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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1939)
. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1939 i ii m r TkTi-Tin 1 Off A AT ;. it '1 il a V v P S o fi a K 9 n tl lo tr h tr te R w m w ur or ot kt ru he ha wi in wl .th Mi Bi co. th. tic is U. G b) j th bw dej Cr far J. lit 1 Jul of BtU an . - I Blistery, blustering, blowy and blizzard-like. . .a great discourage ment to "students" as we know them. . .lack of allure as noses r n redder and faster. . .and some very unsophisticated falls in front of Union. . .tobogganing to be a fa You Cannot Get a 1939 Cornhusker unless ordered by' Feb. 1 5tli "SssLCLCohn, QoL JodaifJ' vorite tonight as Kappa Dotty Glenn and Jeff Broady, Beta, and their party take a . few of the snowier spills. . .pinning of AOPi Virginia Rapp and Kappa Sig Doug Hall comes into the limelight as she wears the pin out alia' time now ...desire of SDT Selma Svietal was thwarted the other night be cause she already had a date and couldn't take one to a Zeta Beta Tau party . . . s'to bad . . . cleverest bids of the year sent by Acacia's for their Bowery Brawl... in the form of gunny-sacks inviting the A HELP CUPID ALONG WITH A NICE NEW "ARROW" If you want to keep on the right side of Cupid this fine Valentine's Day, you'll spruce up with a hand some pew Arrow Shirt. Perhaps one of our brand new Arrow fancies new stripes and new checks. Take your pick from one of the best-looking shirt collections you've ever seen. Or if you favor whites, we have any number of fine Arrows in many different collar styles. All Arrows are Sanforized-Shrunk (fabric shrinkage less than 1) .. . all have the unique, better-fitting Mhoga design ... and they're the best-looking shirts you can find in America. Get some here today. $2 I their molls to "Schim mel's Dive" for i rootin'- ot:n' evening Friday night. . .you 11 see "igma Kappa Ann snerman wim Bill Morton, Betsy Allen, Tri Delta, and George Place, and Mary Jo Hern, DDD, with Duane Meyer, AXiD Fern Steuteville and Francis Fee, Pi Phi Anne Beth Keith with Max Bailey, and Alpha Phi Vi Harder with Gordon Milligan. . .at the Phi Psi dinner dance will be Kappa Mary Lou Kelly and Bob Brust, AOPI Virginia Franklin with Keith Sturdevant, Alpha Phi Betty Goith with Werner Buch, Delta Gamma PoUy Perkins with Bob Greunig. . .Saturday night at the Phi Gam formal will be Kappa Betty Ray with Mickey Benjamin, Kappa Delta Gail Ferguson with Carl Olenberger, Tri Delta Dor othy Dell McClelland and Louis Lee. AOPi Hazel Winer and Stu Wylie, and Sigma Kappan Emma Marie Schuttloffel with Clifford Heyne, Farm House... and from formats to the funniest-of-the-week ...namely, the answers Sigma cm fmr Hnm has been erettinjr on his "Buy your Cornhusker" cards, "we don't want a Corn husker, but please send over a cute Corncob"... and the beating-down-of-the-week now under way in the form of Helth Week for Beta and ATO freshmen. . .calling in all barrel staves . . . Saturday noon in the Student Union the Mortar Boards are hold ing their annual luncheon for Mor tar Board Alumnae. Theta Chi's new officers for this semester are Louis Wilkins, presi dpnt! Ben Foster, vice president: George McMurtrey, treasurer; Ed Kn by, secretary. From this chapter of XI Psi Phi, dental fraternity, Michael Eyen and Milan Starks will attend tne fiftieth anniversary celebration in Ann Arbor. New sorority pledges are Elaine T.ucas. Phi Mu: Elizabeth Atkin son and Ruth Coordics. Gamma Thi; Eva Mae Cromwell and Mary Elizabeth Greet, Alpha Chi. Th Newman club will hold a breakfast and meeting Sunday morning in the student union. and up. Bizad faculty wives entertain husbands, guests this evening Wives of the Bizad faculty are giving their annual banquet for husbands aid guests at the Uni versity club this evening. Besides the members of the Elzrd ."iculty and the Faculty Wives club, for whom tne oanquet is usually given, several guests have been invited, including Chan cellor and Mrs. C. S. Boucher, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stokes of Oma ha, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. De voe, and Mrs. Samuel Avery, wife of the former chancellor. Committees of the club prepar ing the festivities are under the direction of Mrs. J. E. LeRossig nol, wife of the dean, with Mrs. K M. Arndt assisting. Decorations are being planned by Mrs. E. B. Schmidt, Mrs. u. m. uarnnsion, and Mrs. W. H. Oury acting as chairman. Those in charere of entertaining are Mrs. C. E. McNeill. Mrs. A. R. Burton and Mrs. TV H. Schiefen, chairman. Badminton meet finishes first round Expect second canto completion this week The second round of the eirls in tramural badminton tournament has been completed and the third wil be finished by the end of this week. nriti..N r winnil intMdr f I rut Erickson-Schlck, Kappa Delta 1 bye; Arm si rong-Hakanson, Alpha CM over Bertelson Hecker. Wilson Hall; Kllas-Pierce. Ray mond Hall over KerRuson-Ureen, cni u, Seng-Stearns. independent 1 over Hustead- rener, ri I'm i: uuo-iiniin, oim" Vann i n-. tVi ) Mn Srhmirfl -M alt. Bouton Hall over Winkler- Purdham. Alpha Phi 1; Pattersons, Tri Delt 1 over Rupert Cook. Alpha Xt Delt 1: Ellers-Mcyer. Kappa 1 over Kovanda-Bradstreet, Gamma Phi 1: Schneiderwind-Swoboda. Kappa Delt over Day-Smith. Alpha XI Delt 2; Alger- Mlckey. TH