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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1940)
T7etteaflay, Janttary 24, W5 The DAILY NEBRASKA Inluiskeirs, 40-24 H IT ! by June Blerbower. Jock Sutherland isn't one to be given to false modesty, it would seem. Alumni of Washington uni versity in St. Louis are trying to get the Scot to take the position which Jimmy Conzelman was esked to leave. The Iowa U. coaching staff is representative of Knute Rockne's entire career as Notre Dame's head coach... Eddie Anderson was the first sub Rock ever sent in as Notre Dame chief. . .line coach Im Harris was the last sub Rockne sent in in his last season, 1930.. and Frank Carideo, backfield coach, played in 1928-28-30. So with the end of the semester fn sight, and nothing else better to say, we leave this old poem with you. The name of it is Cold and Dumb( it is not original, and there are no personal references meant. The shades of night were falling fast, A Russian down through Fin land passed. And as the tempest raged above He wrapped his feet in bundles Sid Held gets 13 points for Nebraska LAWRENCE, Kas Nebraska lost its third Big Six game of the season, and the third in a row, as the Huskers bowed 40-24 to Kan sas at Lawrence last night. The Husker" hMU without Don Fitz, wilted j t second half after holdinjr Tayhawks to a 17-14 advantage at halftime. Phog Allen used seventeen men to the Huskers' ten, as the home team, led by Bob Allen and Ralph Mil ler, pulled away to an easy victory. Allen made 15 points and Miller 10 as the Jayhawks won their third game of the Big Six year, and went into second place in the conference with only a defeat at the hands of Missouri against them. The Huskers stayed in fifth place, one step above Iowa State, of Excelsior. "Oh why," wailed he, "did I leave home; And choose this frappe land to roam? And though it sounds like self disdain I fear my brain cells all contain Excelsior." Need Some Cash? SELL YOUR BOOKS AT DUETS Text Books Student SuppliM DD2EI 5TC7.E Help Us Name Your Future Bating Place SlOCasli Prize forVJinner A IF On North 13th at Q Street Hans Holze Gene McCormick FOR YOU: The finest Vegetables and TJ. S. Choice Meat Money can buy no better TO YOU, for Example: 1 GRILLED STEAK on toasted large bun, Ca ripe olive and potato chips IOC 2 PRIME RIB OF BEEP on toasted large T . bun, ripe olive and potato chips 10 v 3 CHEESEBURGER on toasted large bun, 1A . ripe olive and potato chips lUv Thick CHOCOLATE MALTED MILK 5f Your Choice of Fine PIES, per cut 5 One SPECIAL MUe the following every day TODAY Individual Boston Baked Pork and Beans and Hot Tea Rolls with Butter DESSERT SERVED WITH ALL 25c LUNCHES 1BC r i i i Coupon Coupon "i i I i Good for Today Only, Jan. 24 VALUE 15c I Good for Vi on your food purchases up to 30c ' (To the nearest nickel) Jm e. On 15c purchase coupon good for 5c mpe: On 30c purchase coupon good for 15cj Sig Alphs, Beta's lead l-M race Two leaders garner first places in sports which are finished Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Beta Theta Pi are tied for the lead in the intramural race for the Jack Best trophy, with 360 points at the conclusion of the first semester with five events having been com pleted. The Sig Alpha and the Beta's have monopolized championships, as the Beta's won the first three sports touch football, tennis, and golf, while the Sig Alphs, who won the trophy last year, have taken the last two events, volleyball and water polo. Sigma Nu next. Next to the leaders are the Sig:- ma Nu's with 275, and the Phi Delts with 265. Alpha Tau Omega has 230, Phi Gamma Delta 215, and Delta Upsilon 209. Fraternities with less than 200 points are Kappa Sigma 191; Del ta Tau Delta 180, Farm House, 175, Acacia 175, Phi Kappa Psi 165, Alpha Gamma Rho 140, Pi Kappa Alpha 138, Chi Phi 134, Sier- ma Fhl