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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1939)
; . - TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1939 DAILY NEBRASKAN THREE 9L by June Bierbower Hark, ye brethren; The DAILY NEBRASKAN will soon announce u nil Riir Six basketball team. In frt. said team will be announced this week, so, to you who love to gripe about the injustices done by all star selectors and selections, this is fair warning. Thprs won't be anv iron man stunts pulled in this spring's high nrViool track and baseball meets, for boys participating in one aren't eligible to enter in the other, so the boys who like both sports will have to maxe tneir cnoice. According to other Informa tion from Wilbur Knlaht. Corn- husker baseball coach who Is di recting the baseball tournament, all teams will be entered In the same classification, there being no A. B. C or D divisions. RhnnlH more than 16 teams en ter, the tournament will begin n Thursday. Mav 11. and run three days, instead of being played only on Friday ana aaiuruay hi th ovent 16 or fewer enter. The games will go seven Innings, un less ties necessitate extra innings, and will all be played, as far as nnssihle. on the university dia monds. Other Lincoln fields will be used if they're needed. Hiah school basketball: About the hottest class A regionals were at Norfolk... in the two semifinal games, Norfolk beat Pierce, 28 to 26, and Ainsworth beat Albion. 26 to 25... men Norfolk won from Ainsworth, 27 to 25 in the finals. , .yes, we're another of those picking Creiahton PreD to win . . . but the Jackson high team which beat Lincoln 43 to 25 Friday night didn't look bad at all... If Prep wins the basketball tournament, It will a ve them the first lap on the two chamiponsnips they have a good shot at this season . . .they'll be one of the favorites In the baseball tournament, too, with a lineup Including a num ber of stars from the Omaha McDevitt junior legion team. One of the best high school teams in Dixieland is that of Durham, N. C... they've won 37 ramcs in a row. and beat the Duke frosh, 71 to 45 recently. . .the Duke boys had previously lost but 2 of 14 ftitifs. . .Bob Voiehts. star Northwestern tackle, was elected honorary captain of the Wildcats' basketball team... he's been a pnard on it for three vcars... thrill of a lifetime came recently to a XNorin Carolina u. stuaeni. . . altho ineligible for his school's boxing team, he wanted to see the conference championship, so ne thumbed his way... he caught a ridr with Billv Conn. th newest boxing sensation, who was on his way to Miami in a new lsuick. Werner cops high scoring honors Husker nets 166 points in season just closed Alton Werner, the Cornhusker's most consistent scorer, won the mr fr,r Nebraska hieh Doint hon ors With lot, points to nis creim as the '38-' 39 season closed Sat urday ninht Not far behind Werner was Bill Kovanda with 142 Doints marked nn on hi. record. Don Fitz. sen sational sophomore guard, moved into third place Saturday nignt whpn he chalked ud fiix points Against Oklahoma. Noteworthy too, was Irv Yaffe's rise to sixth place in the scoring race when ne lpnd the Cornhuskers acainst the Sooners with five field goals and one free tnrow. The individual scores for the season are as follows: ci pvi tp pip. pt. Alton Werner 20 70 SB 3S 16fl Bill Kovanda 30 57 28 40 142 Don Fit! 20 39 41 31 119 11 n,l0ll 41 3!S 4ft 117 Grant Thomas 20 47 12 28 106 Irv Yaffe ia i o Bob Therlen 13 13 3 18 29 Harry ritcalthley ....12 6 10 20 Jack Jackwm 14 5 7 3 17 Krank Tullman 11 6 5 9 17 WK VUlntt 10 8 K 12 17 T.lnvrt f'.rlmm 7 3 2 4 S WAA basketball meet to open Wednesday Girls intramural basketball will begin Wednesday. The first part of the tournament will be