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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1939)
I Friday, December 8, 1939 The DAILY NERRASKAN InlEiisE&ers, PBaoinisinnieBTij Ihonudiredl todlay WHW.WB MHI II Ill IWHIIIIIWIiWWI 'WW'I L"1111 ''' ' ' """ ' ' " " LJU" ' "' " 1 a ."M r Jiff Sy.7 Wr' : w 3 c- rr, wWf .P4V Nt-.M Jiff TvJiiriv SVJl r -; ' ' - J . .v, t "we2i -v . r rnjJiiJ'-U'HlnuUiiil j : j . ,."-'' r fir 1 -3 ' , M ' l- 4 Q At. i- - ' 1 'V wHiW AAV , i :,! " , ' 1 i - t"! tf ' " vr f :A'-j:v:i:is-K:S;.;;:::. .... 4r . -ji . " " i rfci -c v-- i s-! T n r tf,waMi.liiiiiiiiBi'iirii---" Porter, back Dobson, fullback Seemann, end Ashburn, end Ramey, center Herrmann, guard Sam Scnwortzkopt, tackle I , "6IPF" JONES Senior potpourri George Seemann, Sam Schwartzkopf and Jack Ashburn have received questionnaires from several pro teams . . . saiu ijuea tionnaires request information . . . tneyre not contracts. .... Seemann may be interested in p r ofessional ball . . . Ash b u r n and S c hwartzkopf are undecided . these three are hoping to get post season bids . . . either to the East West or North- South game. Biff Jones is one of the jMnrtftiur. West's coaches and it's a cinch he'd like to see the committee plf at least one of his boys. ... 24 Nebraska men have played in the East-West game . . . that's more than any school now playing with the West has sent . . . Northwestern of the East has sent 27 . . . Nebraska played with the East until Blue Howell ran over the West so badly that the West decided Ne braska was one of theirs. Husker seniors Ramey and See mann are aviation devotees . . . Seemann nearly quit school two years ago to take up flying but reconsidered on the advice of a pilot . . . Ramey, Seemann and Herrmann have played under bota Bible and Jones . . . they Play in 1936 under D. X. ... Bob laid off last year . . . Seemann and Herrmann were out in 1937. George Porter is the only out-of-state senior . . . he's from Den iion Anna Dobson is married . . '. he's also senior class presi dent at Nebraska. . . . AsnDurn is brother of Cliff Ashburn, Curtis Aggies' coach. A Northwestern university sci t;f; tnnipv rpvpaled that 44 percent of the student body has halitosis. Vassar college has received spe cial funds to finance a siuay w child behavior and normal per Bonality development. Hunter college is doing special research on the study habits of its Eight Wesleyon seniors feted today tf . Y ... .U BY HOLLIS LIMPRECHT. IJneuIn Jounud Sportiwrttn. Eight seniors from a Nebras ka Wesleyan eleven short on vic tnrlf.q hut lon on SDirit will be honored at the fourth All-State High' School Football rally here today. Listed among the hand full of stalwarts who have performed for the last time ' in Plainsmen togs is one of the most out standing per formers in the J Ischool's long f i history John ny Staten. The former Bethany high athlete pulled his team from behind time and again, and tal lied all but two of Weslevan's points during the season. To crown four years of magnificent play, Staten was an unanimous choice for all-conference and all-state college fullback honors. Don WiUlams, ena rrom car man, was one of the bulwarks on line that: was building for the future, and he too, was named to all-conference honors ma iinai year. other seniors to be honored at the r&llv are Georee Carne, Iin- min Harrv Raker. Lincoln, and Gerald Hicks, Farnum, guards; Lee MacAUlster, uncoin, center; Merle Randall, Falrbury, end, and Frank Harrington, Lincoln, back. Th above seniors had the mls- fnrtunA to end their careers on a team that managed to win only two of nine games, yet tneir grit nd determination can be seen from the fact they kept fighting to the finU wmstie ana piacea two of their numDer