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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1939)
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1939 I C ii F d h c u o d A '" ra airi affta At i I SOCIETY ..Week-end full of society.... scada of scampering 'round and 'bout on Friday between the Phi Mu and Kappa Sig formals, and out to the Turnpike while last night action was centered on one of the year's best parties, the In terfrat Ball. . . .liprmality went over big, as did t Yumbauer and Weeks.... saw jrriet Woods. AXID, and Jim Jnes, Sigma Nu ....Pi Phi Jane Wilson was there with Delt Jack GelMtly. . . .blondes Jim Evinger, Kappa Sig, and DG Pat Frank also there Kappa Jean Woods and ATO Francis Loetterle. .. .and more and scads of people. .. .Kappa Sig Formal also a headliner.. . .Don Moore there with Theta Jean Reed Phi Psl Archie Sturdevant and Kappa pledge Betty Nichols and Frank Kudrna with Phyllis Jensen, Chi Omega watching the many and varied orchestra act3 at the Turnpike were Sig Alph Bill Frank and Nancy Hitch cock.. Sigma Nu Mason Mitchell and Theta pledge Betty Lou Grif fiths.... SAE Pvalph Bristol and Marion Cushing, Alpha Chi.... Delta Gamma Lucy Jane Williams and John Brush, Phi Psi to night lotza buffet dinners to en tertain the kiddies.... at ATO, Tom Davis will be there with Charmain Bloom.... and Bill O'Connor with Helen Gillespie at Beta, John Folsoru with Ruth Ludwig, and Pi Phi Ruthie Fox with Sid Hardeman at Chi Phi will be Alpha Phi Bea Andrews UAS YGU DERE, CHARLIE? when they took the pictures down at the Capital last night after the Ball? ... did you find your Greek letters on the wall? ... did you sing and have fun and eat and drink and be merry? . . . were you whoop ing it up with the rest of the college crowd ? . . . and did you remember to make a date with your girl friend for supper to night at the Capital (it'll cost you much less than a dollar for the two of you) ... did you make a date to get in on the surprice entertainment between 6 and 9 . . . and the free theater tickets to be given away at the same time . . . before Ken Nel son plays from 9 to 12 . . . here are some more of the lucky ones who went to the movies free . . . Alice Nemec, Kappa Delt, and Bruce Campbell, S g ma Nu; Frank Gallup, Sig Alph, and "Ears" Sullivan, Kappa Sig; Betty Shrocder, DG, and Al Armbrewster, Beta; Virginia Anderson, Theta, and Jim Vienegg, ATO; . . . more next time . . . hope your name will be among 'em . . . remem ber, the tickets are good for any day ... at any time . . . for any show at the Varsity . . . see you tonight at the Capital! HOTEL CAPITAL and George Lyons at Phi Delt, DG Pat Cooper and Charley Rob erts .... it seems that some of the Chi Phi brothers ganged up a bit on Ed Segrist Friday night ,and whe;, ie returned to the house aH- tils date he found nothing less than a huge airdale in his bed . . . .whatta' nightmare. . . .but ho hum, let's carry on with thoughts of another week of school.... At the DU house, the pledging of Walt Johnson of Lincoln has been announced. Miss Bettie Zabriske, cellist in the university music school, has recently announced her coming marriage. To the Beta Sigma Psl conven tion in Champaign, 111., have gone Beta Sig Chic Otto, Harold Har mann, LeRoy Kramer, Howard Sunderman, and Rosco Heins. Their major interest is to try to bring the national convention tr Nebraska next year. BorbA. W. S. honors 45 girls Activity work wins coeds pins, recognition Forty-five Barb women were honored Thursday afternoon at the Barb A. W. S. tea in the Union. Girls who had earned 50 or more activity points were awarded pins and those with 35 points were also recognized. Those who received pins are: Elnora Sprague, Betty Mallon, Rosanne Svoboda, Mary Eileen Dalton, Ellen Dittmer, Mae Ditt mer, Dorothy Faulkner, Dorothy White, Alberta Lee Hallam, Betty Hutchinson, Lorene Kienker, Max ine Maddy, Helen Eighmy, Rosalie Stuart, June Bierbower, and Rose Reber. Margaret Osborn, Thandis Ber- theson, Charmian Bloom, Jean MacAllister, Betty Jean Spalding, Jane Brinegar, Lola Burke, Helen Klatt, Ramona Wood, Xenia Lind berg, Betty Jo Smith, Ruth Ann Sheldon, Esther Wiechert, and Iris Johnson. Those who received honorable mention were: Virginia Mutz, Katherine Heuser, Naydene Whit nah, Wilda Stiekny, Lucille Crook, Deloris Johnson, Roberta Seng, Jane Stemus, Violet Douglas, Shirley