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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1939)
4 Tl.e DAILY NEMUSKAN Tuesday. November 28, 1939 4 EDITORS Movies , . Morton Margolin Drama Elizabeth Clark Radio Mary Kerrigan Munic Hugh Wilkina Entertainment Grade, George ponder turkeys concerns the story or a young idealist who won't let the political Intrigues of Washington stop him in his crusades for better government. ? Y I i v '-smk George Burns and Grade Allen, radio comics, are well equipped with holiday turkeys. Not only have they birds scheduled for con sumption on the new and old Thanksgiving days, but there s an extra. Maybe Gracie decided to proclaim a special Thanksgiving for the Burns-Allen family. Anyway, they and youngsters Sandra and Ronnie seem perplexed over the profusion of birds. RADIO... Politici ians view student role tonight By Mary Kerrigan Fostmaster General James A. Farley, chairman of the demo cratic national committee, and John D. M. Hamilton, chairman of the republican national commit tee, will present their opinions in a special broadcast at 9:45 p. m. today on the subject of "Shall stu dent America concern itself with politics?"... Raymond Scott's "Concert in Rhythm'' moves to a new day and time as the orchestral series comes today at 9 p. m.. . .Formerly the program came on Saturday... Scott'a large combination offers unusual variations of currently tODular Tin-Dan Alley tunes as well as arrangements of his origi nal compositions . . . Walter O'Keefe has some more surprises in store for his "Tues day Nieht Party" at 7:30... He may bring "Herman" back. "Herman" is the young chap-his real name is Frank Bealin whose voice starts off in a low register and suddenly turns into a piping squeak. . . The memory of Anton Rubin stein, celebrated Russian composer and piano virtuoso, is revered in a special program of his song and piano compositions at 2:30 today, marking, primarily, the centenary ct his demit as a pianist at the ntrc of 10... The program also ob serves the 110th anniversary of his birth and the 40th of his death... A formal speech by Lord Lo thian, British ambassador to the United States, os he CTX.-us.ts an original copy of the Magna Charta to the Library of Congress for safe Movie Clock Nebraska: -Babes In Arms," 1:29, 3:33, 5:37, 7:41, 9:45. Varsity: "Angels Wash Their Faces," 1:30, 3:40, 5:35, 7:35, 9:40. Stuart: "Day Time Wife," 1:49, 3:49, 5:49, 7:49, 9:49. Kiva: "Wise Girl," 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00. "Duke of West Point," 2:10, 5:10, 8:10. Lincoln: "Heaven With a Barbed Wire Fence," 1:17, 3:51, 6:25, 8:59. "Bad Little Angel," 2:22, 4:56, 7:30, 10:04. Liberty: "Dust Be My Des tiny," 1:00,3:01,5:02,7:03,9:04. v. w J i ) Ann Sheridan, oomph girl, man ages the dead end kids in "An gels Wash Their Faces," now showing at the Varsity. When this picture was shown to congressmen in a special advance showing it backfired, with the re sult that the lawmakers may push their anti-block booking bill through at the next session. "Anc-els Wash Their Faces" starring the Dead End kids and Ann Sheridan is current at tne Varsity. Tyrone Power and a new screen star, Linda Darnell, star in the gay film romance entitled "Day Time Wife" which opens today at the Stuart. The story deals with the problem of a wife whose husband begins to wander in the direction of his secretary. Miss Darnell, the wife, tries a new and novel way of finding out what the secretary has that she hasn't. V J William Powell puzzels over a murder mystery in "Another Thin Man;" while Myrna Loy tries to help him solve the puzzle. The picture opens at the Nebraska, Thanksgiving day. keeping until Europe's war ends, is to be broadcast over KFAB at 3 p. m. today... The British em bassy attaches double significance to the event which, they said, will mark the new envoy's first radio talk in this country. . .The precious manuscript, the basis of English constitutional liberty, will be dis played in the same gallery where the United Slates constitution and declaration of independence are... Expressman finds men pet-conscious Judging by shipments made be tween colleges and home before and after vacations, college men are much more partial to dogs, cats and other pits than they used to be, K. N. Merritt, railway ex press official, declared recently. In past years tne expressman serving colleges has been called upon with increasing frequency to carry crated dogs, cats, cage birds, monkeys and even goldfish. Just what this new trend may mean is an interesting topic best left to college debating societies to inves tigatc. The rules for shipping a dog adaptable to other pets call first of all for a strong, well ventilated crate, large enough to give the MOVIES... Holidays bring cinema headliners By Morton Margolin. Students who stay in Lincoln during the Thanksgiving holiday will see some of the season's best cinema entertainment, to be fea tured by local theaters this week All but one house will have opened with