The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 12, 1939, Page 3, Image 3

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    ffuesday, December 12, 1939
Indoor track
begins Jan.
20 with meet
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By June Bierbower.
Evidently the Oklahoma players
who took part in the Orange Bowl
game last year have had enough
out of the season footballing to do
them for a while.
Frank Spence, sports editor of
the Oklahoma Daily, says in a let
ter to this column:
"The bowl talk this week had
the students more excited than the
football players. Jack Jacobs and
some of the sophomores seemed
anxious, but the seniors seemed to
be ready to have the afternoons
off for a while.
Dick Fullerton, the Pitt center
who was seriously injured when he
Buffered a brain concussion
against Fordham, was released
from a hospital last week... he
won't be able to attend classes un
til February. . .Bob Seymour, Ok
lahoma fullback, was married last
week end... the Robertson who
knocked down that fourth down
fourth quarter pass for USC
against UCLA is the Bob Robert
eon who was an all-stater at Cen
tral in Omaha five years ago. . .
and our man Charley Brock is
still showing the world why he's a
great center... he snagged two
more passes as Green Bay won
the pro championship, one of them
as the Giants were threatening to
Two freshmen and two varsity
players are facing a pretty dreary
Christmas vacation. . .Ed VVibbels,
whose football career was termi
nated, at least temporarily, in the
1938 Iowa State game by a knee
injury, has been wearing a brace
on his injured knee. . .he's to take
it off by Christmas vacation, and
if the knee isn't healed he'll un
dergo an operation for it... Jerry
Prochaska, sub end who was in
jured this season before he could
get in time for a letter, will very
probably have to undergo an op
eration on his knee during vaca
tion. . .same goes for Bob McNutt,
star frosh tackle, who injured a
knee this fall. . .Russ Erehm, frosh
back, has a broken cartilage, too,
and may have to have a operation
during Christmas vacation.
More than one-fourth of the
University of Arkansas student
body are relatives of graduates or
former students of that institution.
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Husker cagers to meet
strong Indiana team Friday;
Huffman captains Hoosiers
Nebraska's basketball team,
fresh from a 39-15 drubbing of
South Dakota, runs into stiffer
competition this week as Indiana's
Hoosiers play here Friday night
The Hoosiers are among the early
season favorites in the Big Ten,
and boast a fine team captained
by Marvin Huffman, brother of
the former Hoosier football ace.
The Huskers listened to a talk
by Coach Browne on the mistakes
they made Friday night, and
worked on plays against a man to
man defense such as the Hoosiers
use. Bud Tallman, Harry Pitcaith
ley, Al Randall, Sid Held and Don
Fitz were working on the first
unit, as the varsity seconds scrim
maged the "B" team.
Charley Brock
stars as Packers
win pro crown
According to Jim Gallagher,
INS sports writer, Nebraska's
Charley Brock, who is playing his
first year of pro football with the
Green Bay Packers, was the shin
ing light of the pro championship
game between Green Bay and the
New York Giants which the
Packers won, 27 to 0.
Says Mr. Gallagher: "Charley
Brock, Green Bay's freshman
center from Nebraska, and Larry
Craig, freshman end and blocking
back, were the standout men on
the field. Brock intercepted two
passes that meant touchdowns; he
tackled Tuffy Leamans to prevent
a score; he passed the ball per
fectly and blocked like a demon
on offense; he tackled viciously."
Green Bay
drafts Nil's
George Seemann
George Seemann, the Huskers'
senior end from Omaha, was
drafted by the Green Bay Packers,
newly crowned professional foot
ball champions, Saturday night, as
professional grid representatives
met to take their pick of the 1939
college crop.
Seemann, who had previously
indicated he would be Interested
in a professional offer, was the
only Husker drafted at the meet
ing. Semann, who is 6 feet 1 inch
tail, and weighs 195, is a fine de
fensive end, having looked espe
cially good against Oklahoma,
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grapple meet
set to start
Deadline for entries
is today; meet starts
tomorrow afternoon
Entries are still being received
for the all-university wrestling
meet for novice, frosh and non
lettermen grapplers, which will be
held tomorrow and Thursday. To
day is the last day for enter
ing, and entries are to be placed
with the athletic office, equipment
room attendant or Coach Jerry
Gold medals will be awarded to
the winners in each division, while
runnersup will get silver medals.
Competition will be held in the
following pound weights: 124, 131,
139, 148, 158, 168, 178 and heavy
weight. These weights are three
pounds over the regular college
Late entries
Latest entries are Bob McLeod,
178; Joe Martin, 168; Bill Wheeler,
131; Harold Bacon, 138; Bob Sauer,
heavyweight; Gines Gabarron, 168.
Larry Ferdland, 135; Marvin
Berogen, 145; Frank Bartak, 131;
Leon Kaiser, 145; Dwight Burney,
145; Bill Steckelburg, 158, and
Fred Henson, 124.
The meet will be held on the
varsity mats on the sub-coliseum
floor. The scoring will combine the
point system and regular collegi
ate rules, while fraternity cham
pionships will be computed.
