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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1939)
The DAILY NEHRASKAN Friday, November 17, 1939 Lut'ier averages 4.31 yards to Scad Nebraska ball fofers Butch Luther. Cambridge's nrirtA and joy, is leading Husker ball carriers in yards gained per try, having averaged 4.31 yards net each of the 35 times he has car- w3o-yv!WSI..WMtB,,j t-ne ball in seven games to date. Only gams from scrimmage are counted and yards taken away by penal-. il ties are not in- ciuciea. j.utner has netted 151 yards. Bob DePruit er, who under Btudies Luther, has a 4.07 av erage, compiled in six eames. Walter I.,.tl,or. ?e haa, nett,ed Journal & star. 57 yards in 14 tries. Hopp work horse. Harry Hopp has gained the most yardage, having a net of 290 yards. He has gained 341, but lost 51, some of them on losses incurred when he failed to find pass re ceivers. Hopp's average is 3.77, he having carried the ball more often than any other Husker 77 times. Hank Rohn has toted the ball 28 times in five games for an 89 VI X Nebraska teams have won but one Pittsburgh game By Harl Hunt. With high hopes of bagging their first victory since 1921, Ne braska's Cornhuskers entrained last night to meet the Pitt Panther, a Panther shorn of its usually potent claws by numerous Injuries. Not since Fred Dawson's great crew of '21 handed Pitt a 10-0 setback in the first clash of the two teams have the lads from Cornhuskerland managed to hoist the victory pennant. In this well-remembered battle, the Scarlet penetrated the Panther lair with tiring regularity, but not until late in the second quarter when Chick Hartley heaved a long pass to Clarence Swanson, did the Huskers score. Pete Preston braska a 7-0 margin at intermis sion, and then came back in the second half to kick a field goal from the 12 yard line. In 1937 the Cornhuskers were given the greatest chance of stemming the tide of Pittsburgh wins. The Nebraskars were lead ing 7-6 late in the final quarter of the game, but Bill Andreson's fumble on the 33-yard line paved Queens - - (Continued From Page 1.) a full page spread in the book in stead of the usual half page. The only requirements are that every organization that sponsors a girl must purchase 20 copies of the 1910 annual. The purchases may be either paid for in full or taken out on the down payment plan. Brown ink on ivory paper. In harmony with the theme "Ten years, the end of an old decade and the start of a new," several inno vations will be introduced in the annual. For the first time in any institution, the entire annual will be printed In brown ink on ivory paper. Brown was selected to give warmth and clarity to the illus trations. A specially prepared shade of red ink will be used as the secondary color. "Memo on 1940" the opening section of the book, will contain pictures of the years most im portant events. In addition, this section will contain pictures of the "types" found on the campus. Cornhusker classifications. Cornhusker classification of these types is divided into "think ers," honor students; "doers," ac tivity leaders; "mentors," profes sors ; "lobbies," politicians; "muscles," athletes; and "society, ' the "smoothies." An entire section will be de voted to candid photos entitled "campus views." All of the photos will be reproduced in large size, eliminating the extremely small candid photos of the past. Pictures for this section will be taken by the newly appointed staff proto- LBAON IT HDAKCE GUARANTEE vov T0 nANCE IN UUMIYMHIbb PRIVATE LESSONS BE PREPARED FOR 77E MILITARY HALL, Dec. 1210 P St. IRVING KUKLIN '39 Phone 2-1616 1 "N II ' i milium W ' H aggregate, and a 3.18 average. Vike Francis pulled himself over the 3 yard mark last Saturday as he averaged nearly five yards a crack, and has a 3.03 mark. He has netted 103 yards in 34 attempts in six games, and has lost only one yard. Dobson doesn't lose Adna Dobson hasn't lost a yard, having toted the ball 16 times in five games for 35 yards, and a 2.19 average. Hermie Rohrig, the Husk ers' leading scorer, has oniy a 1.03 agerage. He has netted 78 yards, having lost 100 against total gains of 178. Hermie has been spilled in attempting to pass to account for most of the losses. Rohrig has 28 points, and Luther has 24 as the two lead Husker point makers. Rohrig's gains on punt returns, which have been instrumental in putting the Huskers in scoring position often, are not included in gains from scrimmage. Rohrig and Hopp have dona all the Husker passing and Hermie has a neat mark of 18 completions, 3 touchdowns, and 229 yards gained in 37 tried. Three of his passes have been intercepted, and 16 have been incomplete. Hopp has completed 3 of 21, and his tosses have made 52 yards. Three have been intercepted. the way for the second Pitt touch down. Steve Petro recovered, and aided by Harold Stebbins 20-yard run, the Panthers drove to the Husker one yard linn. Burly Bill Stapulis crashed over to give Pittsburgh a 13-7 decision. In last year's fray, the Pitt Powerhouse paid a visit to Me morial stadium and all but blasted Nebraska off the field for a 19-0 shutout. The Panther scoring ma chine, although minus the serv ices of Marshall Goldberg, shifted into high gear and completely out played the Huskers in every de partment with their