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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1939)
tl Eicm DAILY NEBKASKAN FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1939 The new national defense pro gram will result in a 50 percent in crease in R.O.T.C. enrollment, Harvard officials predict. AT THE HEAD OF THE CLASS MARIAN KIDD Horses, horses, crazy over horses! So all tin college gals who go in for horseback riding find themselves in the WAA riding club which Marian Kidd, Kappa Alpha Theta secretary, has had charge of for the past three years . . . consequently, she is getting campus equestri ennes ready for the FARM ER'S FAIR riding events next Saturday, May 6th. This week end, Marian is off to the stu dent council convention in Minnesota ... on the council, she is co-chairman of the com mittee that looks into matteis pertaining to campus elections . . . candidates' eligibility and such. Marian is also a member of this year's junior-senior prom committee. As for this business of going to college... she's a bi.nd junior looking for ward to department store per sonnel woik ... in the mean time she wears the ATO pin of John Smith Just in case you're looking forward to a lot rf exams coming up . . . don't study too lung at one time without a pleasure jaunt down to the HOTEL CAPITAL GIVE YOUR MOTHER 7 ' f ') ALWAYS CHERISH Sluujonil Port rail Can Liress Uliaf Heeling oj cme Let us make an enlargement of one of your applica tion pictures. A large SxlO portrait complete with folio for only Skooslund 1214 "0" dCuvcoLiii dCmdinj JhszaiteJu! NEBRASKA 1 I graJACTTsAT. at 11 A.Ptl- There Are Three Things I Can Do Better Than Any Outlaw That Ever Lived . . . FIGHT! . . SHOOT! . . and LOVE! i i ifi HUMPHREY BOGART ROSEMARY t:THAl- POPEYE'S "Aladdin an III Wonderful Lamp" Iuiiuiuiiii.UBuiuuiiwiwiiii mmmmmammaaimmm juuwwjiiuwiiuih i , Wtijiylutg. wUJl Wahq, I i gjiimwumi.j mi mi mBIIWfTaPiTlljllil'flMyii VWIIirUiiiiT'g"lJi'IM 'fTriniM'millliBliTI BliTT Omaha and Orrin Tucker the headlines of the day . , . and lots of the college kids will bide their time with the beards, bars, and burlesques at the Golden Spike celebration . . . such as, AOPi Natalie Johnson and Fiji Dale Ruser; Sigma Kappa Chloe Taylor and Sig Alph Bill Heinrichs; Al pha Phi Flossie Moll and Phi Dclt Bill Fox; Alpha Chi Delores Bors and Sig Ep Gene Walters; Delta Gamma Lucy Jane Williams and Sig Alph Bill Haney; Ann Beard, Theta. and ATO Bud Cather (while Margie McKay will be with Stan Potter from Omaha); AXiD Eleanor Collier and Phi Alpha Delta Henry Dress; Delta Gamma Maxine Kingsbury and Phi Psi Bob Miller; Alpha Chi Val Harper and Dwain Limprecht, Phi Alpha Delta; Kappa Harriet Pugsley and Sigma Chi Bob Fenton; AOPi Elisabeth Smith and Walter Sav idge ... to the Orrin Tucker rhythm will go Sigma Kappa Helen Higgins and Harold Mizner; AOPi Ruth Yourd and Sig Ep I Frosty Wilson; Kappa Jeanie ! Newell and Sigma Chi Frankie Kappa Phi holds dinner tomorrow I Initiation, installation 1 of officers to top affair K-'tppi Phi, Methodist sorority, ' will initiate new members, install j officers and present awards to outstanding pledges at an annual spring dinner at 6 o'clock tomor I row evening at the Student Union. Mrs. H. M. LeSourd, national j sponsor and guest for the occa . sion, will address the banqueters on the theme of the evening i "Water Wonderland." P e u 1 a Rrigham will preside as toastmis . tress and Hiva Mills, president will j conduct the initiation service. ! Emily Frandsen is in charge of 1 ticket sales. j Among those attending will be two national officers, three past ; national officers and Mr. C. W. Molzen editor of the national pub : lieation, who will conduct the ini I tiation service. A GIFT SHE WILL Shsdto E2991 LINCOLN .S7,... . Bid Ba.w ... ' eoroe Li.. hi nil,.' - "-yes I I Next t " ' "'' flle I Marry- hi i nam r l I il I I I l LAKE mniui emir .nwmwiM I'KTK HMITII'S "DOUBLE DIVING" Coufal; Delta Gamma Jinnie Wheeler and Sig Ep John Scofield; Theta Virginia Stoddard and ATO Chuck Davis; and Sigma Kappa Frances Brown and Sig Ep Bill Eynon . . . and Saturday night the Phi Psi's are having a big picnic and Sunday all of the gals at the AOPi house "with pins" are hav ing a picnic with their dates and the Alpha Phi's are having a buffet supper and picnic in Omaha this week end ... all of which means that people are rush ing to get things done in the few weeks left of school . . . another candy-cigar passing is that of Tri Delta Leone Wilson and Chi Phi Clayton Mossman . . . and so goes the social news of the clay . . . Alpha Xi Delt announces the pledging of Virginia Cochrane. Chi Phi's new officers . are Ed Segrist, president; George John son, vice president; George Lonie, secretary; Kenneth Teich, treas urer; and Cecil Hallowell, sergeant at arms. Kappa Sig announces pledging of Clarence Herndon and Howard Kelly, both from Grand Island. Alpha Phi's new officers are Doris Marie Poellot, president; Jean Morgan, vice president; Elea nore Berner, treasurer; Gertrude Berggren, secretary, and Marnni Bremers, social chairman. 