rout TIIE DAILY NEBIUSKAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1939 one Registration day rumpus nml j ipo courses, .dickers, short hours mill no sunn,; afternoon classes big topics of discussion . . . oblivious of tin: cares of tho day were Hi lly Lou Klliot, Tlu t.i, nnd riii "si l':irl Osley, in the morn in;. nod Hetty 1 .011 nn I I'ratik Uuell.S, l'hi leil, in tho afternoon . . .lie.; surprise to the ATO s was 11:,' i,,: vi i.i;:c of Hoy Pet s -h i;i Si ottsOlul t iliiriiit; v.ii .it imi ... . row lie proudly sho.vs off his v.oMinj; liccn- mil citi.ieite lii.c .'in ulii married mill... on tlic V.iin;j Warmer list is tlu affair lirtween Willy Andrews, Farm House, mid K:i Pell Lorraine Mac( 'aulcv she eit.i Sunday din tied with him now. li.uium Phi's iiic iniipl.iiiiin:; no litile hit about bein hothcrcil Willi nil soils of calls and Sjieiials f: ii.n Omaha, all to Olio litlle, Allelic Hol li ... Kappa Ui Thane Davis lias huii.LC his pill on .Sue Picker ing, unil the AOi'i's arc clamoring for eflndy . . .llicy'd also lilic a pin for thailotte Utt alter DU in itiation, of course. . .together once Wove, and more nnd more, are Helen Ann Arms! run,;, Alpha Chi, and Kmc Thor, Atill. . .Delia Cam ma Polly PeiUins spends a great ileal of time ravin.; over the ladio .she got for (.".ii,.tmas. . .with Chailie McCarthy 0:1 the front... today's another tea atid a licv. feituie. a colt-.'" t ; stud "ills and tearheis, ho;h in tho Sub, and l-o:h f iin . . . p .in t I'lu.i l-.y fashion liars that ail the '-a.uoii.-talie over the v.'oi I 'n'' will igue at the an;; v. . .i.i h . to ' l:m l' li: .siim.ld h' h'lhc ,hv -,i )'.;. it' en in le F 1 0 or 1 crwn. v n z : icdr-t r Pi-. tl ol i i . .1 I i :;m 1 i y . .: i: 1, :;i.:r. v. ..1 .1 til .1 k I at 7 :'' in 1 111.1 I lee ly w.l! le! ; v. ;;i he r:V;,.:0, I' ll. ; meets .i.". of tile of some '.3 he vis- 1;: . t . 1 l'l ol ill? cn H!i'!'.ii; pro,. it. 1 vhile tr:i fiiui'i liv.'f st la -i Ileus! rating wing l.iiotiii the HllllllllT. In.-- lectin,' with about 10 luoiogr.rihs lu took wr.ile on the tiip, P.e' !y will tell nhoiil his impressions of such places as Koiilder i!;iin, the Im perial dam, the All American canal, and the Parke dim. P.eedy. who v siled about 4') projects in the coulee of his trip, will discuss Some of the civil engmr erirr; prob lems involved in the construction of these projects. Follow iv P.eed's tail: the group will el-vt officers f r next fieme: ter. Phi Sigma lota to Hear Misses Tooey, Bullock. Mary Tooey an I ICithevine Bull ock will t ill; before members of I'lii Pi'ma lut 1, romanee language honorary, u I-. n they nit r.t 7:0 1 tonight at t" livfie of the vice president c,f t'.ic groan, Lahr, j'i s 1: ,::.r U s tiuhj t is -Ch.i-teaubi i in I, Poet, t-'i des ii. in an I l.O'.'l !',' l'l Ith . ovo." 1:1 1 T.i ol Li t 'The Dawn P?.tro!" Rithh i.'f Divid Niven '7..ii'r.v" J s.'i,.t ; ri c : W Hi f H j "Yottn Dr. Kill-ire " with Arr IIiT'fl Brrmore LIT 1 1 l l.uV.Tl (.1 S l socll.TY" I M ll' l imini! "STM I I AMIHUIT' nd ins inxif i An rtwisr, HAND A Favorite wMb I.inrln Inccri Friday CARL NEBBS SPECIAL Futnrlnf th Electric Orfin tsua Lowly Rotifer Brings Fame To D. D. Whitney, Whose Researches Ecm Coveted 'Star' Rating of A.M.S. Dr. D. D. Whitney, chairman 1 of the zoology department, is one i,l' the ! '..' 1'nited Slates scientists j who has been given the coveted I slaived rating in American Men iif ;'e. 1 'ice. He received the h"!ior 'some year:! ago in recognition of his ("tensive research with roti- I fri-;i. i' llv-like mieror.eoiiie (i:,aii- isais that live in water. Such stars are added only to thn names of a few .scientists whose researches have contributed sig nificantly to the knowledge of physical and natural laws, and the rating placed Dr. Whitney nnmng the ranks of the internationally famous. Among the discoveries of the university Zoologist is the proof' that rotifers comprise the only species male and female offspring can be controlled by the nature of the food eaten by the grandmothers. Ph. D. Thesis. As a young student at Columbia university Dr. Whitney was puz zling over the choice of a prob lem for his Ph. D. thesis when suddenly he decided to learn more about rctiCcis. Scientists at that lime were wondering why all the female rotifers would produce ion after generation of fe males a"d then puddenly give biitli to so many males. 11 was 0 burning problem that the zoo! Oglsl set out to solve. First, he thousands upon Ih'i'isar.d.s of the tiny oiganisiiis, vvei ce.efully studied cell gell- .1 ion i.