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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1939)
FOURTEEN DAILY NEBHASKAN THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1939 SUITS Color note? Lime tree, of course- simap nap sdflSte as sonazzy hues, fabrics .appear ' ,i 'MiiSf IlliilPi' I f 1? fifigil:: '. Ip4 ISIS sSBil III! - t. - -. -.- , iiiff rfm V:":''" ;v.';- " '-7V:;'';--:-:- : ' I 4 - . v lilliBSl liliilB! Lime tree preen crepe np pliqued blouse is worn atop a black crepe tucked skirt by HARRIOT BYRON, Sig ma Delta Tail's candidate for liest Dressed Girl. A black felt bat with lime tree preen ribbon trim and a suede belt in green, rose and yellow accentuates the color combination. Black pi.tent purse and black pat ent t o e 1 e s s and heelcss 'lownsend studio. pumps add n note of con trast to the blendinp colors. A silver fox fur adds a note of glanumr. Harriet's cos tume is one of many that may be found at The Fa mous for Easter wear. Outfit and photo courteny The Famoui. Strutting the energetic lassies in play out fits and swimming suits. Mary Anna Cockle walked gin gerly about, perhaps afraid of get ting stage dust on her tailored white sharkskin slacks with the buttoned-on skirt. Louise Otto, Sigma Kappa, was waiting for summer to come in a black lastex swim suit and flowered beach skirt. Betty Jane Hopewell plans to go "out to lunch" in a blue-green fitted coat, navy hat with rasp berry trim, navy shoes and acces sories. Beverly Brown, Raymond hall model, wishes to greet the noontide In a luncheon dress with polka-dot blouse, black flaired skirt and wide red belt. Suggest Cokeing. As Charlotte Stahl, PI Phi, Whispered, "Wish I had a coke," he was ready to appear on the stage in her navy "make mine plain with lots of ice" ensemble. Lucy Jane Williams echoed her wish, for her dress too, suggested the 3 o'clock coking hour. Lucy Jane wore a green skirt, and tweed jacket with a gold-colored sweater and hat. In an ice-blue grosgrain dress, navy hat, and fuchia gloves, purse and shoes, Betty Hillyer, Kappa Alpha Theta, made her turn be fore the empty Temple seats. In another "two seats in the balcony" outfit, Gerry Wallace measured hec, steps in a figured print silk wfth a citron bolero. Rhythm and Romance! Eliza beth Smith picked up the skirt of her white net formal as she hast ened to entrance c' at her cue. The white lace ruffles swished up the stairs as she heard Speaker Ruthanna Russell call out her name. Woody Campbell, the Phi Mu with the southern voice, looked ready for the next dance in a brightly colored pique evening dress, while twins Betty and Verna Ray of the Kappa house looked at each other for a final check on their own appearance white formal with sunburst plaited skirts, wide fuchia girdles, and matching sandals. A picture in a beige costume suit is Mary Jane McMillin. Chi mega who wears with it black accessories. Sporting a tailored suit which has as its main feature a fingertip jacket of imported English tweed is Maxinc Wertman, Gamma Phi s president. With SPORT DRESSES In sport ensemble our coed struts; to lookers-on she is 'the nutz' PI Phi Virginia Clemens dashes between the Pi Phi house and A. W. S. court in a dusky pink sports dress and pink coat to match. Pat Jensen appears in classes in a two-piece dress of a beige culotte eklrt with unpressed pleats and a spice-colored blouse of vertical stripes in japonica. The shirt has buttons from the neck to the shoulder. Off to Kosmet Klub rehearsal in a chartreuse shirt-waist out fit with navy blue accessories is Mary Delta Gamma K.lne. Edith Houston, Chi Omega, wears a new sports dress of beige wool that buttons down the front. It has a green, brown and beige striped jacket that is gathered at the back and sides. I the jacket, Maxlne wears a skirt of cyano-green and acces sories of a sporty type to match the dash of terra-cotta brown in the jacket. A silk town blouse completes the outfit. Another of the jacket-sklrt-sweater combiantlons is seen on Rosemary McKnight of the A O Pi house. Teh color lavender, the jacket plaid, the sweater brnushed wool. Three-Plece Advocate. Three piece spring suits are advocated by Barbara Marston, Sigma Kappa, who chooses hers In a rust herringbone tweed. Made in