in tne form of a round robin with nine leagues. The winners in each league will then compete in an One Husker rateslowan's 'All' Big Six Sports editor chooses Werner only N man among top 16 hoopsters Snorts editor John Rohlf. of the Iowa State Daily Student, selected Alton Werner, Cornhusker guard, as Nebraska's only representative . A mm n m A 1 1 1. on nis All Big aix warn wnicn he described as a basketball "eifi-ht" with evervthine BDeed. spirit, stamina, scoring punch and defensive ability. Werner was the only Nebraskan to be selected on either the first or second Big Six team of the Daily student. Oklahoma and Missouri cagers dominated the loon selections of the Daily Student. However, every conference team was represented on either tne rirst or seconu ieam. Sooner 'flash' unanimous choice. Unanimous choices for berths were Jimmy McNatt, Oklahoma's finahv forward. Homer Wesche, Kansas State's great senior pivot and conference scoring leaaer, ami .Tohn Iihsincrer. caDtain of Mis souri's loop leaders. Rohlf wrote of Werner as the sateiite guara in an otherwise drab Husker season who received enough votes to put him in the top flight. McNatt and wescne are tne ione reneaters from last year's "all" rhoires. Werner, a senior, led the Cornhuskers with 166 points for the season. His consistent scoring was responsible for his winning a place on the Big Six first team as . ... . . i r l I selected by me uauy siuueni, A complete roster or Dom teams appears below. FIRST TEAM POS Jim McNatt, Oklahoma, Jr., 6-0 F Harlan Klersev. Mo.. Sr.. 5-11 F Bob Harris, la. State, So., 5-11 F Homer Wesche, K. State, sr., o-a Gordon Nicholas, la. S, So., 6-4 C John Lobslnger, Mo. Jr., 6-3 G Lyman Corlis, Kansas, Jr., 6-3 G Alton Werner, Neo., &r.f u SECOND TEAM POS. Howard Engelman, K., So., 6-2 F Garnett Corbin, Okia., !o., o-u i- Ervln Reid, K. S., Sr., 6-1 f Boh Allen K.. So.. 6-1 C Blaine Currence, Mo., Jr., 6-5 C Bob Menze, I. S., Jr., 5-7 u Hal Halstead, Mo., Sr., 6-0 G Marvin Mesch, Okla., Jr., 6-0 G Werner places on U. P. all-Biq Six second team Alton Werner, nusKer ib point man, won a berth on the United Press 1939 all-Big Six second team while his team-mates Bill Kovanda and Don itz re ,.iiFo.i honorable mention accor ding to releases from the United Press, yesterday evening. Hulbcrt tops 'B' team scoring HcycIocIc guard loops in 44 points in 8 tilts Mat Hulbert. Havclock guard, miipH nn in firt nlare in the indi vidual scoring record on the Ne braska B team this season, mougn he played in only eight games. He Vimi a total or 44 noints. Bruce Duncan of Broken Bow and Frank Rubino of Lincoln were crowded out of second place Dy irorwnril Don Schulz of York who Jumped from fifth place by virtue of 15 points against turner iti The Seconds won seven out of eleven games, scored 426 points trt their nnnnn-ntn' 391. closing with an average of 39 points per game to their opponents' 36. The individual scoring recora: r (i ft f Pts II. .l.- rr H 1H IS 22 44 Rlnil7., t-o 10 18 6 6 41 Duncan I-c-K YOUR DRUG STORE When your doctor elves yon a pre scription, bring il to us and we'll (ill II JuNt kit (be doctor orarrg. THE OWL PHARMACY P St. nt 14th Phono BI068 FREE DELIVERY Football brings Graduated from Grand Island high school In 1939 Clarence Hern don, above, wanted to play college football, but waited until last year to enroll at Nebraska. He is one of the best tackle prospects the Biffer has, weighing 200 pounds, although he is under six feet tall. He was allstate when he played at G. I. and led Roy Mandery's crew to a 24 to 6 victory over Lincoln high his senior year. Husker athletic department holds state clinic this week Coaches from all over the state will trek to Lincoln this week for the sixth annual coaches clinic sponsored