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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1940)
4 TTie DAILY NEBRASKA! Wednesday, January 17, 1940 SOCIETY Elections take limelight in Greek houses this week Elections take the center of in terest in the houses which elect officers each semester. At the Sig Kp house the new president is Truman Spencer; Clint Jurgensen, vice president; Al Novak, his torian; Ed Steckley, guard. At the Pi Phi house Ruth Fox is the new president. Betty Roach is the new vice president; and Margaret Owen is treasurer. Phi Psi's re-elected Bob Miller, president; Boo Ball as vice president; and Bill Sample was elected as secretary. ONLY TWO exchange dinners this week: Alpha Chi Omega and Phi Delt on Wed nesday, and the same night the Sigma Delta Tau and Zeta Beta Tau exchange dinner. PLEDGED Tri Delt on Monday night was Ruth Satterlee. Delta Sigma Pi an nounces the pledging of Aubrey Stevenson. Alexis (Continued from Page 1.) members." What kind of government. Dr. Alexis was asked, would German-Americans like to see in stalled in Germany? "Americans of German descent would like to see Germany have a type of government more like our own, with freedom of expression at all times but they realize that con ditions in Europe are greatly dif ferent from conditions in the New World, and that possibly the Ger man nation rather likes a strong central government. At any rate, that is a question for the people of Germany to decide. "Whether the Hitler regime will last long or not, is difficult to say. Personally, I feel that there will come gradually a modification of the present stringent rules and regulations, and that it may not be long before greater freedom is enjoyed." As to the outcome of German Russian relations: "It is quite natural that Ger many ar.d Russia, close neighbors that they are, should have many interests in common. Politics makes strange bedfellows, how ever, and no one can guarantee what the line-up may be tomor row. It would not be surprising, if after some months England and Gcih.i.j uc cu the same side, combating Russian bolshevism. Do Germans in America still feel an allegiance to the Fatherland? "The allegiance of Germans in America is to the United States alone. They appreciate the contri bution that the Fatherland has made to the world in many ways, but as for allegiance to one or the other, Americans of German descent are for the United States first and last" 10c Per Line j s TYPEWRITERS SALE and RENT Nebraska Typewriter Co. 1M K. Itth Rl. LINCOLN. t-lJ NIBS. Can the Reds find anyone in the world? It is rumored that the Russian secret service can find anyone in the world if they wish. Interested persons may find some informa tion about it in Walter G. Krivit sky's In Stalin's Secret Service. Other new library additions are: Persian Mystics, by Abdullah Ananrl of Heart; Treaty Relations of the Brit ish Commonwealth of Nations, bv R. B. Stewart: Sons, by Pearl Buck; Life and Times of Beethoven, by Kdounrd Mer rlot; Heritage of Kant, by George T. Whitney; Maid 8IIJa. by Frans Eemll Sll lanpaa; Uses of Lac, by H. K. Sen; In Stalin's Secret Service, by Walter O. Krivltsky; Rise and Fall of the Confed erate (Sovernment, by Jefferson Davis; Pioneer Merchant of St. Loulj, by Mari etta Jennings; Peace with the Dictators, by Norman Angcll. Cribbing (Continued from Page 1.) the answers on them. Pink slips are very pretty and usually quite usable writing material. Of course the laundry bill goes up but what's a few cents compared to passing a Psych test. Of course it is possible to get the answers beforehand and have them ready. But it is best in this type of fraud to be careful where the answers are placed. It is told of one lad in Poly Sci that started his list in the wrong place on a truefalse test- You guessed it he flunked. Take a dare. The use of strychnine and liquors is among the more dan gerous and complicated methods A dose of strychnine will speed up the system (including the thinking system) for three hours. Too large a dose will stop all systems for ever, however. Whiskey is good if not in too large quantities. Over indulgence makes the questions spin beyond recognition. Miscellaneous tricks are turning the pages of a book on the floor with your feet- This require prac tice and very adept feet. Writing on the hands, on shirt cuffs, and pencils, are used occasionally but they have fallen into disfavor with the modern cribber. Which all adds up to, "So this is college:" Gettmon study appears in Illinois publication Dr. Royal A. Gettman of the department of English has a mon ograph on "Turgenev in England and America" accepted for pub lication in Studies in Language and Literature of the graduate school of the University of Illinois. Henzlik talks in Seward Dean Frank Henzlik of teachers college discussed current educa tional problems before grade and high school teachers of Seward Wednesday evening. DAILY contest ends Friday noon With deadline for entries In the "You Write It Ad Contest," set for Friday noon, contestants should turn in their entries as soon as possible. The contest is sponsored by the DAILY and six local firms. Entries may be turned in to either the DAILY business of fice or to the office' of Prof. Forrest C. Blood. Prof. Blood will judge all entries. Prizes will be awarded to students whose winning ads are pub lished in the Sunday edition of the DAILY. MULL At The Mete ROSEIVILDE 1126 P St. Students will enjoy bowling evenings. Alleys are open: Monday after 9 P. M. Tuesday until 9 P.M. Thurt., Fri., Sat. & Sun. All h'rening Union displays cartoon collection Original drawings by some of the country's most famous car toonists are now on display in the Union lounge. The drawings are part of a collection belonging to Frank O'Neil, arts freshman. All of the cartoons are auto graphed by the cartoonists. The display includes original drawings by Oz Black, S. J. Ray, Bruce Rus sell, Fred O. Seibel and O. W. Ding. Original drawings of Willard's "Moon Mullins" and Saunder's "Little Joe" are also included in the display. Emest Wintroub speaks to choir vesper audience Ernest Wintroub, university stw dent, Omaha, spoke at the second of a series of 11 vesper services given by the Cathedral choir Sun day evening at the Cornhusker. Using a text from the prophet Hosea for his thme, Wintroub compared present day events with those in the days of the prophet "Salvation Is C seated" by Tschesnokov and "Oh Praise Ye" by Tschaikovsky were presented by the choir. Houghton Furr was at the organ. A crowd of 600 was present. u VVl V , 5&L CkqualnhxL BwiqauL VUqhL KNOT LLOYD WELLS and his Orchestra Recently featured at the Wisconsin Roof, Milwaukee, and direct from engagement at Rice Hotel, Houston, Tex. Admission 25c r. SELL YOUR BOOKS FOR CASH We Pay More , 0"S P nr Text Books Student Supplies DDDUSTQnE 1 KINDY OPTICAL ISO 0 sc. Tit The University of Nebraska University Players Present "The Comedy Hit of the Season" WHAT A LIFE It's Gals! Take HIM to See 6 irother EM mi a ... he may catch on! IW5 Men SPECIAL PURCHASE OF LEATHER GLOVES CAME QUALI- TIES IN KEG L'LAH STOCK have been 2.50 to 1.50! Sjiecial 295 r ; -IV r v w Pair T I.NED GLOVES pull ovrr and wrist snap styles. Fur lined and wool knitted linings. TJNLINED CLOVES goatskins, mocha, deerskins, pigskins and capeskins. Wrist snap and pull over models. Also, a special purchase of 150 Men's Silk TIES 4 IX silks, in browns, blues, reds and greens, In many patterns. These are qualities equiva- H 75 lent to ties sold at 2.50 and more. Special MtaAt We SUsvt Ti By CUMwS GUMlth Temple Theater 12th & R NOV Showing! Mil !L IL !l j& I V a fill ! 11 Temple Theater 1 2th A. R Tfc Knt Cmt4r tkt Trsr