PAGE TWO THE NEBUASKAN, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1939 The Summer Ncbraskan STATION A, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA STUDENT PUBUCATION UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA 1939 SUMMER SCHOOL SESSION Published every Thursday during the summer school session, circulated free to summer school students and faculty members from boxes in campus buildings. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor Norman Harris Assistant Editor Clyde Martz Fashion Editor ..Mary June Wttmer Bring news1 and advertising to Student Union, room 20. BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Arthur Hill Ass't Business Manager Ben Novicoff SORRY TO SEE YOU GO, SENATORS Yes, Senator Rurke, you have served us for a long time and you, too, Senator Van Nuys and we will miss you both when you're gone. Both of you gentlemen are democrats, both of you have spent many years in the upper house of the legislature of the United States, both of you have worked hard for the people of the nation, for the glory of the demoeratie party, for your constituents, and for your selves. Ami now, both of you eonie out in opposi tion to the third term for President Roosevelt. Does it not follow that if a president, who is merely the executive arm of the body politic, the brain of which is the legislative division, is endangering the safety of democratic gov ernment by seeking a third term, then you gentlemen, members of the omnipotent legis lative division are doing some endangering yourselves by slicking around much longer? I wonder who will fill your shoes come next election-time, Mr. Burke, for you cannot "endanger democracy" (in your own words) by trying for even a second term, can you And you. Mr. Van Nuys, who said that you are "opposed to 1he re-nomination or re-elec tion of President Roosevelt OR ANY OTHER MAN FOR A THIRD TERM," had better check up. How long do you plan to be in the senate. Your arguments, as reported by the Asso ciated Press on June 10, Mr. Burke, support as capably the theory that senators should be elected to serve a single term of six years and not be eligible for re-election, as it does your pet idea that the chief executive should face the same restrictions. "A single six-year term," you assert, Mr. Burke, "would allow sufficient time for a president to work out his program, (could n senator not manager to do the same thing?) would eliminate to some extent the disturbing influence of more frequent elections upon busi ness conditions, (if all elections were held less frequently, there might be less disturbance for business) would enable an administration (or perhaps a senator?) to maintain full efficiency throughout its (his) term without being dis tracted by a campaign for re-election, would minimize the evils of a political bureaucracy, and would check the trend toward a central izing of power and a consequent weakening of our form of government. The danger which faces this nation today, gentlemen, is not that it will be weakened by centralization, but that some rift perhaps a battle over power between the executive and the legislative branches will split our govern ment M. E. ASIDE TO SOLONS SEEKING A THIRD TERM Better hold it down on this "no third term for Roosevelt" booshway, or some clever op ponent might cut you down by asking you to justify your receiving a third term if the nation's chief executive does not qualify for one. It would be a darn puzzling question for most of vou. M. E. On July 1, Hofstra college of New York university will sever its rnrrtrn iith IViA narpnt institn- reported the discovery of trillion j Uon and assume anh independent volt cosmic ray particle. status. Frof. Arthur H. Compton, Uni versity of Chicago physicist, ha3 Text Books and Supplies for the Rural School TEACHERS, we cater especially to the needs of the rural school. We carry an extensive line of the texts required as well as a very large selection for your library. We shall be happy to have you come in our store and browse. The Lincoln Book Store 132 So. 12th J. H. Willis Chancellor Boucher to speak at Arapahoe meeting today Chancellor C. S. Boucher of the University of Nebraska will ad dress a meeting of the South riatte chambers of commerce at Arapahoe today on the subject, "The Adjustment of Education to Reality." He discussed this sub ject at the recert biennial conven tion in Denver of the American Association of University Women. In his address at Arapahoe Dr. Boucher will outline the steps that colleges and universities must take if they are to operate on reduced budgets and yet maintain educa tional programs that will fit grad uates to find their place in busi ness and the professions. He will also compare the educational phil osophy of the expansion period, when the try was always "bigger and better," with that of today. Grad of '28 wins post of national Kappa Phi program chairman Mrs. Cecil W. Molzen of Clar inda, la., who graduated from the university in 1928, was named na tional program chairman of Kappa Phi at the recent biennial con vention of this Methodist girls sor ority at Northfield, Mass. The University chapter was rep resented by 12 delegates. Nebraska and Iowa delegates were in charge of the program and decorations for the annual council dinner. Miss Mills and Miss llighmy edited the conven tion's daily newspaper, and Miss Smith presented several vocal numbers at the dinner. K D (S K ES u g) fq) c J LiM u z9 II Paid for All Used Books at rn College Book Store (Facing Campus) COME TO CHURCH SUNDAY, JULY 16 UNIVERSITY EPISCOPAL l.Uh A R Rrv I.. W. MfMilln. frifM In t'hirj ChnruAl I urharrM and hrrmon ft Ml A. M. Friday 9-12 P. M. OhdwAiAcL 10c per rrrMn Student Union TYPE Wit 1TEII S for Sale and Kent NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. 130 No. 12th St. B2157 LINCOLN, NEBR. Former medical dean speaks at graduation Dr. Henry B. Ward, who was the first dean of the college of medicine, gave the recent com mencement address for the Uni versity of Illinois' three Chicago branches-the colleges of medi cine, dentistry, and pharmacy. Dr. Ward, who is now professor emeri tus of zoology, left the university more than 20 years ago to become a member of the Illinois faculty. A Summer Students Send your garment clean ing to this old reliable firm that has served N. U. Students for more than 35 years. Modern Cleaners SOUKUP & WESTOVER Call F2377 Service 7 2 - Today-The World Famous Palm Beach UBT: r- ARE $2.25 LESS THAN LAST YEAR! ST m LELl . Sharlcveaves A classic weave by Palm Beacbi, patterned after the stippled design oi the shark's epidermis. Airtones Just 36 ounces of cool comfort in the smartest 2-piece summer suit known to man. The Nev Whites The new Palm Beach whites will qo farther, last longer and look smarter. Daytime or evening white will keep you in the picture. Palm Beach Slacks $4.75 slSJ : I - - i