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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1939)
i s "I ii six DAILY NEBHASKAN FKIDAY, FEBKUAKY 10, 1939 Ames opens N U home swim season M (j vi 1 i : i , 1 ! 9L by June Bierbower Nebraska fans will see two of last year's Big Six swimming champs in action today as Eugene Armstrong and Captain George Haldeman perform for the Iowa State Cyclones. Haldeman, breast stroke champion and record hold er, has already bettered the mark he set last season in the confer ence meet. The Cyclones, who will be fa vored to win over Nebraska by virtue of a defeat of Gustavus Adolphus, conquerors of the Husk ers, will probably go on to win the Big Six meet here three weeks hence. Missouri doesn't have a team, while Kansas, Kansas State and Oklahoma have never pre sented sufficient strength to figure in the championship. The Sooners, tho, have built up swimming in terest down in Norman because of their new pool, and might come thru with a surprise or two. Huskers fans will see for the first time Ted Legate, sprint star, and Ralph Worden, diver, sopho mores who figured prominently in Nebraska scoring on the recent Minnesota trip. Iowa State has a new diver, LeRoy Carr, and sophomore 60 yard freestyler, Roger Adams, who have been fig uratively burning up the water for the Cyclones, so we shall see what we shall see. In tomorrow night's wrestling match, there's one thing certain, and that is that Iowa State, after Wednesday night's developments, will come into the meet with plenty of respect for the Huskers . . . Jim Knight's opponent, Ray Stone, is from Fort Dodge, home of All American Ed Bock, and from Ames publicity reports, he's about as tough as Bock . . . Knight, whose victory Wednesday gave him 115'2 points, looks well nigh invincible in this branch of the bushes, though. Harwin Dawson, despite prev ious reports, will be in Saturday's track meet against Kansas, altho he won't compete in his specialty, the broad jump. Dawson will en ter the 60 and the low hurdles. Return of Bob Morris to track wars should feature the Meet to morrow. Bob, you'll remember, was state high mile record holder until Gilbert Dodds broke his rec ord two years ago, and has an other year of competition. Illness kept him out last year, but Mor ris is bac k in shape now, and altho he is In medical school at Omaha, has been doing outside road work with boxer Bob Venner to keep in trim. Nebraska's first gymnastic meet will give Huskers a Jook at one of this section's best gym teams, the Minnesota Gophers, who boast a Big Ten champion, and a national collegiate runnemp. Incidentally, the first home triangular gymnas tic meet In history for Nebraska Is coming up soon. Colorado, Iowa U. and the Huskers will compete. Camp assignments made by military department Summer camp assignments for the regular army officers have been announced by the military department. On duty at Fort Crook, which opens July 15 for in fantry students, will be Majors J. U. Ayotte, J. A. Shaw and S. J. Meyers. Fort Riley, Kas., opening on July 22, will be the destination of field artillery and engineering students, with MaJ. W. 'R. Thllip and Capt. R. E. Cruse attending. Mrs. Stovers Bungalow Chocolates PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY 103 So. 13th "W Mail Kansas track team opens Husker slate Dawson out of broad jump Saturday, but in lows and 60-yard dash With the University of Kansas track squad offering the opposi tion, the Nebraska cinder men open their 1939 indoor track sea son on the stadium oval Saturday, Feb. 11. The initial event is slated to got under way at 2 o'clock. The Jayhawk squad lists 19 en tries, while Husker Coach Ed Weir has entered a list of 24 performers. The