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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1939)
.J Tlie DAILY NERRASKAN Wednesday, November 22, 1939 SOCIAL WHIRL. Thetas' Grand President visits Nebraska chapter IN THE LIMELIGHT this week is Mrs. Donald Sinclair, of Toronto, Canada, Grand Presi dent of Kappa Alpha Thcta. Mrs. Sinclair has been in Lincoln all week and is being entertained at many festivities in her honor. In the receiving line at the tea on Monday afternoon were Priscilla Chain, active president; Mrs. Sin prominent law groups in New York state. In 1938 Miss Kenyon was a member of the League of Nation's Committee on Legal Status of Women. In 1936 Elmer F. Andrews appointed her to do legal work on a committee which hopes to clarify the constitution by amendment. And Frances Per kins, Secretary of Labor, appointed clair; Mrs. Leonard Skold, alumnae M,3S f n'?n fs me? w president; Mrs. Co, housemother; committee to dra ft models tate law and Mrs. James H. Moore, district on. ?mum?XTal r Zl t T " president. Mrs. C. S. Boucher and ratl0"s 111 f19"-. Mrs. John C. Whitten poured dur- member of fhi A T i n ing the first hour, and Mrs. C. F. as cl??rX Ladd and Mrs. H. E. Flanshurg JSSv during the second hour. Yesterday ON I UhoUAY evening Mrs. Sinclair was honored Mrs. Katherine Brackett, restrict at an alumnae dinner at the home Governor of Alpha Phi, was hon ored at an alumnae luncheon at the Student Union. Fall flowers of Mrs. George E. Proudfit. HONORED THIS WEEK at the AOPi house will be Miss Dorothy Kenyon, an AOPi, who is now judge of the Municipal court of New York City. She will speak before the Woman's Educational club at the Hotel Cornhusker, on Saturday evening, Nov. 25. Miss Kenyon is a member of many served as table decorations. Evelyn Leavitt, Pi Phi, and Bill EllVA End. Thur. DAYII Victory" "Dark 'There (tort The Groom" FRIDAY! Miriam HOPKINS Ray MIL1AND In "Wise Girl" rim! "THE DUKE. OF WEST POINT" Hurry" i""t KnAt .W The toe ISe-Slle itrl 1 Job" 1 "Oomph" Doet What The Copt Couldn't Dol Ann SHERIDAN make 'The Angels Wash Their Faces with 'DEAD END" Kldl Rig Star Cast IfAhsll'Y to DANCE After Oklahoma Came VAL GRAYSON'S ORCHESTRA Direct from Chicago ISite Spots Featuring Jeanne Yarnell TICKETS WILL BE LIMITED BUY NOW AT UNION DESK 50c Per Person SAT. NOV. 25 Dancing 9 to 12 Student Union Lyman, DU, passed the candy and cigars on Monday night. The candy arrived at the Pi Phi house in a big toy drum with the announce ment printed on the drum head. Charlotte Stahl, Pi Phi, and Bud Rhode, Delt, are joining the ranks of those going steady. HOUR DANCES coming up again. The' Tri -Delt's and Alpha Sig's on Friday; Sig Ep-Alpha Xi Delta also on Fri day; on Saturday the Sig Ep's have an hour dance with the Al pha Phi's. The Gamma Phi's and DU's have an hour dance slated for Friday; the Sigma Chi's with the Pi Phi's also on Friday; and on Saturday the Gamma Phi's and Thcta Xi's. MILITARY BALL DATES ARE PILING UP-- at this stage it would appear the entire university will attend. To add to the roll call the following couples are making plans to aid in opening the formal season. Bob Krikac, Sig Ep, and Marion Whitney, Alpha Xi; Betty Gibson, Gamma Phi, and Guy Williams, Acacia. The reigning Nebraska Sweetheart, Beth Howley, will at tend with Harold Schrag. Betty Ann Duff, Towne Club president, will be with Evan Evans; Donald White with Marilyn Barr, Betty Rangeler with Jack Donevan, Theta Xi; Virginia Bergsten with Franklin White, Phi Gam. Marlon Gibson, DG, and Dick Leask; Alice Wykoff, also DG, and Bob Kip plinger, Phi Psi; Gay Gimple, DG, and Dick Stastny, ATO; and Helen Cather, KKG, and Phil Southwick, Phi Psi, are among the campusites who will be seen together at the ball. Carl Rapp, PiKA was elected so cial chairman on Monday night. Alpha Sigma Phi announces the pledging of Melvin Gottschalg and Cliff Hurley. AOPi initiated Dorothy Heumann, Marcia Beck man and Jean Sanders recently. Williams college students have voted to retain hazing as part of the college's fraternity program. Yale university has more en dowment per student than any other U. S. college or university. 'Hour of Charm' to open Friday Phil Spitalny's "Hour of Charm,, with a 32 member all girls orches tra conies to the Paramount theatre stage in Omaha for a week's entertainment beginning Friday. Featuring "Three Little Words," a harmony trio of the old south, Rasalinda and Lola, the pair on the grand pianos, and the famous Spitalny all girl glee club, the en tertainers hail from 17 different states. The Paramount will present four stage shows daily along with the current film attractions. Rally committee holds final slogan contest . An award of one dollar to tho student submitting the best pep slogan for the Oklahoma game will be given by the rally com mittee. All entries in the contest must be turned into the DAILY office by 6 p. m. today. weefe TMr v . f Li J I 1 th ' ' I x 4 TrtJs y ? V 4 " 1 f i), 111 Wf '" 'Z Sd A- t B - .A r ( .tt.r You can 1 V""" vi, iw'Doesn t matter. You only weigh loo " t playngnt- or pass? Okay. But can ears, inPS0 seconds with U--J quaHCTback3 Damc.s Coach Elm"af;ithtecticaUkuWugScry... pull bracks out ot the baith q Udons ot Z maVceplayswork-and fail.GranQst.auu J al n r Grant Willi " ,N it ON YOUR tiuau "You don't care, W"? you any rnor ,ra nau It long yt t i tnanoutojmr,.. , rTa'-oUove. h''S WeverMentionYourKaine by y CoU Be . . . A prohibition md5a. pltchtromShame orfhoStnd 16 swell cartoons A New Story by MAIUORIE KINNAN RAVLINGS Author o "THE YEARLING" Some women never do learn the best way to hold a man is to let go at the right moment. Will Dover's steatopygic wife Bagged the scales at 220-but it was her heavy hand that got her in trouble! (Tlenty of chuckles in this one!) A short story. Cocks Must Crow tZi&Wa (W