The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 23, 1939, Page TWO, Image 2

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Vnhxqlhxq. with WlcVty j
Fashions the big issue of the
day. ..and rightly, too with all the
Best Dressed candidates looking
their brightest, and the lads whipping-
around in their summer
shirts. . .tra -la. . .and with spring
fever came the lifting, shall we
say, of the chapter room door of
the Kappa house, so that when
their national secretary was there,
embarrassment hit a nigh peak. . .
they're all sleuthing on the case
of the missing portal, and have
made pretty good tracks to 1515
R... rumor has it that a certain
Theta-ATO pin deal has been call
ed off for the moment, anyhow
...and so it is with the affair of
Janet Harris and DU Bob Nelson
...and so also it is with the pin
ning of Kappa Cecile Mitchell and
Sig Kp Joe Brown. ..which makes
it look like the rover spirit has
hit the campus, instead of the
usual spring settling down... at
the height of indecision is Sigma
Nu Jim Anderson between his
Theta and Kappa Delta love life
...and speaking of Sigma Nu's.
their jalope the glorious is a
Studebaker, not a Pontiac. . .tsk,
tsk, what an error. . .candy and
cigars are in demand from Kappa
Delta Meg Mohrman and Delta
Sigma Pi Jim Sedlacek since they
are now pinned... the DU's are
now getting everything lined up
for their house party Saturday
night, and you'll see such couples
as Bill Niehus and Theta Ruth Mc
Millan, and Wade Raser and Jean
Fischer, who are going steady
now, by the way . . . and Elwond
Pankonin, DU Dater-around, has
been dating??? every night 'ftis
week, and the curiosity has been
tried long enougn, so maybe to
morrow we'll know who the gal
is... at the tea dance yesterday,
attendance was extra good, what
with the added push of spring
fever and all... saw such regular
attenders as ATO Bill Davis, Delt
Dow Wilson, Sigma Alpha Mu
Norm Bordy, Sigma Nu Mason
Mitchell, Delta Gamma Frannie
Boldman, as usual with her free
Raleigh samples, Theta Betty Lou
Griffiths and DU EDOC Joe Ste
phens. . .Msirgaret Olson, pretty
blonde, and Ruth Grosvcnor. also
there's. . .with all the spring re
novation, the Beta's are doing
much cutting up of their ironi
lawn, giving the appearance of
papp's east 40... and the ATO's
bask on their porch, watching
their kite caught in a tree in tne
front yard... and bask as you all
will, for spring vacation is just
around the corner, and we're half
way to spring finals... Phi Mu's
new officers arc Phyllis Jean
Hurst, president; Kllajo Marshall,
vice president; Kntherine Dono
van, secretary; Dorothy Allen,
Barb dance changed
to Saturday at 7
The Barb dance scheduled for
Friday has been changed to Sat
urday when it will run from 7 to
10 o'clock. The move was made to
avoid conflict with the Friday
dance sponsored by the Union.
Pester plays tomorrow
at all-student mixer
Mel Fester's eleven piece band
plays at an all student mixer n
the Union ballroom tomorrow from
9 o'clock to 12. Admission to the
dance, which is sponsored by the
Union, is 10c per person.
QowpiaijdaiionJL "Qosl
Today the campus acclaims Joe
Stephens, its Best Dressed Man. As co
sponsors of his selection Harvey Brothers
takes this opportunity to offer congratu
lations. By sponsoring the selection of the
Best Dressed Man we hope to encourage
o casual, appropriate attire for campus
wear. . .to give emphasis and to show
appreciation for the good taste in
clothes which is displayed by the men
of Nebraska U.
We extend our sincere thanks to
every man who signed the nomination
blanks, and especially to the nominees.
To the girls who served on the judging
committee we are most grateful. Finally,
to the entire student body, for the popu
lar interest which was displayed thru
out the campaign. . .we thank you.
We have thoroughly enjoyed our
part in the selection of Joe Stephens as
Nebraska's B. D. 0. C. and we hope that
again next year we may receive the same
enthusiastic response.
Bright Colored Fabrics, Exciting Pat
terns, Smart New Styles . . . With
The Accent on Youth
We knew what the college man would be
asking for ihis Spring. So we searched
unfit we found ihem . . . from Hollywood,
from New York, and from our own design
ing rooms came . . . double breasted drapes
... 3 button single breasted and the All
American model. Handsomely hand
tailored worsteds, tweeds and twists . . .
Snappy new shades of green, gray, mix
tures, and blues . . . truly a swing to color
and the smart Drape styling.
J Jul MollyiojojDjcL QhapSL
A 3 button model designed especially for college
men. Its full cut chest and broad shoulder lines
bring out the best in young men. Made from hand
loomed, imported tweeds and Falkirk Cheviots, its
hand tailoring throughout point it for popular ac
ceptance by college men who know. The trousers
are full cut, pleated and zipper fastened.
. . and the Swing is to COLOR j
i brand
8 k lT J I
Vifax$tLm$!-l ft
o o o lm'TMl i
:xv;M r hi u
3U m sitmsi ft
fciiy. jH'.tvSy
Contrasting colors are elevating slack suits to a new hl?i
in popularity for spoils and informal campus wear. Holly
wood stvleri in all the bright new Spring shades, these
Fport Coats challenge you to delightful combinations with,
a complete selection of Slacks.
Sport Coats 12.50 Slacks 3.95 to 7.00
OpsuL ubiiL'L fit cHatemjL
Harvey's are holding Open House. Come in. look around,
try on these new Spring clothes. We had the college man
in mind when we those our Spring styles and patterns . . .
now we are anxious to have you see them. Stop in today.
'" ' "
1230 "0" ST.