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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1939)
I1 :' ; f ' FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5,1539 FOinv DAILY NEUHASKAN 3: ii . 1; I! 1: Si L 4 a C t J a g a C 8 h a s E n 1: P ti ii r Z; n ti a ti tl 8 E o O! Cl tl t u b A o J 4 A i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 J 4 I i ; ; Si 1! h -a 'i ' I I OCIETY f 1 At it again ... i ad tonight, as we might have hinted before, the Thl Mu formal, and tomorrow night the dancin' with Anson and truckin' with Trumbauer ... to night you'll see Lois Crawford, Phi Mu, with PiKa Kenneth Smith . . . and Elaine I-'"! is taking Cliff Hillega.s.s, A to her formal, juat as .. nie Vaughn is taking Sig L'iiie May . . . incidentally, Frannie's now wearing his Sig Ep "heart" . . . long li.sts of people could be named for the ball, but just men tions are Kappa Eleanor Lutz and Clark O'Hanlon, Sig Alph (who are also going steady, since lately) . . . and SDT Sarah Smeerin with Zeta Beta Tau Bob Silverman... Theta Dorothy Chase and Mere dith Reddick ... Pi Phi Claire "iiustead and DU Don Carlson, as last year . . . Delta Gamma Marion Gibson and Dick Leask . . . Alpha Gustin tells Delians of travel experiences Traveling; experiences of Clark Gustin. university graduate and alumnus of Delian Union, will '.ie presented to the Barb oragniza tion tomorrow evening in the group's first open meeting of the semester. Piano numbers and checkers are also on the program which will be topped off with re freshments. The meeting will be in Delian hall of Temple, and all ' unaffiliated students are invited. fiotel ! Voomhusker UNDER SCHimittEV DIflCCTIOH. is prowl l he the host f PHI MU awh formal ntf party Yoy Friday ' HOME OP THE ivi . I IrstV PnsiRV Shop .4 SMm ILl 4LvJtLjSj ewrOTr?rywr 'n i ( X 1 if if 1 wm f Phi Florence Moll with Sigma Nu Bus Knight . . . Tri Delta Jane Allen and ATO Ray Rolland . . . Zelda Swimmer, SDT, with George Frlscher. ZBT . . . Theta Peggy Cowan and Sig Alpha Scott Wil kinson ... Pi Thi Kay Busard with Howard Fisher, SN . . . but enough of that for now . . . have you noticed the downhearted look on the face of AOPi Mary Ellen Crites since she and ATO Bill O'Connor stepped aside for each other . . . while her sorority sister Doris Smith looks woe-be-gone since Bill Dugan, DU, got out of town . . . and so it goes and so do we . . . Visiting at the Zeta Beta Tau house this week end, between semesters at the University of Wisconsin, is Danny Qreenberg. Jack Riley, from Grand Island, is a new pledge at the Sigma Nu house. A new pledge at the Alpha Xi Delta house is Virginia Sack. Five boys are recent pledges at the Acacia house; David Cramer, North Platte; Harold Patterson, York; Warren Dalton, McCook; Jim Brownson and Glen Hymer, Lincoln. Sunday night buffet dinners are in store for dates of Beta's, Chi Phi's and ATO's. Deplores (Continued from Page 1.) to fit the appropriations. He asserted that not every stu dent going to college is equipped for a four year coure. Many en roll unfitted for the work, unde cided as to a course to follow. Advocating a junior college system as a remedy for this defect, he suggested two year courses for those who do not want to spend more than two years in college. Specifying teachers' and en gineering colleges, he called for a readjustment of professional school standards. "Why should engineering colleges spend money turning out bond salesmen?" he asked. Praises planning board. Boucher was high in his praise of the Nebraska planning board for its activity in mapping out an intelligent system for establishing educational plans to fit the edu cational program. "It is refreshing to come to a state where there is an intelligent planned educational program," he said, contrasting Nebraska with other states where the educational system had grown up like "Topsy. thru the log rolling methods of legislators." He spoke of Ohio as an example, "with three state universities," which now have been increased to five. NOW! IMY: - ( MC.KIlOO of Fl !S! BING CROSBY "Paris Honeymoon" Shirley Rom Franciska Gaal Plu . . . "DISH AiiHF.l)' i" SATURDAY IT ALL STARTED IN OMAHA.. "THAT NIGHT' AT THE ROYAL GRAND HOTEL! Bora, 1 Kf- member Von , , . Xou're That Ullle Blond. Hrad 4 Mar From Omaha!!" PhiMu, D.G., Sigma Kappa bowling victors The first round of the girls in tramural bowling tournament was played off yesterday. The Phi Mu's defeated the Sigma Delta Tau's 522 to 494. Alpha Xi Delta's were downed by the Delta Gamma's third team by a score of 62G to G04. Kappa Delta's second team