Epsilon 130, Sigma Alpha Mu 130, Sigma Chi 123, Delta Sig ma Pi 120. Alpha Sigma Phi 116, Theta Xi 115, Beta Sigma Psi 90, Delta Theta Phi, 85, Zeta Beta Tau 85. Next sport is basketball, but play in the cage sport will not get under way until next semester. Baseball I slate includes 18 games A schedule of 18 games, two of them tentative, has been released by Coach Wilbur Knight of the Husker baseball squad. Eight games are set for the Huskers' home field, six of them confer ence tilts. Tentative contests are with Ok lahoma A. & M. at Stillwater May 16, and with Drake at Des Moines April 15, while out of town con tests other than those are with Iowa State, Minnesota and Okla homa. Home games. The home conference games are with Missouri, Kansas State and Iowa State, while the Huskers end their season May 24 and 25 as Colorado comes here. The complete schedule: April 15; Drake at Des Moines; 19-20, Iowa State at Ames; 26 to 27, Mis souri at Lincoln; 29 to 30, Minne sota at Minneapolis. May 3 to 4; Kansas at Law rence; 10 to 11 Kansas State at Lincoln; 13 to 14, Iowa State at Lincoln; 16, Oklahoma A. & M. at Stillwater; 17-18, Oklahoma at Norman; 24 to 25, Colorado at Lincoln. Simmons gets Millrose invitation 440 star asked to race in open quarter-mile Feb. 3 Bob Simmons, Big Six Indoor and outdoor record holder In the 440, has received an invitation to compete in the Millrose open quarter mile event at the Millrose games in New York Saturday night, Feb. 3. Simmons, who is as yet unde cided as to whether or not he will go east, set his Big Six records last winter and spring, as he turn ed the indoor quartermile event in :50.4 at Columbia, Missouri in the conference meet, and as he blazed around the Ames track in :47.7 in the outdoor meet in May. Simmons, wno won Phi Beta Kappa honors last spring, and who is now in law school here, also won the 220 low hurdles in last year's conference meet. He was Big Six outdoor 440 cham pion for three years, and Indoor champion in his junior and senior years. who hasn't won a game. Held stars. Sid Held, tall sophomore guard, was the whole show for the Husk ers in the way of scoring. He got five fielders and three free tosses for a total of 13, more than half the Huskers' total, which was their lowest thus far this season. Next game for Nebraska, and the only conference game left this week, is at Lincoln when Okla homa's Sooners, with two confer ence wins and a loss at Kansas' hands, invade Cornhuskerland. Faculty take part boys conference Several members of the univer sity faculty will take prominent parts in the Nebraska Older Boys conference to be held this week end in Lincoln according to Dr. Warren Bailer of the teachers col lege who is serving as chairman of the program committee for the meeting. Dr. Charles R. Patterson of the philosophy department will give the principle address at the con ference dinner to be held Friday night at the city Y.M.C.A. His topic It The ' Laws of Life." Among the leaders of discussion groups scheduled to meet next Saturday morning are Dr. W. K. Beggs, teachers college; Dr. Carl Rosenquist, ag college; Mr. Royce Knapp, graduate assistant in teachers college, and Mr. Chris Keim of the chemistry depart ment SECOND SEMESTER Begins February 5 Master o Nations! Attoctotlofi af Accra Commtrclol khe ' COURSES IN Starmorvf Accounting Typing Mochlnts Toxotlon English LINCOLN SCHOOL OF COMMERCE W ft09MMW J0f Mfe Hi America'. b 'Sjg 4 i fSMft start .y E0Gl lQRs' sr TODAY! "Mr. Smith" Has a Blind Date! . . . U i and Ml I) ji' ..: '-Vvj"" fMT-xT; - turn jj v'vA v h ". I January II " ; -r- inl June m f:V: ,or You! k X WSJ mm MARGARET ULLAOT TEUlART IN ERNST LUBITSCH'S riii mm FRAIIK MORGAN k JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT I Always A Seat For 25c Extra!.. "Winter Playground" (A Hportreel!) Latest Airmail News Edition