The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 22, 1939, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, November 22, 1939
m if s
By June Bierbower.
Our weekly lesson on compara
tive scores:
Nebraska tied Indiana 7-7. Ford
ham beat Indiana 13-0. Which de
duction figures Fordham 13 points
better than Nebraska (never!
never!). But to go on, Fordham
Jil beat Pitt 27-13, or by 14 points.
14-13 equals a one point advantage,
and in this case a sweet 14-13 win
ning score for the Huskers. Sim
ple, ain't it?
Don Faurot is starting seven
senior linemen against KU Sat
urday... they are the Orf broth
ers at ends, Wetzel and Haas,
tackles, Waldorf and Pickett,
guards, Moser at center. . . Dick
Favor, the Oklahoma Sooner
blocking back was knocked dizzy
on the kickoff of the Sooner
Missouri game when he gave Jim
Starmer, who had received the
kick, a vicious tackle. .. Little
Dickie isn't used to going around
doing favors at any time we un
derstand. .. in the K-State game
the Kansas State bench was
razzing him thruout the games,
saying such things as "Why
don't you use your uppcrcut,
Favor?". .. Movies of the game
showed the reason why... Favor
was running interference most
of the time with his fists
In looking over the AP selec
tions we are moved to a fow nurq-
tions..-hov many of the second
ten really could beat the Huskers
who are also-running with Oregon
State?. ..that second ten has Holy
Cross. Durjuesnc, UCLA, Princeton
and Georgia Tech... some good
teams, yes, but there aren't 20 in
the U.S. better than the Huskers
...and we'd like to see 'cm up
against a few of the first ten boys
too, tho we'll admit there'd be
trouble to the overflowing against
Texas A. & M., Tennessee. Cornell,
USC, Tulane. Ohio State, Notre
Dame, Duke, Iowa, Missouri. . .and
we'd like to see the other nine
teams lay claws on Tennessee.
Citadel and Mercer whom the Vols
play and a far cry from rugged
ones like Cornell, Ohio State and
Missouri. . .and. in passing, we
might note Notre Dame is rated
two places above Iowa who beat
Notre Dame.
10c Per Line
1' for lfl print find roll developed or
I 11 r-irinu There ore r.rlKht tonri
nrt Ku.'ir.mtreri never to f.ole Enrlone
coin with roll or nnj.ilive. Modern Kin
'her, M. I'aul, Winn.
r'OR SALE-Ni-w tuxedo. SI 38, hort
l.atif.1 )Ip. Call 2-i.!9.
ion SA1.R Tux in Rood condition. Size
17. li.ll 0-2U33. Hol,rrt Wilon.
Nebraska Typewriter Co.
IH N. I?th HI
LINCOLN, Nfrlft.
I ."
Score against Sooners would
give NU tallies in every game
Should Nebraska score against
Oklahoma Saturday, it will be the
first time since 1927 that a Ne
braska team has tallied in every
game of the season and the first
time in history that a Husker
squad has scored in all games of a
nine game schedule.
Nebraska got 7 points against
Indiana, 6 against Minnesota, 10
in the Iowa State game, 20 against
Baylor, 25 at Kansas State, 13 at
Missouri, 7 against Kansas, and 14
against Pitt, making 102 in all
thus far. That is NU's best offen
sive total since 1936, when they got
187 points, ben:'? held scoreless
only by Minnesota. They counted
99 points in 1937 and 68 last year.
In the eight game schedule
that year Nebraska won six,
beating Iowa State, Grinnell,
Syracuse, KU, K-State, and
NYU. They lost to Pitt and Mis
souri, rolling up 211 points in
the eight games. The year before
they scored in eight games, too,
but made only 123 points during
the season, and lost to Missouri
and Washington.
The Huskers have never in his-
tory gone thru a nine game season
in which they scored in every
game. The Sooners prevented them
from doing that in 1937, when Tom
Stidham's boys and Nebraska
played to a scoreless tie in the rain.