Kansans boast a pair of Big Six champions, against a lone Scarlet gold medal winner. Capt. Lyle Foy breasted the tape in the 100 and 220 yard dashes, and Don Bird shared top honors in the pole vault with Ebright of Iowa State. The Nebraska champ is Bob Sim mons, 440 yard dash winner. Har win Dawson garnered first place in the conference broad jump, but because of a severe knee injury, he will confine his talents to the dashes. Battle of Milers. Feature event of Saturday's af fair is expected to be the mile, which lists Kansas' Klann against Al Kuper, Delmar Moore and Bob Morris for Nebraska. It will be Morris' first competition since 1937. Husker fans will be watching Bob Mills to see if he can better the 49 feet 2 inches he reached with the shot during the week. Also under close scrutiny will be the hurdles, to see if Bob Kahler, Tom Chapin and Swartz can fill the shoes of Eig Six Champion El don Frank and Bill Gish. List of entries: Milr: Klann, Kanaaa; Knnrr, Moore und Motrin, Nebraska. W yard daah: I.. Kuy, Mathra, Iria nill and IVIINama, K:mna; Mmmnna, Irndd, Wrliht and I)miu, Nrliraaka. 440 yard daah: (. for, tiravra and CJrrrnr, kanina; Niimimn, I'ankoiiln and Hli-U, .Nrhraaka. Mich hiirrtlra: Mivmrr and G. Foy, Knnaaa; Kahk-r, banin and rwart, Nrhraikn. Two milr run: Klann. Tolirrrn and Ryan. hanaaa; Walker and Moore, Ne braoka. KMn yard mn: HwUrndom, Kbrrhart and Klann, kanaaa; Kuprr, Own, Irlfa and Itrllt, Nrnra'ka. Ixiw hnrdlra: Miiwnrr, I.. Foy and Foy, Hainan; Miiimnna, Kablrr, Itodd and Innann, Nrbraiika. Ml If relay: I.. Foy, U. Foy, Kbrrhart, lliTkrndnrn, or liravra mid t.rvrn. kan aaa; liiwon, HHU I'ankoiiln rUmmona or Olaiin .Vrbraoka. 'oU vault: Itlrd and Itrvan Kanau; Xurmnn. Hrull, HuMaldt and Itodd, Nr hrnoka. rihot pat: Frirdland and BanaM, Kan tian; Milln, Wlbbrla and I'roctaa.ka, Ne braaka. II I h Jump: Bird and Champ, Kanaaa; Kahlrr and f'bapln. Nrbraiika. Mrnad Jump: Bird and Matnra, kan aaa! Hrott and Kawnuuia. Nrhraaka. Sigma Kappa bowlers take intramural title Sigma Kappa reigns as the champion bowling team of the Intramural contest. Their rival team was the third Delta Gamma group. The Sigma Kappas ran up 584 points and the Delta Gammas f69. Frances Brown. Sigma Kappa, wns the high scorer with 172 and Janet Lau was the high scorer for the losers with 139 points. Newkirk discontinues Saturday golf classes Saturday golf classes In the physical education department have been discontinued until fur ther notice. Ed Newkirk an nounced Thursday. The golf class will meet only on Tuesdays and Thursdays under the present set up. Candy riine imn Knight seeks ninth win ,..,...,-.,.1..:,. ., ,..,... ,l.::. II. .Ill lll.ll. Ml r"',.'. . ''"yi. . - V " :.f: . ... Ir1 f I - r Looking into the camera is Jim Knight, Husker captain tomorrow night against Iowa State's wrest ling team. Knight has scored 115,2 points during his collegiate career. Knight captains grappEcrs against Cyclones Saturday Fresh from their startling vic tory over Kansas State, Ne braska's wrestling team takes on its second conference opponent when Iowa State comes to the coli seum tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock. Captaining the Huskers is Jim Knight, winner of eight straight bouts this season, who is favored Gymnasts face powerful Gophers Visitors have Big Ten king, national runnerup The Husker gymnastic team held their last workout Thursday in preparation for their season opener against the Minnesota squad Saturday afternoon on the coliseum stage. The meet is set to start at 2 o'clock. The Nebraska team will be de cided underdogs, what with the Gophers boasting a Big Ten cham pion in James Hafey, and a Na tional Collegiate runnerup in Cur tis Lynum. Both outfits will