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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1939)
FRIDAY, FEBKUAKY 10, 1939 DAILY NEBHASKAN THREE Point board fells purpose of new rules Old maximum too high to diffuse activities in sufficient degree (Continued-from Page 1.) thoro and complete account of ac tivity points and participation is to be kept. Students having activity credits will he expected to report them to the board in room 305 of the Union. Brewster will be in room 305 every Thursday after noon for the remainder of the se mester. Separate activity cards can be checked and brought up to dale at that time. May Drop Activities. ,A man is not eligible for an of if upon taking that office, he will be ovei pointed. If he wishes to be officially dropped from the Membership of some organization so that he will not be overpointcd he may do so before taking over the new office. Any student who is over pointed is expected to remedy this situa tion as soon as possible. The board has the power to penalize any man who does not keep his points at the maximum or below. The board feels that this new plan will spread out and restrict the activities so more people will have a chance for participation. At the same time it will lighten the activity load of others. ACTIVITIES Student Council Daily Nebraskan Cornhu.sker , Student Union Board flfrirb Council timb Interclub Awgwan Publication Board 'nterf tateniity Council Class President Kosmet Klub Corn Cobs Y. M. C. A Debate Squad Jr-Sr Prom Committee Honotaries Professional Departmental N Club Athletic Board of Control. . . Athletic Managers ClK-er Leaders Football Team Basketball Team Baseball Team Track Team Wrestling Swimming , ,. Golf . Tennis Gymnastics . , Pershing Rifles Social Fraternity Other -rr. & Si . Farmers Fair Bd. Ag. Executive Board .... Coll-Agri-Fun Board .... Cornhusker Countryman . f An V. M. C. A. . Hobby Group . . , Six-ial Council ., Judging Team ., Engineers' Week Engineers' Executive Bd. . . . Nebraska Engineering Blue Print .. Deadline for submitting Follies skits falls today All skits for the annual A. W. S. Coed Follies must be submitted to Mrs. Westover In Ellen Smith hall by five o'clock Friday, according to Janet Lau, A. W. S. board member in charge of the show. At the same time candidates for best dressed airl and models Tor the spring style revue may aise oe presented Dy organized women's groups. M Four science use greenhouse Attendant reveals lack of equipment, space By Clyde Martz. Sapped from lack of sunlight by overhanging palms, the great banana tree that formerly grew six foot leaves and bunches of fruit, no longer having adequate room to expand, has shrunk to half its former size. It's crowded position as well as the dead and withered plants show realistically enough the urgent need of new greenhouse facilities on the campus. Built some years ago at a time when the university had a much smaller enrolment, the present sunhouses far from fill the need of the students for whom they are needed. According to a statement made by Max Schnittler, care taker, houses three times the size of the present structure would yet be inadequate. In addition to the botany students for whom the buildings were built, biology, bac teriology, and agronomy students have been performing experiments there for the last few years. Partitions Have Been Removed. In an effort to provide added room, the partitions which for merly separated the houses into divisions, each adapted to the growth of particular types of vege tation, have been removed and stands and tables widened. Tho some additional room has been thus acquired, it has been at the cost of greenhouse necessities. No longer are particular plants given their climatic conditions, but all are crowded together in the same rooms, none growing or Revised men's point system POINTS 3 Judiciary News Ed. Assistant Bus. Mgr. Assistant Bus. Mgr. Staff Eds. President President Member Mng. Editor Assistant Bus. Mgr. 2 Member Circ. Mgr. Sports Exl. Society Ed. Staff Member Kds. and Bus. Aids Member Comm. Chm. Staff Ed. Reporter Member Worker Member President Member Wroker Member Wrouer President Co-chairmen officer? Member Member President President President Member Sen. Mgr. Head President Junior Mgr. Assistants Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Natl. Pres. President Treasurer, Steward AG COLLEGE Member President Editor Member Bus. Mgr. Bus. Mgr. Member Associate Bus. Mgr. Circ. Mgr. Group Chm. President Member President Genl. Chm. ENGINEERING COLLEGE Chairman Sec.