vnew features by Thursday. "Another Thin Man," which opens at the Nebraska Thursday stars William Powell and Myrna Loy as Nick and Nora Charles, the title roles they created in the first picture of the series. The film, a worthy successor of the two preceding " episodes in the "Thin Man" series has the same witty flow of narrative and thrills that characterized the other two. The story is laid in New York where Powell and his wife get tangled up in the murder of a millionaire. "Babes In Arms," starring Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland, now showing at the Nebraska, is bringing so many fans in that the theater has had to present extra showings of the picture. "Mr. Smith Goes to Washing ton," starring James Stewart and Jean Arthur will open at the Var sity on Thursday.- This is the Prank Capra production which is rivalling "It Happened One Night" and Mr. Deeds in popularity. It "Bad Little Angel," starring Vir ginia Weidler, is now showing at the Lincoln. Giving a performance equal to the ones in "The Women" and "Out West With the Hardy's," NEBRASKAN CLASSIFIED ADS rnone 2-7193 TYPEVVRITEUS SALE and RENT Nebraska Typewriter Co. 1M N. 12th St t-1151 LINCOLN. NEBS. SHOE REPAIR The lint leather The Ret Workmanship Cleaning and Dyeing To Satisfy STOEHRS 1322 N St. 2-74M ANNOUNCING the reopenln of "Hap!." FOR SALE-FuU drese eult 611 No .18. Glorified Hamburg. the win fine manner. N. 13th St. Pfrvlnn food in Delivery. 320 S)R BALK Tux. (tood comlitlun. ill 36, tall. 1'Uone -US4 aUex p. m. FOR S LV U.d email ilze tux. 13. 6-7172. 323 No. dog space in which to stand up, sirctch, and turn around. A drink ing cup or other receptacle for water should be attached inside Also, instructions aa to feeding should be provided in written form if possible, together with an ade quate supply of any special foods that are to be given. Feeding Is carried out precisely in accordance with instructions, and, in long trips, animals that should be exercised are taken out of their crates for an airing. Paddle tourney ends tomorrow In order to finish the ping pong tournament for men, .sponsored by the Union, all rounds should be played off before Thanksgiving, according to an announcement made yesterday by Tat Lahr, so cial director. Last night, one of the divisions in the men's singles tournament had been played off to the final round. In the other two divisions of the men's singles, one had been played off to the semifinal round and the other to the quarterfinal round. The men's doubles tourney nas reacnea me quarterfinals. Prizes will be awarded to the winners and runners-up in all di visions. Winners will be given tickets to the Military Ball, and mnners-up will be given cash prizes of one dollar. Finish first round Nebraska ball tourney Winners of the first round Ne braska ball tournament are: Lin coin team 1 drew a bye; Alpha XI Delta, team 1, over Alpha Oml corn Pi'B team 2; Kappa Kappa uamma, team 1, over Kappa At pha Theta's team 3; Delta Gamma, Tyrone Power and Linda Dar nell star in a new romantic com' edy. "Dav Time Wife," which opens at the Stuart today. she plays the part of an orphan waif who transforms life in a sleepy New England town. Com panion feature is Heaven V ith a Barbed Wire Fence." Two of last season's big pic tures which will open at the Kiva Friday are "Joy of Living" with Irene Dunne and Douglas Fair banks and "Five Came Back" with Chester Morris and Wendy Barrie The two hits of last season which are now sh.wving at that theater are "Wise Girl" and "The Duke of West Point." Now show' ing in its second week at the Lib erty is "Dust Be My Destiny ' star ring John Garfield and Priscilla Lane. team 1, over Chi Omega's team 2; Raymond Hall, team 1, over Sigma Delta Tau s team 1; Alpha Omicron Pi, team 1, over Kappa Alpha Theta's team 1; Delta Delta Delta, team 2, over Pi Beta Phi's team 1; Delta Gamma, team over Sigma Kappa's team 1; Kap pa Delta, team 1. over Wilson Hall s team 1; Kappa Alpha Theta team 2, over Delta Gamma's team 2; Alpha Chi Omega, team 1, over rhi Mu's team 1; Delta Delta Del ta team 1, over Chi Omega's team 1; Alpha Phi, team 1, over Delta Delta Delta's team 3; Gamma Phi Beta, team 1, over Delta Gamma's team 4; and Raymond Hall, team 2, over Pi Beta Phi's team 2. Now Thru Wed. I " Will NOT Be Hfld Over! "the am;kis wash their faces" with ANN SHERIDAN The "Dead End" Klde Thursday! , 1 1 Our - yrriEr f i 'J1 V m ..1 J Jfc jajtfj. ' m i le aeK 1 TsX Price! Mat. Xe Eve. e and S5e Free TarkinR Attrr 17 P Second ; p.. WOMAN 'S THE JUDGE Frieda IN ESCORT "o KRUGER Rchele HUDSON VARSITY "ENDS WED." JOHN CAKKIEI.D PRISt'U.LA LANE In DUST KE MY DESTINY SEEL r vTVl tik- L -rnil 10 Big Act. I! I V MATINEE I I ii I 1 tVtlNING III i l in 111 THUOAY! JtlS Todny'i U-B o a t It -t terror make this II T. " 1 the yea r'a most timely picture I Watch for the BIG Show! STARTING MONDAY, DEC. 4th 3 DAYS ONLY! The Show 50 Million Frenchmen Didn't See ANNlt PK BOISE la "THE WOMB DANCE" MATINEE and EVENING Popular Prlcet LIBERTY