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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1939)
Wednesday, November 8, 1939 The DAILY NEBKASKAN Huskers fake blocking drills, scrimmage in long workout; Knight moved to first string Third team works under lights as Jones sends squad through heavy drill for Kansas contest The Biffer drilled his Husker charges long and hard last night as he put his first three teams thru short scrimmages against freshmen units after putting them thru a rugged blocking drill. The GEORGE KNIGHT RAY TKOCIIASKA Journal Star. work literally ran Into the night, as the third stringers, the last to go in, worked against the frosh on the west end of the practice field under floodlights which were re cently installed atop the west sta dium. No. 1 change In the starting lineup has Bus Knight in at quar terback for Roy Petsch. Knight turned in a fine Job at Missouri as he played a good portion of the game. Harry Hopp is working at the left halfback position in the backfield, while Sam Schwartz kopf and George Seeman are back in at tackle and end respectively, after having been displaced at Missouri by Forrie Behm and Fred Preston, Ashburn, Royal Kahler, Alfson, Ed Schwartzkopf, Burruss, Francis and Luther are still listed on the first string. Seconds listed. Ray Prochaska, Behm, Abel, Ramey, Monsky, Herndon, Pres ton, Bob Kahler and Dobson are listed on the second string posted on the bulletin board, while Jerry - Prochaska, Muskin.Stearns, Herr ' mann, Meier, Leik, Carper, De Fruiter, Theos Thompson Rohn and Vincent are the third lineup. Ray Prochaska and Butch Lu ther were in sweat clothes tonight, and Bob DeFruiter was running in Luther's place in the first string backfield. Jones drilled the team hard on blocking last night, as linemen and backs worked separately be fore coming together for their scrimmage. The scjuad still seemed to be thinking of that Missouri defeat, but got down to serious hard work and were almost vicious In their blocking. Hopp scores. Harry Hopp ran 20 yards for one score and passed 20 yards on a razzlc dazzle play to Jack Ash burn for another tally for the first stringers against a freshman unit. Ad Dobson crossed the goal for the second string after he and Hcrm Uohrig had collaborated in bringing the ball down to pay dirt, while Hank Uohn butt I'd over the line for the third strings. V. 40 yard pnss from Hopp to Ashburn, who made a brilliant catch, set up the pins for the first stringers' initial score. Vike Francis made both conversions he attempted, and Herm Kohiig rang up the Only one he ntcmpted. g The first fro.sli team lined up as follows: Ends, Luther and Fiitke; tackles, Ooodscll and Brendal; f guards, Bryant and Partington; center. Bohahoom, nnd bucks. Methcny, Sindt and Flndlcy. Coil-Agri-Fun acts in preview Entrants in Coll-Agri-Fun, ag's annual student variety show, will present their skits nnd curtain acts before the Coll-Agri-Fun board for the first time tonight in the stu dent activities building, Louise Turner, manager, said today. The preview will start at 7 o'clock, and the eight skits and five curtain acta will be alternated. Board members and faculty ad visor will give advice and criti cisms to the groups, and will, from this showing, set up the order in which the entrants will make their appearance Saturday evening, No vember 18, date of the show. Miss Turner asks that all competitors , be on schedule for their appear-7- ance. They will be notified of the time they are to appear. Fraternity intramural volleyball scores listed Fraternity intramural volleyball scores of Nov. 2, the only round yet played, are as follows: Theta Xi 2, Beta Sigma Pa 0; Kappa Sigma 2, Pi Kappa Alpha 0; Delta Tau Delta 2, Delta Theta Phi 0; Sigma Nu 2, Farm House 0; Sigma Alpha Epsilon 2, Phi Delta Theta 0; Sigma Phi Epsilon 2, Phi Sigma Kappa 0; Sigma Alpha Mu 2, Phi Gamma Delta 1; Alpha Tau Omega 2, Chi Phi 1. Homecoming slogans due Wednesday, 5 p. m. Five p. m. today, is the dead line set for slogans for the home coming game, according to an an nouncement made yesterday by the rally committee. All entries should be taken to the DAILY of fice before that time. A prize of SI will be given to the winner, 111 1 ' ' u'Ui-m- uhui.jru -- J,llIMMBMMm'millWfflllWm'll""l1lli J4K JsT) - XKH-J iWW IV"' Is V mMi Yi v t l Special Group! All Types of Untrimmed Coats Reg. 2S.00 to 29.S0 One of the Moit Startling Events of the Seaionl For you who want a coat to wear with your fur scarf or fur Jacket ,'. . here's an event planned for youl Corset-ed waists with swing skirts; taped waists, tucked fronts, dress maker details In smart box coats . . , they're all evident In the Needlepoint, Twill, Bouole and Striking Tweeds In this smart collection. Sizes 12 to 20. 