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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1939)
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1939 DAILY NEBRASKAN TIIREE tate 'high cage meeti pemis fiodlay . 4. H $ec 91 by June Bierbower Finals in state high school tournaments here in Nebraska have always been characterized by low scores in the finals. The boys, playing on the big coliseum floor, seem to tighten up and take no chances,; depending on a tight de: fenslve game rather than on of fensive power. i j , . 1 . 1 i ' In 28 class A floats, only once has th winner made 30 points or more. That yeac Geneva went up to 41, In beating Unl Place, 41 to 24, but neither before nor afterward has any team made v 30 points. Omaha South made 26 points in beating Jackson high in 1937; Lincoln beat Kearney, 27 to 16 in 1930, and Lincoln won from old Omaha Commerce, 29 to 33 in 1918, in the only other instance in which teams made more than 25 markers. Omaha Tech won from Has tings 23 to 11 and St. Paul won from Hastings, 25 to 22, and in ten other finals the winner has scored between 20 and 25 points. In the other 11 titular games, the winner has collected fewer than 20 points. The game which took the de fensive ribbon, tho, was the 1921 classic between Omaha Tech and Uni Place, which the Techmen won 11 to 9.' Lowest scores in the past decade have been the 14 to 12 victory which the Columbus team featuring Charley Brock took from Hastings, and the 1931 final in which Nebraska Deaf came thru over Crete, 17 to 11. CreigBiton Prep favored to win Class A crown Kearney squares off against Mitchell in first game; defending champions Lincoln given little chance to repeat; Jackson looks good Proffitt leads N U to gymnastics title Roy Proffitt, star Husker gym .nast, led Charley Miller's Nebraska gym team to the Rocky Mountain regional A. A. U. title last Satur day at Greeley, Colo., as the Husk ers made 36 points in their final competition of the 1939 season. Proffitt was high point man of he meet with a first on the flying rings, and ties for second in tum bling and the parallel bars. Other Huskers who placed in the meet were Gay Cadwell, first in the side horse, and Jake Gcier, fourth in the side horse and parallel bars. Colorado State college, Fort Col lins, was second to the Huskers with 24 points, while third went to Greeley State Teachers with 21. HANDKERCHIEF TEST pooues HESS0I1 GURRD KEEPS VITAL ZONE SPOTLESS Always clean and free from goo no matter how often you imoUe it. Chal Uenffinff hiffher- priced pipet in briar j quality and value. Nebraska's 1939 state high school basketball tournament gets under way this afternoon at 1 o'clock as Kearney meets Mitch ell on the varsity floor in the op ening class A game. Beaver Cross ing plays Elwood and Steinauer faces Inman in classes A and B respectively in the other two op eners. Creighton Prep of Omaha, fav ored to win this year's crown, faces Hastings at 4 o'clock in the closing game on the afternoon card. The little jays wauopeu iu don Miller's team 35-16 early in the season, and with an air tight defense which has held opponents to an average of 17 points per game, should win. Lincoln, defending champions, face a hard task in winning their first game, let alone the tourna ment. The Red and Black face Vir- cil Yelkin's Norfolk crew, who beat Ainsworth, last year's run nerup, in the Norfolk regional finals. Jackson High of Lincoln, second favorite in the meet, goes against Fred Shirey's Beatrice team in the first game of the evening session. The Beatrice boys possess a mediocre season's record but came close to upsetting the touted Falls City team in last week's region- als. Falls City, who lost by but one point to Creighton Prep during the season, meets Columtois in tne sec ond afternoon game, and should win, altho Capt. Tom Brock may make it a ball game. York high, with but an early season upset by Geneva, and a re cent loss to Jackson, faces Omaha South, who, altho they gave Creighton Prep their only defeat, haven t had much of a season York, led by a great center in Ted Greene, looks like a pretty fair bet for a semifinal berth. Neither Fre mont nor the Curtis Aggies, who play the final game on tonight's card, look strong enougn to stop the Dukes provided they get by South. Ainsworth, last year's runnerup, meets Chappell, the only undefeat ed team in the state in the second game on the evening program. The Ainsworth squad, led by Center Ralph Langer, won a large follow ins- among: state high tourney fans last year as they battled thru to the finals, and they look strong enough to subdue Chappell, who has been handicapped by lack of strong competition. Bethany, who has won three consecutive class B titles, was seeded in that division, and meet An.'.ley on the last class B game of the evening. Beaver Crossing the other seeded team, opens up against Elwood. Bratton Union, last year a clas C winner, was eliminated by Stein auer in the playoffs, so seeded po sitions have gone to Steinauer and Surprise, who face Inman and Loomis respectively. 