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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1939)
FOUR DAILY NEBIUSKAN SUNDAY, APRIL' 23, 1939 RjuudqsiiL. . .1 Va 1 a And now the big parties are all ever, and the Fiji-Tau tussle come to a grand finish the Beta Crud party a bygone the Phi Mu Southern party a past event the Sigma Nu formal finished the ZBT Nursery party over and the Tri-Delta party done and gone. . . . the Phi Mu Southern party was great fun and carried a typical southern atmosphere.... Gladys Trnik was there with Wendell Nickerson, Acacia; Woodie Camp bell and Sig Alph Pete Hageline, Marion Olson and Jack Haunsted; Mary Ellen McMaslers and James Weeks. . . .at the Sigma Nu formal were Wally Engdahl and Theta Ann Beard; Ed Beechnut Steeves and Theta Virginia Smith; Jack Bingenhcimer and Pi Phi Virginia Gei.ster at the Beta Crud party, which was slightly on the rural side, were (flash) Bob Gannon and Kappa Jean Newell; Paul Bradley and Theta Marj Houser; "Bing" Crosby and Delta Gamma Cath erine Huwaldt; Dick DeBrown and Kappa Pat Burn; Roy Broyhill and Delta Gamma Marg Moyer . . .and at the Tri Delta party were Fran Timbers and Gid Gates; Mary Anna Cockle and DU Clay ton Ankeny; Cay Deuremyer and Dick Allen (and incidentally, Cay was last, week seen wearing a DU pin, and later a Beta pin -tsk, tsk) at the Farm house dinner, "also-theres" were Ray Cruise and Furr, Hansen give recital Monday Program to include singing, piano music A plicae piogiani of singing and piano music will be presented by Houghton Furr, pianist, and Ker mit Hansen, tenor, in the Corn husker hotel ballroom Monday evening at 8:15. Furr, a student with Earnest Harrison of the faculty, will pre sent one number with Mr. Harri son. Hansen, a student with Maude F. Gutsmer, will be accom panied by Milan Lambert. One of the highlights of the Monday evening program will be the fast moving Tansman piano concerto featuring Furr and Har rison. Among the numbers to be presented by Hansen are a group of songs by modern American composers which typify the versa tility and novelty of present day song writing. AT THE HEAD OF THE CLASS . . . of 19 W n n in i,i mmm ..... . JJ ii iii IRIS JOHNSON With an orange kerchief around her neck with the black letters of FARMER'S FAIR printed on it, Irish Johnson, ag college junior from Fremont, is good enough publicity for . . . the Farmer's Fair coming up after Ivy Day. Iris likes to roller skate and keep scrapbooks, es pecially ones that pertain to her interests in home ec. Along that line, she's preparing her self for extension work by com bining teaching and home eco nomics. Ag Executive Board member, Tassels for two years, and co-chairman of the Student Council inter-campus bus com mittee, Iris is a real "ag-colle-giate" . . . and you can be one too, ag-collegiate or any other kintf of a collegiate ... if you mlngr'e with the college crowd at the HOTEL CAPITAL Marj Malovck, Kappa Delta; Har old Benn and Louise Oddo, Sigma Kappa; and Kenny Holland and Jean Simmons. .. .the Fiji-Tau Tussle which attracted huge at tention, what with front yard pig pens, painted cars, and greased faces set off by the honking of horns, etc and at the platform dance were ATO Bill O'Connor and Alpha Phi Betty Lou Wcntz; Dwight Whit and Opal Stebbins; ATO Bill Davis and Theta Jean Cook; Fiji Louis Leigh and Tri Delt Dot McClelland and all of this is just a brief summary and representative oi the big fun had by all this week-end. . . . 'Tobacco Road' to come May 4 John Barton to play lead in Caldwell novel Based on Erskine Caldwell's novel of the shiftless, philosophic Jester Leeter, the stage play "To bacco Road" comes to the Liberty theater on May 4 for two per formances, a matinee at 2:30 and an evening presentation at 8:30. John Barton is starred in the role of Jeeter Lester, who heads a group of amusing, illiterate and half starved share-croppers. With him live his apathetic half starved wife, Ada, whose only desire is a "stylish dress to be buried in," their two children Dude and Ellie May, and old Grandma Lester, who creeps about the place in frightened silence. Many laughs. Sixteen year old Dude is per suaded by Sister Bessie Rice, a middle aged evangelist, to marry her, on the promise of a new au tomobile with a horn. Although the. play is a serious study of the share-cropper people in their na tive environment, the perform ance is claimed to number 197 laughs. "Tobacco Road" is still running in New York, where it has passed its 2,300th performance. It has been presented In 39 states and in London, and is in the process of being made into an opera and a film. Cornhusker gets copy of first NU annual The first copy of the first yearbook ever published at Ne braska, the "Sombrero" of the school year of 1883 and '84, was presented to the Cornhusker by Mrs. Will Owen Jones last week. That year the university had an enrollment of 349 students. The 1895 edition of Sombrero feaetured an article by Dorothy Canfield Fisher and Willa Cath er, who was associate editor for the annual. Bulletin Gamma Alpha Chi, advertising sorority, will give a luncheon for all active members Monday in the Union cafeteria at noon. The party will gather in the lounge of the Union and proceed to the cafeteria in a group. Tassels will please remember to wear their uniforms Tuesday for the sale of Rubinoff tickets. MONDAY SPECIALS 1639 Ford Convertible coupe .... Leather upholstering. tfjir Clean 33 1939 Chevrolet dp luxe coupe mllea, rdlo, CTAI healer 1 1939 Chevrolet Mailer Tudor, radio. healer, ruru tCtl like new ?JOP 1938 Ford Tudor aedan, low dC mileage, hot air heater 3 1937 Ford Tudor serinn, $?R'! completely reconditioned t"' 1937 Chrysler Royal coupe, 1,000 mile, perfect... PJjJ 1931 OltU '" coupe, 17,000 dAC ml., perfect, ext. aeaU -PT 1935 Ford Turfor aedan YAWJ 193S Pontine OQI Tudor sedan V-J 1935 Plymouth $295 coupe -yJ J 1934 Ford $195 Tudor aecfiin 1033 Pl mouth $145 Tudor nednn r 1 1933 Ford $1 65 Tudor sedan OVER 100 OTHERS I'HICED TO SEIX O'SIIEA-ROGERS 1345 M 1709 "0" St. mm .. i j(rv-N i 5 ".iIWH" V 1 1 -1 1 kt Ii (' i Indispensable for NOW . . . Thru Summer! WASHABLE Spun Rayon DRESSES j95 to 3 95 Frocks you'll de light in from now on! Of crisp spun rayon a fabric that wears washes beautifully! Soft, pretty styles with flared, pleated skirts, small waists. Bright bright prints on white, pastel grounds. 12-20, 38 to 44. SKCOND FLOOR 1a Eg & Q3imseB ,