Tuesday, Dweml 19, W39
39 freshmen
win football
r : r
Sweaters to be given
ITTI n 1 TTBTT1 n ,
M !
By Juno Bierbower.
From the story In which Bo Mc
Millin denied rumors that he
would leave Indiana.
"Rumors have been heard for
several years that McMillin would
go to the University of Nebraska.
The way is circuitous in the new
reports. They have Major L. M.
(Biff) Jones, the Nebraska coach,
going to Rice Institute and Mc
jklillin succeeding Jones as the
Husker boss."
Only as McMillin says, his con
tract still has seven years to run.
He was signed for ten years three
years ago. And for those who'd
to know, Jones was signed
u-r five years when he came here,
and has two more years to go on
(hat contract.
In the squib in Eddie Brietx'
roiumn which had it that a Big Six
co;ich would be signed at Rice,
Pan Partner of the Kansas City
Star seemed to think either Don
Faurot or Tom Stidham was
All very interesting, isn't it?
Nebraska ...Gregg McBride's
all state team had Mancuso, Ma-
tuua, Pomuloro and Ossowski..
sounds like Titt.-.That team of
All-American sophomores which
was named is fine, only the Lee
Artoe of California who is named
nt one tackle is a senior, not
st pliomore . . . he will play in the
Kast-West game. . .sports writers
tf the California Daily Bruin, Bill
Spaulding, and UCLA coach Babe
llorrell, made predictions every
week on football games which
were published in the school pa
per. . .Spaukling, former UCLA
roach, and now athletic director
had the best mark.
Clay Cooper, reserve halfback
""' Blaine Currence, Missouri's
,u..tlng end, could have played
with the Tiger basketball team in
New York December 28, then
taken a plane to Miami and
reached there in plenty of time to
piay in the Orange Bowl game,
However, it's a rule at Mizzouthat
Mudcnts be accompanied on such
trips by faculty members. Rub is
that there's another rule which
says faculty members can't ride
in airplanes, so the whole business
is off and Cooper and Currence
will just go with the football team.
The biggest and smallest play
ers ever to compete in the Last
West game opposed each other...
biggest was 2S5-pound Frank
Tauly of Washington and Jeffer
son. . .smallest was Butch Meeker,
140-pounder from Washington
State. . .Meeker led the West to a
16-6 victory that year. . .Marvin
Mesch has been elected captain
of Oklahoma's basketball team.
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Barnstorming Stanford
five to face NU Wednesday;
Tollman to captain Huskers
Frank' Tallman, Creston, Iowa,
senior, and a forward, will captain
the Husker basketball team in the
Stanford game here Wednesday
He won minor letters in the first
two years he
played here, but
started 'in the
Indiana game,
and will open
against Stan
The Stanford
game is the
first of two for
the Huskers
this week, as
Coach W. H.
Browne's team
invades Minne
apolis for a Sat
urday night tilt
with Minnesota,
who beat South Journal and Star.
Dakota, but by
a smaller margin than Nebraska
Indians on way.
Stanford's team left Sunday
night, and will tour the midwest
and east Their game here will be
the first of the tour, and they will
also meet Rutgers, Dartmouth,
Columbia and Wisconsin.
The Huskers practiced Saturday,
and met Sunday afternoon for a
review of their play and mistakes
in the 49-39 defeat they were
handed by Indiana.
Yesterday afternoon they went
through a stiff drill, as the first
string scrimmaged a reserve com
bination team. Browne s starting
lineup was the same -as he used
acainst Indiana, with Tallman
and Titcaithley at forwards, Al
Randall at center, and Sid Held
and Charley Vacant! at guards.
Fitz may start.
Don Fitz, a guard, whose play
ing time was limited against In
diana because of an attack of in
fluenza, is recovering and should
be able to start Wednesday night
Fitz last night was alternating
at a guard post apainst the var
sity combination with Lyle King
and Los Livingston. John Hay anil
Irv Yaffe were the forwards, and
Bruce Duncan center. Duncan
looked especially good against the
first stringers.
Conference teams are still play
ing out of the league, and have
good records. Iowa State has won
five straight victories, the speedy
Cyclones having defeated Simpson
Morningside. Grinnell, Drake and
Denver. Missouri has beaten St
Louis. Oklahoma beat SMU, Kan
sas State beat Baker, Doane and
Colorado State, and lost to Colo
rado State. Kansas beat Oklahoma
A. & M., and lost to Warrensburg
It's no use boys
After three extra periods the
Stella and Brownsville, Neb., bas
ketball teams were still tied up
six to six. They decided to settle
matters by having the players of
both teams take one shot at the
basket each from the foul line.
But that didn't work either.
After all the players had shot at
the basket they found the free
throws totaled three up. Enough
was enough. They called the
whole thing quits.
Virgil Franks, Manager
Inrmwuinn f'- f.'t&.'li' '"rtSKWWm
Biff Jones,
leave for Frisco
Nebraska's coach, L. M. "Biff"
Jones and Tackle Sam Schwartz
kopf left Sunday for San Fran
cisco where Jones will serve his
last year as coach of the all-star
West team in
the New Year's
day game
against the
Eastern all
stars. Jones' wife
and two chil
dren, Lawrence,
jr., and Bar
bara will leave
for the west
const later this
week to join
This year is
Jones third as
co-coach of the
W a s h i n g -team
Journal and Star.
ton State's Babe Hollingberry. The
promoters of the game plan to ro
tate coaches, and plan to change
after this year. Btrnie Bierman of
Minnesota and Andy Kerr of Col
gate are eastern coaches.
Jones has not lost in the two
years he has
helped coach. I
the first game
ending in a tie,
and the one last
year going to
the underdog
West team.