1 Get Your i i . Milano at- CHEAPPER SYSTEM, Inc. 1325 0 St. Between 13th and 14lh Call for managers All second semester fresh men who are Interested in be coming football managers, are asked to report to Student Manager Dick McClymont at the north end of the east sta dium as soon as possible. Tourney schedule Class A (Varsity Floor). 1:00 Mitchell v. Kearney. 2:00 Columbus vi. Falls City. 3:00 Norfolk vs. Lincoln. 4:00 HaatlnKf vs. CrelKhton Prep. 8:30 Jackson of Lincoln va. Beatrice. 7:30 Chappell va. Alnaworth. 8:30 York va. Omaha South. 8:30 Curtis AKKies va. Fremont. Class B (Freshman Floor). 1:0ft Beaver Crossing va. Elwood. 2:00 Decatur vs. Riishville. 3:00 Long Plna vs. Gibbon. 4:00 Indlanola va. Henderson. 6:30 Humboldt vs. Oshkosh. 7:30 Hardy vs. Walthlll. 8:30 Valley vs. Oakdale. 9:30 Ansley vs. Bethany of Lincoln. Class C (Stage Floor). 1:00 Rtelnautr vs. Inmnn. 2:00 Sacred Heart ol Norfolk vs. Wes ton. 3:00 Ohio vs. McGrew. 4 :00 Guardian Angel of West Point vs. Anxelmo. 8:30 Spnlrilng vs. Hershey. 7:30 Roca vs. Lebanon. 8:30 Liberty vs. Roseland. 9:30 Loomis vs. Surprise. 'Lew' sees talent in f rosh cagers Held, Dutcher, Radtke, Vacanti coming strong What he believes to be one of the most promising freshman bas ketball squads in recent years, was announced Saturday by head Frosh Coach Lewandowskl. Ac cording to "Lew" many of the members of the Frosh squad will file strong bids for varsity po sitions next fall. Outstanding among the fresh men prospects are Jerry Dutcher, Benson High star of last year who won a berth on the All-state High school team; Sid Held, flashy Lin coln high center; warren Radtke who made a name for himself in high school basketball in '38; and Charles Vacanti, top Omaha Tech man of last year. Lewandowski's list is as follows: Player. School. list. Wg.t Sid Bradley, Bethany 6-10 Allen Canfielil, ."lay Center ...5-10 Jerry Dutcher, Henson 6- 2V4 Daniel Fisher, t:relhlnn 1'rep .- l Robert Garey, Jackson 8- 2 Hartmnnn Uoctue, St. Joe ....8- 114 Herb Grote, Benson VI 1 John Hay, Lincoln fl- 1 Clifford Hurley, Ohiowa 6- 0 Held, Sid, Lincoln - 4 John Huston, Lincoln 5-10 John Keating, Curtis 6- 2 I .vie King, Lincoln 8- 3 William Klnnamon, Lincoln ...5-11 Lea Livingston, Hnstinga - II Don Pollock, Fremont 6- 3 Warren Radtke. Council Bluffs 6- 2 Rny Khoailcs, Jackson 8- 0 WllllHm Ruyle, Jackson 6- IVi Sid White, Grand Island 6- 1 Charles Vacanti, Omaha Tech .8- 1 Willam Smutz, Pawnee ITity ..6- 1 Matmeriwork for Big Six meet at Ames Knight, Luke make final conference appearance; NU squad in good shape Husker matmen will ring down the curtain on an unsuccessful sea son Friday and Saturday with the conference meet at Ames. Two seniors will be on the Husker squad. Jim Knight and Bill Luke will compete in their last confer ence meet. Nebraska wrestlers have won only three meets and tied one this year. The Scarlet and Cream whipped Franklin and Marshall, Kansas State, and Grinnell, and tied with Lafayette. The Husker team will go into the tournament stronger than it has been at any time this year Several of the grapplers have shed some excess weight and are finally in the divisions in which they be long. The renovated team handed Grinnell a 28 to 8 whipping last Saturday. The conference meet lineup will probably be the same that which defeated Grinnell. The probable lineup includes: Milton Kuska, 121, Jim Knight, 128. Bill Luke, 136, Julius Wittman, 145, Herb Rosen thal, 155, Shelley Condon, 165, Ray Tomes, 175, and George Seeman heavyweight. YOUR DRUG STORE If In a hurry for some drug need, just phone us. We deliver free. THE OWL PHARMACY P St. at 14th Phone B1068 FREE DELIVERY 173 180 !. 170 1HII 170 170 180 170 19.' 150 170 189 185 155 175 100 1811 175 180 175 165 only entrant in sight. Eleven Omaha Tech team members had been barred because of participa tion on the Omaha Athletic Club team, while Beatrice, the only other high school in the slate who sponsors swimming, decided not to enter. Only 6 More Days to Enter B. D. O. C. Contest Nomination Itlnnli may be obtained nt HARVEY RROTIII.RS, 1230 O St. Till: DAILY NKBRASKAN office or from the Contest Manncerx, ROM SODKL and VtlllTIE HELD. State high swim meet canceled Nebraska's tsate high school swimming meet was canceled Tuesday as Lincoln High was the Willllll! !!!i:ibi;ii mmmmsmi Classified i ADVKKilSlNu 1 S (Jc Per Line immmwmmmmmsmm ml LOST A diamond ring -with three diamonda between 1545 S Street and Vrt Drug. Call B3287 of the Daily Ncbraskun, CLEANING SALE! FOR SHORT TIME ONLY for r -1 CASH MEN'S SUITS TOP COATS HATS PLAIN WOOL OR SILKDRESSES LIGHTWEIGHT SPRING COATS SHORT JACKET SUITS Any Two Garments Called for and Delivered, 2 for $1.00 THOROUGHLY DRY CLEANED STEAM STERILIZED FORM PRESSED ABLE 223 NO. 14 B2772 Motes .J0 re uVt, tor X J la rei ten ,tno 2.50 1.9?.!?. J 6e' no re. : eo' no floor. to en 7.Z "."' ' 'or or 4 0 nor II V no Ith ,or t4 linttf tin io' t'Ot. CTTT1 ft Arf.R""ORfl, - - vi.-.. r" "w .;:."n'e Sip. itki - " IH a. In """Op SDM..r" n'JOr. 4 0