straight, bruising football tactics. Nebraska-Pittsburgt History 1921 Nebraska 10-0 1827 Pittsburgh 21-13 1928 Tie 0-0 1929 Pittsburgh 12-7 1931 Pittsburgh 40- 0 1832 Tie 0-0 1933 Pittsburgh 6-0 1934 Pittsburgh 25-6 1935 Pittsburgh 19-6 1937 Pittsburgh 13-7 1938 Pittsburgh 19-0 Games won: Pittsburgh 9, Nebraska 1. Tie games: 3. Total points scored: Pitts burgh 161; Nebraska 49. Sweethearts - - (Continued From Page 1.) candidates she is a brunette. . Beth Howley prefers a sense of humor in her escorts as well as dancing ability. She like to play baseball and admits that she is "awfully good at it." Beth is looking forward to becoming a fashion designer and would like to return to Omaha. Her favorite food is southern fried chicken. She tips the scales at 117 pounds, is 5-5 '4 tall, and has a bust mea sure of 34 in., 35 in. hip measure ment. Jane Pratt, also of Omaha, looks for good manners, conversational ability and a good dancer In "dates." Her favorite dish is a banana split She joints Lois bricdebach in preferring dancing as a nobby and likes to play ten nis. Upon finishing her course in teachers college Jane wants to se cure a secretarial position or get married. She would like to settle in Detroit. She wears a size 14, weighs 114 pounds and is bV ft. high. graphcrs. The newest feature of the book is an entire section de voted to barb activities. This sec tion will chronicle the story of the barb organization for the year. TT u liumi HUM, lliwiili i O ri.ihui.Hh.iifciM It, tl rW Nebraska fans, young and old, - X u it , - 'i "m ? lit V HERE'S A SEA OF FACES at the football rally at the Burlington depot Wednesday night. Note particularly the youngest rooter, the golden haired little girl, hanging onto the rope in the center. Journal and Star. By June Blerbower. Tomorrow both Pittsburgh and Nebraska are in a spot to come thru with a blazing performance and win a football game. We've a hunch that one or the other is coming thru with the best exhi bition of football they've seen for a time, to win a well-won victory. Which team? We can tell you all about that Saturday night. The Huskers are about due, altho they may not come thru until the Okla homa game. Pitt looked good enough against Carnegie Tech, and the Panthers may just be hit ting their stride, who konws? If they do well, it may take the Huskers more than a few bomb proof cellars to escape unscathed. The Huskers haven t been overly-influenced by the bear dope emanating from the Panther camp, camp, because Pitt usually man ages to field at least 11 men who can stand on both legs. Anyone who saw Dick Casslano CLASSIFIED i l 10c Per Line PHOTO FINISHING 2Tc fur 18 print unit roll rievrloptd. or 18 rrprinu 25c. Thne are bright toned anil Kunrunletd never Ui fade, lnuoae coin with mil r nrKiitlve. Midern Klnlfhera Bt. Paul. Minn. SHOE REPAIR The HeM I-eatlur Tlie Hrt Workmanship Cleaning and Dyeing To Satiify STOEHRS 1322 N St. 87464 TYPEWRITERS far SALE and RENT Nebraska Typewriter Co. 1M N. St. t-I151 LINCOLN. NEBK. Leaded Bronze Gasolene FUEL OILS Holms. 14th & W cj 1 i play here last year knows that even If Pitt's punting is uncertain, Cassiano Isn't His passing this year, too, looks as good as his run ning, and he's still a flashy run ner, even If he doesn't have John Chickerneo mopping up ahead for him. There's a story that Pitt may gamble on long passes Into the end zone instead of punts. We doubt that it will come to that, altho any boy who can sling a pass 55 yards In the air as did Edgar Jones for that touchdown against Carnegie Tech Saturday, might do It The Huskers let KU grab two long passes behind them against Kansas, even tho KU didn't get touchdowns. That could prove fatal against Pitt, because it's a cinch the Panthers are better at converting scoring opportunities than the Jayhawks. And Nebraska can't fumble twice in the first charter and come out of it with only a few teeth-chatters. We'll admit that the wish is at least step-father to the thought in this case, and pick the Husk ers to win, tho for the simple rea son that we think they'll find their alertness and offensive spark again. We'd feel lots safer in pick ing them if they weren't playing the Sooners next week end, but De mat as it may, we think the "good old Husker line" and a few barks will give the Panthers their third licking of the season. The Presentation of the NEBRASKA SWEETHEART Five Fraternity Skits mu Four Curtain Acts Music by. JOHNNY COX TIME Saturday, Nov. 18, 3:00 P. M. PLACE Liberty Theatre Admission 50c attend roily Courses - - (Continued From Page 1.) but there is also a large group that believes college is the place to train both "knowers" and "doers." The results of the poll are: COLLEGE EDUCATION SHOULD Be mainly technical and pro fessional 17 percent Emphasize a wide cultural background 46 per cent Include both 37 per cent Sentiment for professional train ing is least popular with New England students (7), and most in favor with Far Westerners (24;n. All other sections of tho country agree almost exactly with national student opinion as shown above. VARIETY MATINEE Friday STUDENT UNION BALLROOM Marionettes Harmonica King Trumpet Trio 4:00 Sunday, Nov. 19 We're Talking TURKEY! It's the Best in Years! We Mean the 3HT llh 11!? I! 'a The Presentation of PRINCE KOSMET Five Sorority Skits