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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1939)
THURSDAY, MAY IT, 1939 DAILY NEBKASKAN THREE State Mg Ed baselbaBD meet perns E?eds beat Whites in 72-13 tussle as cage drills end Pitcaithley tallies twenty-two counters Averaging better than two points a minute in the 32 minute encounter last night, a versatile Red basketball squad trounced their white shirted opponents 72 to 13 in the final game of the spring practice season. The Whites took an early one point lead after Al Randall col lected his only foul of the evening on John Hay, but the Reds started hitting the hoop here to go into a lead they kept increasing all through the game. The Reds led 19 to 3 at the end of the first eight minute period and had stretched it to 29 to 7 at the half. In the third quarter the Reds held their opponents to exactly 0 points as they rolled up a 44 to 7 score. From here on the Red of fense bombarded the basket with a deluge of shots that soon gar nered 72 points on the score sheet as the final whistle blew. Again, aa Monday night, it was Harry Pitcaithley that led the Red attack gaining 14 points in the first quarter before being relieved by Irvin Yaffe, and then adding 8 points to it in the last half to make a total of 22 counters. Closely tailing him was frosh Hartmann Goetze with 13 tallies and tall Al Randall with 9 points all garnered in the last half. Coach Browne started his usual combinations with Harry Pitcaith ley nad Hartmann Goetze, for wards; Al Randall, center; Sid Held and Don Fitz, guards on the Red quintet. Starters on the white squad were John Hay and Don Schulz, forwards; Bob Therien, center; Leonard Van Buskirk and Bruce Duncan, guards. Box score: Speaking of jitleibugisrrt. ahem: One of the leading contestants in the Kansas State Collegian's Glamour Girl contest is none other than Elmer the Gang Hackney... l he winner will be announced Fri day morning. . .that's good strat egy if K-State has a track meet that day or the next... if Hack wins it'll make him so mad he may get the shot out a foot or two farther . . . and if he doesn't win maybe he'll get mad, too. . . Iowa State has lost six con ference games in a row... the Huskers got 26 runs and 32 kits in two games against the Cyclones, which isn't bad . . . the Iowa State scorers called a couple of Husker hits errors in the summaries which came over the wires from Ames... that 6-4 set Howard Engel man, sophomore Kansas bas ketball and tennis star took from Harold Rundle Tuesday is the first set Rundle has dropped in conference play this season... he, however, won the match, taking the first and third sets. R1i it lMtc'lthley I 10 Randall c WU K Held R YRffe 1 UvlnKiton I Vnrantl g ft pf White! 2 0 Hay f 0S(-huli I II Therien c 1 V HiiHklrk ( 0 Duncan g 0' Dutrbcr f OiCanfield f O'KInK K I Khoadef g jlmnker c I I'hlmao c I Nye c I Pollock e fg (t pf 2 1 Total! 33 6 31 Total! 1 9 Frosh track team plans postal meets Huskers battle Kansas, Missouri, Iowa State Nebraska's freshman track team, victors over Iowa U frosh last week, engages in another pos tal meet this week with Missouri, Kansas, and Iowa State. The Huskers won 10 out of 13 firsts from the Hawkeyes and ex pect to nab a similar number from their three competitors this week Running the hundred yard dash last night Gene "Red" Littler came through with a fast :9.8 while the last of the five runners was clocked in :10.3- plenty .fast for the distance. Varsity weight men have ap parently come out of the slump heretofors evidenced in outdoor meets as Bob Mills got off con sistent heaves of over 50 feet in the shot, his best being 50 feet 2i inches, while Edsel Wiobels was just as consistent at getting over 48 feet, his best erron nei ting him 48 feet 3 inches. (Classified ADVERTISING 10 PER LINE U1HU who had coat exchanerd at Delta Tau Delta home Saturday May S please CUl 41 Sol. 9L by June Bierbower Reason for Tom Moates' See AS I SEE IT Page 4. Central plays Valparaiso this morning Creighton Prep meets Raymond, Gretna plays Lincoln this afternoon Play opens in the first annual state high school baseball tourna ment this morning as Omaha Cen tral, one of the meet's favorites, plays Valparaiso on diamond 1; Hickman plays Prague on dia mond 2; and Fremont meets Teachers high on diamond 3. Four diamonds, the university varsity frosh and southeast dia monds and muny field, will