fell under the Sigma Kappa's 570 to 469. The second round of the tourna ment will be played off today at 5 o'clock. The Delta Gammas will meet the Phi Mus and the Sigma Kappas will play the winner of the Tri Delt Independent game. Religion (Continued from Page 1.) council met yesterday noon. Students representing Chile, Germany, the Philippine Islands and Canada have already been in vited to attend the affair, which is open to all university students Lois Wadlow is chairman In charge of the banquet and Ells worth Steele will serve as toast master. Tickets for the banquet will be sold for 35 cents, and may be pur chased from . any member of the council or from the office of the Y. M. C. A. or Y. W: C. A. Katherine Shawver was elected secretary of the student body of the council at the meeting Thurs day noon. Plans were also laid for the first all university vesper sendee to be held the week of Feb. 13. The service is under the direction of Dr. Charles Patter son, with music for the occasion to be arranged by William G. Tempel. Want To Be In the Limelight? (YVYyic Camera flashes every where . . . and lots of pic tures of everybody . . . that is, if you celebrate after the Interfraternity Ball down at the Hotel Capital Coffee Lounge where the Cornhusk er yearbook photographer will be all over the place to get good shots . . . front view, please, not when your back is turned . . . and be sure not to turn your back on the Greek letters in fra ternity colors all over the wall . . . this Lounge is really looking like a perpet ual college rendezvous . . . now when Sunday rolls around don't forget to treat your girl friend to supper at the Coffee Lounge where you stand as good a chance as the rest of us of getting some free theater tickets as well as good things to eat and soft music ... or "mu sic as you like it" . . . even singing if you feel so moved . . . and this Sunday night . . . entertainment, a sur prise but do come and see what's going to happen . . . your week-end will be full up with Saturday night's Ball at the coliseum followed by a fun session at the Cof fee Lounge with picture tak ing . . and then Sunday night at the Lounge to the tune of music and entertain ment . . . and theater tick ets . . . look at the lucky people who have already had their fun and profited with those good ol' tickets . . . Mary Virginia Knowles, Kappa, and John Guthrie, Sig Alph: Jean Reed, Theta, and Don Moore, Kappa Sig: Martha Whelan, Tri Delt, and Ed Segrist, Chi Phi; Orva Jean Heacock, Pi Phi, and Scott Wilkinson, Sig Alph; Claire Rubendall, Kappa, and John Hoppe, Sig Alph; Max Meyer and John Kuppinger, ATO's: Lucy Jane Williams and Nan Tal bot, DG's; Janet Warfield, Kappa, and Bruce Kenny. Sig Alph; and more to come . . . Sunday . . . look for them and we'll look for you at the Hotel Capital Satur day and Sunday nights! See you thenl HOTEL CAPITAL Debate trials set for February 14 Winners take Colorado journey late in March Tryouts for the debate team that will make a trip to Colorado will be held Feb. 14, according to H A. White, debate coach. The winners of this competition, two men for each side, will go to Colorado late in March for de bates with the College of Educa tion at Greely, State College at Fort Collins, and the University of Denver. The proposition is: "The United States should cease to use public funds for the purpose lL- cHincofn i Uasliion CenlerJ NOVLAND SWAMSOM They've dashed gayly into our first floor ghop and tbcy'll dash gayly out on smart young sophisticateB. The d r e 8 s short sleeves and softly tail ored the jacket plaid cheeked or plain color softly tail ored in the 19:W man ner combinations of pink and fuchia pow der and royal . char, tense and navy gray with red and blue plaid aqua with aqua and brown, stripes. ing toe 1 tial - I95 W Drossy little pastel wools bright rayon crepes in pastel tones or two color com binations. Gay prints as inviting as spring sunshine. Sophisticated black dresses with crisp accents of white. Junior sizes 9-14-13-15-17. First floor. Comenius club fetes Czech state senators Czech state senator will ba guests of the Commenlus club at its meeting tomorrow, at 8 o'clock in room 313. of the Union. A short program ha 8 been planned and anyone interested In the club is welcomed to attend the gathering. of stimulating business." Those wishing to compete should leave their names and obtain the bibliographies at 111 Andrews hall. Altho the men chosen for this trip will not be allowed to take another long one, they will debate in other contests near at home. 9 irom u IS ft M i ': -L ,.,.3 - '