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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1939)
i FOUR DAILY NEBKASKAN THURSDAY, APRIt 20, 1939 I ' . This is the picnic weather you've been waiting for . . and should make mighty fine encouragement for the formals and house parties this week end . . . but before we go into those, we might men tion a bit of the well known but scarce gore . . . frinstance, did you know the Eeta pin of John Waehter is no longer on Delores Bora, but that they are still going steady . . . and to stay in the Alpha Chi house, we Pi Lambda Theta elects new members Tuesday Twenty-nine new members were initiated by Ti Lambda Theta, Teachers college honorary for sen iors, at the spring initiation serv ices held Tuesday in the Union. Lilah Jensen, president, conducted the ceremoni?s. A dinner followed the initiation. Received into membership were: Margaret Adams, Lois Ballan tyne, Jnez Burnworth, Alice Churchill. Margaret Dolezal. Myra F.gger, LaVon Fairley, Klizabeth Gernes, Frances Hessheimer, Mary Lee Johnson, Kathryn Johnson, Mary Virginia Knowles. Adelaide Laux, Jane Loeffler, Martha Long. Roberta Luers, Lucille Marker, Annabelle Pesliek, Frances Plait. Harriet Ann Pugsley, Doris Red dick, Wilma Faye Sawyer, Patsy Schobel, Emma Marie Schuttloffel, Celia Sterner. Mary Elizabeth Stewart, Margaret Werner, Pris cilia Wicks and Selma Zveitel. JllCjOilSJu STUART Hurry! .. .Ends Fridayl BOB BURNS , in 'I'm from Missouri' Starts Saturday! The Stcry of Alexander Gratan Bell with r4ui tnir'V - 1 .wrttm 1 (Hint - Urarjr KlHMtft LlfiCOLIl Start$ Today! WHAT FIENDISH BEAST FROM HELL! ...IS THIS? "The Hound of the Boskervilles" wit Rrbmr4 linm . Asa BMaaaar . W4y Raxrtc NEBRASKA rioiM ntuAT! JM( Faatare M l:M r. M. 3 Smart Girls Grow Up Premiere Presentation Friday Nite at 8:30 Doon Open 8:00 Regular Prices! Bernard SHAW'S PYGLTALIOIl' Starring Leslie Howard Wendy Hiller "On of the BeM 10 Fie tirc$ of lite Year!" Say 8 out of 9 IS. Y. ,W paper Critirtl Regular Engagement Starts ftaturdayl might mention that Barbara Jeary now has a Sigma Nu pin ana connected with it are all sorts of secrets, involving a Pi Phi, too, so they say' . . . also and again in the Alpha Chi house, we might say something about the fact that Eunice Halm has been on tne dating list quite often of DU Bob Kelson, who is the "ex" of Janet Harris . . . and a new steady in the Kappa house is that of Jean Humphrey and DU Bill Nie- hus . . . and one of the more intense bridge games was carried on at the Sig Alph house Tues day night ending with the boys calling the Delta Gamma house at 6:30 to find out some complicated score keeping . . . and the sports event of the week took place in the Rag office yesterday when the turtles of the Ragaquarium beat the slow, steady paces of the turtles from the Cornhusker zoo logical hole . . . and the tea dance was brightened by the cuttings-in on Alpha Phi Dotty Askey . . novelty of the week was seeing Alpha Thi Helen Abel and Theta Frannie Van Anda driving around in a huge truck to pick up card tables for the Y. W. C. A. bridge benefit . . . disgrace of the week are the beard of Hebron's "Chick" McCuistion and the inverted bowl haircut of ATO Dave Thompson . . . again we mention the society of the week end . . . Friday night is the Sigma Nu formal, and Saturday is the Kappa Sig picnic, the Fiji-Tau Tussle, the Y. W. benefit bridge, at night the Tri Delta house party, the Phi Mu house party, the ZBT formal, the Beta house party, and the Fiji Tau dance. YWCA sponsors benefit bridge Saturday event to raise Chinese student fund All students, housemothers and townspeople who profess to bridge prowess will have a chance to dis play their ability Saturday after noon when the university Y. W. C. A. holds a bridge benefit from 2:30 until 5 in Ellen Smith hall. Sponsored by the Y. W. social service staff, the benefit is for the purpose of raising funds with which the staff will buy bedside toys and games for the Ortho pedic Hospital. A generous pro portion of the proceeds will, how ever, go 10 Uie far busiern olu dent Service fund, which has been pledged $5,000 by the Rocky Mountain region of the United States, of which "Nebraska is a part. This fund aids far eastern students in getting an education, $10 in American money sending a Chinese student to school for an entire year. Lincoln church groups are also co-operating in this en terprise. Helen Abel and Frances Van Anda are co-chairmen of the benefit, at which refreshments will be served and prizes drawn by lucky number holders. Jane Shaw is chairman of tickets, which are being sold by Y. W. cabinet mem bers for 25c apiece. Clinchy to speak Saturday morning NU Welfare Council sponsors appearance Dr. Everett Clinchy, director of the National Conference of Chris tians and Jews with headquarters in New York City, will visit the