-'ll v .ht nndei' the b lis. t en :i given every f.n toi le 1 esivmsibY' for ,,ler- t':e V .Ml was of s x in the of.:;:., v. hile the yo'ii g s le i:t ins villi rev 1 d ...r.ev. nt on-' . e l to hii'l that a:? '.:s plea! V of va'er the t! l'l "S ai d ponds, a'l the off- si'ie'g were females but ps tie' I'.ot mi T.'.iis appeai eil, an I the water hi iles began to dry up. the : uccceding gevevations were both male ami female. Another point he noticed was that as the ditch water began to dry up, a green seimi ap;xiivd over the surface. As this scum be gan to form, the male rotifers be came more abundant. Dr. Whitney decided then and there that diet was an important factor. The next step was to develop two diets for the laboratory rotifers which would be similar to the colorlc.'S micro-organisms found when wat er was plentiful and one similar to the green plant like organisms present when pools begin to dry up. Taking some timothy hay and Rcjcn to Srreck At Frosh AWS City Group to Hear Pep Club President ii'Ol P.osen. president of the s. will tn!!; to the regular of the t res'ieian A.V.'.S Co: live n Coli? t ie; 1. ' row at tie cite r: ; v 1! ! of I ;' .'.'uir lie'd O V ' in t 1 V I T'l ' le ; '.'v .1 an 1 1 ll, n- .n will Tae le :('.. ny. th" fiechman " ' .re; with is to be given .1 I t "morrow ,' I'V t' A.W.S. by invit of the faculty to i:'g P'c re ti-.e nf.'air. L'.zzi rrctcrnity l!cars Pcl'cr Veils. Tonight ... 1 . O. I S (il I 'I il.l D. 1 Mil I iiofe: ". '1 evd lusa'l fraternity, iiear II. V. Potter, f.ecretary treasury of the Lincoln Tclcp and Teiigratili company, spea b. 1 s of I vita Siina Tl, "ad bizad fr.iternit V, will and Telephone pn company. speaK on ' r"'V feds tonig ivernroent Spending and Its cf- on Husincss" when they meet ight at 8 o'clock. All members, pledges, and other interested people are urged to attend. GEORGE SHUEY making a tea from the leaves and adding to it a colorless fluid made from boiled bone meal, the uni versity zoologist began feeding his rotifers a colorless' microorganism which grew in this new substance land then watching for results. In I cldontally, this new food contained small organisms known as poly loma, considered a rare delicacy by the rotifer. By boiling the water, all other organisms were destroyed and when polytoma alone "were added they multiplied lo millions or more in a few hours. Many millions of the green microorganisms were raised at the same time in solutions of beef and liver. This culture was kept in the sunlight. As the female rotifer lays eggs almost hourly, he hadn't long to wait. Bending over the microscope one day, he suddenly came to the conclusion that the grandmothers which had been fed on this new green diet began producing females whose offsprings were male as well as female. Whenever he fed a grandmother rotifer on a diet of tne colorless microscopic organ isms, polytoma. nil the grandchil dren were females, but when he changed the diet s i ns to include the green microorganisms, nearly all the erandehil livn were males, lb re was one of the outstanding contributions of recent limes. The university se'enlist estab lished ! imething of a record by .""'' gey,,. rations of rotifers - all without a father. For most seasons of the year the female I rotifer has no mate an. I 1! ies not need ore'. T. 'evert he'eas liv male plays an important role in th" per-I p '!!-, 1 1. vi of the species as Pr. V. e.i! ley has roved. Fertilized Cggs Tougher. Trive t ig it ion revealed that tho ;:;ii. i liimc'l c-.;:s 01 llie lei i.'i.o were of vastly thinner skin than the fertilize! eggs, resulting from the union of the two sexes. As drouth and hot weather jeopardize the very ovistence of the rotifers because of the drying up of ditches and ponds, nature comes . to the rescue and produces the green scum on the water which in turn brings aliout the birth of the males. With the males present, the eggs are fertilized and develop a thick, tough covering which protects the delicate chromosomes The unltrtilized eggs with their thin skin, can withstand neither heat, cold nor drouth. x Thus the males insure future generations of the species, even though creeks, ponds and ditches dry up for months at a time or freeze over in winter. Union Program WEDNESDAY 9:00-5:00 Extension Division meetings, room 305, 313. 315, 316. 