NU coaches
go on tours
Nebraska's coaching staff this
week will set out on the annual
aftermath of the football season,
namely: speaking at football ban
quets and 6howing Cornhusker
grid pictures.
Major "Biff Jones, Link Ly
man, Glen Presnell, Wilbur Knight
Ed Weir and Rollie Horney, all
members of the staff, and Gregg
McBride, director of publicity,
will make the trips.
The week's schedule:
Monday Weir, Farm Federation; Ly
man, Minatare; Presnell, N club; Horney,
Ashland; McBride, Iloltirook.
Tuesday Jones, Ord; Lyman, Chappell;
Presnell. Newman Croe; Knight, Kails
City; McBride, Tiering.
Wednesday Jones, Trenton ; Lyman,
North riatte; Presnell, Lexington; Mc
Bride. Mitchell.
Thursday Coaches at "N" club; Mc
Bride, Kimball; Horney, Central City;
Knight, Bameuton; Lyman, Midland.
Three water doIo
games on today
Sigma Nu rang up the curtain
on fraternity water polo competi
tion last Thursday with a 5 to 3
decision over Chi Phi a In League
1. Two other scheduled meets,
Acacia and Theta Xi in League 1
and the AGU-ATO fray in League
2, were postponed.
League 3 swings into action to
day when the Farm House meets
the Sig Alpha and the Phi Gams
vie with the Phi Delts. Beta Theta
Pi and the DU's, in League 2, also
compete today.
Best wishes to the
University Extension
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Major awards
go to 24
Four Husker players
get minor letters;
juniors predominate
Major Biff Jones announced
major letter awards to 24 Corn-
nusKer football players of the 1939
squad, and minor letters to four
other men.
Jones' first two teams, along
with Center Fred Meier and Pull-
back Adna Dobson, won major
awards. Minor letters went to
George Porter, Bill Herrmann,
Bob Kahler and Bob Ludwlck.
Nine sophs listed.
Five seniors, ten juniors and
nine sophomores won major let
ters, along with Student Manager
Dick McClymont, Sam Schwartz
kopf, Jack Ashburn, George See
mann, Dobson and Bob Ramey are
the seniors, Warren Alfson, For
rest Behm, Bob Burruss, Harry
Hopp, Royal Kahler, Bus Knight,
Walter Luther, Ray Prochaska,
Roy Petsch, and Herman Rohrig
are juniors.
The nine sophs are George Abel,
Bob DeFruiter, Vike Francis, Fred
Meier, Clarence Herndon, Hubert
Monsky, Fred Preston, Henry
Konn ana Ed schwartzkopf. Por
ter and Herrmann are seniors, Bob
Kahler a junicr, and Ludwick a
sophomore. Porter, from Denver,
is the only out of state man to re
ceive an award.
Lettermen initiated into the "N"
club last night are: Ralph Worden
swimming; Don Schultz, tennis;
Lloyd Wright, track; LeRoy Walk
er, track.
George Abel, Vike. Francis, Hu
bert Monsky, Ed Schwartzkopf,
Henry Rohn, Clarence Herndon.
Fred Meier, Fred Preston, Bob
Ludwick, all football, and Dick
McClymont, football manager.
Spring and winter sports sched
ules released by Athletic Director
"Biff" Jones indicate that, the
Husker indoor track team will
open its season earlier than usual,
the Weirman being scheduled to
journey to Minneapolis Jan. 20 for
a meet with Minnesota.
Only conference baseball games
were announced, as the out-of-conference
diamond schedule is
yet to be arranged.
Jan. 20, Minnesota at Minneapolis.
Feb. 10, Kansas at Lincoln. 24, Kansas
State at Lincoln.
March 8-8, Big Six Indoor at Kansas
April 13, Kansas State at Manhattan.
20, Kansas relays. 28-27, Drake relays.
May 4, Iowa State at Lincoln. 10-11,
high school championships at Lincoln. 17
18, Big Six championships at Lincoln.
April 19-20. Iowa State at Anm, 28-27,
Missouri at Lincoln.
May 3-4, Kansas at Lawrence.. 10-11,
Kansas State at Lincoln. 13-14, Iowa State
at Lincoln. 17-18, Oklahoma at Norman.
April 20, Kansas at Lincoln. 28, Iowa
State at Ames.
May 3, Kansas State at Manhattan. 4,
Kansas at Lawrence. 10. Kansas Stat
at Lincoln. 16, Iowa State at Lincoln.
17-18, Big Six at Lincoln.
Feb. 3, Minnesota at Lincoln. 10, Kan
sas State at Nebraska (tentative). 18,
Iowa State at Ames. 17, Orlnnell at
Crtnnell. 23, Kansas 8tate at Manhattan.
24, Kansas at Lawrence. 28, Oklahoma
at Norman.
March 1-2, Big Six at Amea.
Feb. 8. Michigan State at Kast Lansing.
9. Chicago at Chicago. 10. Illinois at
Urbana. 13, Minnesota at Lincoln. 16,
Iowa State (place tentative). 17. Orln
nell at Grinnell. 24, Kansas State at Man
hattan. March 2, Iowa U. 5, Lincoln. Iowa
Teachers at Lincoln.
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