Nebraska campus Saturday and will speak at a breakfast in the Union at 8 o'clock. The breakfast, sponsored by the Religious Welfare council, is open to all students and faculty mem bers. Reservations may be made thru any university pastor. Clinchy heads the organization which exists for the purpose of promoting justice, amity, under standing and co-operation among the Catholics, Jews and Protest ants in America. It sponsors round - tables, radio broadcasts, inter collegiate conferences and other activities between church and syn agogue, students and faculty mem bers in particular. Dr. O. D. Wer ner has attended the conference from the University of Nebraska. Bacteriologists meet here May 6 ' 9 Convo to draw over 75 , midwestern scientists The annual convention of the Missouri valley branch of the so ciety of American Bacteriologists, to be held here May 6. will bring more than seventy-five visiting bacteriologists from over the middlewest. Dr. G. L. Peltier, chairman of the bacteriology department. Dr. Carl Georgi, L. F. Lindgren, and Keith Lewis, all of the depart ment: and Dr. P. A. Downs and Dr. T. H. Goodding, of the Col lege of Agriculture, are in charge of local arrangements. Delegates will attend from Mis souri, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Ne braska. Sessions are to be held through the day, with a noon luncheon and evening dinner at the Union. The progiam will be of special interest to medical, ag ricultural, and health groups, and is open to the public. Dr. F. E. Colien of Creighton is president. Dr. L. D. Bushnell of Kansas State, vice president, and Dr. Cora Downs, of Kansas university is secretary-treasurer. Gamma Alpha Chi to meet today . Gamma Alpha Chi, advertising sorority, will hold a business meet ing Thursday. April 20 at 5 o'clock In room 313 of the Union. Projects will be discussed and rush plans made. All members are asked to be present. Kappa Phi elects heads Miss Marker to serve as president of M.E. girls Lucille Marker, teachers college junior, was elected president of Kappa Phi, Methodist sorority, Wednesday night at Ellen Smith hall. Margaret Galbraith, sopho more in the arts and science col lege, is the new vice president. Other cabinet officers were: Ada Charlotte Miller, recording secretary; Virginia Ostergard, treasurer; Beula Brigham, corre sponding secretary; Ruth Surber, hisorian; Hiva Mills, program chairman: Lilah Jensen member ship; Helen Eighmy, social chair man; Marie Larrabee, chaplain; Eva Mae Cromwell, publicity; Eli jean Paulson, art chairman; Max- ine Maddy, music chairman, and Miriam Martin, stenographic chair man. Officers will be Installed at the annual spring banquet April 29. Margaret Robbins was in charge of arrangements. BULLETIN The Society of American Mili tary Engineers will hold their reg ular meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock in room 315 of the. Union. Plans for the annual Engineers night will be discussed by the members of the organization. Plans will also be made for the engineer's inspection trip to Oma ha, which will be held next week. A complete roster of all members who are going on the trip must be in at tonight's meeting. A group picture of members of Phi Lamba Upsilon, honorary chemical society, will be taken today at the Campus Studio. Mem bers are to meet there at 5 p. m. There will be a meeting of Per shing Rifles today. AT THE HEAD OF THE CLASS . . . o 1940 C i P 1 it mTw' tm saw VIRGINIA WHEELER "Gore" here we come! in the person of Virginia Wheeler, Delta Gamma from Glenwood, Iowa,, for. she. consolidates "items of social interest" for the Awgwan. It's a long step to kindergarten teaching but that's her major as a teachers college junior. Sports clothes are Virginia's favorite with the only accessories in jewelry. Her hobby of collecting trinkets shows up in all kinds of tricky bracelets. Virginia "gets around" in campus activities in Tassels, Coed Counselors, and as a member of this year's junior-senior prom committee. You may not be interested In activities but you can certainly "get around" in the right crowd if you meet your friends at the HOTEL CAPITAL Csartto 1 '0i START by H U HEAD. 4 T r' i ii Ui f V i I in lull) l mill 1 f-k 1 1 I 1X7 U.I tJ UilWH CtXO FOR FREE FOLDERS fm iiih M thrill! ' J UNION 8US DCOT ! llllIKU lllirilAi I UfllUn rnblr lb SinuL) AD0RES& INTERSTATE TRANSIT IINF I Saa FraaciKa WaiW't Fair. HAML. For Busy Coeds On A Clothes Budget . . . Double Duty Dresses With Redlngoies or Jackeft 10 95 1395 19 50 You'll adore these little "double duty dresses' we're showing, for they're made to go places on any occasion. Wear them with their redingotes (in the same material or contrasting) or jackets on the street. "Aear them dancing or tea-ing. Wear them shopping. You'll find they're most versatile, and the best beloved frock In your wardrobe. COLO'S. .Third Floor. V i