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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1939)
kk;ht DAILY NEBIMSKAN FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1939 Six weeks exams over and to-! night the celebrations start.... if not before Father Hines will draw a nice big crowd, and you'll see such couples as AOPI Jane Prsitt and Dclt Ward .trace. . . .Pi Phi Pat Peterson ard Sig Alph Scot Wilkinson Delia Gamma Mary Jean Trowbridge and ATO Chuck Davis.... and a rather new and different combination of Kap pa Jeanie Newell and George Sou ders, Beta, which looks like an old affair starting anew.,..Fi K A Budil Happ will be there with AOPI Natalie Johnson. .. .and at the Sig Ep Blue party will be Margaret Dickerson, Pi Phi, and Bunny Holland. .. .Theta Jean Willis and Ron Douglas Kappa Cecile Mitchell and Joe Brown. . . . OAPi Kuthic Yourd and Frosty Wilson instead of seeing Ruth as usual with Bill Davis, ATO anil a rather amusing incident oc curred concerning ATO Wendell Bayse -when some of the brothers took the ladn troupers, checked Hitler was ready to fight at Munich says Pfeiler Hitler was not bluffing; he was fully prepared to go to war, Dr. W. K. Pfeiler of the department of Germanics told members of the Lincoln Lions club Thursday noon. Speaking on the aftermath of the Munich agreement, Dr. Pfeiler pointed out Hitler knew that Eng land and France would not fight. "The entire career of the Ger man dictator proves that he is willing to take a risk." he said. "He first showed that in the putsch of 1933. Ever since his pol icy has been one of ruthless ag gression, always realizing with a keen political sense how far he could go." Dr. Pfeiler believes that had Fndi Today! "Let Freedom Rin-j" Stnrli Tinnorrntr! "HUCKLEBERRY FINN" wllh Mickey Rooney r iVoir Showinf! Alice Faye Nancy Kelly Constance Bennett in 1 "TAIL-SPIN" 17 LT3 AND HIS 14 PIECE NBC ORCHESTRA Direct from the Famous Crawl Terrace Cafe LIMITED TICKET SALE ADVANCE SALE $1.00 Per Couple BY 7 P. M. TODAY At Gate $1.25 them at the Union, and left the poor boy emphatically stranded sans pants at the Tau house.... and it seems that some of the very regular inhabitants of the Crib were sent, gratis, a glass of but termilk each by some unknown admirer and the recipients mere ly sat and looked ill.... and en tertainment for Sunday will cen ter about the Battle of Brains in the Union at four. . . . Alpha Chi Omega announces the pledging of Marian Boyer, Marian Cooper and Annabelle Van Den bark. The Towne Club, composed of about 70 unaffiliated girls, is hold ing a dinner dance in the Union Saturday night. About 30 couples will attend. Chaperones will be Mr. Snurr and Mr. Carson. Kappa Kappa Gamma announces the pledging of Dorothy Ann Koe nig. Sigma Kappa announces DeLor is Storhojann as a new pledge. I hero been a war Germany would probably have lost, and that the German people would have ioi- lowed him sullenly ana witnoui enthusiasm. It is because manv Americans now realize how panic stricken the Germans were over th threat of war that thev mis takenly conclude that Hitler was bluffing. The university educator referred to the common sense attitude of Daladier and Chamberlain at Munich, for altho Germany might have been defeated, the victory of democracy would have been gained at terrific price. "Every day England and France are growing stronger," he stated. "Germany, however, has already about reached the maximum of her strength. Every month is working in favor of the democra cies. Thus by preserving peace the demoeracies are not only taininc:. but the passing of time will be an important factor in cringing aooui a modification of German su premacy." Dr. Pfeiler, who is an American ritizpn of German extraction, told his audience that to the best of his knowledge the exeat majority of German-Americans condemn the Bund activities as entirely for eign to American democratic pnn ciples. The analogy may end there, though, because that year Ne braska also came through to swimming, indoor track, outdoor track and golf titles. The Sooners didn't win either swimming or in door track, and probably won' win in outdoor track, although they look like winners In golf and tennis again, and probably oase ball. nil n DANCING 8:4512:00 They Really Swing! TilTfl Coed Counselors install officers Fern Steuteville takes over '39 presidency Newly elected members of the Coed Counselor board took office yesterday when outgoing senior members of the board held Instal lation ceremonies for them at El len Smith. Members of the -939-40 board are Fern Stcutevillc, president; Mary Bullock, vice president; Ruth Grosvenor, secretary-treasurer; Faith Medlar, Maxine Lake, June Bierbovvcr, Mary Sherbourne, and