The 1928 team beaten only by
Army, would have scored in every
game of a nine game slate had it
not been for a 0 to 0 tie with Pitt.
Texas Ags,
rated best
Sooners drop as
Missouri team wins;
Tulane, USC strong
Texas A & M leads this week's
AP ratings, as Tennessee, which
was first last week, dropped to
second. No. 1 team in the Azzi
Ratem list is Cornell who walloped
Dartmouth last weekend. Missouri
is given tenth place in the AP poll,
and seventh in Azzi Ratem.
Next nine teams in the AP poll
are Tennessee, Cornell, USC, Tu
lane, Ohio State, Notre Dame,
Duke, Iowa, Missouri. The second
ten has Holy Cross, Duquesne,
UCLA, Oklahoma, Clcmson,
Georgetown, Santa Clara and
North Carolina, Fordham, Prince
ton and Georgia Tech. Also-rans
are Nebraska and Oregon State;
Colorado and Mississippi.
NU fourteenth.
In the Azzi Ratem list Nebraska
is in fourteenth place, while Okla
homa was dropped to sixteenth
Behind Cornell, the other members
of Boand's first 30 are Texas
A & M, Tulane, Notre Dame, USC,
Ohio State, Missouri, Duke, Ten
nessee, North Carolina, Princeton,
Georgetown, Iowa, Nebraska, Holy
Cross, Oklahoma, UCLA, Du
quesne, Oregon State, Clemson,
Santa Clara, Georgia Tech, Michi
gan, Fordham, Kentucky, Boston
College, Mississippi, Pittsburgh,
Baylor, Villanova.
Gymnostics tryours
November 27, 28
Try-outs for positions on the
gymnastics team are to be held
Nov. 27 and 28. Promising men
who may force lettermen to the
limit are Charles Snr-kovsky,
Harry Hinder and Harold Buxton.
Jeke Gciser, letterman, broke a
finger last week but will be avail
able when the season opens.
- - HURRY-
Only $ Days Left to
vwm vB7-vih TO
Back in 1902, 1903 and 1904 the
Huskers scored in every game. Not
only that but they were unde
feated, and untied in 1902 and
1903, and unscored upon in 1902.
They played ten games in 1902,
and eleven each in the other two
In 1907 the Huskers piled up
325 points in 9 games, but in the
tenth contest of the season they
were dumped 34-0 by St. Louis.
A scoreless tie with Minnesota
was the only "blot" on the ten
game record in 1908, as the
Huskers scored in nine games,
altho they lost to KU and
In 1911 they scored in every one
of their eight games and lost only
to Minnesota, altho Iowa State and
Michigan got 6-6 ties. 117 of the
281 points came against Kearney.
In 1913 they had another all scor
ing season, and were also unde
feated. 138 points had another all
scoring season, and were also un
defeated. 138 points and a 7-0 vic
tory over the Gophers were the
high marks. They had missed
SCOring in every game of the, 1912
season as Minnesota won a 13-0
In 1914 the Huskers were un
defeated and scored in every
game except the scoreless tie
with South Dakota. 173 points
was the searon's total. Then in
1915 the undefeated, untied team
got 282 points in eight games,
and beat Notre Dame 20-19. In
1916 they lost 20-0 to Notre
Dame but scored in the other
seven games, tho they lost to
KU, 7-3.
The Huskers scored in six of
their seven 1917 games, in eight of
nine m luzu, ana m seven of eight
in 1921 when the only loss was to
Notre Dame, 7-0. That year they
beat Pitt, 10-0, and Oklahoma 44-0.
