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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1939)
FOUR DAILY NEBIUSKAN Pledges take over dating news You mean those follows behind the cage at the Student Union? . . . Well, they are Bob Kerl, Low ell Jackson, and Bob Sinkey. . . . I understand they all go by the name of head cashier. Lois Keller is the girl behind the cash regis ter in the grill. Then that red haired fellow what checks your hat and coat is Tom McQuillan. He doesn't like curious people; so you'd better beware. Now that we have rallied the team off, we can take our chances on talking about them. . . . the rest of the team wishes that Bob Luther would make up his mind and either date Marian Bowers or June Alice of the "Knight" ac quaintance. Inquiring further, we found that Bob Burrass' life ambition will be realized if Mary Jean Mc Carthy, Kappa pledge, will speak to him. Of course he still has one eye on Barbara Dale, Chi Omega. Harry Hopp makes frequent trips to Hastings, but confesses that all he needs is a little en couragement on this campus. Vike Francis and Yvonne Costello are still making the rounds together. . . . anil Herm Rohrig is still with his old Lincoln high flame. But we've come across a lot of new finds. . . . For instance Cliff Meier, the Phi Delt playboy, really fell for Gay Gimple, Delta Gamma pledge. He already has her dated up for the Military Ball and his Christmas party. Harry Kinder , Beta, is running around in a daze all because of a Fi Phi pledge, Connie Merriam. Then too, Margaret Hoppert, pledge at the A. O. P. house, has heart throbs for Bud Boyden, Phi Delt pledge. Friday was the big night for some of the boys living at the glass house . . . Chic Oldfather threw a big party at his place. He was with Tess Cassady. You know that's a blind date that's turning out pretty steady now. Phil Anwyl is "escorting" Mary Lou Kelly, Kappa. Well, we shall see what we shall see . . . Gamma Phi pledge, Max Hoff man is really giving the Chi Phi and Delt pledges the run around. We understand she is reason enough for another phone at 415 North 16th. A number of Sig Alpha evident ly didn't appreciate the game played by Frits Olmstead, Kappa Sig, and Betty Ferguson, Chi O. The boos were terrific. Jealous or just interested? Marian Stone, Kappa Delta, is ptill receiving letters from Marv Plock. We hear he's planning to get married, or is he? Shall we mention the Sig Alph-Alpha Phi exchange dinner? Pat Prime and Chet Fliesbach and a number of others ... Oh well . . . New pledge couples at the Alpha Xi Delta and A. T. O. houses . . . Catherine Smith and Kep Harding and Maudie Fowler and Bill Cof fee. . . Pi K. A. announces the pledging of Richard Peterson and Isaac Todd of Fort Scott, Kansas. New pledges at the D. U. house are Val Anderson from Gillette, Wyo., and Bob Greene from Kansas City. Mo. New pledge of Dflta Sigma Pi . . . Jim (Teke) Wrhrman. New pledge officers at the Al pha Xi Delta house are: president. Betty Jane Lawson; vice president, Marion Whitney; secretary, Ber nice Askey; and treasurer, Cather ine Smith. Law journals to review Orfield's 'appeals' book Prof. Lester B. Orfield's book on "Criminal Appeals in America," which was published last month, will be reviewed in the October is sue of the Journal of the American Judicature Society, the Journal of Criminal Law, the American Bar Association J6urnal and several law reviews. Introduction to the book was written by Dean Roscoe Pound of the Harvard law school. Neutrality (Continued from Page 1.) whom? This then is the question appearing before the United States Congress. The diversification of opinion among the professors on this campus easily explains the diversification of opinion within Congress. The DAILY NEBRASKAN will keep students up to date on the Congressional debates through its bulletin board in the Union lobby, and through the comments of Woerner and Steele in each morn ing's paper. C. W. Scott to speak Dr. C. W. Scott of the depart ment of school administration will address junior and senior high school teachers of Beatrice Tues day afternoon on "Counseling High School Students." Cornhuskcr (Continued from Page 1.) not appear in the 1940 Cornhusker, either in the class section or with their (consequently smaller) fra ternity group. No exceptions are to be made to this deadline, for the Cornhusker intends to take advantage of a 40 percent discount on the entire engraving job if the pictures are received by the en graver on Dec. 15. All fraternities and sororities are asked to set a deadline for their own group. Sounding out sorority sentiment on styles, Editor Hager found it was "down on drapes," so the Cornhusker will offer two or three styles of sweaters from which each organization may choose. Too much similarity between the ap pearance of groups will be avoided by varying the neck arrangement. Off To A Good Start With a Smart Hairdress to Go With Your Fall Clothes LATEST TREND IN FALL BEAUTY FASHIONS CLETA'S BEAUTY SALON 1127 R "Where Campus Girls Meet" Phone 2-4426 Barb Calendar Monday, October 2 5:00 Barb council meeting 307 Union. 6 '.00 Town club dinner Par lor A Union. Tuesday, October 3 7:30 Barb Union meeting 307 Union. Saturday, October 7 7:30-10:30 Dance Union ball room. Radio-- (Continued from Page 1.) other sports as they hold the limelight. Marg Krause, last year's society editor, will cover the society angle over the air lanes. Known for her ability along this line, she should y SCHOOL SUPPLIES at prevailing prices ESTERBROOK FOUNTAIN PEN Renew point never a CJ 1 dull point I A perfect pen Permapoint Pencil Thin lines from extra thin heads 5 C A beautiful line of waste baskets, desk sets, and items for f your room , r have many pieces of choice in formation. Elizabeth Clark, a new addition to the staff will combine the vari ous bits of news into a smoothly running program. CLASSIFIED 1 1 10c Per Line tit WANT ADS WANTED TO BUY MAN'S LUCWAOKr Prefer" Gladstone. Only quality leather In good condition. Call at Hag office. Serving Students for 22 Years Dunlap Optical Co. 120 No. 12th St. LEARN TO DANCE GUARANTEED IN SIX PRIVATE LESSONS Lee A. Thornberry 2-3635 (Since 1929) 2300 Y TYPEWRITERS for SALE and RENT Nebraska Typewriter Co. l:t0 No. l?th SI. LINCOLN, NtBR. i-3157 I El f .we. v o m wjo mw. m t v .-.vw vv va. m o Hertzler writes article "The Casual and Contributory Factors of Dictatorship" is the title j of an article by Dr. J. O. Hertzler, ! chairman of the department of so-1 ciology, which is published in the i current number of Sociology and ! Social Research. You'll Want lo Rub Your Eyes And look Again When You See These Frocks Priced At 12 RENT CARS Always Open Good Car Lowered Prices The friendly place. Established 20 years Motor Out Company 1120 P St. 2 6819 Holmes Gas Station 14 at W St. ADORABLE styles with corset waistlines, provocative back, ideas, figure - emphasizing shir ring and draping, gorg eous full skirts, Hip little jackets and important jewelry accents. Young as tomorrow in cotton velveteen, wool and rayon crepes. In all the lovely, luscious new colors that are indicative of a new season of loveliness. KAMPUS KORNER THIRD FLOOR. I twin I mf 1 I) (? i I 1 t fj? r V . is,: While 0 Reg. nronie re Movio Ticket Ask I