Delt 2 over 1-utgen-nerKgren, Alr.h Phi 9 LnhQtin Ri-Tn TVlta Till over Dav-Smlth, Alphi 41 Delt 2; Alger Williamson. PI Phi 2 over Bartlinq-Fulton. sipma Kappa z; Keiuson svnuoaa, inue Pendent 2 over Campbell-Boyd. Kappa 2, Krank-Talbot. Delta Gamma over Miller Hlnchfeld, Sigma Delta Tau 2; Clements Schwartz. Raymond Hall 2 over McKee Hnllrnbark. Gamma Phi 2; MacAlltster Bloun. Wilson Hall over Eden Emmett, Howard Hall. Architects discuss plans for engineers night Plans for the Enerineers' nieht exhibit were discussed yesterday At a meeting or me campus Architectural society. Jack Thomnson nresided at the discus- s on. The committee for tne ex hibit will be comprised of those who can devote tne most time to work on the exhibit. Mr. Claude Brommaee. Interior decorator at Miller & Paine's, will speak to the architectural society at its next meeting:, Wednesday. Feb. 15. Tne meeting win De neiu in the Architecture library in the Temple at 7:30 o'clock. Gettman to review Callaghan book Sunday R. A. Gettman. assistant pro fessor in the English denartment. will review Morley Callaghan's nest seller " They snail innent me Earth" for the University Sunday Evening club or First t'lymouin church Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. His talk opens a scries of lec tures sponsored by the group along the theme of "Glimpses into the Arts." Sec the "PRfll PBP.A1F (Silent Thriller) At the SUNDAY LAUGH SESSION 4:30 P.M. Also Roller Skating Trio Magic by Mortoni Singing You help Negro leader to lecture here Feb. 15 Program to help raise scholarship fund for N. U. colored students Dr. W. E. B. DuBois, regarded as the Negro world's leading in tellectual, will deliver an address on "Democracy" here in Lincoln Feb. 15 at St. Paul Methodist church. Dr. DuBois' appearance is sponsored by the Lincoln Young Peoples Forum as part of their program to build up a scholarship fund to aid Negroes in the Uni versity of Nebraska. Author, historian, economist, so pinlnp' ist. DuBois has taken ad vanced study at Harvard and the 1 University of Berlin. His book, ; Black Reconstruction" is out standing in its treatement of the post Civil War Negro problems bringing to bear on the problem of a strong socialist point of view. In a field bitterly argued by biased nnrthpm. and southern whites, a book by this well educated Negro has been well received. Sounds Warning. Dpnlintr with the "Inter-racial Implications of the Ethiopian Cri sis for Foreign Aiiairs magazine, Dr. DuBois sounded this warning: "Italy's indefensible aggression will not prove to tne ciam peopie thpir weakness: rather it will point the path to strength; an under- standing between japan ana vnina will close Asia to wnite aggres sion and India need no longer hes itate between passive resistance and open rebellion. Even black mpn will realize that Europe to day holds Africa in leash pri marily witn Aincan troops, a re ligion of humility, vague promises and skillfully encouraged jeal ousies. One of these davs the very troops by which Europe holds Africa may cease to play the part nasimed them." While predicting early in tne war that Italv would win. Dr. Du Bois declared that, whether Italy won or lost, race natrea wouia pe increased. He exDressed his opin ion that the effort to subject the hlaek man is vain in tne lone run and that the black man knows it and is lookincr loeicallv to Japan as the leader of all the colored peoples in their struggle to shake off white dominance. The Catawba college Yearbook is called "The Swastika." but has no connection with a well known totalitarian government. 4; ,- i There's nothing like an Arrow for breaking hearts Arrow Cupid's DART Arrow's new white shirt with the Aroweave long wearing non-wilt collar that keeps you hand some all day. $2.25. TRUMP The world-famous Arrow shirt whose soft collar holds all endurance records. $2. GORDON Arrow's double-duty oxford ... a fine comfortable shirt for year-round wear. $2. All Arrows have the Mitoga fit and are Sanforbted- ' shrunk (fabric slulnkage less than ARROW SHIRTS Jacks to discuss Greek stage, Nobel winners "Y The debt that many XMoDei prize winners owe to the ancient Greek tragedy will be expounded by Prof. Jacks of the Creighton uni versity classics department for the local Classics club Tuesday. The meeting will be in parlors A, B and C of the Student Union be ginning at 8 o'clock. Under the title "Greek Tragedy and Some Nobel Prize Winners," Prof. Jacks will attempt "to show that some proof can certainly be advanced and has probably been found indicating that some of the greatest Nobel prize winners in recent years (Mafl. A n a t o 1 e France, Sigrid Vdsedt, Gals worthy and O'Neill) have derived much information, much tech nique and something even of story and plot from the Attic stage." GOING GOING GONE!!! 12 theater tickets good for any time, any show ... at the Varsity . . . have you gotten yours yet? 12 theater tickets for Coffee Lounge Sun day night supper diners ... to be given away this Sunday night between 6 and 9 . . . Ken Nelson and his band play from 9 to 12 ... every night I HOTEL CAPITAL 7 0 white shirts, as sure-fire as dart, will do more to step up your good looks than any other article of clothing. White is always right, and goes well with all your suits and tics. r NO CHARGE ' I 3 I A L . 3 1 . ! k Student Union -1 1 r---' r 1