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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1939)
X .Sunday. October 22. 1939 TKe DAILY NEBRASKAN Passing attack clicks against Bears M Oaf PLOT behaeb m (Continued from Fage 1.) Attack clicked as the Baylor team net Its first defeat. Nebraska kicked off to Baylor us the game opened, Baylor put ting the ball in play on their own ? ball was short and Baylor s c r i m m aged from their own 20. The Bruins kicked after failing to pene trate the Husk er forward wall and Hopp re turned Grum J Wes kick to the ' Baylor 47. Har- ry Pass,ed t0 H3 ,il n' Luther who etch for yards and a toed prestom first down. joumi and star. Francis hit cen ter for 7 after Luther had picked up l. Hopp on the next play went 10 yards thru the left side of the Baylor line to score, dragging two men over with him. Francis' at tempted kick was wide. Ludwick stumbles. Nebraska almost had another tally, as Kohrig thew a long pass to Ludwick in the clear. Just as Bi b was reaching for the ball he stumbled and the pass was in complete. Witt kicked out of bounds on the Husker two to place the Scar let deep in their own territory. Baylor put the ball on the 30 after Hopp's kick, but Tctsch ended whatever chance Baylor had of scoring in the second quar ter as he recovered Merka's fum ble on the Husker 24. Nebraska struck in the third peiiod. After Rohrig kicked off the Bears were forced to punt, Rohrig returning to the Baylor 49. Hermie shot a 16 yard pass to Treston that was ruled good as Graham interfered. DcFruiter added 15 more yards on a reverse taking the ball to the Baylor 1. but Nebraska was set back 15 yards on a holding penalty. Roh rig then shot a pass to Ray Fro chaska in the end zone for a touchdown. Hermie converted, with T. Thompson holding the ball Three minutes were gone in the third period Rohrig, a few minutes later, f Janet Harris, Pep Queen, liair-do croalod liy l'.cn Your this simp raise your spirits ly a now woman of you. Adv. V. ( ; ft' Or put Baylor in its own territory with & quick kick that rolled out on the Baylor 9. Witt's kick into the wind went out on the Bears 28. Rohrig threw a pass to De Fruiter who got 7 yards, to the six, after Baylor had been pen alized five yards. Dobson gained two, and DcFruiter was held to no gain on a reverse. Hermie, dropped back and shot a short pass to R. Prochaska in the end zone for the final Husker touch down with six and a half minutes remaining in the third period. Rohrig split the uprights to give the Huskers a 20-0 lead. After the opening of the final quarter, the Huskers took the ball on their own thirty. Luther picked up 11 yards on a reverse for a first down. Hopp, after some hard running, got 12 more for the Scar let. Harry then picked up the longest single run of the day when he reeled off 24 yards. He did some fine broken field running hauling three tacklers with him until Lider finally brought him down. Harry booted one out on the Baylor 1 yard line, as he kicked into the wind. Punt exchanges. Neither team gained a great deal the remainder of the game, exchanging punts frequently. With a few seconds remaining Hopp booted out on the Bear 28 yard line. Witt threw a pass to Gruni-1 ble that netted 14 yards. Four Scarlet tacklers hit him as the game ended. Hopp turned in a fine perform ance for the Huskers, and the en tile forward wall for the Huskers played some great football. The Huskers were again a greatly im proved team over the one that faced the Cyclones last week. Alf son. Game Captain Sam Schwartz kopf, E. Schwartzkopf and Abel were outstanding. The highly touted Bear line was unable to stop the Husker backs, and could not cope with the hard charging Scarlet forward wall. Wilson and Witt, the sparkplugs in the Bears victory over Arkan sas last week were completely smothered by the Huskers. Mer ka. Nelson, Haley, Lucas, Grum bles and Earnes turned in the best performance for the visitors from the Southwest The Bear passing V is nil popped up over her now Hairdresser, 211 So. Y. Lot rcs1linfr ymir hair it will make ' '- 1 Phi Delts m P Joe Ryan's field goal takes game The Fhi Delts knocked the Sig Eps, defending intramural cham pions, out of the running for this year's championship as they won League 3 title Friday when Joe Ryan kicked a field goal from the five yard line in the last 30 sec onds of play. Bill Ryan's long pass to Lyle King set up the pins for brother Joe's field goal. Bill Rynon starred for the losing team, which intercepted three Phi Delt passes in the end zone. Farm House wins. In League IV, Fann House de feated the Kappa Sigs 12-0. John Fitzgibbon, who does the farmers passing, tossed two scoring passes. one to Dick Gooding and the other to Don Fitz. In another League IV game, the ATO's and Fhi Gam's played to a scoreless tie and called the game there because of darkness. The two teams will play the entire game over at a later date. The ATO's scored a touchdown