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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1940)
5 Thursday, January 11 IfrCT Browne names Bud Tollman to captain NU in second conference basketball game Frank "Dud" Tallman, senior forward from Creston, Iowa will captain . Nebraska against Mis souri In the Hustlers' second Big Six game of the year, basketball coach W. H. Browne an nounced yester day. Tallman, who ha been alter nating at a starting for ward position with Irvin Yaf fe this year, won minor let ters in his two previous e a sons with the Huskers. Browne and the team will leave for Oma- HlANl TAUMAN Journal a 8Ur. ha at 7:30 Friday night, then go on to Columbia for the Saturday night game there. The Husker starting lineup, which is never settled until game time, will probably have Tallman at forward, Yaffe having started the Iowa State tilt. Harry Pit caithley, the team's high scorer is 'B' team whips Dana in 54-39 tilt John Hay leads scorers os NU subs pull away to win Chili Armstrong's Nebraska "B" team won its third victory in four starts last night as the Husker subs pulled away from Dana col lege of Blair In the last half to win 54-39. The Husker reserves jumped Into an early lead, and although the Vikings were on their heels rnost of the first period, were lead ing 24-19 at half time. With three minutes gone in the second period the "B's" had jumped into a 34 to 24 lead, and were never threatened. 'UuSE THAT x Bowled wd authority of Tb LINCOLN COCA-COLA 2120 CSt. a fixture at the other forward as Is Don Fits at guard. Coach Browne has been holding Sid Held in reserve for the "past few games, having started Al Randall and Bob Thcrien at center and guard re spectively against both California and Iowa State. Veteran return. Veterans John Lobslger, Blaine Currence, Clay Cooper, Haskell Ti son, Bill Harvey, Martin Nash and Arch Watson will be on hand to attempt to stop the Huskers who won a rather surprising victory against Iowa State. Cooper was "hot" in the sec ond half here last year as Missouri beat the Huskers In a last period rally, but both he and Currence have but recently rejoined the team, and sophomores will see plenty of service against Nebras ka. Missouri lost to NYU and St Joseph's in Philadelphia on an eastern tour without Cooper and Currence, but with the two boys back they . walloped the Greeley Teachers. The Huskers will be after their third win in a row, and their sixth of the season, having won' five and lost four. John Hay, varsity candidate playing his first game with the reserves, led the scoring with 16 points, getting five buckets in the last half. Don Pollock was the scoring gun In the first period, getting nine of his eleven points then. Standouts for the visitors were Robert Jensen, guard, Berkeley and Paul Peterson. Jensen got fourteen points, and the Petersons, who weren't brothers, got eight each. Score: rana NiPlwii f P Pettrtra t Hotrwtt c P Pet'Kn g Jrnsrn g-c Wallace Kray K Merrill f Bu Prt'sen f Bot g fl Nrtr. B. 4SrhuItt t SiHay t S Pollock e HOarey r 0 V Buskirk t 1 'Hurley t 1 Hunker f 0 Preston t 0 Oilman g 01 ToUll IS 13j ToUll St 8 IS Scot at half: Kebraika B 24, TUnt It. Mined fr thmw: P. Pelrrn S. B. Prtren, Jpnpm S, Boe, Hay 2, Garty 3, Hurlry, Preton. Orricimi: Frank Mueller, NefcraaWa, and Route Horney, Nebraska. Thirst and the need for refreshment recognize no season. The pans that refreshes with ice-cold Coca-Cola, is a year 'round anvwer to thirst that every body welcomes. It leaves you with to after-sense of complete refreshment. REFRESHES Coo-Cola BOTTLING COMPANY , Ph.JS7 The DAILY NERRASKAN Rohn marries iff.. - i :4 : Journal A Star. HENRY ROHN. HENRY ROHN, sophomore full back from Fremont who was mar ried to Peggy Stewart of the same town December 30 la pictured above. Last year's football team Included five married men, so Rohn is benedict number 6 of the group. Wildcat- grapplers take eastern trip MANHATTAN, Kas. K a n s a s State's badly crippled wrestling team, defending Big Six confer ence champion, will open a 4-meet trip into the East Friday night, Jan. 12, against the strong Frank lin A Marshall college matmen at Lancaster, Pa. Coach B. R. Patter son chose 11 grapplers to make the trip. Saturday night, Jan. IS, the K-Staters will travel to Bethle hem, Ta., to meet Lehigh univer sity, runner-up in the National col legiate tournament a year ago. Franklin & Marshall won third place in the same tournament. A Kent State crew which has won 55 of 62 matches on its home floor and annexed the Inter-State title in six of the past seven years will be K-Statc'a third opponent in a meet at Kent, Jan. 15. On the re turn trip Kansas State will stop at Champaign, HI., to meet Illinois university, Jan. 17. Brown out. James Brown, promising Kan sas State 121 pounder, suffered a dislocated elbow in the final prac tice before the trip and probably will be out for the remainder of the season. Brown has been re placed by Clifford Case, a sopho more. Also left behind were Walt John son, defending Big Six champion in the 145 pound class who is nurs ing a partially dislocated shoulder; Ben Tempero, promising 145 pounder who is nursing a bruised