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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1939)
Sunday, December 10, 1939 'Organized Ag' to hold annual meet Several thousand will gather from over state to make facm study Several thousand will gather this week on the ag college cam pus at their annual "Organized Agriculture" meeting to take stock of the agricultural world for the past year and study the most re cent experimental work in home economics and agriculture. Meetings are scheduled from Monday through Friday, and will include sessions of every organ ized agricultural group in the state, with serious discussion, fun and play, and visiting with fellow farmers and homemakers from all p.irta of the state. There are several general meet in o duriner the week, where some of the leading agriculturists in the country will speak on important f irm and home problems. Alum returns These gatherings start off Tues day in the activities building with Francis Flood returning to Ne braska to speak about: "The Top of the World." Then on Wednes day Dr. C. B. Smith, who has just returned from the U. S. depart ment of agriculture in Washing ton. -will come to the campus for one of his talks about farm people. That same day, too, a Nenraskan will be honored in the Hall of Agricultural Achievement. He is the late Erwin Hopt, and Dr. F. D. Keim will tell about some of his early life. Dr. W. E. Grimes, chairman of the agricultural economics depart ment at Kansas State, Manhattan, will replace Roy Greene as one of the chief speakers. He will be here Thursday afternoon to discuss the effect of the European situation w TV on American agriculture, ui. Grimes is a nationally known au thority on agricultural economics and has appeared before Nebraska farm audiences in previous years. Greene was forced to cancel his lecture at the last minute. Banquet Monday Friday afternoon, John Ise, Uni itv nf Kansas economist of well-known standing, will expand on the European difficulties as related to agriculture. On Monday night the Nebraska Farm Bureau federation holds its annual banquet. The 1935 class of Master Farmers will be presented Tuesday night by the Nebraska Farmer. Colored motion pictures of the farmsteads of those selected will be one feature and S. R. Mc Kelvie, publisher of the Nebraska Farmer, will preside over the presentation. Fun and frivolity come up Wed nesday with the "Farm Family Fun Feed." Dr. H. C. Nothomb of Aurora will present a take-off on the "Wizard of Oz" with magic tricks. Francis Flood will be on hand for an illustrated lecture, and there will be dancing and other entertainment. Thursday night brings the an nual dairymen's banquet for more entertainment ana education. The entire program Monday through Friday presents interest ing discussions of all kinds and the sessions are open to the gen eral public, with but few excep tions. There are no fees nor regis tration costs. i Home ec ' group initiates Phi Upsilon Omicron honors nine today Nine home economics students will be initiated into Fhi Upsilon Omicron. honorary home econom ics sorority, this morning at the home economics building on ag campus. Outstanding feature ox ue lT1 mony will be the presence of Miss Hazel Manning, Madison, Wis., na tional inspecting officer of Phi Up silon Omicron, who is spending Saturday and today with Nebras ka members of the organization. th ni.r initiates are Mildred Bauder, Vivian Brown, Loa Davis, Helen Klatt, Helen Krejci. Alice Ladeen, Monetha. Newman. Vir ginia Ostergard, and Doretta Schlahoff. Amolie Svoboda, presi dent of the active chapter, is in charge, assisted by chapter offi cers. Indiana university has an eter nal blaze in a Union building fire place to symbolize the institution s i "fire of hoeritality." The DAILY NEBRASKAN They rally 'round the college sweethearts R:4-' V -:-:v:-:-:.:-:v.,;.v.'..-.-:-:v.v...:.v. v;v::;,,;-:y.::v.v.f V s w $ x -V .5fc Nebraska Sweetheart Beth Howley, at left, laughs with Jun ior Chamber of Commerce Presi dent Don Easterday as they lunch and look over the DAILY at the state football rally. Dorothy Knight and Herb F. McCulla repeat the "Sweetheart president" combina tion. She is sweetheart of Wesley an's "W" club and a sister of Ne- Lincoln Journal and Star. braska's Bus Knight. McCulla is president of the Chamber's senior division. Machinery expert speaks Harry Davis appears three times this week Harry G. Davis, authority on farm machinery, and research di rector of the Farm Equipment In stitute at Chicago, is to appear be fore three audiences in Lincoln this coming week. They Include two student groups on the univer sity campus as well as at Organ ized Agriculture. The Chicago machinery au thority sneaks before the engi neers' convocation at the Temple theater Tuesday, Dec. 12 at 11 a. His toDic then will be: "&ome Westbrook, music staff attend educator's clinic Dr. A. E. Westbrook, director of the school of fine arts, Emanuel Wishnow, Miss Marian Wolfe, Don A. Lentz, Ward Moore, and W. C. Tempel, all of the music faculty, attended the recent state music educator's clinic at Beatrice. Tem pel is chairman of the choral di vision of the clinic and organized the 150 voice choir which Dr. Westbrook conducted during the conference. m. aspects of mechanization on Amer ican economy." His second ap pearance Tuesday will be when he meets with the Nebraska student branch of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers at the Stu dent Union as a guest of honor at a dinner meeting. ,X V7 fTv l-OR the first lady g$&S&&0 C, Y - A' All Saybury housecoats i 'M 1 . -Mil Wm lMf mwT I'll Bil I 1 11 IJt( VlJCtt'in Sl " W mm r.derit rmf wire. Bu.tle back. PaffrS W'im mm ' J1X-3" t) f tt 1 WA A. SOrHlRTICATtB tADT: a r- Sfj If IW'ljl U Hack, fc It A). t'2 11 f KA T B. CLAMOI B CrX: Itara.Uf traaaaU vark . lm if j1rsAi 1 -9. u.k.M w HfM alioarr utii raka with I' II 'i fit v-s- W. I l L7.w.r7r- kV-. rrwa.a. tiM U M N. klaa, etai pink. - " " " in in COZY OITLT: A faea'al aaHl vraaaraVal f nrr4 rayaa aatin. aelf Haa4. Sbavl Milar. C'BTrBient paekri, Wkitc, kf Maa, rUI pink, fcuea It ta BtTTTiarXT: A aaraelrt faVa af tlnaklat rayaa aaUa aamaik earrrel wttk airy kaur flMia. fiwwalac akirt. Caaeaale cippac. kite 12 M H. Ml'li!'!!1 i i r " ! 1 ' I i I i t i i ' i - . ..............