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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1939)
The DAILY NERRASKAN IN THE SOCIAL WHIRL Friday, December 8. 1833 Campus socialites dine before dancing to Nichols More tinners before the Ball add to thi excitement of the be ginning i.f the formal season. Nine Sig Alph's and their dates will dine at the Lincoln hotel. Some of them are: Bob Waugh and Tri Delt Eleanor Akin, Dave Noble arl D. G. Mary Lou Gil lette, Ton:- Shaffer and D. G. Ann Windle, aid Bob Hemphill and ri ,VM Betty Roach. Ten n.l Gam's will entertain their dates at the University club. Dates Include: Herb Hillman and Trl Delt E. B. Isaacson; Nate Eastman and Gerry Beinning; Willaid Mertz and Pi Thi Anne Kinder; and John Kerl and PI Phi Betty Baker. D.U.'SDINING at the Capital with their dates in clude Avery Forke with Dorothy Askey, Alpha Phi; and Bob We kesser with Louise Temple, Theta. Also at the Capitnl will be groups of Phi Psi's and Kappa Sig's. Seven Chi Phi's are taking their dates to dinner at the Corn husker. Among them will be Kenny Teich with Tri Delt Pearl Dobrandt; George Lonie with Delta Gamma Betty Newman; and Jim Fricke with Alpha Thi Cornhuskers!!! Order your Christmas photo graphs now for Dec. 19th delivery. Special 3' for $3.00. Townsend Studio. Virginia Chambers. RUGGED individualists are Lois Owens, Merrill Englund, Chris Peterson, Paul Svoboda, who plan to take the same amount of money they would spend on Red Nichols and the Military Ball .tonight to Omaha for some excitement. SIGMA KAPPAS will entertain at a formal tea Sunday afternoon honoring their regional" president, Miss Louise Van Pickle. Kappa Delta pledges will pre sent a pageant of brides tomor row afternoon. Wedding gowns from 1889 to 1939 will be mod eled, Including gowns belonging to Mrs. "Bif" Jones and her mother. Dorothy Iverson, Kappa Delta, will be honored by members of the chapter Sunday at a shower. She will be married Dec. 17 to Emanuel Olson. Marjorie Fye and Lorraine McCauley will be host esses. CHRISTMAS parties will begin Wednesday when Kappa Alpha Theta will hold an alumnae party. Entertain ment will be furnished by the ac-J live cuapier. aili.'i Lina alum, u.e chapter will hold its own party. New pledges at the A. O. Pi house are Maisie Imig and Edna Siggins. PROUD PAPA is Union Director. Kenneth Van Mahe the Evening of the MILITARY BALL r Complete by Dropping in at MAP'S for a Tasty Midnight Lunch Phone 2-3174 320 No. 13th Phi Mu president V I f ' V I'lVii'tl ! il Hill ! IMHI, jj" .vJAiv.'.... ..J,A SundKy Jotirmil unci btur. MISS ALICE MILLER. Miss Miller, national president of Phi Mu, Is in Lincoln for cere monies marking the affiliation of the Wesleyan chapter of Alpha Sant. The .Van Sanfs have a new arrival, a son born Wednesday at the Lincoln General hospital. AAUW to hear Hosp tomorrow A large attendance Is expected tomorrow at the program for the American Association of Univer sity Women which has been planned by Miss Elsie Ford Piper, general program chairman. Dean Helen Hosp will speak on "Meet ing a Challenge of AAUW." The meeting is to be held at 2:30 p.m. in Ellen Smith. Head of the hostess committee is Mrs. Arthur L. Smith. She Is assisted by: Mrs. R. H. Mohrman, Mrs. J. S. Hyatt, Mrs. E. A. Beck er, Mrs, D. E. Marcotte, Mrs. H. J. Requartte, Mrs. C. V. Traphagen, Miss Constance Syford, Mrs. Earl Maxwell, Mrs. Ruth Merritt Miss Berna Miskell, Miss Clara Miskell, Miss Louise Johnson, Mrs. Fred Foster, Mrs. Roy E. Cochran, Miss Doris Cochran, Miss Mabel Lee, Miss S. Adclia Winter and Miss Annette Abbott. Delta Theta with Phi Mu, repre sented by the Nebraska university chapter. Miss Miller, Miss Rcna Cox, na tional field secretary; and Mrs. Louise Stark, treasurer of district No. 7, St. Louis, were guests of honor at a banquet in the Hotel Cornhusker last night. A tea from 3 to 5 p. m. today at Nebraska Wesleyan marks the close of the formal ceremonies. L9) CONVENIENT ONE STOP FAST PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE LAUNDRY DRY CLEANING Telephone Jmifff TSiTSS 1124 L St. LINCOLN'S LARGEST FAMILY LAUNDRY Florence Bullock recalls DAILY . 'way back when' A word of kindly criticism anfl a tie with the past came to the DAILY yesterday through a new subscriber. She is Florence Bui. lock, instructor in English in charge of correspondence courses. She was the literary editor of the "Hesperian," one of the DAILY'S forerunners, in 1895 when Willa .Cather was editor of the publica tion. Said the new subscriber, "I thought I could get along without it (the DAILY), but I guess 1 can't even if you do do funny things once in a while." Sociologists initiate 22 Alpha Kappa Delta, honorary sociological fraternity, initiated 22 new members Thursday night with Dr. Mabel Elliott, University of Kansas criminologist, deliver ing the main address. The initia tion followed a banquet in the stu dent union. The initiates were: Martha Beghtol, Lincoln; Vera Chandler, Ettrick, Va.; Fred Bellrquadti; Clarice Ekerath; Cecil Feldman, Lincoln; Jozctta Helfrich, Lin coln; Eleanor Hinman, Lincoln; Frances Lomax, Broken Bow; Mabel Lucado, Fairfield; Julius II. Mallrich, Lincoln; Mary R. Mar nell, Stockton, Calif.; Faith B. Medlar, Lincoln; Vyola W. Miller, Clarinda, la.; Patricia M. Pope, Sutton; Olive Riddell, Raymond; Gloria M. Schleiger, Sutton; Mrs. Betty Spurr; Maxine Thomas, Red Cloud; Caroline Thompson, West Point; Mary Jean Trow bridge, Columbus; Joseph Walla, Linwood, and Curtis Whaley, Cal laway. William Lyon Fhelps, famed Yale professor, taught more than 20,000 men during his 40 years in the classroom. 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