knee; Horace Watson, runner-up in the 128 pound division of the Bi Six tournament last year who is ill with the flu; and Elvis Mc Cutchen, heavyweight left behind because of a skin disease. Making the trip are Farland Fansher and Case, 121 pounds; Bill Hartman, 128 pounds; Verle Mc Clellan, 136 pounds; Glenn Duncan and Jim Barger, 145 pounds; Ger ald Van Vleet, 155 pounds; Keith Porter and Keith Collins, 165 pounds; Leon Reynard, 175 pounds, and John Hancock, heavyweight. Author discusses own book tonight "How to Write a Book" will be the subject of a discussion to be given by Miss Ruth Odell, assist ant professor of English, tonight at 7 when she speaks in the Union book nook before an open all girls meeting, sponsored by Coed Coun sellors. One of a book reviews aeries, the meeting will present Miss Odell In a discussion of the re search and publication of her own boolr. now In preparation as a part of her doctor's dissertation. The book, "Helen Hunt Jackson" deals with tHe autobiography of thai author. 12 games scheduled for tonight 29 teams entered os play is to begin in oil four leagues Barb basketball play gets under way tonight in four leagues, as three games are scheduled in each group to give a total of 12 games for the nights play In the coliseum. Twenty-nine teams in all have entered the race, there being seven in Leagues 1, 2, and 3, and eight in League 4. Next round of play is Jan. 15, and the last regularly scheduled games are on Feb. 19, as one game will be played in each of Leagues 1, 2, and 4. Tonight's first games, at 7 o'clock, are in League 4. ACBC meets the Brown Derbies on floor 1, Dark Horse plays Johnson Hall on floor 2, while the YMCA meets the Ramblers on floor 3. League 3 games, to be run off at 7:20, pit Tappa Kegga against Brown Palace on floor 1, the Corn shellers against the Juggernauts on floor 2, and the Union Leaders against the Mustang on floor 3. Two games tonight. League 2 teams go into action at 8:20, at which time the Ter mites meet Baldwin Hall on floor 1, the Cornhusker Co-ops face the Hoosier Hot Shots on floor 2, and Stratford plays the Barbed Points on floor 3. The evening's last games come in League 1 at 8:40. Pied Pipers meet the 330 Club on floor 1, Com manders play the Dirty Irish on floor 2, and KKK meets Raymond Hall on floor 3. League 1 members are Pied Pipers, 330 Club, Commanders, Dirty Irish, Raymond Hall, Regu lar Fellows. In League 2 are Ter mites, Baldwin Hall, Cornhusker Co-op, Hoosier Hot Shots, Strat ford, Barbed Points, Browning Club. In League 3 are Tappa Kegga, Brown Palace, Cornshellers, Jug gernauts, Union Leaders, Mus tangs, Islanders. In League 4 are listed ACBC, Brown Derbies, Dark Horse, Johnson Hall, YMCA, Ram blers, Pawnee Club, Clippers. Budofphson released from hospital Al Budolphson, Iowa State bas ketball player who had been con fined to Lincoln General Hospital because of a heavy cold was re leased yesterday. Budolphson was sent to the hospital after the Iowa State-Nebraska game Monday night. Does Your Car Have Auto Pneumonia? Let Me Prescribe a Sure-fire Remedy for That Hard-to-Start Motor. Senator 72" Bronxe 159 Senator 80" Ethyl 16 and Complete Service for Your Car Your F riend arul AVxf Governor "JsMiblsL JtAAy," CARPENTER at 13th & U listen to: mCTO PETE AND HIS RANCH LOTS, KFOR 7: Alt starts nfS(M m if ! By June Bierbower. The Huskers, notoriously a home floor team in basketball as in foot ball, will be playing away from home Saturday night, and it will be interesting to see how they come out on their third out-of-town game of the year. Although the basketball season is half over, the Brownemen have played but two road games, all the other tilts having been at home. First game away from home spelled disaster as Nebraska lost 61-37 to Minnesota, but they recovered from that defeat and their walloping at Utah's hands to beat Wisconsin 53-43, so you can't tell a lot from those two games. The Huskers won three Big Six games last year, beating Iowa State, Kansas and Kansas State here, and they didn't win a game away from home. That wasn't so exceptional because the season was half gone by the time any team won on the road. Johnny Williams, who played his last football for the Huskers in 1936, is high school coach in Colton, California. . .ho was at the banquet given by Bill Pixley at Los Angeles for former Corn huskers around that section and at which Biff Jones and Cy Sherman, the Lincoln Star's sport sage, were honored guests . . . Pixley is not a Nebraska alumnus, but of ficiated in this section early in the century, and is intensely in terested in Nebraska football . . . Paul Zimmerman, Los Angeles Times sports editor, was there... he's a former Nebraska distance runner. . .also Ray Richards, Bill Spaulding and Howard Jones... and a Nebraska boy who made good Harry Culver. . .Dick Ruth erford and Chick Hartley, old-time Husker greAts were there ... so was Lowell English, now with the Marines in California. We read that Rudy Matulka, Omaha South' all-state tackle wants to go to USC.yoo, hoo, Mr. Atherton . . . he needs another year of high school to get enough college entrance credits, but may be Black-Foxe will take care f that. a