1:00 Faculty woman's club, par- lors X, Y, Z. 3:33 A. W. S. reception English dcoartmcnt, A. B, C. S:'J0 hajclrnt Council, parlor Y. 3:00 r.amma Lambda, room 209 S:GU f?j Phi tisilon, room 3'G. b:0'J A. S. C. E.. parlor 7. l:'M Poi Chi Thrl.i. parlor A. 7:;0--D:Ui S 'nvi Pi, roo-n 31 C. :'J) Corn e:l;s, room 313. B:UJ Pi Kappa Lambda, par lor X. Dr. Hunt Speaks At YW Vespers Minister Avers Strong Tide Against Religion Dr. P.ay F.. Hunt, inim.-t, 1 of th First Chr'stian chinch, c.ive tie aiidiess at the weekly 1 .n' of the Y. W. C. A. vcspet.s held nt i:ilcn Smith hall Tuesday after noon. iJr. Hunt w-uj) Introduced by Mary Ruth Ilhoades fullowinfr the choii a singing of "Holy, Holy, Holy." Dr. Hunt talked ubout the strong tide against religion today. He pointed out that gieat nations today have abandoned their reli gious faith for other philosophies of life. "The world today is rest less," said Dr. Hunt, and "science is interested in means, not ends." . Dr. Hunt closed his talk with a prayer. Wilson college is filming Its students while walking to aid them in correcting posture and walking deficiencies. Kappa to Award Grad Fellowships Application Deadline Set for Scturicy Neon Application hlanks for the three $."ii)0 Kappa Kappa Gamma grad uate: fellowships must be filed by Saturday noon with Dean Harper or in the. of I ice of tho dean of women. These scholarships are offered by the national Kappa chapter to graduate- women regardless of fra ternity or non-fraternity member ship on any campus where there is a Kappa chapter. The blanks may be obtained from Pean Harper or Mrs. West over in KUcn Smith, and may be filled out on the regular univer sity scholarship forms. The fel lowships will be awarded the first semester of 1939-40. Since their introduction four years ngo, three scholarships have been awarded non-fraternity mem bers and two to members of Pan lu'llcnie groups. Any questions concerning applications may be addressed to the chairman of the fellowships. Mrs. It. U fieorge of G2.13 N.K. 35th st., Seattle, Wash. Music Students Present Convo Advanced Students Give Recital This Afternoon The ndvancel students of the school of music will plesent the thirteenth convocation of the year this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Temple theater. The program is s follows: ii,.' . v, ('eiMr'- of Oif V.wn (Mr 1 1 : Marv J V. nia,i- k.T. Mu.'.ur'. 1 II ' ,'. S ll nc IT ; S V.a! '. la O . c. 1- : s , n ( .. sh- n if.-' 1 . Kr-in- h il. I lit: I.e. 1.1.1 M .n let, lieni "i'i T i- rh'ir-M of l iS (Mr? Iia.l f-.en Ai Tra- A l. r. Air M.h V.iri.' (Mr. TOMORROW 12 NOON THE PICTURE YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! II mmm - WW- SI m - w. Ml future fo e W'v efH-. V AP.'ITV T'-Oo.' dynamic Jmmati; Nil O'BRIEN THE BEAD END' KIDS HUMPHREY BQSART BNUS TODAY LLOYD C. DOIGLAV AIL (Of.OU I "SWING TIME ,f ; Af-.rM IN THE MOVIES" - f 25c 'orld Nph III- - 8 35c )STf A R G tl 7 SFfi Al A 1 H 1 f n f ! 1 1 " " "! V K-)tj Style School Offers Funds A Five $700 Fellowships Open to Women Seniors Tobe-Colnirn school for fashion careers, in New York City, h.n announced five fashion fellowships of $701) ench to be awarded to women members of the 1039 grad uating class of accredited college! and universities. Miss F.lsio Ford Piper, acting dean of women, received the an nouncement of the prizes recently and the application blanks, which must be returned by Jan. 3t. The fellowships are for the school year from September, 1939, to June, 1910. The course prepares students for executive positions in fashion businesses, such as buying, styling, merchandising and adver tising in department stores; In fashion writing, editing, advertis ing and promotion with magazines, newspapers and advertising agen cies. Applicants must have registered by Jan. 31, must return a set of qualifying questions by March 1, and must write a report and sub mit it before April 10. Announce ments of the outcome will be mada by May 1. Further information may be ob tained from Miss Piper. Miss Mar garet Fedde and Prof. Dwight Kirsch have offered to consult with applicants. Red Guidon Association IW fc.ll.WI WIIIV&I9 I UlllVjWIjk Koii Guidon association wiliv meet this evening nt 7:30 in tha motor transport laljoratory. Flec tion of officers will be held, after which the meeting will adjourn in time for members to attend the reserve offi. ers stag party to bo held at the Lincoln hotel. Daily Nebraskan is"H in I liK'otn, V-lirnskit, tinriri nrt it fiiiicrro. l.irrli S. lx"l. nl nt mtI;U nil of nt;ivr tr i.vt fur Mi irlio 1 I'M. nc 1 ,11 in folicr &. 1U17, ftiilhurifrd I.inn:ir 211, I ICES" thou thi of and , 'oote oncstyi hit, with t'fAX ( ' TONKiHT I M "WHITE BANNERS"