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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1939)
DAILY NEBRASKAN THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1939 at MAGEE?"" MILLER'S SIX I Wanna be platoni'c? You can't go wrong in 'brother and sister' play. suits Though the climate may not make Nebraska coeds into "outdoor" frirls, "ve predict that Millers" play clothes will. For never before have leisure-time outfits been so colorful, well tailored, and completely flattering. California reigns supreme in the field of sunshine fashions. Colors bright as life and twice DATE DRESSES a'jL tin. . . . DETA ... u that do&L it as handsome are combined in mi -mm ,.nn bold plaids and Mexican prints 1 IXC MOUntlCS SOI, which may be used alone or set Tt . off by plain materials. Slack sets, always so popular with the college crowd, come in amazing variety of shades and style. Especially noteworthy was a shirt-slack outfit of soft est green woolen with stitched details and as carefully tailored as your new spring suit. Some thing different under the sun are the horseshoe buttons com plete with shiny nails which decorate one dusty pink outfit. Bandana anil shorts New this year are brother and sister play suits. The brother job has a red bandana shirt, trim navy blue shorts, and a tiny bolero. The sister half of this pair is a snugly fitted play suit topped by a very full and very short striped skirt, tied on by a wide sash. No longer do men have a monopoly on those comfortable in-and-out shirts. Gay Mexican prints are made up in this style with little wooden fishes for buttons. Bags In natural color To ensemble with slack sets and sportswear of all kinds, there are matching belts and purses of woven straw and bur lap or raffia with gay felt appliques. Stitched twine belts and bags in neutral color are gayly embroidered. Cork belts and bracelets in brilliant colors are especially appropriate for wear with slacks, shorts, and, believe it or not, bathing suits, for they can go right into the water without damage. Wooden beads are strung to gether to make amusing belts, necklaces and bracelets. "Stroll ers''. are the shoes prepared especially for wear with play clothes. They consist of multi colored lastcx straps attached at the proper places to a light weight rubber sole. SKIRTS We mix sweaters, skirts in spring; Fasion decrees it is the thing Jane Ellis, Trl Delt, dashe3 to classes in a cranberry flared skirt and cardigan to match. She varies the sweaters and rib bon on her cranberry colored hat. Margaret Diekerson, seen be tween the Pi Phi house and Pharmacy in a sporty turquoise matched set with sport acces sories. Elizabeth Green, Alpha Chi, chooses a light blue skirt with a fushia sweater as her contribu tion for spring. Nifty is the angora canary yellow sweater worn by Maxine Meyers, Gamma Phi Beta. Style is accented on the sleeves which are square-cut and accented by email tucks. Oh Boy! Edrey Wilson, Tri Delta, is off to class in a chartreuse skirt and white angora sweater set off by pearls. As accessories she chooses hat, bag and belt of chartreuse. Eleanor Hyde, Gamma Phi Beta, looking extremely smart and school girlish with a lav endar gored skirt and pink polar bear sweater. Hazel Wisner, A. O. P.. has gone mannish in her striped shirt and blue pleated skirt. The shoulders are broad, and the waistline very slim. Look this way. A very lovely spring outfit la that of Ruth . Somberg SDT pledge. It is a chartreuse skirt and sweater. The skirt has sev eral pleats, and the sweater is soft angora with ruby studs r just like any coed can Time off from Intermural ac tivities for a date with Art Ra ber, is Jane Austen, Delta Gam ma, in a slate blue dress with a corn yellow wool jacket arid choosing blue for her accessories. Delta Gamma, Pat Cooper, swinging at the Turnpike with Phi Delta Charlie Roberts in a powder blue shirt waist dress with a plain box pleated skirt and pin striped waist. Doris Smith, A. O. Pi, is wear ing a lovely crepe dress, cut in two piece stylo with buttons marching down the front. With this she wears a cocky straw hat with a long veil. Kay Johnson, Phi Phi, seen at the Turnpike with Jack Pohlenz in a powder blue soft wool dress with tucked circular skirt. Blue sandals accent the blue trim ming on the dress. Say, now. Frances Price, Kappa Delt, treats her dates to an eyeful of A Jane Engel original of black with chartreuse trimming which includes an insert of chartreuse in the skirt. Edie Knight, Theta, choose a navy silk skirt with a pink peas ant blouse embroidered in light and dark blue for dress. She adds a sash of the same color. Powder blue silk with gold quilting on the sleeves is the dress that Betty Fosbury, Gam ma Phi, has chosen for spring. The full bodice and flared skirt are offset by sandals and purse of navy calf-skin and pink gloves and hat. That is cute Sara Fields, Tri Delta blonde, combines a gray crepe dress having a cranberry and lighter shade of gray trim with a black straw hat which has a cranberry ribbon on it and black shoes. Marian Dobney goes a-dating in a two-piece crepe dress of a Dlack crepe skirt with top of apple green trimmed with black buttons. Caking with her one and only a black and chartreuse prim with a chartreuse jacket is Dede McClelland, Delta ditto. She completes her costume by add ing a blaWi straw hat with char treuse trim and chartreuse gloves. in MAGEE'S Try the sweater cure for those , S o'clock blues An eight o'clock and for most coeds the world seems a bit dreary. Cut with sweaters in cyclamen rose, lime maize, rose berry, nd French blue things will look rosy. Magcc's has all of th6e and more with two piece suits for the background. When chill March winds blow, choose a cressy botany fabric box coat accented in white pique. Or don a roseberry coat made by Kirshmoor. Typical snap-brim felts are handy for school or fports and come in many hues. Prints still hold their own. A namy silk printed with feminine figures is handy when dates arrive for house-parties. It would certainly be a sensation if seen with a navy straw sailor having a tUrretcd crown and chartreuse trim. As suits are so important, blouses ore on the must list too, a fussy white chiffon with Peter Pan lace collar makes the suit for dressy occasions. A shirt maker white silk striped in red, yellow, and green chant',tu the Innn fo SPOrts, my - Ml -tk SivfX " V v - vt t i ' mimm, In j v -If - 1 1 ar'- I t r.i- Taylor-Made SHOES Good Looking Clothes Don't Just Happen. It's the Attention to Detail That Does the Trick. dlahdiApiuv SiritA. IT.irdispun's are famous for their care ful tailoriiis and distinctive now mod els .. . for spring they feature lrondor shoulders. and the full drape in a lliroo Imtton jacket . . . try one on this week end. $250 SaddJsL Siiidiuu "Saddle stitching" is one of those style details that makes clothes out si andin?. Featured in irabcrdincs and Shetland faln-ies for young men. Coats $12.50 to $18.50 Slacks . ; . $5 to $8.50 Arrow A sport coat should he more than just a "sack" with sleeves. It should he tailored, like a suit coat. That's why Ma gee's sport coats are so good looking. . .they are tailored to perfection. Featherwate SHIRTS HATS New dress shoes that are plenty comfortable after hours of "shagg'm" . . . and sport shoes that are tops in new fashions. The new Arrow's feature original collar stylos . . . the If ad nor, a rounded style, the A r d s 1 e y, a short (r point style . . . bee thorn at Ma gee's. Lighter . . . more colorful . . . soft, and comfortable . . . yes, everything yon eould want in a hat. To see them you'd expect to pay a lot. s2 $ '8 The Dance Parade .'i KFOR Tonight 10 to 12 P.M. i