be in use for the tournament. Muny will be used only in Friday's games. The 11 o'clock game between Omaha South and West Point on diamond 1 may produce fireworks, with several members of last year's junior legion team playing with the Pointers, against the Packers, who are always good. Schuyler plays at 11. Millard plays Burchard, on dia mond 2, and Weeping Water joes against a good Schuyler team In the other 11 o'clock tilt. Emerson, in the top half of the upper brack et, drew a bye, as did Eustis In the lower half. Omaha Central, with Angelo Ossino, oneof the best prep pitch ers in its ranks, looks like one fi nalists, altho the Centralites' pitching strength is uncertain with the exception of Ossino. Tech meets Curtis. Afternoon games starting at 2 o'clock, see Lincoln against Gret na on diamond 1, Omaha Tech against Curtis on diamond 2 Plattsmouth against Madison on diamond 3, Minden and St. Fat Sce BASEBALL Page 4. BASEBALL PAIRINGS. 6 n, ni. OmnliR Central va. Valpnralnn. Hickman vs. TrtiKue Fremont Vi. Teachera. Kmcrson drew a bye. 11 a. m. Omaha South vs. Went Tolnl. Kuxtlc drew a he. Millard vs. Burchard. Weeping Water vs. Schuyler. 1. m. Lincoln vs. Gretna, Minden drew a bye. Omuha Tech vs. Curtis. St. Patrick'! of North Plalte drew a bye. riaftsmouth vs. Madison. 4 . m. Liberty vs. ArllnKton. Wahoo vs. Hallam. Raymond vs. Creighton Prep. A It Actually Happened Here! The only a t h t I e fall length pictnre which dares I ripnt Nailum in America. ... Made under the per tonal supervision of I.eon G. Tarroo, former Y. R. I. agent who aneovered the Natl espionage syitera as dis closed in this picture. t SSa'ARS L THIS IS VjJJ5 S ANSWER -v to COT. GPtf use, (eSrski i BARGAIN 11 OUR 20c NOON TO ONE MATINIE ONE TO SIX 25c PARKING I AFTER 6 Ml W47 P. KVENINO trie sa XCtPT V JNOAV I ROM 13 Virgil Yelkin to coach teams at Fremont high Virgil Yelkin, former Husker football and baseball star has been appoint head coach at Fremont high for the coming school year. He has been coaching since his graduation in 1936. His Norfolk high basketball team got to the first round of the state basketball tournament where it was nosed out by Lincoln in an overtime thriller. Two soffball titles at stake this evening ACBC's to play QT's, Farm House to oppose Phi Psi's for crowns Two intramural Softball league championships, one in barb play, and the other in Greek competi tion, will be decided tonight at G:15. Ag college Boarding club ad vanced into a tie with the Q. TVs in Barb League 1 last night as they walloped Baldwin Hull, 10-0, with Richmond pitching shutout ball. The ag team scored four times in the first inning to get off to a good start, adding three in the third, one in the fourth and two in the fifth. The Q. T.'s and ACBC will play on field two. Farm House will meet Phi Kappa Psl tonight on field one for the championship of League 1 in Greek play. The two teams were scheduled to play last night, but found that impossible. In a League 3 game, Kappa Sigma won from Chi Phi 20-8, by virtue of eight run splurges in the first and third innings. Sullivan and Fredenhagen were the win ning batteries. In a League 4 fraternity game, Sigma Alpha Mu won from Phi Alpha Delta by forfeit, an Beta See SOFTBALL Page 4. - I . ' ,.v . mm r '; ::: ::; -; ? Lit EN for CILLiE AA WLYS Smarter in a dozen different ways. Cooler and lighter than ever. Dollars less in cost than a year ago that's just part of the story of the new Palm Beach Suits. For the rest, visit your favorite clothier today. Have him point out the unique features of genuine Palm Beach. Still time to write a statement of 50 words or less answering this question: WHY DO COLLEGE MEN PREFER PALM BEACH SUITS AND SLACKS? The ten best statements w in ten awards: FIRST AWARD $100 SECOND AWARD $50 THIRD AWARD $25 FOURTH AWARD $15 SIX AWARDS EACH OF . . . $10 DUPLICATE AWU RDS .V 77: 1VF.ST OV T1I.S Only men duly enrolled in a recognized American college or University arc eligible. Letters must be postmarked not Inter than May 31-and must ton taiu your college, class and name of your favorite clothier. Winners will be notified by mull after June 15th, so be sure to state your mailing address as of that date. Selections by Contest Editor will bind company and contestants. L'ntrics, contents nd ideas therein become property of GOODAIX COMPANY CINCINNATI, OHIO Palm Beach Suits $15.50 Slacks H.75 Evening Formal $18.50 '"I