-Treas. Member President Bus. Mgr. Editor Is It Artie Shaw's "Nightmare"? Is It Benny Goodman's "Goodbye"? Is It Jimmy Dorsey's "Contrast"? Is It Tommy Dorsey's "Sentimental Mood"? Is It Glen Gray's "Smoke Rings"? NO IT'S -NEBRASKA'S H. P- departments built for one cared for In the way that they Bhould. Tables are now too large to use advantageously, It being almost impossible to reach the back portions to trim and prune plants which have been pushed back into the corners. Ferns hang over the sides and are brushed and broken by passing people in the narrow confines of the room. In places the plants arc growing so close together that it is impossible for a person to pass unless he pushes the dead foliage out of the way. Tho work is being done con stantly in some portions of the buildings, it is impossible to per form experiments properly in such close quarters. Many portions of the floor are so densely shaded by overgrowing plant life that at tempts to get satisfactory results must either be done at the expense of other growths or hindered In its own normal exislance. Attendant Makes Changes. Efforts have been made again and again to create an interest in the dire need of the botany stu dents. But the call is apparently u heard. Whenever changes are made they must be done bit by bit in the spare time, which is verv seldom, of the greenhouse attend ant. All the new tables, the re moval of the former partitions, as well as the changing of pots and tubs has been done tentatively by Mr. Schnittler. The greenhouses, like many other of the buildings on the campus have been wholly neglect ed. They are antiquated and crowded. Even when Investiga tions are made into needed Mng. Editor Bus. Mgr. President Editor Bus. Mgr. Mng. Editor Editor President Editor Bus. Mgr. President President President Manager 0. Naval air corps seeks NU students Officers lecture here today and tomorrow; talks open to public In an effort to find university students for their new uir training extension program. Lieut. L. M. Kreiger and a staff of three men from the U. S. Naval Training Re serves will hold a series of lectures and interviews here today and to morrow. A moving picture depicting the Naval Reserve's training course will be shown by a member of lh staff this morning, in Nebraska hall at 10:30, while a lecture is scheduled for Temple theater in the afternoon. Lieutenant Kreiger and his men will interview and examine students who might; be in terested in making application for this training Friday and Saturday when they are not holding discus sions. The Navy department's plan includes one year's instruction at the Naval Air station at Pensa cola, Fla., during which time the student receives $75 a month plus board and room. If, at the end of the training period he desires to continue with the work and is se lected, he may be placed on active duty with an aircraft squadron, where he is paid $125 a month plus expenses. After four years of duty the student is connected inactively with the Naval Reserve base near est his home. Those who complete only one year of service are ade quately prepared for commercial aviation. Students for this service are chosen from senior students and graduates. The lectures to be at the university are open to all students. changes in the various depart ments of the school, this particu lar building has been wholly over looked. Yet all experimental work in four large science divisions de pend upon the facilities of the greenhouse. The university has grown up; the dependency on this branch has grown immensely and has expand ed to include three other sciences. In the opinion of those working in this field certain provisions must be made at once to expand the po tentialities of the department and bring it up to dale. Jieres SNews! Regular $3.50 Lr "p Letterman Cord Slacks r rilln W 1 On Sale Friday Come Early Just received! A big; shipment of these famous cord trousers . . . now being closed out by the Lee factory. Brown, green, grey and maroon cor duroy. In all sizes. Downstairs Savings $hop HJfjj P Kosmet Klub will meet to discuss spring show Members of Kosmet Klub will meet this afternoon at 5 o'clock in their office in the Student Union building. Tentative plans for the meeting include discussion of plans for the spring show annually spon sored by the club. College unrest due to lack of religion says N. Y. dean NEW YORK, N. Y. (I.P.). Much of the uncertainty and unrest evi dent on many college campuses, and in the nation at large, has come through disregard of religion, declared Dr. Irving H. Berg, dean of New York university. "In history we discover that one of the dominating motives of all human activity through the ages has been man's relation to religion. In altogether too many educational institutions this subject is either taboo or treated in .so trivial a manner that one wonders if tho students ever heard of it." "The time has certainly come when we should re-examine our whole educational structure in the light of universal human expe rience and stop the pursuit of knowledge merely as an end in itself." m Tonitc at the UNION and his Orchestra Dancing 9-12 airy Per JJ w Person u h ' r) f'.