S c h w artz
kopf was one of
the 22 men
chosen for the
game. Since the
beginning of
the annual con
test. Nebraska
players have
been in the S. SCHWARTZKOPf
limelight, and Journul and Star.
S c h wartzkopf
is out to uphold the Nebraska
tradition of always putting fine
players in the game.
45 men report
for Oklahoma
wrestle practice
NORMAN, Okla. Carrying 16
hours of work in the University
of Oklahoma school of law and
also tutoring a Sooner wrestling
squad that returns only two let
termen, D. C. Matthews, Okla
homas student wrestling coach,
is having no trouble making
weipht thesw days.
"Although it looks like every
body has got us flat on our backs
this season with all points touch
ing, don t count us out yet, warns
Oklahoma's national collegiate
135-pound champion of 1935, "I've
got 45 boys out, we're all work
ing hard and come March we may
be in condition to give somebody
a go for that Big Six champion
ship." Two lettermen back.
Only two lettermen, Bennie
Young and Harry James, both of
whom wrestle at 121 pounds, are
returning this season. All the
other members of last year's team
are lost.
Hoy Stone, 129-pounder, and
Mason Srrarr, 145-pounder, are
ineligible. Jim Miles, 175-pounder,
quit school. Charles Robertson,
155, and Waddy Young, heavy
weight, served out their eligibil
ity. Arthur Freeman, 165-pound
hope, is studying aviation at
Randolph field and Herbie Bar
nett, star 135-pounder, jumped
the Sooners to wrestle for the
University of Michigan.
But Matthews isn't pessimistic
despite the fact he is building his
team from sophomores and left
over squad men.
Strong at 121 pounds.
"Our best weight now is 121
pounds," he says, "with veterans
Young and James and two Bopho
, mores, Wallace Gilmore and
I t J
Nebraska 'BV
nip Luther
54 to 35
Hurley leads Scarlet
attack with 12 points
The crimson shirted Nebraska
"B's" rolled back a furious at
tack made by the Luther college
lads at Wahoo last night to bowl
over their basketball hosts by
the imposing score of 54 to 35.
Jimmy Armstrong's boys took
the lead early in the game and at
the half it stood 24 to 14. Cliff
Hurley found the basket for 12
points making him high point
man for the Huskers. The
sparkling play of Dvorak through
out the evening made him account
able for 13 of the 33 points the
Luther boys garnered.
Vols rest before tilt
With the completion of quarter
final examinations the Tennessee
football players scattered to thHr
homes Saturday for a brief rest
before reassembling Tuesday to
begin preparations for their Rose
Bowl battle.
Every man on the varsity team
and all members of the band want
to go to the land of sunshine. Uni
versity officials plan to leave part
ot the squad and band at home.
Neasc Runge. Harold Bird, for
mer Oklahoma Aggie, probably
will be at 129 pounds for us and
at 135 Jay Smith and Bill Cum-
mings, squad men and Mike Jack
son, Pawhuska sophomore, Jack
Strong, Elk City sophomore, and
Bill Fulton, Sulphur sophomore.
"At 145 we have Rheuben
Green of Cheyenne, and Perry
Castlcberry of Sulphur, both
sophomores and at 155, 165 and
175 Don Sutliff of Blackwell,
Charles Childers of Oklahoma
City, Marvin Campeau of Nor
man, and J. W. Smith of Sulphur.
All are sophomores save Smith,
a transfer.
"Charles Delhotel, a squad man,
is the lone heavyweight report
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Numeral awards to thirty-nine
freshman root can piayers wno
have complied with all academic
and athletic requirements were
announced yesterday by A. J.
Lewandowski, after having been
approved by the committee on
Blue numeral sweaters with red
"1943" edged in white across sthe
chet will be available to the fresh
men this afternoon from 1:00 to
3:00 at the south end of the east
stadium where equipment man
ager Floyd Bottorff will hand
them out.
Charles D. "Doujr" Davies, who.
died in a freshman game Nov. 17,
was given a post-humous award.
Only two out-of-staters are on
the numeral list which follows:
Marvin AtUfT, Wauwtn.
Hubert Honuhoom, llwttlnicn.
Hiilr Brivrtl-y, Bfthunv of Lincoln.
William Rrynnt. Lincoln.
Jnrlc OfuvliiKor, Mulirn.
Kay i'xlrr, llnrdy.
( hnrlMl lui, Houth Kioax City.
Kbi'rt iK'vlnry, Motrin Hinux City.
Mrk rtuiivn, HaMinK.
hnrl- 1). l!ivlFH, liMtlnir,
liro FlKhrr, I'ottrr.
John iM)lill. Omaha.
Kninrli (ircc.illM, Moating!,
Jurk llazrn, Omalut.
Ilmt.iri HiHiil, t liiKlnm.
Stitnlry lliiffnmn. ttlKin.
I:in JarUson, Lincoln.
Kusenr Irlck, IJnroln.
Jerry Kntrml, llarllnirtnn.
Rullt Kelly. Grand llnnd.
IJoyd Kmnlrk, Siotix ' 1 1 y , lit.
(irorirft Huka, Fairmont .
Kotwrt MrNtitt, tolhy. Kama.
Fred Mrtheny, I.lnroln.
Witldnn Nelson, t'hnprll.
Kohrrt l'oe. North I'lnttr.
Keilh Rolx-rl. Tefii'.wh.
William Srhtvnrti, I.lnroln.
F.uicene Shprrill, Albion.
Keiih Slielilivn, NrnttHbluff.
Wnvne Slnclt, Nanoner.
John Thompfon, l.ineoln,
Mnrlnn Tnylor, Fremont.
Herbert Von (ioetr, North Platte.
F.rnest Weekrn, Omaha.
Allen iikniun1, Orl.
John 7.rmnnki, Omaha.
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