They tallied 283 points in all. The
VJZZ team scored in all its games,
but lost 9-6 to Syracuse, as thev
got 276 points in eight games. The
i'J4 team, beaten by Notre Dame
and Oklahoma, scored in every one
of its eight games, getting 108
Hear it after the
r 1
Saturday, November 25
50c per
Ticket will
Uuy early at
Dancing 9-12
Student Union Ballroom
8 H
I I . i ."s T -t -mr 1
- -
Huskers run through plays
esi practice; a announcement
of gome captains due today
Biff Jones' Huskers ran through Ed Schwartzkopf, guards; Burruss,
dummy scrimmage against a center; Knight, Luther, Hopp and
freshman crew last night as the Francis, backs,
team continued preparations for Tho nornm! tMm int nirrhr hn.i
the Oklahoma
which will de
cide second
place winner in
the conference,
and which will
give the winner
a tie for the
crown should
KU upset Mis
souri. The a n -
game Saturday
nouncement of
the Husker co
captains Satur
day will be
forthcoming to
day, it was an
nounced. Seven
Seemann, Journal and Star.
Ashburn, Sam Schwartzkopf, Bill
Herrmann, Bob Ramey, Ad Dob-
son ana George porter wul be
playing their last games for the
Hnskpra ncninst rh Snoiws
Jones seems to be sticking to
his starting lineup against Pitt,
which had Seemann and Ashburn
at ends, Royal Kahler and Sam
Schwartzkopf, tackles; Alfson and
Soccer baseball stars
picked for ability
The following girls have been
picked for their outsanding ability
in playing soccer baseball. They
have been chosen because of their
good sportsmanship, regular prac
tices and being on time. Those
composing the varsity team are:
Scarlet: Roberta ScnR, Independent.
Jeannette Mickey, Delta Delta Delta,
.lanet Litii. Delta Gamma, Helen Kov;mla.
Gamma Phi Beta, Barbara Flebbe. Ray
mond Hall. Jerry Wallace. Delta Gamma,
Jean Ludwick, Delta Delta Delta, Mary
Kllen Robinson, Gamma Phi Beta, Jerry
BinninK, Raymond Hall, and Woodie Camp
bell, 1'hi Mu. Cream: lle'.en Goodman,
Independent, Jane Cook, Delta Gamma.
Marion Bradstreet, Gamma Phi Beta.
Mary Ellen McKce. Gamma phi Beta.
Thordis Bertel.on, Wilson Hall, Pernicc
Askey, Alpha XI Delta, Davis Patterson.
Delta Delta Delta, Jane Jordon, Alpha Obi
OmeKa. I.illie I.nttRcn, Alpha Phi, nnd
Susan Shaw, Pi Beta Phi. Honorable men
t'on: Jean MacAllister, Alpha XI Delta.
Betty Jean Ferguson. Chl Omea, Ectty
I'oltorf, Delta Mtrnnia, Molly Woodward.
Kappa Kappa Gamma. Betty Sue Meyers,
Alpha Chl Omepa, and Eleanor Akin,
Delta Delta Delta.
Ecer consumes 3C percent of all
fraternity rushing expenses on the
Dartmouth college campus.
Oklahoma Cntne
lie limited.
I'nion l)vk.
Have Your
preston and Prochaska at ends;
Herndon and Behm, tackles; Mon-
sky and Abel, guards; Ramey, cen
ter. Petsch, Bob Kahler, Rohrig
and Dobson compose the brickfield.
Royal Kahler, Luther and Ramey
were in sweat clothes last night,
but were going thru the work with
the rest of the team. Bus Knight,
in uniform, was bothered with a
kink in his leg, but the squad is
in good condition as Henry Rohn,
lone injury at Pitt, was in uni
form and seems to be entirely
over the effects of the jolting he
got at Pitt.
Adolph Lcwandowskl, who has
scouted every Nebraska opponent
except Pitt, says Oklahoma is the
best team he has seen. Reports
from Columbia indicate that the
Sooners, although they lost to Mis-
outplayed the Tigers in
Deaten xseDrasKa at uncom.
everyinmg dui scoring.
Meanwhile, Oklahoma is out to
get back on the winning side of
the ledger again. They have never
will have to face a Nebraska team
which has pointed for the game all
season Saturday.
Novel Wood, lineman injured in
the game Saturday will probably
be on the sidelines here, but Bob
Seymour, ace fullback will be
ready to play.
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