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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1939)
Wednesday. October 18. 1939 Tlie DAILY NEBRASKAN itptp TTITJ1 n ill Mil ill 1L ii 0 by June Bierbower The movies of the Iowa State game are to be shown tonight in the Union ballroom, and the management has just one an nouncement to make. And that concerns God bless 'em the Husker football players who at tended last week's show, and heckled announcer-impressario Sam Schwartzkopf as he ran the films. Said management wants It quieter this week. Jim "Sweet" Lalanne, North Carolina backfield star, and Ken Kavanaugh, the sensational pass-catching end from Louisi ana State are cousins. .. Dick Hyland, writing in the Los An geles Times says right halfback Bob Robertson may become the most valuable man on the South ern Cal te a m. . .Robertson played at Omaha Central. . .In diana is the only team in the Big Ten which hasn't won or tied for the Western Conference title. Knox college, the original "Old Siwash." has been selected on the location for a series of "Old Si- wash motion pictures. LHlaasEseirs pirep fieir ISaytoir Pitt rated first in two rankings Pittsburgh, the team whose players seem to have forgotten about "de-emphasization" there, has the honor this week of rank ing first in both the Associated Press poll, and the Azzi-Ratem rankings. Oklahoma, Big Six champion is listed at third on both polls, while the Azzi-Ratem system lists Tu lane second, and the AP names Notre Dame as the second best team. Nebraska's Cornhuskers rate 16th in both cases. The teams after Oklahoma in the AP ratings are Tulane, Tenn essee, Michigan, Southern Cal., Alabama, Texas A. & M., and Ohio State in the first ten. Oregon, Cornell, Duke, North Carolina, Carnegie Tech, Nebraska, Missis sippi, SMU, Baylor, and St. Mary's are the next ten. I VI MANay h rr My Vot?.U WMV : after! K7 i . - -WW". jr. . .. t f .a ."? . "i v. -.- "w - 17- 11 1 tfifth Avenue Girl gays: YOU'VE NEVER USED BE. FORE . . . . "Maizic" goes sleuthing . . . and solves m I . M ft -B - pri I (nun . . anu vitv wt c TMi 1 the Bathing Beauty Mur- l"1 Ider Mystery! It' Ht I lirioui. thrill-Dicked fun! A 4 aoktw: lirioui, thrill-packed fun! 1 A M tetter RUTH RUSSET Extr! 'TASMON FORECAS', j Cartoon Newt j Always Seat for 25 Now Showing! Regular Prices! ifj .X 1 1 I Kl 1 Ll III .TAi liTilURIIX BdiVtlV'Ji IHMH 'ill .IB'M " 1 . V: Extril On This Programl "Life Begins for Andy Panda" 20c Until 6 Then 20c and 25o n TMT (TW M i Biff works footballers on offense Coach Biff Jones put his Ne braska Cornhuskers through an offensive drill last night in prepa ration for Saturday's game with the Bears from Baylor. The Biffer ?ave special at tention to de ceptive plays for use against the big Baylor line, which av erages over 200 pounds. The team worked on their aerial game too, which they haven't used to any extent since the opener against I n d i ana. Nebraska's offense has made only 23 rORHEST BEHM Journal Star, points in three games Hermie Rohrig, Harry Hopp and Kenny Simmons were doing most of the tossing, and George See man, Ray Prochaska, Fred Pres ton, Roy Petsch, Butch Luther, Bob Ludwick, .mmmmmmm Bob Kahler and Bob DeFruiter, the ends and backs were do ing the receiv ing. Three mem bers of the squad were in sweat clothes and did no con tact work. Roh rig is nursing an injured leg and a sore foot and confined his activities to passing and re turning punts. m h IJ GEORGE KNIGHT Journal A Star, Bus Knight is having trouble with his right shoulder and watched most of the practice from the sidelines. Tall Forrest Behm, tackle, has a sore back which kept him out of the rough work. The trio should be ready to go against Baylor Saturday, though The freshmen, under the direc tion of Coach A. J. Lewan- dowski, w e r a running through Baylor uIhvs, and will 5V i HUtMAM ROHKIC Journal 4 Star. use them tonight against the var sity. Oggel speaks before YWCA vespers group Rev. M. V. Oggel, minister of Westminister Presbyterian church, was the speaker at the Y. W. C. A. Vespers yesterday. The text of hia meditation was Bible study Soph Bill Cook looks like 'find7 for Coach Weir Bill Cook, North Loup sopho more, who won the two mile race against Iowa State Saturday, was running the first two mile race he ever ran in competition when he sprinted in the stretch to nose out Llewellyn Hughes, Iowa State cap tain in 10:01.C. Coach Ed Weir, who gathered up a two mile team to ompete at Iowa State in a short time be cause of his late arrival here from Europe, believes Cook is a comer. Cook did very little racing in high school, but trained arduously last summer and came back this fall in fine fettle. St. Mary's university (Texas) owns a bus for athletic trips that holds 53 passengers. The University of Nebraska University Players Preent Thornton Wilder's OUR TOWN ll This Week Tues.-Fri. Oct. 17-20 7:30 each eve. TEMPLE THEATRE 12th and R TlM' Pulitzer Prize Play "M and "On nf the (irrat Playi of Our nay" , , " Fri., Oct. 20th X O X STURNPIKE Present! In Person LAWRENCE fWELK Y and hit Q Champagne Music v fe-tSrui Ilk ii mrrn r ruin iwrtira nrraKini In Chlrago'i Edgewater Beach Hotel imtik Chicago Theatre " fA4vMtr Ttrkrta IV . al IanW- X M rtnral '., MM N HI., and W A I nl IniK o. yr A Am. at th dmtr $100 rarh PIPES, CIGARETTE t CIGAR HOLDERS ONLY filter combining 66 baffle interior and cellophane exte rior, keep nicotine, Julcet, flakei out of mouth. No breaking In. No tongue bite. Breaks up hot moke itream, resulting in mild, healthy KCDJC0 FILTEKE0 SM0K1NC. V M I1NKST Mai ..J I il MONEY CAW BUT I INUINI fllTtHI roi mioic pint racMta ONtr m nut ( a auicR an at MILLER'S SUC'II a cool morning that we couldn't help linnorinfi over ihone fluffy flelifihtn known a mittrna, din played in our frlove MN-tion, street floor. Real anpora that's aoft a a whifiper, and in heavenly pantel shade. 4.50, and ltieky the gal that buys them. If you're pulling strings on the budget, don't "ass by, for we've ..her nitts at 1.95, and ks to match at $1. A lot of talk about the wasp going on, so we BNked our ror aeteriere j s t what a young 'un was going to do, who jiiNt wouldn't I a e e heraelf up the bai-k like grandmother. We found the antwer was very sim ple, for there are girdles made with the new higher waistline that diminih the waistline meas urably. From (2 to $5. Fur are always beautiful, and this year i no exception. We've a selection of jackets to plea ne the moot exacting, and coats we display with rightful pride. Do see them, and remember that a fur roat is an investment, and you're right to choose a store where you can shop with confidence. Nothing p e p a up a woman like a new hat. So if the tele phone has re fused to ring for you thin weeka, remem ber bee that much quoted line about other fish in the sea, and turn op in a perky hat, very happy about the whole thing. 2.)5 and up, Second Hoor. Wotch For "Spied at Miller's" in tu x I Daily Nebraska!! n i X. f ILL