Mclva Kime, senior board members; Jane DeLatour, Ruth Ann Sheldon, Ruth Clark, junior board members; and Natalie Burns, sophomore board member. Retiring president of the board is Virginia Fleetwood. Other re tiring seniors are Pnyins uiara berlain, Virginia Nolte, Marjoric Churchill, Bonnie Burn, and Eliza beth Smith. Present at the service were Miss Elsie Ford Piner and Miss Letta Clark, sponsors of the Coed Counselors. Pipe ad contest deadline changed Contestants may submit entries until March 16 Several entries have been re ceived from students in the ad writine contest suonsored by M Linkman and company, manutac- turers of Dr. Grabow pipes, now ever, because the story of the con test and the advertisement an peared in the NEBRASKAN on different davs. several entrants misunderstood the details of the contest. In order to clear up any mis understandings the RAG is re publishing the ad on page 5. Deadline for the entries has been moved to March 16. All entries will become the property of the company and students may sub mit as many as they wish. As no cuts of the ads will be made fancy art work should not be included as part of the layout. Winner of the contest will receive a matched set of Dr. Grabow pipes. Art (Continued from rage 4.) the sand hills region entitled "Giant Footprints" done by Dwight Kirsch, head of the Fine Arts department at the University of Nebraska. He observed a series of hollow spots in the sand, caused by guts of wind, which resembled huge footprints making their way across the hills. His finished prod uct is made from small water coior SKeicnes. These ar only a few of the artists and their pictures of the 1939 exhibit which will reign until April 2. The showing seems very superior to other exhibits of its kind. The. students of the Univcr- sity of Nebraska are fortunate Jn being able to see the exhibit free of charge and Mr. Kirsch per sonally invites them to attend when they will receive any expla nation necessary for the pictures. TT Mel Lornhusker UNDER SCHimiTiEL DIRECTION in proud to be the host to PI BETA PHI INITIATION DINNER Saturday and SIGMA PHI EPSILON SPRING PARTY Saturday KANSAS. Why a coed hates all men! BY MARION PHILLIPS (University of Michigan) (Editor's note: Marian Phillips, a freshman at the University of Michigan, created a furor on the erary magazine of the university.) recently when an article by her entitled "Why I Hate Men," ap peared in 'Perspectives, the lit erary magazine of the university. They think love can be put on like hair-oil to slick up for an oc casion. They are all too thin before they're 30, then all at once they become too fat. They take your best friend out on a blind date. They laugh at women's Interest in clothes, but they will tell you in minute detail hoy they hap pended to buy ther new topcoat. They whistle r.t you one the street, but if you smile back at them they look coldly nway. They say they hate sentiment but they dissolve into marahmal low whip at the mention of the word "Mother." World All Roses and Gardenies. To them the floral world con sists of roses and gardenias. They'd send sweet peas to Mae West and orchids to Shirley Temple. They think unattractive girls are so on purpose. There is no way in the world that you can stop them from tell ing a dirty story if they happen to have one on hand. They tell you wonderful things at midnight which they have for got by noon. A run insults them. They consider a run in a woman's hose a personal affront. After making love to you all evening, they suddenly get up and SAT. SUN. 20 Min. Bui Service from 10th & O Only a Mile West of Lincoln nw& te.S DMg r v s ; v of stretch and say that they are hungry. They stare at every blonde that passes, but are furious if you glance at another man. They always want to kiss you good night unless you want -to kiss them good night. No Qne has ever told them that there are certain preliminaries in love making. Think technique works th all. They think a that woiks with one woman will work with all women; if it doesn't they try another. They think that it is impossible that they should get drunk. Ami when they arc drunk, they say that they arc merely in rather good form. They've made up a scientific name . for a woman hater, but they've never made up one for a man hater because they think they don't exist. Well, boys. . .take a look at me. University Daily Kansan. r-,; V roinAV satu kqat ar SUNDAY NIGHTS Rudy BUDDY nd hl famous Orchestra will apprar with Bob PACE JJ.S Melody t the KpaclotM TURNPIKE -vX. MAURICE PELLISIER AND HIS SENSATIONAL RHYTHM BAND Heard Daily Over Station KSCJ Real Entertainment and Marvelous Music MX (5C I MV 'W&ttS-- I & to to die mift yBuiuii HOME OF THE Trsty Pastry Shop r r