The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 02, 1939, Page FOUR, Image 4

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I wiilv
Count off the day 'til Thursday
...which will be a great day... ,
and in the meantime, hope for de
cent picnic weather and decide to
go to all your classes until vaca
tion... and this is the week-end of
big banquets at Beta, A TO, and
Towne Club, and the Pi Phi Hay
rack ride, weather permitting...
and the Park and Turnpike
brought lots of the kiddies out both
Friday and Saturday nights,
which makes that spring fooling
pretty well cinched. . .and the pin
hanging of the week is that of Al
Armhruster, Beta, on Delta Gam
ma Betty Schroeder. .at the Turn
pike Friday night were ATO Bun
Nichols and Kappa Betty Kay, Pi
Thi Marj Burnett dancing with
Sigma Nu Bob Zoesch, which is
a little now and different; and ZBT
Bud Slosburg was with Jo Gold,
Sig Alph Bill Beechley and Pat
Swartz, a visitor on the campus. . .
"also scons" wore DU Joe Stephens
and Theta Betty Ini Griffiths, and
Kig Kp Bill Kovanda with Delphine
Seely, Pi Phi... and along the
more frequent frequenters lately
are Alpha Chi Chronnie Westcott
and Bob Morris, Sigma Nu...and
a redress of grievances is sent to
Don Hartnian, and Alice Black
stone, Tri Delta, who are not going
steady. . .
Alpha Chi Omega's now officers
are Rachel Diller, president; Bettc
Turner, vice president; Kleanor
Eisenhart, treasurer; Margaret
Steburg.' recording secretary;
Mary F.llen Osborn, corresponding
secretary; Nancy Mauch, histor
ian. Chi Omega's new officers arc
Betty Flory, president; Jean Hoop
er, vice president; Lucile Cox, sec
retary; Maxine Lowe, treasurer;
Barbara Dale, pledge mother; Ruth
Stephens, personnel chairman;
Barbara lee, chapter correspondent.
Home ec instructors
to attend conference
Grace Morton. Margaret Liston,
and Dr. Rebckah Gibbons, home
economic faculty members of the
university will attend a national
conference on consumer education
in Columbia, Mo., tomorrow and
The conference is sponsored
jointly by Stephens college and the
Institute for Consumer Kducation.
Honorary meets Tuesday
Pi Lamlxla Theta, Teachers col
lege honorary, will hold a business
meeting Tuesday at 5 o'clock in
room 108 of Teachers college ac
cording to Lilah Jensen, president.
... 1910
X Jv "J
Tassels president for the com
ing year is Selma Hill, Sigma
Delta Tau, arts and science col
lege junior from Lincoln. A
Y. W. C. A. cabinet member,
Selma is also president of Sig
ma Alpha Iota, honorary musi
cal sorority; member of Theta
Sigma Phi, Vestals of the
Lamp, Coed Counselors, and
Pan-Ilel Council. (Selma is
seen "about campus" with a
certain Bob Cohen. Z.B.T.).
For all her varied interests
Selma goes to the head of the
class and "at the head of the
class" go all the college crowd
that meet at the
elnd the OQier 364 Days in the Year-
You 're Sure of flie Be&
Hart Schaffner & Marx
6) enrs'
Clothing values come and go but Triple Test Worsted
slays right up there nt the top, year in and year out.
There must be a reason. There is! Triple Test is nces for
style fit wear. It keeps its shape long' after ordinary
suits are on their way to that wiltcd-fcttucc look. This
stamina Is no accident, right, It's the result of a fabric
with plenty of body, and fine tailoring that puts some
thing into a suit Hint hangs on months after its original
price is forgotten!
Simon 's
A Great Suit Value
m 50
You will like these new Spring
Brigadier sulfa. You will like their
richness, their colors and the way
they tailor Into fine style suits.
They'll be hard to choose from
because of their unusual attrac
tiveness. The style nnd quality of
the Brigadier is greater than ever
this season. Come in and try one
on they are handsome.
ImWi' jL
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( v fis'h
't, V'V 7
Vfs can't say too much about these
suits that boast tailoring and fine
style. In this group you will find
a complete representation of the
latest style fabrics, and colors for
Spring. Especially important Is
the huge assortment of stripes,
which promise to be the "hit" of
the 1939 fashion picture. They
ore available in practically every
type of fabric and in every pop
ular tailoring style. Included are
three-button and double breasted
Sport Coats
Styled In Hollywood
f port coaU in Shetlands and Tweeds in colorful mixture
tM wide-space plaids. Three button high-set drape model.
1295 1595
Thi$ 1 A Sportswear Year
Hollywood Slacks
Gabardines, Hopsack weaves, Coverts and Doeskin flan
ncls in luggage tan, teal blue, aqua green and pasteU.
$g 95 to $1095