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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1939)
J- "x U Li TUESDAY, MAKC1I 21, 1939 DAILY NEBRASKAN Til It EE 9L by June Bierbower Blood, Kovich lead bovlers in leagues 34 SAM team turns in best total as they down Phi Gam's 1649 to 1615 Performances of Intramural eon, LcVoir, and Kilbourne. Butch bowlers showed Improvement Mon- Nash Is their only real loss ai enu. aay night as teams in leagues Gopher footballers concluded and 4 8ftW actlon. wi Forrest Blood of Sigma Nu waiting for April 3, when spring (n the pracuce sum 17 score as he did 215 In his second when they will have to count, at I mJ against the slR. A,pn8 wno Minnesota's football woes next fall are In the line, the Gophers having lost centers Elmer and Kulbitskl, guards Bell Twedell and Rork Hoel, tackles scnuiiz, jonn lensr nartiallv on a fine fresh man squad, to fill some of the ffaDS. Ineligibility, always a bugaboo at Minnesota, isn't giving the coaches quite as much worry as usual. Illegibility and drops bowed to Sigma Nu, 1,632 to 1.430. Blood had a 369 total, having done 154 in his first game. Bill Buchan an led the Sig Alphs with a 318 total, which he garnered with a 178-140. It was a league 3 match. S. A. M. Dave Kavich had the Blue, Utahler go to bacEtfield as Bivtfer shafts lineups usually take about half tne rrosn njghfs high two game mark as squad at Minnesota, but so far ne led nla team to a 1649-1,615 the fatalities haven't been quixe win over phj Gamma Delta in so heavy. league 4. Kavich had a 202-203 Two of the leading Minnesota for a 405. His teammate .Bud f rosh come up where the positions Kalin. had the second high single are well filled with returning mark of the night with a 207 In men. Chauncey Martin, a 6-2, 200 his second game, but he had done pounder, is a fine end prospect onlv 116 in. his first, making him but. like any freshman, neeos con- a 323 total. Bernie scnerer, erst- siderable polishing before he can I while Husker and pro football star. hold up In Big Ten play. led the Fllis with a 155-1U9 ror a Graduation has hit the line 354 total. Sigma Aipna mus team hard than the backfield, where score was highest turned in yesr Mnrtv Christiansen. George terday. J . I r ! I 1 fr f Franck and Harold van Kvery wreioua n-j oot will be back. Bruce Smith, triple In the other lengue 3 match, thieater, looks like the best f rosh Bob Dreibus led the Sig Eps to a prospect 1,574-1.392 victory over the Sigma t nis. ureious naa scores or idj Wibs Kautz. great Loyola 167 for a 362 total. Dick Van Horn basketball guard, finished the was high for the losers with a 328 neason with 319 ooints in 20 regu- aggregate, compiled in 148-180 lar scheduled games In his games first two years he made an ag- In league 4, Beta Siema Psi crpcat nt 472 failles Hieh won over Farm House, 1,522-1,440. scorer for Bradley Tech was center Boye of the winners was another Dar Hutchins, Who had 231 points 10 nave n urncr man iuu Kaine, received a head cut against the uem.n. t,.,. w ,,, rAntimied which, added to his previous 190, in the game after his coach taped m('ejlm,hif, ""J1 th V?1 him up a bit, had a total ofaD .Elmer Hackney was nearly a foot better than Bill Watson Saturday In the shot put Hack, in setting a new Armour Vech Relay's record, got 51-9 V4. while Watson's best was 50-9 .Archie Harris, giant colored Ilndiana end, was third in the Butler relays behind Watson and runnerup Bazyk of Pitt. San da II suffers ankle fracture; Stearns moves up to first string job Out to fill the backfield block ing spots left open by Jack Dodd and Bill Callihan, Major Biff Jones announced yesterday that he is shifting Bob Kahler, Grand Island end, and Wayne Blue, Tecumseh tackle, to back field positions. By such a move the Biffer seeks to add weight and height to the Husker back field and so help the pass defense as well as fill block ing positions, Kahler will be new to back- field, having re stricted his act ivities in high- xx u 187 for 341, led the losers. K-State cage star Reid swaps blows with columnist Coach Howard Jones Is a bit worried about Rose Bowl hero Al Krueger. ...Kreuger, who caught the passes from Doyle Nave to beat Duke, has "gone Hollywood" and has been cutting a few too many classes for his, Jones' and U. S. C't good One of the pole 0000000 Mil Yerery Tuesday night, Y beginning tonight "A Musical Educa-' tion," at 10:00 p. m.4 and again