Bonham, Mary Alice Holmes, Ruth Grosvenor, Ruth Miller. Alice Hogemeyer, and Rosemary Atchinson. Symphonic band plays next Sunday Program to include Wagner, Bach classics Featuring soloists and a va riety of musical numbers, the Uni versity, of Nebraska Symphonic Band will be presented in a mid winter concert Sunday, Feb. 12 at 3 o'clock in the coliseum. The program will include classi cal numbers by such composers as Bach and Wagner, as well as mu sic of the ultra-modern type. Duane Harmon, cornet; Verne Raewalt, saxophone, and Don Hartman flute, will be the fea tured soloists of the afternoon. Their numbers will be "Napoli," "Dans Joyeux" by Avon, and "Bur lesque" by Casella, respectively. The concert is open to the public, and is under the direction of Don A Lentz. RAMSAY RESIGNS rating among similar associations on other college campuses. Recommended highly. DuTeau brings with him recom mendations of high standards from the Goetz company and the St. Joseph chamber of commerce, of which he was secretary there. Three University of Kansas blind students are earning their way through college transcribing text books into braille. BULLETINS Sigma Upsilon, literary fratern ity, will meet at the home of Fred Christensen Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Phi Sigma lota plans celebration Pascoe, Lahr in charge of birthday banquet Plans for the banquet March 11 to celebrate the first anniversary of the Nebraska chapter of Phi Sigma Iota, honorary fraternity in romance languages, have been placed in the hands of Patricia Lahr and Helen Pascoe. Also on the honorary's' first birthday will be held the spring initiation of students of high scho lastic rating in romance languages. Music honorary presents program Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia gives 'Harmony Hour "Harmony Hour," sponsored by Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, honorary men's fraternity, will be held at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon in par lors Y and Z. , The program will consist of Shu berfs Unfinished Symphony, fea turing the Boston Symphony or chestra under the direction of Koussevitzky; on the same pro gram there will also be Mozart's Magic Flute Overture and the Emperor Waltz by Johann Straus. Guy Scott will make brief com mentary notes. Jack Thompson is in charge of the arrangemenets. Culver-Stockton college is con structing a hotel on its campus. IS YOUR FORMAL READY FORTHE NEXT PARTY You will be surprised how nice your garments will look when Sanitonc cleaned and expertly pressed when cleaned and renewed by the Modern. SAVE 10 CASH AND CARRY Main Office 21 & G Modern Cleaners SOUKUP & WESTOVER Phone F2377 Branch 127 S. 27th Architects pick officers Group elects Thompson president at meeting Jack Thompson was elected to suceed George Mallon as president of the Students' Architectural so ciety in its first meeting of the second semester, Wednesday, Feb. 1. Herbert Wittman was chosen as vice president and Victor Carter as secretary-treasurer. Unanimously renamed as faculty sponsor for the second term was Mr. Hemphill. Everett Yost, John Hoppe and Paul Reddy were se lected as the executive committee by the officers. At the head of the committee in charge of the Engi neer's Nieht exhibit is David Leavitt. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o TURNPIKE Preaenis TOM CI IT Dirk (I Tot Cha) GARDNER and liia Celebrated Orrliotra Ilroadway's Favorite liuffoon Starred 26 Weeks on Jack Bcnnv's Jcllo Program Frotarrd en Ndi. Oldamobllr, Cb A aanborn A man; other Rili bhowl Tx A Paramount Movie Slari Victor Kecordinr it t'ot to Coatl Network ArtUU 6 X Jlo (C c I O h - V L Dresses to be Remembered 650 7 95 There'll be no waiting around once he spies you in one of these unforgettable wool dresses. Their provocative sophisticated Btyles have plenty of "umph" and just the right 'degree of swing. Wear it aa a dress or suit. Coors good enough fo eai Sizes 11 to 1514 to 18 Raspberry Navy Blue Tapistry Rose Chartreuse The Spice of Your Wardrobe "Sponge" Sweaters 295 sasr You'll wear them. You'll love them. They are light as a feather because they're made of cotton and rayon "Sponge" yarn. Their colors are aa pro phetic of Spring as the first Bluebird. Sires 34 to 40. Cyclamen Fresco Pink Ball Rose Chartreuse Maize Persian Purple V In Short - Th- - gf"tlon1 RUDGE'S TASHIONS-noor Two.