a dressmaker style, it is trimmed in a contrasting gold. And speaking of gold, Ger trude MacArthur, Tri. Delt, looks like a symphony in blue and gold when she appears in her gold flared skirt and sweater worn with a gold and blue jacket. Sigma Delta Tau Selma Hill his been dashing around in a very attractive costume of dark fuschia wool crepe. With the suit, which is trimmed in red fox, she wears royal blue ac cessories. And chartreuse is also popu lar this spring says Betty Lou Griffiths. With her rose pleated skirt, Betty Lou, who is from the Theta house, wears a char treuse and pink striped jacket and a chartreuse hat and sweater. Make Mine Chartreuse. Also an advocate of char treuse is Betty Rathburn, Delta Gamma, but with her chartreuse she combines a dusty rose tone in a three piece spring suit. Of course she wears with it a chartreuse sweater and hat. Elizabeth Neely, Tri Delt, wisely sets off her blonde hair with a powder blue bolero suit topped with a pink angora sweater and pearls. Nifty looking is Alpha Xi Delt Betty Klinkel who wears with her light fuschia skirt a jacket of pink background and multi colored stripes. Tearing around th campus is Pat Peterson, Pi Phi, in a light pink Buit who wears with it the ever popular navy blue acces sories. Deloris Bors, of the Alpha Chi neighborhood wears a deep, purple sweater with a dusty pink skirt and hat a tweed suit coat and "Gretchen" shoes. Under her herringbone-striped blue jacket, Maryellen Robison wears a powder blue wool dress with sunburst pleats. Navy ac cessories and the latest in shell coHtume jewelry are chosen by this Gamma Phi Beta for the finishing touch to her spring costume. And a Doe-Skin Topper. With a yellow doe-skin hat to top off her spring suit, Lucille T Stepanek, A O Phi, wears a skirt of yellow wool and a striped jacket. Dressing up in a greenish blue tailored suit is Mary Belle Bates, a Phi Beta Phi and along: with it, she wears a white blouse and wine accessories. At the Art Association tea was Helen Jane Anderson, Delta Gamma in a navy seree dress suit. This attractive Delta Gamma wore with the suit, a frilly white batiste blouse and a navy pill bix hat trimmed with a crown of flowers. With a strictly tailored dress of chartreuse, Tess Clayton, Sigma Kappa, wears a navy sport jacket, a roller of char treuse and rust shoes. Choosing silk for her navy blue costume sit, Betty Fiory, Chi Omega, bslieves in being original, for she has the collars and cuffs attractively appliqued in pink linen. Get a man get the importance of perfume and declares, "Ciro'n Reflexion," Guerlain's "Lieu," and Corday's "Toujours a Moi" are tops. "I like some make-up too and natural-looking hair that isn't still with wave set." "Men always look from the feet up and reach a climax at tne knees," adds Bev Finkle, "Clothes are, of course, very im portant to the well-dressed girl, and pastel shades of blue or green are flattering. Wear simple hats most of them now look like .Welsh rarebits. A flower makes a girl aces." Roy Profitt, ATO, believes, "It wouldn't be the clothes, but what you put in them that counts." While DU Bill Lyman emphasizes straight stocking seams and the rest to be judged according to how his sweetest, Evelyn Leavitt, does. "My choice for best dressed g'rl must have blond hair, be attractive, wear tailored clothes, no vei!s or hats or angora sweaters, and moderate per fume." declared Bud Van Andel. Carl Cleveland of Sigma Chi has an aversion to coated lip stick that gives a pink tinge to a girl's teeth he thinks, "Red claws are awful, and so are those spider pin's for costume jewelry. But perfume - m m m! Humm!" Sigma Nu Dick Ryan says. "The big three are figure, face, and legs. Black is most flatter ing with simple jewelry, and out with those crazy hats that lockt like they'd been just thrown on. I think high-heeled ' shoes are flattering to a shapely pair of legs." cjMISS GNES and her expert staff of hair dressers offer the newest in spring styled coiffures for the "collcjre coed." Now-New Low Prices if' Shampoo and wave 1.00 ) "a! mir cur ou -i i - Neck clip 13 -J) " Hair shaping r0 -'L'x. Manicure W MVj - 5J Court?? Make-up and Shin Analyst v See MU Ague 'for a Consultation I Miss Agnes Beaute Shoppe Cornhuskcr Hotel 122