at 1 1 :00 o lien I lMeteeira$ playing l2otel Capital It's not only sports columnists who take the hard knocks at least not around Manhattan, Kan sas. James Fenimore Cooper, jun lor in Journalism at Kansas State. and author of a column in the State paper, met an assailant in Ervin Reid, basketball star. Cooper, who writes "Horning In by Ferdinand," a teeny gossip column, wrote something Reid didn't appreciate. When the two met in a classroom they went outside and engaged In fistcuffs for several minutes before they were separated by friends and a campus cop. Reports on the bout say it was a draw. vaulters whom Milt Padway of Wisconsin beat In setting a new Butler Relays record was Don Bird of K. U Bird tied with Dean of Notre Dame for second place. .. .Padway did 14 feet even ...Coach Bill Hargiss expects the Jayhawks' miler Ray Harris to do 4:15 before the season Is over. . . .Speaking of milers' marks the best mark of N. Y. U. froth Les MacMitchell this winter was 4:15.5.... George Golay, K. U basketeer who was booted from Phog Allen's team this year, escaDed uninjured In a fatal Lawrence car wreck. .. .Seven U.' men Golay was tha only athlete were In the car, two were killed immediately, and an other died Sunday. An original letter written by Poet Henry W. Longfellow has been given to Randolph-Macon Woman's College. BOB KAHLER. Lincoln Journal. school to line play. The change will not be new to Blue, however, as he played both In the line and backfield while earning all state honors at Tecumseh. When questioned about the change Major Jones said, "We are going to give these men a chance and if they measure up they will be kept as backfield men perma nently." Preston moves up, Other changes took place In the lineups as Fred Preston was shoved up to a first string end position on the Harvard squad along with George Stearns, North Platte who gained a first string guard position on the same squad The only change In the Yale line up was Henry Rohn being jumped up the first string backfield with Theos Thompson, Bus Knight, and Harry Hopp. John Sandall, promising fresh man back from York, suffered a fracture of the fibula in his right ankle and will be out for the re mainder of spring practice. He wil be back in suit next fall tho. Watching the practice session with the practiced eye of one thorouehlv acquainted with the game were Fred Thompson, ror mer Nebraska coach anu now head coach and promoter of Ar kansas' famed passing attack, and Bunny Oakes, head coach at Colo rado university. Ping pong tourney enters semi-finals Girls to battle tonight in intramural contests Baseballers get outside for first time Bill Andreson, Laughlin report; team works out at Muny for rest of week? Nebraska's baseball team took Its first outdoor workout of the season Monday at Muny Field as Coach Wilbur Knight put his charges thru a drill which con- The quarter-finals of the girls intramural ping pong tournament was finished last night and the semi-finals will be played off to night. Winners In the singles bracket of the first league are: Wicks Tri Delt, over Larson, Ind; Waugh Kappa, over Mutz, Theta; Kellison Ind, over Cochrane, Raymond Hall, and Hakanson, Alpha Chi over M. Martin, Kappa Phi. Win ners In the second league are Scott, Theta, over M. Olson, Phi Mu; Linscott, Ind, over Jones, Delta Gamma; Etinger, A O Pi over Nelson. Sigma Kappa, and Soukup, Kappa Delt, over Pierce, Raymond Hall. sisted mainly of batting prac tice. Two new can didates, sopho more Joe Lau ghlin of Grand Island, and Bill Andreson, of Plainview, Kan sas, reported. Laughlin, a pit cher and first baseman, looks like a promis ing prospect in either position, T1 , , , but his eligibil IJncoln Journal. . . Bin Andreson. ity is uncertain. Andreson, fullback on the foot ball team, is counted on as strengthening the catching po sition further. The gridder has un til this season been busy with spring football and has never re ported for baseball before. The new university field will probably not be ready for use un til next week, and in the meantime the team will continue to use Muny park. The schedule, in which is included a trip to the west coast, will be announced today. TYPEWOITEHS for Sale and Ilent NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. 130 No. 12th St. LINCOLN, NEBR. BS1B7 Your Drug Store lt us be the Judge. English Trr.nif 3 Hall. on. 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