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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1939)
DAILY N ERR ASK AN THREE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1939 . CLl 9- Sml 91 by June Bierbower This latest step In Pitt's reform wave the subjection of their ath letic policy to the regulations of the Big Ten and the "policing" of Maj. John Griffith, conference commissioner has already been drawing nearly as many conjec tures as have come concerning Nelson Eddy's box office appeal Tom or roiv I THE LINCOLN SMASHES THROUGH WITH ANOTHER BIG HIT! A BANG-UP BING EROO OF FUN1 Shirley Ross Franciska Gaal Afarn Tamiroft Ben. Blue Edward Everett Horton (phUL A W itman Lawyer Wan the Caune of It All! "DISBARRED" with Gail Patrick Otto Kruger A B1NG CROSBY out beebet j j irsi,v.Kifs" p n w. I ', GIRLS! Are Your Lips as Beautiful as Shirley Ross's? mm L Make your Lip imprint in the tpace bi-low and take to The Daily !vbrakan office before 12 Noon, Fridar. February 3. Dawson loss cripples hope of t rocksters Squad to face opener minus veteran; time tests set for Saturday With only nine school days re maining before the opening dual meet, Head Coach Ed Weir will hold track time trials this Satur day afternoon on the indoor track, starting at 2 p. m. Kansas U. will journey to the Husker indoor track Saturday, Feb. 11, to open the season. The cinder squad has already suffered a serious loss. Harwin Dawson, veteran dash man and broad jumper, and one of three returning Big Six winners, punea thA ligaments in his left knee, and will likely be out ot tne Droaa jump for the remainder of the in door season. ' : Lack of Hurdlers. Wpir is shv hurdlers and high jumpers, a predicament that has been a bugaboo d Nebraska track coacnes ror sutmi jcoio, v stated that he. would still welcome any performer who wishes to re port. to the vmine damsels of our coun try after his desertion of them for one Mrs. Franklin. To net back to the subject, there i talk about Pitt's joining the Big Ten ,altho It's true the Panthers are signed full for football mru 1942, and Jimmy Hagan has de nied any Intention of wanting to get into the league. Moreover, Notre Dame has been following Big Ten rules, regulations and rig ggamarole to quite an extent for some time. You never can tell. tho. Maybe Chicago does want to drop out of the Big Ten, and maybe Pitt wanted to get In. Anyhoo, tor those Husker well wishers who would like to see the Huskers in the Western Conference Purity Parade, there's Pitt loomina UD to confront Nebraska, just like it does on the second Saturday in November when everyone around nere is naving Hose bowi delu sions. All thinirs considered, tho. it does look like Pitt won't be in the Big Ten not soon, anyway and it lnnkq fiirMiprmnre like the nro- fessional policy of Panther Hollow has about seen Its day. The Husker athletic depart ment's sponsorship of an invita tional high school baseball tourna ment should be another boost to Nebraska baseball at Nebraska U in particular. First boost, of course, is the new university dia mond which now enables Husker baseball teams to pratcice on the campus, which brings the games to where campusites may come to see them without straining their poor selves by walking one terrible long half mile out to muny, and which should make a freshman team possible. Legion baseball, especially in the last few years, has made a rapid rise in the state, and with the nifty records in the last two years of the Omaha McDevitts and Lin coln's Blues, has made the state's Who knotcs? Maybe they are! Enter the LINCOLN THEATRE BEAUTIFUL LIPS CONTEST 1 50 FREE TICKETS are offered you to see BING CROSBY and SHIRLEY ROSS in "PARIS HONEYMOON" Startlno Kriday at tho Lincoln. For the SO Lucky Girl on the l.ampu ii'mma Lip Compare mot nearly with Shirley !