and a safety, but were called back both times because they were offside Phi Sigs lose. In a Saturday game the Phi Sigma Kappas, previously unde feated went down before the Sig Alph crew, 33-7. The SAE's have finished their schedule, but the Phi Sigs play the undefeated Beta's Sunday morning, and if the Betas win, the title in League I goes to them. Should the Phi Sigs win the Beta's, Thi Sigs and Sig Alphs will be tied for the league title. In League I in barb hall, Strat- game was ineffective. Statistics: Nebraska Baylor fe man e Barnes R. Kahler II J.Anderson K. S hwartjikfipf . Ig Akin Burniss c Nelson A it son n; e Taylor S. Schwi'kopt gc rt Rotunson AshtMirn re Wimpee I'etsch 0.0 Merka Hoj.p lh Wilson Ijither rh WiU Francis fb Crumble! Score by period : Ravtor 0 0 0 0 0 Nebraska 6 0 14 O 20 Touchdowns: R. Prochaska 2, Hopp. Try for point: RohriK 2 H'tacekicas). Sunslirutions: Baylor Knds, Lucas, Lummus; tackles, Kdwards, Marx, ruards. Willis, Haley, stickler; renter, Williams; quarterback, Lwellen; halfbacka, Lider, Kvana; fullback, Graham. Nebraska: Ends, Preston, Lwdwv R, Prochaska, J. Pro chaska; tackles, Merndon, Behm, Muskin; ruarda, Moraky, Herrmann, Abel, Stearns, Klum; center, Raraey, Meier; quarter back, T. Thompson, Porter; halfbacks, RohriK DeFruiter, Bob Kahler, Simmons; fullbacWa. Rohn, Dobsoa. Officials: Referee, Alvln BeH, Little Rock; umpire, Jimmy Hlgrtna, Dallas; luseaman, John Waldorf, Missouri; field Judge, Parke Carroll, Kansas City U. Neb. Baylor First downs earned 13 3 Tarda Earned, rasfiinc .....IAS 43 Tarns lost rushing ... 31 ... ... 4 ... 0 ... M ...247 ... 11 ... 32 ... 3 ... I ... 45 Passes attempted Passes tacomplete Passes tntencepted Yards aained on Net yards earned Pjnts Punt average Fumbles Pens It lea Penalty yardage Field roals attempted 1 Field icoal successful A rm cow 10 svt ar new aorm Mnovra ismi Have Your Garments Cleaned by Experts Suits, Winter Coats, Forma Is Will always look new. Modern Cleaners SOUKUP & WESTOVER 21st A G 3-2377 '35th Year In Lincoln" 7 1 B 6 I ft f W I i !s la ii m- i. SS B II S rn &.JLJLJ JJ m .vsy S Em Sig Eps 3-0, mm By June Bierbower The Biffer really swept the bench yesterday, as he used 33 men . . . Bus Knight, tho, didn't get into the game because of his shoulder injury . . . Six men got in for the first time this season . . . Fred Meier, center, and George Stearns, guard, played in their first varsity game . . . Leonard Muskin, junior tackle, Bill Herr mann and Arlo Klum, senior guards, and George Porter, senior quarterback, were in for a few minutes . . . Bob Kahler got in for the first time since the Indiana game and responded with a nice seven yard gain the first time he carried the ball . . . Biff used three men at every position in the back field during the day. The Huskers struck swiftly and furiously against the Bears yes ford ran over Johnson hall, 15-0 A Johnson player was tackled in an end zone for a safety, while Don Pankonin tossed to Bert Landstrom for the first touch down and Atwood Dekota tossed to Emil Krikac for the other. Baldwin Hall lost to YMCA, 2-0 when Paul Griffith touchd a Y man in the end zone for a safety. Jimi Townsend Special Pastel M iniature in Gold om Cornhusker Frame from Place Order AW axil HEAR HER Americas First Lady Mrs. FRANKLIN D. FRIDAY, riOV. 38 P. M. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA COLISEUM Special Student Reserve Rerttan Tickets. AdmUnion te t'pon Pretentstlea f Idrnliliisiion l ard. On hale Now at btndent I nlen Olfire. Limned Number Available, i IfsJjllMffirli win league 3 terday . . . they hawked onto scor ing chances, first in the opening quarter after a weak Baylor punt . . . In the third quarter Interfer ence which was ruled on Rohrig's pass to Preston put them in scor ing position . . . that disappointing 15 yard holding penalty which they got after Bob DeFruiter ran to the Baylor 1 just delayed the sec ond touchdown one play, as Rohrig faded back and tossed his first touchdown pass to Ray Prochaska . . . another short Baylor punt which went out of bounds n the 28 helped Nebraska to their third touchdown . . . the Huskers took the wind advantage in the third quarter and really made the most of It, by virtue of some fine coffin corner punting by Rohrig, and weak Baylor punting. The "good old Baylor line" was whittled down to normal size by some fast charging Husker line men . . . for anyone who glories in watching a good running guard keep your eyes on George Abel, Husker sophomore. The Huskers really won the sta tistics yesterday ... 13 first downs to 3, 247 net yards to 61, justify the three touchdown margin the Huskers marked up over Baylor . . . and that's the most net yard age the Nebraskans have piled up in a while, too. Fumbles were a tie . . . each team had three. TYPEWRITERS far SALE and RENT Nebraska Typewriter Co. 1S Xa. 12th St. t-3151 LINCOLN, NtBR. Medallion (gT JTA Sitting . . . J for December Delivery A HI PERSON VILT