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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1939)
THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1939 FOUR DAILY NEBKASKAN Heat heralded as the conversa tional topic of the day, with ex ams and back work coming in a close second. . .thoughts also cen ter on the advent of swimmin' weather which offers the week's biggest temptations. . .and about the only (social event of the week end (outside of cram sessions, of course) will bo the Rag picnic all the staff will journey off on their united afternoon of play Fri day afternoon and the most ta boo subject will probably be jour nalism. .. .yesterday's excitement centered around the arrival of Johnny, the Phillip Morris (adv). man in the Grib, and the mob scene around him and his car was a Bight to be seen... and in the background stood Delta Gamma TtYnnnift Boldman peddling Ra leigh's for all she was worth... at the tea dance was the same oia crowd, like Kappa Mollie Wood ward, Theta Betty Jane Dutch, DU Leonard Dunker, Sigma Alpha Mu Irv Yaffe and scads or oin ers, all whipping it off to mad swine' soners even in the heat of the day. . .and on the romantic side of things, an unexpected canay passing was pulled Tuesday night at the Chi Omega house when Frances SDenser and Kenny Ek- wall, Palladian, treated everyone ...and another recent pin hang ing is that of Sig Alph Clark O'Hanlon and Kappa EUie L,utz. . . the big event of this day will be the Nebraska-Oklahoma baseball game at 4 and it should be one of the year's best games... ana those super-warm drill outfits, hronp-ht on bv military inspection. look like the most uncomfortable clothes possible right now... New pledges at meia .i are Seward Imes, Dale Anderson, Luke White, and Warren Jones. Freshman speech class to present play tonight The Dlav. "The Devil Passes," will be presented by the freshman speech class at 7:30 tonignt in me Temple theater. The DAILY NE BRASKAN erronously reported yesterday that the production was open to the public. According to Miss Boynton. speech instructor, the play is open only to a limited number. BULLETIN. The campus chapter of Masada chapter will meet tonight at 7:30 in Room 315 of the Union. E10TC to drill for inspectors Second day of federal inspection features parade The second day of the annual R. O. T. C. inspection will get un der way today with a number of practical and theoretical examina tions. The high spot of the day will be at 5 o'clock when all R. O. T. C. units will combine in a pa rade and review. The first year basics under Ma jor Hudson will receive a practical examination on first aid and rifle marksmanshiD at 9. and at 10 o'clock the second year basics, un der Major Ayotte, will undergo a practical test on tactical problems. At 1 o'clock, there will be a practical test on the machine gun, 37 mm gun, mortar and pistol for the first year advanced students Trio to entertain at home economics tea Saturday A girls trio, under the direc tion of Mrs. Altinas Tullis of the school of music, will provide en tertainment for a tea to be held Saturday from 3:30 to 5 o'clock in the home economics parlors. The tea is being sponsored by the home economics association. Max ine Copsey is in charge of the program. under Major Green. At 2, there will be two cadet companies in their regular instruction period of close order drill available to the Inspector. DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE ltlS - lSt I it ksii-wx X. - :-:- ::;;: .V w ii m r jr - . . . .-v X ... " lit . i .7 m 7(1 nJ ' , .Vf ' f ..',' :: ' .- . fc i .; . 4 j . . -... 7 . i K . - . . . . . . . . . . V . f.;-.; .;V . . . . . v Xs. , Summer's Most Glamorous Styles! L.,: ....... v..v , W . i f ( Exquisite! Pccrisiennel Perfect drecan shoes that set the pace in smartness. Of White Kid . . . Mesh . . . linen . . . Crushed Kid . . . Calf . . . or Buck with Calf. Open backs. Open toes. Drapes. Pleates. Perforations. 0oL Hew. Finely made, and so moderately priced. Youll find shoes for campus, shoes for dates and dancing. Stop in the Louise Shop and see them for yourself. Street Floor. q to 4.95 1 ' T 1 11 f 1 " mm .mm iii.i. , , L " - : . ; 1 1 J i