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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1939)
j I SIX DAILY NEBRASKAN FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1939 Huskernine meets EC-State in two games NU out for first win in conference play; fifteen men make trip Nebraska's baseball team will be seeking their first win in Big Six competition when they meet the Kansas State nine tms afternoon at Manhattan. A second game Is scheduled for Saturday Afternoon. Lloyd Schmadeke will probably pitch the first game for the Husk ers, while Rube Denning will work Saturday. Others in Friday's line up besides Schmadeke will likely be Alvin Schmode, catcher: Tom Moates, first base; Dow WiHon, second base; Frank Paibino, third base; Bernie LaMasicr, shortstop; Big Six Standings. g 2 2 2 5 1 2 w I pet. Iowa State Missouri . Oklahoma Kas. State Kansas . . . Nebraska 2 0 1000 2 0 1 1 10( 0 .500 .4.10 .000 .000 John McDermott, left field; Del Harris, center field; and Oscar Tegmeier, ri,ht field. Among the stars of the Wild rats' nine are football men 'Butch" Nieman and Jim Erock. Nieman is a slugging sophomore outfielder, while Brock, hi:j back field mate last fall, is the one de pendable pitcher for the team. Batting order for the K-Staters 'ncludes third baseman Lee Town--end. shortstop Meade Harris, left 'ielder and basketball star Ervin langvardt, who is replacing Bill Duitsman, injured in the early pait of the season. 4 Graham at first. Ken Graham, sophomore mem ber of the football and basketball earns will be at first base, Einie iiller will be at second, and Max lurman will catch one of the a mes. Melvin Seelye, another sopho lore football and basketball per ormer. will catch the other game, vhile Brock's best help in the itching department will probably ome from Fred Eyestone. The 15 players making the trip ."or Nebraska are: Bubino. Oliver Horak. LeMaster, '.ance Ray, Wilson and Moates, in siders: Tegtmeier, McDermott, 'arris and Lawrence Anderson. ".tfield'rs; Scbmode, and Richard -yce. catchers; and Bill Brune t'nnin2 and Schmndcke, pitchers !asko!! ex-Sooner -ri.nt ace, is dead Em"; I Il.iski'll, v.'iio starred as sprir'tcr n Oklahoma track am.-- I;i37 wild W.iH. died Wcd-.- i.iv if 1i1d1 p ti.soniiig at Wich- iLi ;.'!'. who was graduated at ciyv'ir- .'join the school of chem :1 en ;ir"ei in';. vas r j-holder of e s' h.)'il's I'm j'3? dnsh record 9.7 -cowls, "e was a nephew the .-'u'-pr biscb.ill roach, Law "ire ' .lap" H ;:0:eU. WINS Popularity Contest America's favorite oxford l shirt is Arrow's hand tome GORDON and we have a swell collection of Gordons including some just your lire! Gordon's a treat shirt for sports and business both. Get it to day. Only $J. (fJfljO Ames, Nebraska tennis teams play today Iowa State golfers face NU Saturday Schistz joins neimers for Cyclone meet Nebraska's tennis team engages in its second match of the season this afternoon as the Huskers take on Ames at the Lincoln Tennis club at 3:00. The lineup which tied Kansas State 3-3 last Saturday will be slightly changed, what with Bill Reedy, usual No. 2 man, playing only in the doubles. Reedy has a civil service examination Satur day for which to prepare. The change will move Irv Kuk lin up a notch from No. 3 and, likewise Jim Hemsworth from No. 4. The new man will be sophomore Don Schulz, who will take over the No. 4 spot. Harold Rundle, as usual, will be No. 1. Hemsworth and Reedy, and Kuklin and Rundle will compose the Huskers' two doubles teams. AMES. Towa, April 27. Coach Harry Schmidt announced today that he will take Don Eeresford, Bruce Griffing, Bob Menze and Joe Martin to Lincoln tomorrow to meet the University of Nebras ka tennis team. Saturday the team will journey to Manhattan, Kas., to engage Kansas State. Eeresford will play No. 1 po sition; Griffing, No. 2; Menze, No. 3, and Martin. No. 4. Grif fing and Eeresford will team as the No. 1 doubles team, and Menze and Martin will be team mates. Tri-Delts vs. D.Gs The Tii Delt basketball team will meet the Delta Gammas in a quarter final game of the girls intramuial basketball tournament tonight. How to pick up a good-looker! Whether ox not you arc having glamour trouble, Arrow Shirts have a way of stepping up your appearance. They not only make jou look better hut fed better. They have the- Mitoga tailored fit, smart new patterns, and the best-looking collars that ever graced a neck. Sanforized NU trackmen go to Drake for Relays