8ale begins at 9 a. m. COLD'S Third Floor. Play boys to face Dark Horse Hitler's Play Boys will tangle with the Dark Horse footballers this afternoon to decide the cham pionship of the Barb intramural football league. In their semifinal game yester day the Nazis scored on an inter' cepted pass to defeat the Hoosier Hot Shots, 7-0. Due to an error, this game was billed in yesterday's DAILY as the championship joust. Livingston stars The Play Boys touchdown came just before the first half whistle blew. On passes, with Les Livingston at the throwing end the Nazis found themselves on the Hot Spot ten yard line. The Hoo- siers stopped them in their tracks and Livingston tried a field goal which hit the crossbar. The Hoo siers took to the air lanes and were staging a rally down the field when Don Chaluska, former all state second team and from Bridge' port, intercepted a pass and ran 30 yards for the score. Livingston converted the extra point. In the second stanza Hitler's Play Boys completely dominated the Hot Shots but could not strike pay dirt again. Livingston inter 1995 Union sponsors ping pong tourney First ping pong tournament of the year, sponsored by the Union, will get off to its initial rouna or play the end of this week when pairings in the men's singles ana doubles tournament are posted. All teams and entrants must register at the Union check room. Pairine-s will be posted Saturday, and play must be completed by Thanksgiving. Military Ball tickets win De awarded to the winners of the two divisions. cepted a pass soon after the kick off, and on runs Burke and Cha luska took the ball to the Hot Shot eight yard stripe. The Nazis made it to the three yard marker but lost the ball on downs. Cha- lupka Intercepted another pas3 on the Hoosier 20, and ran to the one yard line before he was stopped. However, the Hot Shot defense tightened and staved off another touchdown. Convo (Continued from Page 1.) Cuba; Senorita Yvonne Gonzalez Rincones, Caracas, Venezuela and Miss Vernon. Mrs. Ana del Pul gar de Burke, chairman of the mandate committee for Latin America, is traveling with the Jane Engel and Many other Better Frocks Reg. 16.9S to 39.50 Now 11.30 Select your new Holiday frocks now! Wool and Rayon Crepe dresses In tailored and dressy styles . . . with the "Doll waistlines" . . . bustle bows and other style highlights. A grand group from which to choose In black, moss green, beige and wine. All sizes from 12 to 20 are Included. Be here when the sale beglnsl GOLD'S Third Flooa. NU unranked in AP poll Huskers slide to rank of also-ran after defeat Tennessee remained in first place in the Associated Press rank ings for the third straight week as Nebraska was relegated to the rank of also-rans by their defeat at the hands of Missouri. Texas A&M moved up from fifth to second place, while Notre Dame was third. Oklahoma's Sooners are still sixth after de feating Iowa State. Southern Cal is fourth, Cornell fifth, Tulane seventh, North Carolina eighth, Ohio State ninth, Michigan tenth. The second ten includes UCLA, Duquesne, SMU, Dartmouth, Duke, Santa Clara, NYU, Kentucky, Mis sissippi and Alabama. Also rans besides the Huskers are Clemson, Northwestern, Purdue, Holy Cross, Missouri, Fordham, Catholic U., Georgetown, Iowa, Texas, Car negie Tech and Oregon State. delegation. The delegation is touring the United States under the auspices of the Peoples Mandate commit tee, a peace organization. Miss Mabel Vernon of Washington, D. C, director, is accompanying the visitors across the country. 1 14 OFF to 26.H