225 schools now giving marriage training courses 225 colleges are now giving courses in training for marriage, it was declared in a recent issue of the Look magazine by Dr. Ern est R. Groves of the University f North Carolina. He pioneered his first class in 1027 when the students petitioned the faculty for such a course to help prepare them for marriage. "Child marriages recently have shocked all America," declared Dr. Groves in his article, "but mar riages of many older persons are as pitiful ami absurd. Because parents often cannot or will not tell young people what they must know, colleges are now offering the honest, useful information that fitness for marriage requires of modern youth." Dr. Groves' article is accom panied by pictures showing classes, mixed and unmixed, at his own school as well as others. Tho con sidered revolutionary 16 years ago, the course is now treated like any other subject by many Insti tutions of learning. Dr. Groves stated. Instruction includes in formation about courtship, engage ment, finances, marital adjust ment, conception, and pregnancy. He lclievcs the most important quality for a successful marriage is the desire for a home and chil dren. According to Dr. R. D. Lyman, there is no such comprehensive course Riven at Nebraska al tho there is a course in Soeial Hy- peine. The University of Detroit will again this year sponsor the na tional intercollegiate turtle race. The Nicholas Murray Butler per manent intercollegiate philatelic trophy hd.s been won by a. Crown university student. F I lornhusker UNOER JCHimiflEl. OlftECTION 1.1 proud to be the host to Friday TASSI LS INITIATION DINNKK Saturday PI HI.TA PHI HANOI IT sh;ma PHI IPSHilN lUNOLKT THITA XI IJANOl'KT HOME OF THE TrstyPrstrVShdr Coed Counsel board installs 120 Sunday Leader Fern Steuteville to explain purposes of big sister group Some 120 girls will be installed by the Coed Counselor board Sun day at 2:30 p. m. in Ellen Smith hall. These girls will act as big sisters to the freshman girls next year. Presiding at the installation services will be Fern Steuteville, president of the organization, who will explain its purpose. Other members of the board who will as sist in the services are Faith Med lar, Mary Sherburne,' Maxine Lake, Melva Kime, Mary Bullock, Ruth Clark, Ruth Grosvenor, Ruth Ann Sheldon, Jane DeLatour, Natalie Burn and June Bierbower. After the services, the sponsors, Miss Elsie Ford Piper and Miss Leta Clark, will be introduced. The first mass meeting of the Counselors will be held Tuesday at 5 o'clock in Ellen Smith hall. At this time, in order to start next year's activities, the newly in stalled members will be assigned to groups of ten serving under each of the 12 board members. Prof. Fedde asked to give paper for education group Prof. Margaret Fedde has been asked to present a paper at the World Education Congress which meets in Rio de Janeiro the first week in August. Dr. Benjamin R. Andrews, professor of house hold economics of Columbia uni versity is chairman of the commit tee. SAT. AND SUN. AND HIS . I II IN ih'II'iiii irn ifi ni iriiinrcn in iwiiii 1 yTt nrliirli Mur .lltr.irllmi at lnl Vlrtur, I : tall ft- 1 211 I fcf.:W:W3Li:iuii. 8-1? I'VE FOUND IT! Where to Go Tonight? to -U6IUEEEIS See the Engineer-Law DERBY Music by Grady Mullins SOUTHERN GENTLEMEN Buy Your Ticket at the dJOKI Li j lj vy Li v, 1.00 Per Couple U.S. supplies 'talkies' to ROTC War department gives projector to Kentucky LEXINGTON, Ky. (I.P.) A sixteen millimeter sound projector will be supplied the University of Kentucky department of military science and tactics by the United States war department, for the purpose of stressing instruction in the R.O.T.C. unit by the means of "training" films. The moving picture sound equipment is being furnished to R.O.T.C. units in colleges and uni versities where bad weather dur ing the winter months limits out door drill. Several officers from the United States signal corps who are ex perts in photography have been sent to Hollywood for training in sound photography, the training to be especially under technicians in charge of photographing animated cartoons. tqmight ORRIN ITUCKERS and his Famous Orchestra fTURMEf A dv. Tli-Urts H: F. l'nlil )i r. M. A X t OunicNnn I Inrnl Co. V Adm. at Door, $1,111 l a. 00 CBS-NBC ORCHESTRA No Increase In I'rlre Mln. Ilin f-ervl-! KMh 1 O mm the EvIILLS mm ILL ""')ifj " mix