enter more than three men for each event but only a trio may count in the final reckoning. Instead of counting the total points of each performer for the final score as was the case in former meets, only the three high est men in each event will be scored, as in a track meet. Hafey, Lynum. Wolfenson and Ronning are lettermen for the in vading bunch, while Roy Proffitt and Gay Cadwell are the only vet erans on the Husker team. En tries: lliirlrnntul hara; Running, lynum and DaJ, Mlnnrantit; rrnffltt, Hrldrl, jtoiulh kk and arturll, Nrbraiika. Hldr hnrari II aniline, U'llrrun, rUnnlng and I viiuiii, MInnrMita; ariwrll, Orlrr, HoalhMlrk, I'rutritt and Griffin, Nrhraaka. Mlii rlnaa. Ilalr, Daly, Knanlna, l.yamn and O'llrrnn, MInnrMita; I'riifllll, C.rM-r and NVIdrl, Nrhraaka. raralli-l bara: llannlnn. Duly, Kiinnlnc, lynum and Hairy, Mlnuratila; Hotithwlrk, fmlflll, I'adwrll and tirlrr, Nrhraaka. Tumlillnc Koiinlnc, lliily and Vtolfrn ana, Mlnnrwila) Hrldrl, Prof flit and .rll ftn, Nrhraaka. LM1QD Temporary Location No. mm Lincoln Journal. The fellow getting the works is 142 pound Julius Wittman, who upset 155 pound conference cham pion Jiggs Van Fleet Wednesday night. to make it nine in a row over Ray Stone of the Cyclones. Julius Witt man, who pulled the surprise win over Kansas State's Big Six cham pion, Jiggs Van Fleet, earned him self a position for the meet Sat urday, and meets Cox of Iowa State. Iowa State brings a conference runnerup in the 13G pound class, and another who placed third in the national, in the 1G5 pound class, to face the Husker matmen. Lineups: 121 pounds: Kuska (N) and llaynen ( IS . 12H pounds: Knight (N) and Stone IS. l'lil poiimlx: Iikr N and Iiraon (IS). 145 poumlx: ("larr N I and Karrrll (181. 1 f:j pounda: Wit (man (N ) and Cox IIS I. lfjri pounda: Kirilrr (N) and Sam Linn (ISl. 17.1 rviunds: Condon (N) and Hrndor- on (ISl. IleavyweiKtit : rWmnn (N) and Burk (IS). ITwrTl J AEuil j EACH j Dancing 3-5 FRIENDLY ONES FUNNY ONES A . Large . Selection . for S WE ETH E ART F AM I LY FRI E N DS fflifll 127 So. 13th Directly Meet begins at3coliseum pool today Haldeman leads Big Six champions against inexperienced Huskers Iowa State's defending cham pions invade the coliseum pool to day at 3 o'clock to open Ne braska's home swimming schedule. The Cyclones come fortified by a win over Gustavus Adolphus col lege, nemesis of the m Huskers in their northern trip. Sophomores hold down the top spots on Coach Hagelin's inexperi enced squad, with Ralph Worden, top diver from Alliance and Ted Legate crack sprinter from Bea trice leading the pack in point making. Captained by Geoge Haldeman, Big Six breast stroke champion, the Cyclones have wins over Grin nell and Gustavus Adolphus : to their credit, and have lost only to Minnesota. Lineups for the meet: 300 yard medley relay: Nebras ka: Lake, Rodenbeck, Simmons; Iowa State: Armstrong, Halde man, Adams. 220 yard free style: Nebraska: Chatt, Hagelin; Iowa State; Gibbs, Hargensheimer, Hargrove, Egenes. 440 yard free style: Nebraska: Furr, Hagelin; Iowa State: Gibbs, Hargeshnimer, Hargrove, Egenes. 50 ya d free style: Nebraska: Legate, i'.mraons; Iowa State: Ad ams, Haldeman, llargesheimer. 100 yard free style: Nebraska: Chatt. Legate; Iowa State: Ad ams, Hargesheimer, Vaughan. 150 yard backstroke: Nebraska: Van Horn, Lake; Iowa State: Armstrong, HclscTicr, Gibbs. 200 yard breastroke: Nebraska: Rodenbeck; Iowa State: Halde man, Hudler. Diving: Nebraska: Worden, Younger; Iowa State: Carr, Reid, Baker. 400 yard relay: Nebraska: Sim mons, Legate, Chatt, Younger; Iowa State: Adams. Haldeman, Hargesheimer, Vaughan. Hear a Selected Orchestra of All Start They're the Best Swlngsters in Town worn South of Miller & Pain STOQES. re. r 1 i -