(' $. V Columbus Charley signs Green Bay pro contract Charlev Brock. Nebraska's bril liant center of the past three sea sons, has signed to play profes sional football with the Green Bay Packers, champions of the western a l v l sion of the Na tional P r of es sional football league last fall. Curly Lam beau, Packer coach, disclosed the Wisconsin team had sip-Tipd Brock. whom they had CHARLES BROCK acquired in last wncom journal, fall's draft. Bernie Scherer, ex Husker end, and Johnny Howell, former Nebraska quarterback, are other Packer team members, while George Sauer, present New Hamp shire coach, and former Husker all-American, was with the team in 1935 and 1936. Al Werner leads Husker scoring . . .. .. . i . 4.1 Al Werner weni iarcner into tne lead among Husker scorers Mon day nieht. with his 18 points against Iowa State giving him 129 for the season. Bill Kovanaa, wun 99, is next. Husker scoring: ft f Werner, f-g 14 M 42 28 28 29 13 7 5 5 4 1 1 21 15 29 19 10 3 5 8 5 6 27 34 20 37 17 15 12 14 8 4 9 1 129 99 85 75 68 29 19 18 15 14 5 2 Kovanua, I . , Fit. K Randall, c ... Thoman, t ... Therlen, c Yaffe. f Pitcaithlev. e Tallman, f ... Jackson, f-g , Elliott, f-K .., Grimm, c-g . Totals .14 217 124 198 558 high school kids baseball conscious despite the fact that baseball is not yet well organized as a high school sport. This spring tournament looks like the first step in co-ordination of nren baspball in the state and I . . if it goes over this year, succeed-. ing meets win unaouDtecuy De more extensive. Hurry! F.nd Friday 2ND BIG WEEK! "JESSE JAMES" Tyrone Power Nancy Kelly Henry Fonda "Sure, I Remern- her You . . . You're Little Blonde. Headed Liar From Omaha 1 1" CLARK GABLE NORMA SHEARER In 'IDIOT'S DELIGHT Starting SATURDAY! Frat basketeers open pBay tiowSghl' Four games on deck for in each of three Class A Fraternity men tonight will re sume their intramural activities when class A basketball teams get under way in the Coliseum at 7 o'clock. Three games are scheduled for teams in each of the four leagues. Games scheduled tonight for Illinois next on mat slate Huskers prepare for meet next Saturday Jerry Adam's wrestling team is working in preparation for Sat urdays meet with Illinois' power ful grappling aggregation, runner- up in last year's intercollegiates. Feature match will be in the 128 pound class in which Ne braska's Jim Knight, undefeated in six meets this season, goes against Illinois' Petry, likewise without a loss. In the 135 pound division, Deutschman of Illinois, runnerup in his class in last year's colle giates, will attempt to retain his perfect record for the season against either Bill Luke or Leland Clare. Illinois is coached by H. E. "Hek" Kenny, nationally famous wrestling mentor, who has an im posing number of Intercollegiate champions to his credit. ' ANSON WEEKS n ISIMBAUER IN THE BATTLE DANCE OF THE CENTURY! Only the BEST for the NEBRASKA CAMPUS so the INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL imported TWO NAME BANDS. UNIVERSITY COLISEUM SATURDAY NIGHT INFORMAL ATTIRE Tickets on sale at the STUDENT UNION OFFICE or MAGEE'S coliseum courts leagues League 1 teams include the tilts between Alpha Gamma Rho and Beta Sigma Psi, the Delts and the Sig Eps, and the Sig Alphs and Lambda Chis. On the basis of last year's performances the Sig Alphs and Sig Eps are the teams to beat although any of the other quintets may surprise. League 2 a Tough Battle. Comnetition is expected to be keenest in Leaeue 2. which is com posed of teams like the Kappa Sigs, runnersup for tne cnampion shin last vear. the A. T. O.'s. who won the championship of their league last year, tne f ni rsis, u. U.'s, Sigma Nus, and Delta Sigma Pis. In tonight's games the A. T. O.'s meet the Delta Sigs, the Phi Psis tangle with tne u. u. s, and the Kappa Sigs play the Sig ma Nus. In League 3 the Phi Dclts and Sterna Chis are regarded as the two strongest teams although the f arm Mouse, me c;ni mis, uie Xi Psi Phis, and the Phi Sigs may provide unexpected competition. In tonight's games the Chi Phis play the Farm House, the Phi Delts meet the Xi Psi Phis, and the Sigma Chis tangle with the Phi Sigs. Betas, Phi Gams Ahead. League 4 is headed by the Phi Gams, who will be the defending champions in class A, and the Betas, who were among the lead ers in last year's competition. (See BASKETEERS Page 41 J FRANKIE g a Q Per Couple i : ?v ( J I i1- 'i ': U - I- - craa ' I - i