Simmons, weight men given best chance Eighteen Nebraska Cornhusk ers and their coaches left yester day for Des Moines to attend the Drake Relays, nationally famous track compet. Nebraska's best chances appear to lie in the 410 hurdles where Bob Simmons, star quarter miler and hurdler is entered, and in the weight events, with Bob Mills. Ed sel Wibbels, and Ray Prochaska entered. Huskers Mills and Wibbels will be in the fight for first place, what with Elmer Hackney, K-State ace, competing at Colorado and Michi gan's Eill Watson, who did 51-1 3-4, Saturday, entered at the Penn Relays. Leading the parade of stars at the Des Moines carnival will be Billy Brown, brilliant Louisiana Staie sophomore, who did 9.6 in the 100, 25-5 in the broad jump, and 6-3 in the high jump in one day; Fred Wolcott, Rice's hurdler, and John Borican , Negro sensa tion who will go out for a new 1.000 yard world's record in a spe cial race. Spring medlev Rob Simmons. 410; l.U.yd Wright and H.irwin Hanson, 220; I'aul Owen. SS0. Instance medley Tvlwood Pankonin. 41": Owen or John Brownlee. 8S0: Al Killer, mile: Brownlee, or Delman Moore, mile. Two mile relay -Owen, Kuper, Bruwnlee, Moore. Four mil relay-Kuper. Brownlee, More and Owen or I"Roy Walker. SSy vard r!ay - Simmons, Dawson. Jack Dodd and WriKht. 440 yard hurdles - Simmons. 120 yard hich hurdles Frank Ta'lman. Ralph Worden. Shot and discus Boh Mills. Kdsel Wib bels. Kaymond I'rochaska. Vault Ted I-t;ale. Bon Har old soott. Broad Jump Scott. Neumann, Davison. i if Slirunk. 5 Pick up a few of these good lookers today, a: your nearest Arrow shop. 2 u $3.50 Bi9!y Hall leads potent Cyclones Bill Mowbray, Husker captain, added a 73 yesterday to his 75 of Wednesday for a 36 iiole mark of 148, the best qualifying score of the week. Jim Beltzer was on his heels, putting a 75 beside his 74 of Wednesday for 149. Taul Jones has a 151, with a 77 on both days, as he was having a little trouble with his "drives and puts. Don Million will play Wally Spomer and Don Anderson in an 18 hole, three cornered match this afternoon as qualifying play ends. Million was one tip on the other men at the end of 18 holes. Mowbray, whose play this week has shown improvement will go against the No. lman of Ames, Capt. Billy Hall, formerly Iowa state amateur champion, and third high individual as a sophomore in last year's conference champion ships. Another member of the Cyclone team will be sophomore Tom Hoak. Des Moines sophomore star, who. has been state junior cham pion and state amateur medalist. He holds the Wakonda course rec ord in Des Moines with a 06. The other two menioers of the team will probably be Bob Schrei ber and Russet Vifquain, both juniors, and lettermen from last year. ! How's your color scheme today? This ad i prompted by ihc goh-aful color com binations we've wen on wnie of the male in lhi Iowa. What color idtirt do you wear with a brown cuit? Willi a blue Miil? With a pray Mill? Slop in to ftce u today and take a look, al our new, hand-omcr-than-over Arrow patlerned ohirts in all colors, collar cizes, sleeve lengths and collar styles. And atk the man who waits on you to help you with your rolor schemes! . Arrow Fancy Shirt 91 by June Bierbower That 53-4 'i effort which Elmer Hackney got off yesterday was a mighty nice throw, but it happens that one Mr. Bill Watson, Michi gan's ace colored track star, turned in a 54-1", mark last Sat urday, which is the best any man in this country has turned in since the balmy days of John Lyman and Jack Torrance, the boy who ate a dosen barbecued beef sand wiches at the last A. A. U. meet in Lincoln. Watson also did 158 feet in the discus, just for the fun of it. What a shot put field that will be nt Lincoln July 4 with Watson, Hackney, Anderson and Wohle of Stanford and Ryan of Columbia. Every one of them has bettered 52 feet. Notice one of our fair haired baseball teams, Creighton Prep, took it on the chin from Central. . . . Prep lost 12-2. . . . And Lin coln High and Fremont battled in Wednesday's drizzle to a 0-0 tie in nine innings before the game was called. . . . Nonetheless that Lincoln-Prep game here Saturday ought to be a real scrap. . . . Max Hall, brother of Iowa State's star golfer. Billy Hall, is the best frosh linksman at Ames. Congratulations arc in order for an old pal of ours . . . Dick Kelly, sports editor of the Daily Cali fornia n has been elected men's secretary for the 1939 class t California. 2 and up moniw) & (exo) w - ARROW SHIRTS