on an-con-ference selections. Coach Dwight Thomas, serving hin third vear at the suburban university, has higher hopes for next year, Wltn ID leuermen m the fold, si of this vear's starting line up will be back Dale Magnuson, Crofton, quarierDacK; ituaa jner rill, Edgar, end; Bob Braun, Lin coln, and Dave Coulter, Lincoln, tackles; Jim Souders, Lincoln, center, and Jim Owen, Lincoln, fullback, Coach Tommy' f StmLA Dwight Thomas, Wesleyan's coach, came to Uni Place in 1937 from Hastings high where he turned out great football and basketball teams year in and year out. He lost 16 lettermen this year, and nine regulars, so had a green team for 1939. How ever, prospects are looking up for next year. Thomas is a member of the Lincoln Symphony orchestra, having played in it for three years. He was graduated from Ne braska U. in 1918. Thomas was DAILY sports editor, senior managing editor of the Corn hiisker, member of Alpha Tau Omega, and, of Innocents. Grid rally - - (Continued from Page 1.) luncheon, Miss Beth Howley, re cently elected Nebraska Sweet heart; and Miss Dorothy Knight, Queen of the wesleyan vy club, will be introduced, tsur Jones, Husker coach; and Dwight Thmnns Weslevan coach, will also be introduced along witn tneir resneotive coachine staffs. Miss June Bierbower, DAILY sports edi tor and only woman sports editor in the country, win snare me spot light of introduction. The honored college senior grid 3ers from the two schools will be awarded certificates of recognition by John Bentley, sports editor of the Lincoln Journal. This cere mony will be followed by a pro gram of entertainment ana mu sical numbers by the university men's glee club directed by tsui TempeL To Wesleyan. After the lunch, the rally will trek to the Wesleyan campus by chartered buses where a. run athletic entertainment DroeTam, planned by Wendell Hoffman and Dwight Thomas, will be staged. Returning aealn to the university city campus, the guests will spend the rest of the afternoon watch ing demonstrations in track, swim ming, boxing, fencing, tennis, bad mlnton and various other activi ties arranged by Carrol Chouinard and Harold Petz of the university. A dinner at the Student Union will follow the afternoon demon strations. After the meal, the pro gram will be turned over to Lin coln's master showman, Carl Hud son, who has a varied stag enter 1939 record Wesleyan 7, Wesleyan 0, Wesleyan 9, Wesleyan 2, Wesleyan 6, Wesleyan 0, Wesleyan 16, Wesleyan 0, Wesleyan 7, Tarkio 6. Wayne 12. Sterling, Kas. 27. Kearney 26. Midland 13. Doane 7. York 6. Peru 32. Hastings 32. tainment planned. Featuring the evening's frolicking will be the Pershing Rifle crack squad, mili tary precision group. The squad will present the routine it will fol low later in the evening at the University Military Ball. The Rolling Rockets, Jack bampson and Harry DeFrene, in a strong man act. and Art Elliot, harmonica soloist, are also scheduled to ap pear for the footballers. Specialty numbers by nve aanc Ine' heauties. the onlv wav to end a stag party, will provide the finis to tne union program. Movies next. Half an hour later, in the Cham ber rooms, football movies will be shown followed by announcements of those guests who have traveled furthest to attend the rally. To climax the evening's get-together, a prize football, autographed by coaches and members of Nebraska and Nebraska Wesleyan football (See GRID RALLY, page 7.) Greetings! PLAYERS AND COACHES Complete Displays of Basket Ball Equipment and Award Sweaters, Jackets and Coats. SPALDING Quality at Right Prices. HARRY REED'S SPORT SHOP 1321 P St. STUART BLDG. 2-4191 Catering to Students TASTY FOODS EXCELLENT SERVICE REASONABLE PRICES MAYFAIR GRILL Conveniently Located 1307 0 St. undergraduates.