Dririch, Lincoln. M ilile Fml ti e. Minis. Hyhla Kl; Kritz. Dorchester. Roft Kl i. ii Ik In lUyli'e, Jiur.Ulu. H 'itjy N(lv IlnrMman. Lincoln, Mury lye J ilinsmi. Lincoln. Kinlly Josephine Kotuh, NehraiVa City 11 ien llii.oii t.i,ri(ii'raf. Norloik. V.'llina Kntliryn I.nthani, California. Mo Martha June Ioiig. Custer. 8. U. Ruyinoiid Li r.uv Murmy, Lincoln. iWith rltslinrlloni. Jnmeii Lvle Pierrry, Utlca. LeUnd hilward Hiliulnost, Gilcad, (With distinction). Paullni W'orslrr. Lincoln. Rso Llnrllv Himnnson, RroVen Tlow. Fidney Philip Hnrder, llastlnirs. Byron Ellsworth Yoder, Jr.. Omaha. COLI.r.GE OP DENTISTRY Doctor ef Denial Surgery Mlrhad Jne;ih Eyen, Lincoln. Wlllad Dale Hall, Llucolu, fHE AVERAGE PARADE BAND fAEMBER MARClCS 160 MILES rN FORMATION tXJWNS FQXWL SEASON PHAUM, Members of Phalanx will meet In room 313 of the I'nkin at 7:30 p. m. today. EVANGELICAL KTl'DENTS. The Irs cue of Evangelical stndmts will meet In Ihe Colon at 1 p. m. today. NEWMAN CLIB. Members of the Newman elnb will meet In room 316 of the I'nlon tomorrow at 1 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN STIDENTS. Preshylf rian students will meet In Tar tar X of the I'nlon tomorrow noon. MRAPIIOOK IIOHBY CROC P. Serapbook hobby group will meet tomor row at 4 p. m. In room 303 of the Tnion. GAMMA ALPHA CHI. Members of Gamma Alha Chi will mert tomorrow at 5 p. m. In room 315 of the I nlon. ANTE. Members of the American Society of Civil Knuineers will mert tonMirrow svl 7:30 p. m. in oom SIS of the I nlon. DELTA OMKRON. Delta Omirron will meet tomorrow at 7 p. m. In room 314 of the I nlon. PHI TAL' Tit ETA. Phi Tan Theta will meet tonight af 7:15 al Wesley Foundation, I jurenre Grilling will prrsldr. All Mrthodlst mm on the campus are Invited to attrnd. EPISCOPAL KIKVK K. Holy Cmiimiinlon arrvicrs Kill be held tomorrow. Ash Wednesday, at 7 and 10 In ti e university I plscoissl church al ISIts and R. Nl'-MEhS. Dr. 8. O. Zemer wril address No-Meda tomorrow nlxht following Ihelr dinner In the I nlon. New officers will also he In stalled at I lie meillng which follows Die dinner. The dinner Mil start at 6:20 p. m. PHI LAMBDA I'PKILON. Phi lambda I osllon will meet at Vie tonight In Avery laboratory 102. EVANGELICAL KTl DENTS. Nebraska Evansellrisl rlub will meet at the First Evangrllral rharrh, 13.13 No. 33 Ht. at 7:30 p. ni. Transportation a III be provided from the l nlon al 7:13 p. m. Program Includes a showing of pictures taken by Dr. F, D. Keim In Euroie. COLLFCI or ENGINF.EBI.NU Bachelor ef tbe Art ef Architected Kenneth Dean Klsenhart, Culbertson. BarlrUr ef Retrace la Archlleeteral Engineering Harold Paul Brrhm. Hastings. Waller Ludwig Meer. Lincoln. Bachelor ef Science Cbeasical Engineering. 10 Aithnr Curtis. San Juan. Texas. Charles Wlllsrd llayncs, Sterling. I With rilstinrtlnnl. Hillard Chsrles Moyer, Chadron. Alex Relnhold Rehrlg, Lincoln. Bachelor of Kclenee In Civil Engineering. Maldnn nrls.ey Crablll. Lincoln. Edwin Chnrle, Florence. Red Cloud. Kirk Ploranre. Red Cloud. Orrald Kellh Oillnn, Exeter. With di'tinrtlnnl. Llod Harold Bwnnnon, Lincoln. Bichelnr ef Sclener In Commercial Englnerrini Ralph Mlnoru Ilmta. Cozad. Bachelor ef Science in Electrical Engineering Ororse Jacob D:ivld. Lincoln. Frenk F rl Pbeltis. Grand Iand. Claude ta vl Tellierow. Wood Lake. Bachelor of Science In Mechanical Engineering. Everett Fllswoith 111 mcliard. Jr. Friend. Keith Neville Crowell, Red Cloud. Itol :-rt ltrure Dmi' lns, I.lnrolll. Rvron Wilrni) Hniiler, Omaha. John Wetrher N'lttelmann. Plattsmoiiin. Cerlilleate of Proficiency In Drawing an DrMgn Vlctir Pievcns Carter. Lincoln. Clltcrt Itnymnnd Ooldlng, Lincoln. COl.l.rCF. OF LAW Bachelor of Laws Jnmcs FrrtirrlrH B?5l'. Lincoln. Don Hnldatie Davis, Grand Island. Dwatn Clark Llmprecht, Lincoln. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Bachelor ef Science U Medicine. Paul Victor Dsrtos. Omaha. I Robert Francis Hltiltn. O'Neill. J HcrinsQ Ilcnrr lrUiknian, Omaha, ff il