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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1939)
TWO DAILY NEBKASKAN WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1939 4V Official Newspaper of More Than 6,000 Students THIRTY. RIGHTH YEAR Office . . . union Building Day B7131. Night B7193. Journal B3333 Member Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Member Nebraska Press Association, 1938-39 Represented for National Advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC. 420 Madison Ave. New Ycrk. N. Y. Chicago Boston Los Angeles San Francisco Published Daily during the school year except Mon. days and Saturdays, vacations, and examination periods by students of the University of Nebraska, under supervision of the Publications Board. Subscription Rates are $1.00 Per Semester or $ for the College Year. $2.60 Mailed Single copy, 5 Cents. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice In Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879, and at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917. Authorized January 20. 1922 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF . BUSINESS MANAGER ...HOWARD KAPLAN . . .RICHARD M'GINNIS EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Managing Editors Merrill Englund, Harold Niemann, News Editors .June Bierbower, Richard DeBroAm, Norman Harris, Ellsworth Steele. Fern Steute ville, Ed Wittenberg. Society Editor . . .Margaret Krause Reporter Marian Bremen, Stanley Drener. Jean Ornahan, Jamn Carroll, Janice KHihausfr, time (iarrett, Pat (irteie, Marvin Hoffman, Frances Keeter, Betty Klinf rl, Evelyn l.eavitt, Holli l.imprccht, Jhn Mackay, Morton Margolin, Clyde Marti, Donald Moore, Hnbert Ogilen, Clark O'Hanlon, Chris rftemon, Rae Robertson Pun I Svcboda, Lacile Thomas, David Thompson, Ava Vi barton. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Assistant Business Managers .. .Arthur Hill, Robert Seidel, Helen Severa. Solicitors. . Roger Anawalt, Ed Calhoun, Ed Segrist, Ben Novicoff, Burton Thiel. Circulation Manager Stanley Michael THE DOING COUNTS Some six hundred jouiur Xohrnskans, filled with -four years of "hipher education" and delusions concerning life, will march ncrosii the campus in flowing gowns a few months hence, and out into a waiting world. lut to the chagrin of a large part of that six hundred, they will find the world waiting perhaps for a myriad of things but not fcr them. Despite the hundreds of lectures they hear and articles they read, the majority of graduating' seniors seem never to lose their optimism, never to realize quite fully how scarce the positions they seek might be. The world, filled with depression and dis heartening ironies, never seems to rest quite on their own doorstep until the mile stone of graduation forces them to attempt to pass that doorstep. Willi light hearts and a careless attitude they like to call American, they respond to nil queries into their futures with flippant ne gations. A huge joke seems to lie in the knowledge that thousands of oilier equally lost young people, will find themselves in the same positions and will be competing for the same few jobs. lut it is not a healthy laugh to which they give vent. It is not the laugh that gives as surance that they, single handed, can lick the world. It is the old fashioned, romantic laugh that braces only the mind and gives only the weak advice that there is nothing to worry about. Its only basis is the four years of ex posure to a university education. It is not the mind, seniors, but the back that needs the bracing. Not thru misty op timism, but thru invigorating self-confidence will come success. Don't wait for the world to find out about you. Go forth and tell them all that you are ready for the task you select, and don't relax until that task is found and finished. Convince yourself, and yon will stand a better chance of convincing the world. Don't be salisfied with the optimism of maturing, but gain for yourself the self-assurance of doing. ( th leu bard Nowadays, Just past, And to come, Is Health week. Its "Health" Instead of Hell" week Now, Mind you; The "Hell" Supposedly Host to "Health" When Broken arms And Missing teeth Become all too Apparent A Iter wards In those who Survived Hell"! The idea In either "Hell" or Health" is To "get Back on" The pledges For what You suffered As a frosh. It's an eye For an eye, So to speak, All in the s Now Khnwlnl STOAIHT "HONOLULU with Klrannr Powell Robert Yonnt Rum it Allen Mart Sat. -GUNGA DIN" J NOW KlKIMillkt Glorious tradition Of dear old Tri Chi. The difference Between "Health" and "Hell" is Quite subtle, Not readily Discernible To non-"Hell"ers. It's simply A matter of Degree: Instead of Breaks It's sprains. The purpose Of "Health" Or "Hell" Is to make Smarty tyros Feel as Ridiculous As possible, With an aim To humbling Them into Appreciation of Initiation. And so The actives Mostly the Sophomores, Of course Devise all Manner of means To torture the Flesh and Spirits of The pledges. Great Imagination Is sometimes Herein displayed, But it's always A strain To be Mean enough, Indeed, the Hollow eyes And Drooping gaits At the end of "Health" or "Hell" Are those of Upperclassmen. It would seem That the Actives Might evenutally Discover That, altho Revenge Is sweet It pays Small dividends Even in "Hell." A.W.S. changes tryout schedule Coed Follies committee judges acts tonight Schedule for today's tiyouts fo Coed Follies, have been changed according to Janet Lau, A. W. S. board member in charge of the event. The times for rehearsals, as the' now stand are: BOO-Barb A. W. S. 5:1V-Alpha Omlcron PI. 5:30 Kappa Alpha Thrta. 5:4- Kappa Delta. 7:00 Howard hall. 7 :i:-Raymond hall. 7:30 Alpha Chi Omtfca. 7:45-Alpha Phi. 7:!tt Roaa Bouton hall. Members of the judging commit tee are Virginia Clemans, chair man; Helen Fasooe, Jean Sim mens, Marion Bradstreet, Phyllis Robinson, Velma Ekwall and Jo sephine Rubnitx. Article by Dr. Manter appears in Russian book Dr. H. W. Manter of the roology department has recently received reprints of a paper of his appear ing in a Russian volume commenr orating the services of the leading Russian parasiloliglst, Prof. K. Skrjabin. The paper concerns ma rine fish parasites collected in Florida by Professor Manter. "TIII.Y MAPI", MK A CRIMINAL" Si "Mr. Doodle Kirks Off" Start tiinMirrow! -4 GIRLS IN VtlHTK" rumt "Burn 'cm l'p O'Connor" Special This Week MEN'S SUITS ic WJ Cleaned and Pressed (HIii'Tt proportionulvly rrdiicrd B-6S5I Save 107i Cah & Tjirry Only 20 More Days to Enter B. D. 0. C. Contest Nomination Blanks may bo obtained ot HARVEY BROTHERS. 1230 0 St. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN oHico or from th Contest Managers. BOB SEIDEL and WHITIE REED. n?nvii irv iv. -Mrvv VV7J uu yj (6V -u -i -niliui him mWtit mi in Ii i .1 i i ill f L U i a Pick Your Frocks Plain Then fliix and match Your Accessories z&tff$ w Ilk ' V- Match . . . Your POSY and GLOVES Flowers 50c and $1 Gloves 1.95 to 2.95 t Match ... HANDBAG GLOVES BELT Batrs 2.95 to 4.95 Gloves 1.95 to 3.95 Belts 1.00 to 2.95 m Match . . . JEWELRY and HANDBAG Costnme Jewelry ..50c to 2.95 Handbags 1.95 to 5.00 r