by the University of Nebraska athletic department. Coach Ed Weir will start things Thursday from 3 to 5 o'clock with a discussion on track wnicn win he illustrated bv performances of Cornhusker trackmen on the in door track. Pridav will be devoted to fool- ball. In the morning from 10 to 12, members of tne coacning siaii will lead discussions on the game Rubino f-K 9 15 3S Orlmm e g 5 13 4 10 30 Worthmun f-K 6 13 1 6 27 Yaffe I 3 12 1 8 25 Tallman t 3 12 0 4 n Jarkxon f-K 10 3 4 23 PoUInn f-R 8 iu o zj Van RtinklTk, f-K 1 " 8 " Therlen c 4 7 4 7 18 rilcallhley f-c 3 6 6 4 17 TJhlman f-c-K 10 8 1 6 17 McDermott K 14 119 Klllott f-U 2 4 1 6 B I'Ftnch f 2 3 2 6 8 Wilson f 2 3 1 4 7 Anhliurn K 113 2 5 Dunker c 1 1 0 2 2 VlerrKK K 1 1 0 2 2 The statistics give McDermott the highest per game score with 9 points made in one game; Grimm third with an average of 6 points in five games; and Yaffe stcond with an average of 8.3 points in three games. NOW I 2ND BIG WEEKI It'i on jour "Muiit See" I.lnt "STAGECOACH" Hlolheu uas granny really in pil 19 ill "TUar Thursday 7)V SJJ J Herndon back firiiiiiiiriiinnpiiiiiiiiin in mi i visv. si - 1 . f v Lincoln journal. with emphasis on kicking, passing and the sequence of plays. Movies on six man football will be shown in the afternoon after a football discussion led by Kurt Lenser of Stratton and John A. Quade of Hardy. Formal meetings will end Fri day morning after talks on treat ment of athletic injuries and cofr ditioning by Dr. Earl Deppen, Dr, Harold Shickley and trainer Lon nie Cornell of the varsity staff. Coaches who remain will be al lowed to watch varsity Saturday afternoon football practice. Golf movie slated at coliseum tonight Movies depicting the educat ional value of golf will be shown this evening at 8 o'clock in the coliseum. Golf Coach Newkirk urges all members of his phys ed golf courses to at tend the showing of these pic tures. z: CIEAEWG SALE! FOR SHORT TIME ONLY for MEN'S SUITS TOP COATS HATS PLAIN WOOL OR SILKDRESSES LIGHTWEIGHT SPRING COATS i SHORT JACKET SUITS Any Ttvo Garments Called for and " ' ' Delivered, 2 for $1.00 THOROUGHLY DRY CLEANED STEAM STERILIZED FORM PRESSED ABLE 223 NO. 14 "wu' r"'w lirrt 'ittr'h r n,1i "I t ' "f - "i Sutherland resigns Pitt coaching job School's new purifying policy believed to have caused 'Jock's' action TV Tnhn 'Rflin ".TonU' Suther land hparl ' eoarh at the University of Pittsburgh sent hia resignation, effective immediately, to Chancellor John G. Bowman. Bowman accepted with an expres sion of deep regret at losing this powerful football mentor. Reasons for the resignation were not stated, though it is be lievpd that the turbulent activities of the university in trying to pur ify atnietics since mm nave aone much to cause this shake up. Four of the under coaches had already resigned earner in tne year. The question facing the univer sity is who will fill "Jock's" shoes? It has always been the custom to pick tne grid neaas from among graduates of the staff. At present, with the recent resignations, material from this sector doesn't appear promising. Prospects for the position lie among Charley Bowser, former first assistant to Sutherland; Tom my Davies, head coach of Scran tnn Rill Kern of Carneeie Tech and Andy Gustafson, backfield coach at uartmoutn. Grad takes position Walter Stolle of Meadow Grove, who received his bachelor of sci ence degree in chemical engineer ing last spring, has accepted a position with Eastman Kodak Company. Only 7 More Days to Enter B. D. 0. C. Contest Nomination Blanks may he obtained at HARVEY BROTHERS, 12.10 O St. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN office or from the Content Mnnnsem, BOB SLIDLL and WIHTIE REED. ft J . CLEANERS B2772 Z7 elimination tournament. 1,1 I Ml